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Anorectal function after anterior resection may be impaired as a result of reduced luminal capacity in the pelvis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the colonic J pouch neorectum by means of ambulatory manometry. Twelve patients with a colonic pouch following anterior resection and seven healthy controls were studied for a median of 6 (range 6-24) h using a probe with two pouch-rectal and two anal canal transducers. Records were interpreted by visual inspection. Pressure values and wave frequencies were determined by software analysis. Pouches had been functioning for a median of 32 (range 11-55) months. All patients with a pouch had an acceptable stool frequency. Seven of 12 patients complained of incomplete evacuation. Resting anal canal pressure (73 versus 100 cmH2O), pouch-rectal pressure (29 versus 15 cmH2O) and anal canal pouch-rectal pressure gradients (60 versus 85 cmH2O) were similar in patients and controls. The frequency of slow-wave activity in patients with a pouch was significantly lower than that in controls (7 versus 16 cycles per min, P = 0.001). Coordination between the colonic J pouch and the anal canal, in the form of sampling episodes, was observed in more than half of the patients with a functioning pouch. Large isolated contractions (pressure greater than 30 cmH2O and lasting longer than 20 s) and rhythmic contractions were the most frequent pattern of pouch motility.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Functional outcome after rectal excision with coloanal anastomosis is improved by construction of a colonic J pouch. Present prospective randomized studies lack follow-up beyond 1 year. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcome at both short- and long-term follow-up. METHODS: Forty patients with low rectal cancer were randomized prospectively to either J colonic pouch-anal anastomosis or a straight coloanal anastomosis. Clinical assessments were performed 3, 12 and 24 months after colostomy closure using a standard questionnaire and physical examination. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the complication rate between the two groups. There was a significant (P < 0.01) improvement in frequency of defaecation at 3, 12 and 24 months for patients with a reservoir. Similarly, fragmentation (clustering of stools) was significantly less at 3 and 12 months (P < 0.01) in the reservoir group, and incontinence occurred less frequently in the first year (P = 0.09). By 24 months no patient in either group suffered from major or minor incontinence. CONCLUSION: The functional improvement gained from a colonic reservoir in coloanal anastomosis continues to benefit the patient for at least 2 years.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We have investigated the use of anorectal manometry to distinguish encopretic-constipated children (n = 88) from sibling controls (n = 16) and nonsibling controls (n = 11). METHODS: Study variables included manometrically determined resting and maximum voluntary anal sphincter pressure, depth and speed of rectoanal inhibitory reflex, minimum rectal volume sensation, critical distending volume for fecal urgency, rectal and anal pressure responses during attempted defecation, and ability to defecate a water-filled balloon. RESULTS: Change in anal sphincter pressure during attempted defecation (P = 0.03), gradient between rectal and sphincter pressure during attempted defecation (P = 0.02), critical distending volume for fecal urgency (P = 0.02), and ability to defecate a water-filled balloon (P = 0.05) distinguished encopretic-constipated from control children. The change in rectal pressure associated with the rectoanal inhibitory reflex just escaped significance at P = 0.07. CONCLUSIONS: Anal sphincter spasm and megacolon are pathophysiologic abnormalities associated with pediatric constipation-encopresis.  相似文献   

Previous studies had concluded that the treadmill velocity-endurance time hyperbolic relationship for runs could be accuratly approached with a regression at condition that bouts of exercise duration were included between 2 and 12 min. This regression allows to calculate the critical speed (CS) defined as the slope of the regression of work (distance) on time to exhaustion, the anaerobic running capacity (ARC) being the intercept of this line (Monod & Scherrer, 1965). The purpose of this investigation was to give practical indication concerning the choice of the velocities in reference to the maximal aerobic speed (MAS i.e. the minimum speed which elicits VO2max). Subjects were fourteen elite male long-distance runners (27 +/- 3 years old; VO2max = 74.9 +/- 2.9 ml.kg-1.min-1, MAS = 22.4 +/- 0.8 km.h-1, CS = 19.3 +/- 0.7 km.h-1 and 86.2 +/- 1.5% MAS). tlim 100 values (321 +/- 83 s) were negatively correlated with MAS (r = -0.538, p < 0.05) and with CS (km.h-1) (r = -0.644, p < 0.01). tlim 90 (1015 +/- 266 s) was positively correlated with CS when expressed in % MAS (r = 0.645, p < 0.01) and not when expressed in km.h-1 (r = -0.095, P > 0.05). tlim 105 (176 +/- 40 s) only was correlated with ARC (r = 0.526, p < 0.05). These data demonstrate that running time to exhaustion at 100 and 105% of MAS in a homogeneous elite male long-distance runners group is inversely related to MAS. Moreover, tlim 90 is positively correlated with CS (%MAS) but neither with tlim 100 and 105 nor with maximal aerobic speed. So from a practical point of view, the velocities chosen to determine the critical speed, would be closed to the maximal aerobic speed (time to exhaustion around 6 min), taking into account that the tlim 105 is correlated with the anaerobic capacity, whereas tlim 90 is correlated with the critical speed.  相似文献   

CD5 antigen is present on all normal alpha beta T cells and some B cells. Human NK cells do not usually express CD5 antigen, but we found a subset of CD5LOW+ (low density of CD5) NK cells in some patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Unlike CD5-NK cells, most CD5LOW+NK cells had HLA-DR. We observed few CD5LOW+NK cells in the normal controls and some in the large granular lymphocyte (LGL) population purified by Percoll density centrifugation. Sorted CD5LOW+NK populations were LGL. The CD5LOW+NK cells had high lytic activity on K562 cells in a 4-h 51chromium release assay. Our results indicate that there is a previously unidentified subset of NK cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe and quantify the morphological characteristics of nailfold capillaries that distinguish different forms of connective tissue disease from healthy controls. METHODS: A CCD video microscope with fibreoptic illumination and PC based image processing was used to visualise nailfold capillaries and to quantify findings in 23 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), 22 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 21 patients with undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD), and 38 healthy controls. RESULTS: Capillary density was reduced in SSc (5.2 (SD 1.3) capillaries/mm) compared with other patient groups and controls. The average number of enlarged capillaries/finger was high in all disease groups (5.5-6.6) compared with controls (2). However, giant capillaries were most frequent in SSc (43%) and were not present in controls. Mild and moderate avascular areas were present in all groups (35%-68%), but severe avascularity was most frequent in SSc (44%) compared with other patients (18%-19%) and controls (0%). The greatest frequency of extensive haemorrhage was in SSc (35%). CONCLUSIONS: There is a range of abnormal capillary findings in patients with connective tissue disease and healthy controls. However, certain abnormalities such as a reduced number of capillaries, severe avascularity, giant capillaries, and haemorrhage are most commonly associated with SSc. Videomicroscopy with image processing offers many technical advantages that can be exploited in further studies of nailfold capillaries.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of amitriptyline (AMI) have been extensively studied, and a large interindividual variability between oral dose and concentration of the drug in plasma has been documented. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to compare AMI kinetics in depressed patients with those of healthy controls and, second, to describe the relationship between AMI levels in plasma and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system changes during depression. Thirty-eight patients with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of major depression and 13 healthy control persons received 75 mg of AMI daily for 6 weeks. Levels of AMI and nortriptyline in plasma were determined, and neuroendocrine testing with the combined dexamethasone-suppression/CRH-stimulation test (DST) was done before AMI administration and after weeks 1, 3, and 6 of medication. AMI levels in plasma were significantly higher in the patient group compared with controls during the entire treatment period, whereas nortriptyline levels did not differ between the two groups. Drug levels correlated significantly with age, but gender had no effect on the concentration of the drug in plasma. Twenty-two patients remitted after treatment. There was no difference in drug levels between responders and nonresponders. Fifteen patients were DST nonsuppressors before treatment; 23 patients and all controls suppressed cortisol after dexamethasone. DST suppressors had significantly higher AMI levels in plasma at weeks 3, 5, and 6 compared with DST nonsuppressors. In comparison to patients with high AMI levels in plasma, those with low drug concentration had higher postdexamethasone cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels and an increased hormone release after additional CRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study adopted a prospective design to explore relationships among various types of social support and depression. Four types of social support, namely network support, instrumental enacted support, socio-emotional enacted support, and perceived support, were assessed in a sample of Chinese adolescents. Results revealed that perceived support was related to a reduction of subsequent depression for both male and female adolescents. In addition, instrumental enacted support was a significant predictor of subsequent depression for male adolescents, whereas socioemotional enacted support was a significant predictor of subsequent depression for female adolescents. Functional differences in the types of social support for Chinese male and female adolescents, as well as implications for clinical intervention, are discussed.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to play crucial roles in tumor angiogenesis. We have investigated the circulating level of VEGF in sera from cancer patients as well as from healthy normal controls using a sensitive enzymatic immunoassay. Immunoreactive VEGF proteins were detectable in normal sera, and the cutoff level was determined to be 180 pg/ml. In examined patients with all types of cancer, including breast, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, and lung cancer, an aberrant increase in the circulating level of VEGF was detected. For example, in 137 primary breast cancer patients, 12 (8.8%) showed an aberrant increase in VEGF levels. This aberrant expression of VEGF in sera was significantly associated with the progression of the disease, and with VEGF protein expression in tumor tissues. In addition, a Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of the VEGF165 form in sera from a patient with recurrent breast cancer. It was concluded that VEGF was detectable in normal sera, and its level was increased in some populations of cancer patients. A positive angiogenesis regulator, VEGF might function as an endocrine growth factor, particularly for solid tumors.  相似文献   

Provided a normative data base for a measure of verbal supraspan based on 301 neurologically intact adults (aged 18–91 yrs) and examined the test's clinical sensitivity in 3 patient groups. Data from 55 patients with severe head trauma, 38 with right hemisphere and cerebrovascular accident (CVA), and 15 with left hemisphere CVA reveal significant age-related differences, with older Ss performing below levels obtained by younger ones. Group data reveal that Ss in all 3 groups performed significantly below levels obtained by age-matched controls. Supraspan scores did not correlate appreciably with years of education. However, scores on the supraspan test correlated modestly with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised (WAIS—R) Information and Block Design scores, suggesting that task performance may be dependent in part on the S's general level of cognitive functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Testicular and ovarian fragments of Carassius auratus, taken during the reproductively active prespawning phase (June) of its annual reproductive cycle, were incubated with different concentrations (0 mg/ml, 0 ppm; 0.001 mg/ml, 1 ppm; 0.01 mg/ml, 10 ppm; and 0.02 mg/ml, 20 ppm) of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) in the presence of either exogenous precursor [3H]-17-hydroxyprogesterone ([3H]17-P) or carp hypophyseal homogenate. The free (unconjugated) and conjugated metabolites (glucuronides and sulfates) of [3H]-17-P [androstenedione (AD), androstenetrione, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, testosterone (T), 11-deoxycortisol (S), 17, 20alpha-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20alphaP), 17, 20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20betaP), 7alpha-pregnanetetrols (7alpha-P), and other polar metabolites] were separated by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. The endogenous production of unconjugated (free) steroids T, 17,20betaP, S, and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in response to gamma-HCH were measured by radioimmunoassay. Among the in vitro metabolism of [3H]-17-P, in males, free steroids of AD, T, 17,20alphaP, S, and polar-free steroids were increased with the decreased yield of 11-KT. Percentage yield of testosterone glucuronide (TG) was increased with highly significant decreased yields of polar glucuronide steroids. The sulfate steroids of 17, 20alphaP, 17,20betaP, S, and 11-KT remain unchanged. In females, the decreased percentage of yield of AD and S and elevated T were noticed. The yield of TG was increased with decreased yield of 7alpha-P glucuronides. The percentage yield of AD sulfate and sulfate steroids of 17,20alphaP, 17,20betaP, and S were noted to be increased, but the yield for S sulfate was very high. Endogenous production of T was increased in both sexes in the presence of gamma-HCH, but 11-KT in male and S in female were depressed. 17, 20betaP was stimulated at some concentrations in both sexes but levels were very low. Results indicate that gamma-HCH in vitro perturbed the steroid biosynthesis during this phase thereby affecting reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

Modified the method of average error for research in schizophrenia and used this in establishing both the absolute auditory threshold and the threshold of unpleasantness. Results show chronic schizophrenic patients had a higher absolute threshold but a lower threshold for when a tone became unpleasnatly loud. Results (a) indicate that chronic schizophrenic patients find external stimulation aversive, (b) point out the narrow range of auditory stimuli in which schizophrenics function, and (c) suggest that the same auditory stimuli cannot be considered equivalent for schizophrenic patients and normal controls. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, we sought to determine the outcome of patients with ischemic colitis, comparing patients with segmental disease with those with total colonic ischemia. METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of ischemic colitis over the past six years were selected and reviewed for demographics, presenting symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. RESULTS: Forty-three consecutive patients with ischemic colitis were identified and were grouped into those with segmental ischemic colitis and total colonic ischemia. Mean age was 68.8 years; 28 of 43 patients (65 percent) were males. Diagnosis was established by colonoscopy in 31 of 43 patients (72 percent), whereas in the remainder, diagnosis was made in the operating room. Ischemic colitis developed in the hospital in 17 of 43 patients (40 percent) during admission for an unrelated illness. In 6 of 43 (14 percent) of these patients, ischemic colitis developed following surgery. Thirty-one of 43 patients (72 percent) were found to have segmental colitis; 11 of 31 patients (35 percent) were successfully managed nonoperatively. Segmental colitis was present in 31 of 43 patients (72 percent), and 12 of 31 (35 percent) of these patients were successfully managed nonoperatively. In the patients with segmental colitis who required surgery, the 30-day mortality rate was 22 percent. Among 12 of 17 patients (71 percent) with segmental ischemia treated by resection and stoma, 9 of 12 (75 percent) underwent eventual stoma closure. All 12 patients with total colonic ischemia required surgery, and 9 of 12 patients (75 percent) died. CONCLUSION: Ischemic colitis occurs commonly during an unrelated hospital admission and following previous surgery. Most patients treated by resection and stoma undergo stoma closure. Total colonic ischemia carries a worse prognosis than segmental colonic ischemia.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence have implicated central dopaminergic pathways in the modulation of blink rate. In the present study, blink rate during smooth pursuit was examined in 17 children with childhood-onset schizophrenia, on and off of clozapine, and compared to that of age-matched normal children and unmedicated children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As has been observed in adolescent and adult schizophrenics, blink rate was significantly higher in schizophrenic children relative to normal and ADHD controls. Within the schizophrenic group, blink rate did not significantly change with the introduction of clozapine and was not related to clinical variables. Blink rate was positively correlated with deterioration in smooth pursuit in normal subjects.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to access the 24-hr ambulatory blood pressure (BP) in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy (AN). Twenty-two NIDDM patients without hypertension, being treated with sulfonylureas, were studied. The 24-hr ambulatory blood pressure recordings were performed using portable non-invasive automatic system. Autonomic neuropathy was assessed by standard cardiovascular reflex tests. There were ten patients with and 12 without AN, matched for age, body mass index, duration of diabetes and glycemic control. Mean BP increased at night in four of the subjects with AN and decreased in the remaining 18 patients. The group of subjects with nocturnal increases in BP had more severe autonomic nerve dysfunction compared with those with decreases in nocturnal BP. No significant difference between clinical and ambulatory day-time measurements was found. In three patients with AN after 5 weeks intensified therapy. 24-hr BP did not show any significant difference.  相似文献   

Light-induced fluorescence spectroscopy was conducted on human oral malignant and normal tissues. Under 330-nm excitation wavelength, significant differences in fluorescence intensity were observed around 380- and 460-nm emission. Furthermore, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced carcinogenesis in hamster buccal pouch was investigated to elucidate whether similar alterations of fluorescence spectroscopy occurred during the development of squamous cell carcinoma. Similar to the spectral profiles of human oral malignant and normal tissues, the most intense fluorescence peaks in the pouches occurred at 380 nm and 460 nm emission under 330 nm excitation wavelength. At 380 nm emission, the fluorescence intensity of normal pouch mucosa was stronger than those of DMBA-treated abnormal tissues at different stages of carcinogenesis. However, at 460 nm emission, the fluorescence intensity of DMBA-treated tissues was not only stronger than that of normal pouch mucosa but also shifted to 470 nm. These results suggest that under 330 nm excitation wavelength fluorescence spectroscopy may be useful for the detection of oral malignant lesions.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to anticonvulsant medication has been shown to cause craniofacial dysmorphology, prenatal growth retardation, hypoplastic nails and phalanges, and visceral abnormalities. In this study we examined maxillary and mandibular stone dental casts (45) and panoramic radiographs (39) from 45 individuals with ages 4.5 to 22.0 years for changes in mesiodistal crown size of deciduous and permanent teeth, and the presence of dental anomalies. These individuals had been exposed prenatally to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Mesiodistal crown diameters were measured from the dental casts and converted into standard scores (Z), using published normative data from the University of Michigan Longitudinal Craniofacial Growth Series. A significant increase in mesiodistal crown dimensions of the posterior maxillary teeth was observed, specifically in primary molars and their permanent premolar successors, as well as permanent molars. Changes in tooth size were more common in females than in males. Dental maturity, assessed using the panoramic radiographs, was equal to chronologic age. An increased frequency of hypodontia was the only notable dental anomaly.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the meaning of spirituality in relation to nursing care using concept synthesis. Walker and Avant give three ways in which concept synthesis can occur: discovering new dimensions to old concepts, searching for similarities and discrepancies among sets of related concepts, and observing previously undescribed phenomena. It is the first two of these methods which have been used here. The phenomena that emerged from a reading of the literature around spirituality were meaning, presencing, empathy/compassion, giving hope, love, religion/transcendence, touch and healing. These phenomena were studied in order to sort them into fewer categories. They all appeared to be products of a relationship, some physical (presencing, touch and healing), and others emotional (meaning, empathy/compassion, hope, love, and religion/transcendence). Some of the phenomena appeared to fit in both categories, especially healing, which could be of a physical or emotional/spiritual nature. Once the two main categories had been arranged, it was obvious that a split between psyche and soma was not appropriate for labelling the spiritual dimensions of nursing care, as the original definition of spirit was something which motivated the body. Spiritual care is inseparable from physical, social and psychological care because together they form the whole (Bradshaw 1994 p. 282). The two categories were then collapsed into one and given the label 'connection'.  相似文献   

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