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To compare arterial transit time estimates from two efficient transit time mapping techniques using arterial spin labeling (ASL)—flow encoded arterial spin tagging (FEAST) and Look-Locker ASL (LL-ASL). The effects of bipolar gradients and label location were investigated. 相似文献2.
Hermes M Hagemann D Britz P Lieser S Rock J Naumann E Walter C 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2007,20(2):103-115
Background Continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) is a non-invasive technique for the measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF). The
aim of the present study was to examine the reproducibility of CASL measurements and its suitability to consistently detect
differences between groups, regions, and resting states.
Materials and methods Thirty-eight healthy subjects (19 female) were examined at 1.5 T on two measurement occasions that were seven weeks apart.
Resting CBF was measured with eyes open and eyes closed.
Results In different regions of interest (ROIs) the repeatability estimates varied between 9 and 19 ml/100 g/min. There were no significant
mean differences between occasions in all ROIs (P > 0.05). Greater CBF in the eyes-open than in the eyes-closed state was consistently present in the primary and secondary
visual areas. Furthermore, CBF was consistently greater in the right than in the left hemisphere (P < 0.05) and differed between lobes and between arterial territories (P < 0.001). Finally, we consistently observed greater CBF in women than in men (P < 0.001).
Conclusion This study demonstrates the suitability of CASL to consistently detect differences between groups, regions, and resting states
even after seven weeks. This emphasizes its usefulness for longitudinal designs. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate effects of varying readout bandwidths on the arterial spin labeling (ASL)-perfusion MRI measurements at a high magnetic field MRI system. 相似文献4.
Acceleration selective arterial spin labeling (AccASL) is a spatially non-selective labeling technique, used in traditional ASL methods, which labels spins based on their flow acceleration rather than spatial localization. The exact origin of the AccASL signal within the vasculature is not completely understood. To obtain more insight into this, the acceleration selective module was performed followed by a velocity selective module, which is used in velocity selective arterial spin labeling (VS-ASL).Materials and methods
Nine healthy volunteers were scanned with various combinations of the control and label conditions in both the acceleration and velocity selective module. The cut-off acceleration (0.59 m/s2) or velocity (2 cm/s) was kept constant in one module, while it was varied over a large range in the other module. With the right subtractions this resulted in AccASL, VS-ASL, combined AccASL and VS-ASL signal, and signal from one module with crushing from the other.Results
The label created with AccASL has an overlap of approximately 50% in the vascular region with VS-ASL, but also originates from smaller vessels closer to the capillaries.Conclusion
AccASL is able to label spins both in the macro- and meso-vasculature, as well as in the microvasculature.5.
Manoj Shrestha Toralf Mildner Torsten Schlumm Scott Haile Robertson Harald Möller 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2016,29(6):799-810
Echo-planar imaging (EPI) with CYlindrical Center-out spatiaL Encoding (EPICYCLE) is introduced as a novel hybrid three-dimensional (3D) EPI technique. Its suitability for the tracking of a short bolus created by pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) through the cerebral vasculature is demonstrated.Materials and methods
EPICYCLE acquires two-dimensional planes of k-space along center-out trajectories. These “spokes” are rotated from shot to shot about a common axis to encode a k-space cylinder. To track a bolus of labeled blood, the same subset of evenly distributed spokes is acquired in a cine fashion after a short period of pCASL. This process is repeated for all subsets to fill the whole 3D k-space of each time frame.Results
The passage of short pCASL boluses through the vasculature of a 3D imaging slab was successfully imaged using EPICYCLE. By choosing suitable sequence parameters, the impact of slab excitation on the bolus shape could be minimized. Parametric maps of signal amplitude, transit time, and bolus width reflected typical features of blood transport in large vessels.Conclusion
The EPICYCLE technique was successfully applied to track a short bolus of labeled arterial blood during its passage through the cerebral vasculature.6.
The goal of this work is to use vessel encoded arterial spin labeling (VEASL) methods to detect feeding arteries without prior knowledge of their positions, and map the vascular territory of each. 相似文献7.
Jan Petr Henri J. M. M. Mutsaerts Rebecca M. E. Steketee Marion Smits Aart J. Nederveen Frank Hofheinz Jörg van den Hoff Iris Asllani 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2018,31(6):725-734
Partial volume (PV) correction is an important step in arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI that is used to separate perfusion from structural effects when computing the mean gray matter (GM) perfusion. There are three main methods for performing this correction: (1) GM-threshold, which includes only voxels with GM volume above a preset threshold; (2) GM-weighted, which uses voxel-wise GM contribution combined with thresholding; and (3) PVC, which applies a spatial linear regression algorithm to estimate the flow contribution of each tissue at a given voxel. In all cases, GM volume is obtained using PV maps extracted from the segmentation of the T1-weighted (T1w) image. As such, PV maps contain errors due to the difference in readout type and spatial resolution between ASL and T1w images. Here, we estimated these errors and evaluated their effect on the performance of each PV correction method in computing GM cerebral blood flow (CBF).Materials and methods
Twenty-two volunteers underwent scanning using 2D echo planar imaging (EPI) and 3D spiral ASL. For each PV correction method, GM CBF was computed using PV maps simulated to contain estimated errors due to spatial resolution mismatch and geometric distortions which are caused by the mismatch in readout between ASL and T1w images. Results were analyzed to assess the effect of each error on the estimation of GM CBF from ASL data.Results
Geometric distortion had the largest effect on the 2D EPI data, whereas the 3D spiral was most affected by the resolution mismatch. The PVC method outperformed the GM-threshold even in the presence of combined errors from resolution mismatch and geometric distortions. The quantitative advantage of PVC was 16% without and 10% with the combined errors for both 2D and 3D ASL. Consistent with theoretical expectations, for error-free PV maps, the PVC method extracted the true GM CBF. In contrast, GM-weighted overestimated GM CBF by 5%, while GM-threshold underestimated it by 16%. The presence of PV map errors decreased the calculated GM CBF for all methods.Conclusion
The quality of PV maps presents no argument for the preferential use of the GM-threshold method over PVC in the clinical application of ASL.8.
To present an algorithm for optimization of background suppression pulse timing for arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion imaging. 相似文献9.
Adnan Bibic Linda Knutsson Freddy Ståhlberg Ronnie Wirestam 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2010,23(3):125-137
To investigate a wavelet-based filtering scheme for denoising of arterial spin labeling (ASL) data, potentially enabling reduction of the required number of averages and the acquisition time. 相似文献10.
To accelerate super-selective arterial spin labeling (ASL) angiography by using a single control condition denoted as cycled super-selective arterial spin labeling.Materials and methods
A single non-selective control image is acquired that is shared by selective label images. Artery-selective imaging is possible by geometrically changing the position of the labeling focus to more than one artery of interest during measurement. The presented approach is compared to conventional super-selective imaging in terms of its labeling efficiency inside and outside the labeling focus using numerical simulations and in vivo measurements. Additionally, the signal-to-noise ratios of the images are compared to non-selective ASL angiography and analyzed using a two-way ANOVA test and calculating the Pearson’s correlation coefficients.Results
The results indicate that the labeling efficiency is not reduced within the labeled artery, but can increase as a function of distance to the artery of interest when compared to conventional super-selective ASL. In the final images, no statistically significant difference of image quality can be observed while the acquisition duration could be reduced when the major brain feeding arteries are being tagged.Conclusion
Using super-selective arterial spin labeling, a single non-selective control acquisition suffices for reconstructing selective angiograms of the cerebral vasculature, thereby accelerating image acquisition of the major intracranial arteries without notable loss of information.11.
Schraml C Schwenzer NF Martirosian P Boss A Schick F Schäfer S Stern M Claussen CD Schäfer JF 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2012,25(2):155-162
To assess lung perfusion in young patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) using an arterial spin labeling (ASL) technique. 相似文献12.
Objective To develop a continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) perfusion imaging method for cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement in
rats with reduced spin-labeling length and optimized signal-to-noise ratio (SNR
) per unit time.
Materials and methods In the proposed method, the longitudinal magnetization of brain tissue water in the imaging slice is prepared into a proper
state before spin-labeling, and a post-tagging delay is employed after spin-labeling. The method was implemented on a 4.7 T
small animal scanner. Numerical simulations and in vivo experiments were used to evaluate the performance of the method proposed.
Results With the proposed method, absolute CBF could be measured accurately from normal rat with a spin-labeling pulse as short as
400 ms, and yet employing the same formula as that used in the conventional CASL perfusion imaging method for calculation.
The method also showed improved SNR
per unit time over the conventional CASL perfusion imaging method and the pulsed arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging
method FAIR.
Conclusion Compared to the conventional CASL perfusion imaging method, the proposed method would be advantageous for CBF measurement
in small animals having short vascular transit time in terms of SNR
per unit time and other benefits brought by shortened spin-labeling pulse. 相似文献
Phase-based arterial input functions (AIFs) provide a promising alternative to standard magnitude-based AIFs, for example, because inflow effects are avoided. The usefulness of phase-based AIFs in clinical dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) was investigated, and relevant pitfalls and sources of uncertainty were identified. 相似文献14.
Ronnie Wirestam Emelie Lind André Ahlgren Freddy Ståhlberg Linda Knutsson 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2016,29(6):823-831
Contrast agent (CA) relaxivities are generally not well established in vivo, and the relationship between frequency/phase shift and magnetic susceptibility might be a useful alternative for CA quantification.Materials and methods
Twenty volunteers (25–84 years old) were investigated using test–retest pre-bolus dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The pre-bolus phase-based venous output function (VOF) time integral was used for arterial input function (AIF) rescaling. Resulting cerebral blood flow (CBF) data for grey matter (GM) were compared with pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling (ASL). During the main bolus CA passage, the apparent spatial shift (pixel shift) of the superior sagittal sinus (seen in single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI)) was converted to CA concentration and compared with conventional ΔR2*-based data and with a predicted phase-based VOF from the pre-bolus experiment.Results
The phase-based pre-bolus VOF resulted in a reasonable inter-individual GM CBF variability (coefficient of variation 28 %). Comparison with ASL CBF values implied a tissue R2*-relaxivity of 32 mM?1 s?1. Pixel-shift data at low concentrations (data not available at peak concentrations) were in reasonable agreement with the predicted phase-based VOF.Conclusion
Susceptibility-induced phase shifts and pixel shifts are potentially useful for large-vein CA quantification. Previous predictions of a higher R2*-relaxivity in tissue than in blood were supported.15.
Carlo Masciocchi Antonio Barile Francesco Navarra Marco Mastantuono Sergio De Bac Luigi Satragno Luciano Lupattelli Roberto Passariello 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》1994,2(4):545-550
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has a significative impact on diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases. At present, joint diseases are evaluated with total-body systems, this fact representing an obstacle to MR diffusion in the osteoarticular field. The last technological advances have allowed the development of a cost-effective, compact and easy-to-install MR system. The system is constituted by a 0.2-T permanent unit, weighing 800 kg. The unit is used only for limb examination. To verify the diagnostic accuracy of the new system a study based on 1902 lower limb examinations was carried out between October 1992 and February 1994. Of these patients, 301 underwent surgery during which the MR findings were verified. Quite satisfying overall results were obtained, particularly in case of knee trauma, comparable to those provided by total body units with higher magnetic field. It must be noted, however, that in 3% of the investigated knee diseases, the examinations could not be performed due to technical limitations related to the magnet size. The authors believe that the limited field of view (11 cm) does not allows accurate staging of the malignant lesions concerning soft tissue and bone, which require a wider loco-regional staging. They also believe that the particular structure of the magnet allows for a comfortable management of pediatric, elderly, and acute patients. 相似文献
Schraml C Schwenzer NF Martirosian P Claussen CD Schick F 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2011,24(4):201-209
Examination of blood perfusion in the masseter muscle in the course of repetitive isometric contraction by arterial spin-labeling (ASL) MR imaging and additional T2 relaxation time measurements during and after masseter muscle activation. 相似文献17.
Absolute quantification of cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume and mean transit time is desirable in the determination of tissue viability thresholds and tissue at risk in acute ischaemic stroke, as well as in cases where a global reduction in cerebral blood flow is expected, for example, in patients with dementia or depressive disorders. Absolute values are also useful when comparing sequential examinations of tissue perfusion parameters, for example, in the monitoring and follow-up of various kinds of therapy. Regardless of the method employed, a number of assumptions and approximations must be made to obtain absolute measures of perfusion. Furthermore, the different stages of data acquisition and processing are associated with various degrees of uncertainty. In this review, the problems of particular relevance to absolute quantification of cerebral perfusion parameters using dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging are discussed, and possible solutions are outlined. 相似文献
Tora Dunås Anders Wåhlin Khalid Ambarki Laleh Zarrinkoob Richard Birgander Jan Malm Anders Eklund 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2016,29(1):39-47
In order to introduce 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a standard clinical instrument for studying the cerebrovascular system, new and faster postprocessing tools are necessary. The objective of this study was to construct and evaluate a method for automatic identification of individual cerebral arteries in a 4D flow MRI angiogram.Materials and methods
Forty-six elderly individuals were investigated with 4D flow MRI. Fourteen main cerebral arteries were manually labeled and used to create a probabilistic atlas. An automatic atlas-based artery identification method (AAIM) was developed based on vascular-branch extraction and the atlas was used for identification. The method was evaluated by comparing automatic with manual identification in 4D flow MRI angiograms from 67 additional elderly individuals.Results
Overall accuracy was 93 %, and internal carotid artery and middle cerebral artery labeling was 100 % accurate. Smaller and more distal arteries had lower accuracy; for posterior communicating arteries and vertebral arteries, accuracy was 70 and 89 %, respectively.Conclusion
The AAIM enabled fast and fully automatic labeling of the main cerebral arteries. AAIM functionality provides the basis for creating an automatic and powerful method to analyze arterial cerebral blood flow in clinical routine.19.
Tamada Tsutomu Ueda Yu Kido Ayumu Yoneyama Masami Takeuchi Mitsuru Sanai Hiroyasu Ono Kentaro Yamamoto Akira Sone Teruki 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2022,35(4):549-556
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Image quality (IQ) of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) with single-shot echo-planar imaging (ssEPI) suffers from low signal-to-noise... 相似文献
Zelaya FO Zois E Muller-Pollard C Lythgoe DJ Lee S Andrews C Smart T Conrod P Vennart W Williams SC Mehta MA Reed LJ 《Magma (New York, N.Y.)》2012,25(2):163-175