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经过几十年的不断实践和发展完善.日本逐步形成了符合人多地少基本国情,重视中低收入家庭的住房改善和保障.稳步提高居民居住水平和品质的住房制度和相对完善的住房发展规划。  相似文献   

日照市住房建设规划研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵瑞森  许京琦 《规划师》2011,27(Z1):120-123
在全国近期开展住房建设规划的背景下,日照市住房建设规划结合自身优势及发展定位,通过了解住房发展历史、明确住房需求与供给的矛盾、把握住房建设的发展趋势等,以形成多元化的住房体系、构筑高效的居住空间结构和营造和谐的居住社区环境为目标,对住房需求进行可续预测,充分利用资源、配置服务设施等,并制定一系列的政策规定,确保了日照市...  相似文献   

日本的住房保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本的住房保障经过几十年的不断实践和发展完善,逐步建立和制定了符合人多地少基本国情、重视中低收入家庭的住房改善和保障、稳步提高居民居住水平和品质的住房制度和相对完善的住房发展规划,形成了后工业国城市发展期的住房保障模式. 一、完善的法律保护 日本住房保障法律多达40余部.日本是一个四面环海的岛国,典型的人多地少国家,住房历来紧张,尤其是二战后,面临更严峻的住房短缺问题.日本住宅短缺达420万户,约200075人无房可住,占到当时人口的1/4.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了日本八个住宅建设五年计划的主要内容和特征。我国应借鉴其成功经验,推动住房发展规划立法,编制并实施全国及省区级住房发展规划;开展住房现状普查,科学确定住房建设规模;根据我国基本国情,细化住房政策目标;完善市场配置与政府保障相结合的住房供应体制;推进住宅产业化发展。  相似文献   

二次世界大战后,随着曰本经济的发展,日本政府逐渐认识到需确立长期住宅供给体制的必要性.经过几十年的不断实践和发展完善,日本逐渐形成了符合其基本国情、重视中低收入家庭的住房改善及住房保障制度和完善的住房发展规划.在解决中低收入阶层的居住需求方面取得了显著成绩,积累了宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

“十二五”保障性住房供应体系建设思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国"十二五"规划提出加快构建以政府为主提供基本保障、以市场为主满足多层次需求的住房供应体系;加大保障性安居工程建设力度,基本解决保障房供应不足的问题。目前,保障房建设已经在各地大规模展开,但要实现"十二五"规划中的保障房建设目标,则还有赖于合理有效的保障房供应体系的建立和完善。本文通过剖析影响保障房有效供应的制度成因,进而提出了保障房供应体系建设的取向及目标,并从社会、经济和空间三个维度,提出了建设保障房供应体系的政策建议,旨在为我国制定保障房供应政策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

当前,农民工的居住条件仍然没有得到较好的改善。解决农民工住房问题,要以改革户籍、土地等配套制度为前提,加快完善住房保障法律体系,为农民工提供住房保障资金和相应的信货政策,从而构建有弹性、差异化的农民工住房保障政策体系,循序渐进地解决好农民工住房问题。  相似文献   

一个完善的住房公积金保障制度是住房保障制度不可或缺的推动力。对于我国已推行20年之久的住房公积金保障制度,不仅为住房改革提供制度保障,同时也促进了住宅产业的发展。本文从住房公积金利率调整的对住房保障制度和住房公积金制度造成的影响进行深入分析,进而为住房公积金利率的正确调整,发挥住房公积金制度的公平,保障,效率功能提供参考。  相似文献   

城乡规划编制的本质是从城乡的空间范畴统筹制定各类公共政策,其目的是平衡城市的各利益群体诉求,尤其是关注城市弱势群体的需求.而城乡住房保障规划编制工作更是突出的体现出城乡规划的这一本质特征.随着我国住房制度改革的不断深入,在经过十余年的探索后,政府已逐渐摸索出一套服务城市中低收入住房困难群体的较为成熟的住房保障工作经验,并通过政策法规制定、规划编制、资金和土地投入、行政管理等手段不断给予落实.  相似文献   

近年来,为低收入群体提供的保障性住房日益成为国家住房政策的重点。随着一系列政策的出台和实施,低收入群体的实际居住需求能否得到满足成为人们关注的焦点。本文从探讨当前重庆市低收入群体住房保障状况的社会背景入手,着重分析了重庆市住房保障政策的发展情况,通过调查低收入群体的居住现状和居住需求,指出了目前相关对策的经验与不足,提出了更加适合低收入群体居住需求的改进建议。  相似文献   

社会转型与中国城市居住形态的变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邵磊 《时代建筑》2004,(5):19-23
该文通过对1980年代以采中国城市住房政策和住区规划与设计的考察,结合对社会转型与城市居住形态相互影响的分析,概括了居住形态在宏观上从数量短缺到结构性短缺的变迁过程,并由此总结出当前住区规划应当关注的几个主要问题。  相似文献   

This paper compares recent experience in the use of the planning system to facilitate the provision of affordable housing in rural areas of Scotland and England. Following an introduction summarising key issues arising from the relevant literature, the paper first sets out the scale of need for rural affordable housing in the two countries and then summarises the differing planning policy frameworks. Scale of delivery is then addressed and an attempt is made to establish the extent to which differences in performance reflect variations in policy, delivery mechanisms or differing housing markets. The hypothesis is advanced that Scotland, although a more rural country, has made less use of planning policy to tackle issues relating to the need for rural social housing. In both countries scale of provision has lagged behind perceived need and a major reason for this would appear to be the tensions in planning policy between environmental and social sustainability objectives, with the scales so far weighted towards the environmental rather than the social imperative.  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化成功推动了中国城市发展,同时也导致了严重的住房供需矛盾,低收入阶层住房得不到有效保障。纵观西方国家保障性住房的发展历程,各国政府综合运用了多种政策工具对市场进行干预,形成了有效的住房保障发展模式。其中,德国的住房保障体系建设堪称典范,其发展经验受到广泛借鉴。本文对德国住房保障体系的政策演变、资金筹措和监督体系等方面进行了分析,最后结合中国住房保障体系的发展现状提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Ever since housing was transformed from the most important welfare benefit to the most valuable form of private property through radical housing reform in 1998, housing allocation mechanisms in China have been characterized by the coexistence of market logic and socialist legacy. Thus, the Chinese housing system exhibits a transitional nature as the country moves away from a socialist housing system towards a privatized housing system. Using the 2011 Chinese Household Finance Survey, we not only examine these changes in private ownership of housing, but also give an updated evaluation of the privatization process with new empirical evidence. We develop a conceptual framework and an empirical analysis to shed light on distinct housing inequality patterns in transitional urban China. Our results show that both socioeconomic characteristics and socialist institutions contribute to housing inequality, but they follow different paths in the reform and have different impacts on housing inequality.  相似文献   

China's urban housing reform started in the early 1980s, as a part of comprehensive economic reform. The old system was dominated by work units that provided substantial in-kind services to their employees, including heavily subsidised housing. It brought three serious problems: housing shortages, corruption and inequities. The goals of housing reform were to solve these problems through urban housing privatisation, commercialisation and socialisation. This study examines China's urban housing reform through a case study of the city of Jinan. It first reviews the history of housing development in Jinan from the 1950s to the 1980s, and then analyses Jinan's reform practices in the 1990s. Its finding is that, after many years' efforts, housing reform in Jinan has made substantial progress, but mostly with respect to privatisation. The problem of housing shortages has been addressed and crowding has lessened considerably. Anecdotal evidence suggests that corruption is less widespread than in the past. The other important housing problem, inequity, still exists and, in some respects, has even worsened. In particular, a new form of horizontal inequity has arisen due to the persistent role of work units in housing provision. This paper suggests that, in the future, the government should take a more positive role rather than leaving the market alone to deal with the problem of housing inequity.  相似文献   

The recent housing reform in China signifies the paradigm shift from central planning to market mechanisms in the allocation of housing resources. This paper aims to identify major determinants, household demographics and work unit characteristics in the tenure choice decision so that policy implications can be drawn. The case study on Guangzhou provides insights into Mainland household decisions on choosing the utility-maximising tenure mode. Empirical results indicate that the market allocation mechanism introduced by the housing reforms has not yet replaced the entrenched influence from work units on home ownership behaviour. The finding on unsatisfied home owners is rather unexpected.  相似文献   

Housing markets reflect our housing consumption profile over the life cycle. As we age, marry and have kids, we seek larger dwellings and to a greater extent owner-occupied housing. The up-trading process has two key characteristics: first, it is equity induced. Second, it impacts both the supply and demand sides of housing markets. This is our point of departure. The paper combines a housing ladder with a house price index to show how up-trading amplifies shocks and introduces a multiplier into the housing market. The interplay between market segments results in up-trading induced price dispersion and a price response in the segments on top of the ladder that exceeds those of segments further down, even when shocks are equal across market segments. Finally, as up-trading impacts both housing supply and housing demand, even balanced shocks to net demand might impact house prices. Focusing on different market segments, shocks to demand might have both direct (the size effect) and indirect (the up-trading effect) effects on the house price index. This paper highlights policy options at a finer level when in need of stimulating or dampening house price cycles.  相似文献   

住房制度改革与城市规划对策探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴宗辉 《规划师》1999,15(1):93-95
作者分析住房制度改革对城市规划可能产生的一系列影响, 从居住区布局、居住规划设计的理论和方法以及规划法规等方面探讨了城市规划的对策。  相似文献   

上海与香港住房供应体系的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘云  宁奇峰  陈伟 《华中建筑》2002,20(1):28-30
香港政府通过双轨制住房供应体系成功解决了广大市民的住房问题,上海与香港的住房供应体系有许多相近的地方,通过比较研究可以更深入地了解上海住房发展中存在的问题。在对两地相关政策与住房供应体系的比较后得出如下结论:上海的住房供应体系存在发展的不均衡现象,主要表现在针对中低收入阶层的住房供应体系中存在严重缺陷,政府在制定住房政策时过分强调了市场的作用,忽视了由此产生的不利影响。对出现的这些问题,通过分析并借鉴香港的经验提出相关的对策:大力发展政府保障性住房供应、继续规范住房市场、发挥多元化的住房供应体系的综合性作用等。  相似文献   

Housing supply was suddenly rediscovered as a major challenge for English housing policy in the early 2000s, after nearly three decades of neglect. There does appear to be a problem of inadequate and unresponsive housing supply in England, by international or historical standards. Although shortcomings of the house building industry and limited public investment play a part, the most important factor explaining England's housing supply problem is the operation of the land-use planning system. Policies, procedures and incentives are all implicated. The most important impact is a long-term real rise in the price of housing, differentiated by region, which is damaging both economically and socially, although there are some compensating benefits in terms of the environment. The Barker Inquiry has proposed a radical supply agenda, which has been substantially accepted by the present government. This proposes that planning targets should be geared to affordability, with more land released and market-contingent mechanisms, more social housing and supporting infrastructure investment. There is room for debate about the magnitudes involved, the role for more proactive approaches to development and the best fiscal mechanisms and incentives. However, given the fraught political economy of housing and planning in the pressured regions, there is considerable doubt as to whether these measures will be implemented on the requisite scale.  相似文献   

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