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采用问卷调查法收集 320 份建筑工人数据,借助 SPSS 和 AMOS 软件,先对调查问卷信效度及共同方法偏差进行检验,再根据有中介的调节作用检验程序,探讨接触—成熟阶段的专业技能对建筑工人不安全行为的影响,以及过度自信的中介作用和风险感知的调节作用。结果表明:接触—成熟阶段的专业技能对建筑工人的不安全行为具有显著的正向预测作用;过度自信在处于接触—成熟阶段的专业技能与建筑工人的不安全行为关系间发挥着显著的中介作用;风险感知在接触—成熟阶段的专业技能与建筑工人的不安全行为关系间发挥着重要的调节作用,且风险感知的调节作用通过过度自信的中介实现,即风险感知能力越强时,过度自信的中介对建筑工人的不安全行为的正向影响愈强烈。  相似文献   

陶进 《项目管理技术》2023,(11):168-174
公平感知是影响老旧小区居民加装电梯意愿的关键因素。为探索公平感知与老旧小区居民加装电梯意愿之间的内在联系,以公平理论、认知-情感-行为理论等为基础和框架,基于西安市378份有效调研数据,采用结构方程模型进行实证研究。结果表明:公平感知时三个维度对老旧小区居民加装电梯意愿均具有直接正向影响,并且通过社区满意度与社区信任产生间接影响,其中分配公平感知对加装电梯意愿的直接影响最大,其次是程序公平和互动公平。社区满意度的中介作用>社区信任>社区满意与社区信任的链式中介作用。研究结果可为提升老旧小区居民加装电梯意愿提供科学依据和理论支撑。  相似文献   

采用大学生道德推脱问卷、大学生移情问卷和网络欺负量表对江西省3所高校的563名大学生进行问卷调查,数据分析。结果:大学生道德推脱与网络欺负呈正相关关系(r=0.54,P<0.01),移情与道德推脱和网络欺负分别呈负相关关系(r=-0.34,r=-0.29,P<0.01);移情在大学生道德推脱与网络欺负间存在中介作用。  相似文献   

本文基于五家民营企业273个样本数据,研究了薪酬分配公平感对员工离职意愿的影响,并分析了组织承诺的中介效应和外在工作机会感知的调节效应。研究表明:薪酬分配公平感对员工离职意愿有显著负向影响;员工组织承诺在薪酬分配公平感与员工离职意愿之间起完全中介作用;外在工作机会感知调节了组织承诺与员工离职意愿间的负向关系。最后讨论了理论意义和对民营企业的管理启示。  相似文献   

拆迁事关群众民生,一直是社会的焦点问题。如何做好拆迁户的思想工作,给拆迁户一个公平、公正、满意的补偿,确保拆迁工作顺利进行,金湖县建设局在长期工作实践中,摸索出了一整套的拆迁工作经验,即公示制、信访制、举报制、承诺制、监管制,该局把这五项制度始终贯穿到拆迁工作的全过程。  相似文献   

范正伟 《中州建设》2009,(13):38-38
北京朝阳门桥西南侧的危旧房改造已历经7年时间,目前仍有3户居民未搬离,其中一户居民提出现金加房屋拆合每平米超加万元的拆迁补偿要求。对此,拆迁方表示“不会向拆迁户妥协”。一平米要价20万,有人认为这是漫天要价;也有人认为,这是谈判自由,“开发商可以以市场行为作理由漫天要价,拆迁户为什么就不能以此为理由狮子大开口?”  相似文献   

财务舞弊成为近年来舞弊的常态,系统性舞弊涉及中高层领导和底层员工,为何如此多的人员都能达到默契的合谋性沉默现象?不仅需要制度和伦理的解释,也需要道德的解析,而道德推脱无疑值得研究。舞弊三角理论中的自我合理化与道德推脱相互关联。研究财务舞弊中的合谋性沉默与道德推脱形成的根源,发现破坏性的领导者、易受影响的追随者和助长破坏性行为的环境组成了"舞弊三角"。基于此,本文从社会层面和公司层面提出了如何阻止或限制系统性财务舞弊的发生。  相似文献   

以整合型技术接受模型为基础,结合感知风险等理论,将微信支付中可能影响消费者行为的五个因素:便利条件、绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响和感知风险作为自变量,消费者的使用意愿作为中介变量,使用行为作为因变量,构建了研究模型并提出研究假设。然后,通过问卷调查的方式来收集数据并运用SPSS软件对数据进行分析,得出:在微信支付中,绩效期望、努力期望和便利条件对使用行为有正向影响,社会影响和感知风险对使用行为无显著影响;努力期望、便利条件和社会影响对使用意愿有正向影响,绩效期望和感知风险对使用意愿无显著影响;使用意愿对使用行为有正向影响。此外,使用意愿的中介作用也得到了验证。  相似文献   

在疫情防控常态化背景下,了解居民对城市综合性 公园的出行意愿有利于公园管理运营合理化发展。基于事件 强度认知与计划行为理论,以风险传播为调节变量构建结构 方程模型,探讨影响居民公园出行意愿的机制。结果表明: 1)在新冠疫情强度认知中,居民的新颖性认知无法影响公园出 行意愿,但会负向影响公园出行态度,而颠覆性认知与关键性 认知均能够正向影响居民公园出行意愿与态度;2)居民对于 公园出行的态度、主观规范与感知行为控制均能正向影响公园 出行意愿;3)在新颖性认知和关键性认知2条影响公园出行意 愿的路径中,态度均起到中介作用;4)风险传播在“态度→ 出行意愿”和“主观规范→出行意愿”2条路径中均起到负向 调节作用  相似文献   

本文采用2013年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,实证分析了健康中国战略背景下基本养老保险与居民幸福感之间的关系。研究发现:参加基本养老保险的居民比没参加的居民感觉更幸福,基本养老保险显著提高了居民的幸福感;居民的自评健康在基本养老保险和居民幸福感之间发挥了完全中介作用,居民生活水平感知在居民健康与幸福感之间起到了调节作用。因此,优化基本养老保险制度不仅可以调节居民生活水平的差距,大大提升居民幸福感,而且有利于健康中国战略的贯彻落实,提升居民健康水平。应当营造有利于居民健康的政策环境,注重政策的协同作用,发展更平衡更充分的养老服务产业,关注居民生活水平感知,提高制度的柔性效果。  相似文献   

随着城镇化的快速发展,违法建设问题逐渐增多,为了城市发展水平与质量的提升,需要强有力的治理手段解决这个难题。以计划行为理论为支撑,增加违建治理作为新的原因潜变量,构建违建治理视角下的居民违建意愿理论模型,研究违建治理对居民违建意愿的影响机理。基于居民违建意愿的调查数据,采用结构方程实证研究发现,违建治理对居民的感知行为控制、主观规范、行为态度都有较大的影响,其中对感知行为控制影响最大,进而影响居民的违建意愿。违建治理是影响违建意愿的主要影响因素,严厉的违建治理可以有效降低违建意愿,推动城乡建设的健康发展。  相似文献   

葛萌  张琳  薛红 《工程管理学报》2023,37(2):55-060
居民老旧小区改造意愿是成功推行老旧小区改造政策的关键环节。基于计划行为理论,引入住区社会资本因素,搭建老旧小区居民改造意愿影响因素的理论模型,以济南市 6 个老旧小区居民为调查对象,构建结构方程实证分析模型,揭示多群组居民参与老旧小区改造意愿的影响机理。结果表明:态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制显著正向影响居民参与老旧小区改造意愿;住区社会资本通过居民改造态度间接影响改造意愿;此外,学历越高,居住时间越长,居民改造意愿越强烈,住户比租户改造意愿强烈,而性别、年龄、月收入对改造意愿影响很小。提出针对性对策和建议,并提升老旧小区居民改造意愿。  相似文献   

This research uses administrative data to examine the long-term socioeconomic status of households that relocated from public housing projects in Atlanta as a result of mixed-income revitalization. The research spans 7 years, covering the period before relocation and demolition had begun and ending after mixed-income redevelopment was completed. Residents who lived in three public housing projects that were revitalized are compared to a control group of residents who lived in three projects that were not revitalized, showing that mixed-income revitalization greatly accelerated the residential mobility of public housing residents and that households displaced by revitalization did not experience a statistically significant loss of housing assistance. Households that relocated by using vouchers or by moving to mixed-income revitalized communities experienced significant improvements in their socioeconomic status, and they moved to higher quality neighborhoods. Additionally, their long-run socioeconomic status was similar to the status of households who moved from housing projects voluntarily, i.e., not in response to a planned demolition. This is one of few empirical studies of the effects of HOPE VI revitalization on public housing residents, and its conclusions argue against the elimination of funding for HOPE VI as called for in the president's budget for 2006.  相似文献   

为提高建筑工人安全行为水平,探讨偏执心理和敌对心理对建筑工人不安全行为的影响机理。基于社会认知理论,引入安全意识和安全氛围作为中介变量,构建偏执心理和敌对心理影响不安全行为的假设模型。运用结构方程模型( SEM)和系统动力学( SD)结合的方法揭示偏执心理和敌对心理影响不安全行为的机理。结果表明:偏执心理和敌对心理正向影响建筑工人不安全行为;安全意识和安全氛围具有显著的中介效应;同时仿真结果表明偏执心理和敌对心理与建筑工人不安全行为在安全意识和安全氛围的中介作用下呈现一种先上升再下降近似抛物线型的趋势。  相似文献   

Today, China's inner-city redevelopment has evolved into the neoliberalism phase, which is characterized by market orientation, privatization, commodification, and short-term returns; this phase generally involves massive demolition and eviction, resulting in serious conflicts between land-based economic growth, heritage conservation, and social justice. The local community is susceptible to social, cultural, and economic impacts of redevelopment, as well as heritage conservation activities. Thereby, the perspectives of residents on these two components of the urban development agenda help to re-examine the demolition–conservation controversy from the perspective of social well-being. Based on an in-progress case in Tianjin, this study clarifies the multi-faceted paradox posed by the demolition–conservation dichotomy at the locality level. Further, the study performs an ex-ante investigation on the needs, concerns, and attitudes of the local community and dissects related contradictions with the local government's rationale for redevelopment, which is a prerequisite for facilitating responsive and democratic urban planning.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of residential relocation on China’s rural–urban migrants’ social networks in light of evidence from Yangzhou, Jiangsu province. Our study contrasts voluntary moves with forced moves driven by demolition-led redevelopment of urban villages. Based on data from a survey conducted between 2012 and 2013, the regression analysis shows that voluntarily relocated migrants are more likely than forced movers to use phone/computer to contact their former neighbours, and communication technology allows them to maintain the frequency of their contact. Furthermore, when moving to a gated neighbourhood, voluntary movers are more likely than forced movers to participate in public activities, to have more contact with new neighbours and thereby to get more help from the residents’ committee and new neighbours. The results suggest that forced moves have negative effects on migrants’ social networks in the neighbourhood and that the demolition-led redevelopment programmes do not promote the migrants’ integration in the city.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the changing nature of urban space and urban technologies, using various conceptions of engagement in social politics to illuminate contemporary understandings of cultural change and social exclusion and the role of housing within this. The progressive reorganisation of urban space, which is at least partly a result of global economic changes, is producing complex forms of social politics organised around newly emerging varieties and scales of engagement and disengagement. These are cross-cut by a number of cultural themes that play out differently in different spaces. Thus ‘fear’ is universally significant, but perceived ‘differentially’ according to space, culture and socio-economic status. ‘Excitement’ is also an important theme, though more for some groups than others. The capacity to use resources—material, cultural, technological—and particularly the reflexive utilisation of these resources, also affects the nature of social politics and the specific nature of proactive and defensive (dis)engagement. The paper argues that the social scientific analysis of housing would do well to take cognisance of these debates if it is to continue to produce nuanced analyses able to take account of the socio-spatial, cultural and political realities of informational capitalism.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether smaller-scale physical space interventions (‘urban acupuncture’) have the power to alleviate the stress, social pathologies and political disengagement experienced by the residents of informal settlements. The case study is Tepito, a barrio in Mexico City. The results, based on 20 qualitative interviews with local residents, support the idea that an ‘urban acupuncture’ approach has a high potential in this respect. In view of these findings, the authors argue that an indirect approach, focused on physical space, might, at least in the short term, be more productive in empowering of informal settlement dwellers than direct efforts at political organization. Physical, economic and political spaces are intrinsically linked. Little political engagement can be expected if people live in poor physical environments. While certainly not a panacea, acupunctural interventions might trigger much broader changes than initially intended.  相似文献   

Due to the unbalanced and confrontational state-citizen relationship, China's urban redevelopment has been accompanied with continuous violent conflicts, which to a large extent damages the public image of Chinese government in recent years. This article first overviews the governance dilemma underlying China's violent demolition from the perspective of institutional arrangement, and then argues a collaborative approach can be a remedy for the dilemma. After the introduction and definition of collaborative governance, this article demonstrates its application in preventing violent demolition with the Caojiaxiang project in Chengdu as a case. It is found that collaborative governance is advantageous in enhancing the legitimacy of governance, increasing the potential to find effective solutions, and enhancing the trust between government and citizens. Despite the disadvantages of collaborative governance, including limited effect and the dependence on social capital, quality of stakeholders' interaction and leadership, this paper argues the success of Caojiaxiang project may be duplicated given the following institutional requirements are met: 1) an institutional procedure to establish and operate evictees' association in urban redevelopment projects; 2) an effective complaint system for the upper-level government to monitor the malpractice of lower-level government; and 3) an judicial system independent of local governments and legal proceeding over any illegal behavior in demolition.  相似文献   

为提高 PPP 项目整体绩效水平,实现物有所值,针对 PPP 项目运营过程中政府对社会资本投机行为监管不足的问题,引入新媒体环境下的公众参与机制,通过构建社会资本、公众和政府部门三者之间的演化博弈模型,分析新媒体报道的真实性和影响力对博弈三方策略的影响关系,并对演化博弈系统中不同条件下的稳定点进行数值仿真。结果表明,新媒体真实报道概率越高或报道影响力越大,对社会资本越能起到正向激励作用;政府部门加大对社会资本的绩效费用扣留额、社会资本对公众的补偿额,能够抑制社会资本的投机行为。  相似文献   

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