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The DNA sequence of a 6794 bp fragment located at about 100 kb from the right telomere of chromosome II from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined. Sequence analysis reveals five open reading frames. One is the ARO4 gene encoding the 3-deoxy-D -arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase. Another presents strong homology with the S5 ribosomal protein from bacteria. The open reading frame YBR1705 shows significant homology with dUTPase, suggesting for the first time the existence of such an enzyme in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a region containing 32.5 kb of the right arm of chromosome IV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Twenty open reading frames (ORFs) greater than 100 amino acids could be identified in this region. Six ORFs correspond to known yeast genes, including DOA4, UBC5 and UBC3, the gene products of which are involved in ubiquitin metabolism. UBC5 is preceded by the two tRNA genes tRNA-Arg2 and tRNA-Asp. Six genes were discovered with homologies to non-yeast genes or with homologies to other yeast ORFs. One of these could be identified as ribosomal protein gene RPS13. The putative function of eight ORFs remains unclear because comparison to different DNA or protein databases revealed no significant patterns. The sequence from cosmid 2F21 was obtained entirely by a combined subcloning and walking primer strategy, and has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number X84162.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of a 44 420 bp DNA fragment from chromosome XIV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequence data revealed 23 open reading frames (ORFs) larger than 300 bp, covering 73·5% of the sequence. The ORFs N2418, N2441, N2474 and N2480 correspond to previously sequenced S. cerevisiae genes coding respectively for the mitochondrial import protein Mas5, the nucleolar protein Nop2, the outer mitochondrial membrane porin Por1, the cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide VA precursor CoxA and the yeast protein tyrosine phosphatase Msg5. Translation products of three other ORFs N2406, N2411 and N2430 exhibit similarity to previously known S. cerevisiae proteins: the ribosomal protein YL9A, the protein Nca3 involved in the mitochondrial expression of subunits 6 and 8 of the ATP synthase and actin; in addition N2505 presents strong similarity to an ORF of chromosome IX. The predicted protein products of ORFs N2417 and N2403 present similarities with domains from proteins of other organisms: the Candida maltosa cycloheximide-resistance protein, the human interleukin enhancer-binding factor (ILF-2). The 12 remaining ORFs show no significant similarity to known proteins. In addition, we have detected a DNA region very similar to the yeast transposon Ty 1–15 of which insertion has disrupted a tRNAAsp gene. The sequence has been deposited in the GenBank database with the Accession Number U12141.  相似文献   

In the framework of the European Union programme for sequencing the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae we have determined the nucleotide sequence of a region of 24 152 bp located on the left arm of chromosome XIV between the BNI1 and the POL2 genes. The sequence was obtained by directed sequence analysis using a mixture of ExoIII and primer walking strategies. Subsequent analysis revealed 13 open reading frames (ORFs) including four small ORFs completely internal to, or partly overlapping with, other ORFs. Five of these ORFs have been described previously (BNI1, APL1, LYP1, PIK1, POL2) and thus 74·8% of the 24 152 bp were already present in the databases prior to this sequencing effort. Interestingly, all 13 identified ORFs are characterized by a low codon adaptation index (0·04–0·22). In addition, this region of chromosome XIV shows an unusually high gene density with about 88% of coding DNA. This amounts to one gene per 2177 bp, which is significantly above the average gene length (about 1500 bp). For eight ORFs considerable homologies to ‘Expressed Sequence Tags’ derived from human cDNAs located in the XREF database could be identified. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 24 152 bp segment has been deposited in the EMBL data library under the Accession Number X92494.  相似文献   

In the course of the European yeast genome sequencing project, we determined 23,920 bp of a continuous chromosome II right arm sequence. Analysis of data revealed 13 open reading frames (ORFs), three of which corresponded to previously identified genes; two tRNA genes and one repetitive element. One ORF showed considerable homology (46%) to a hypothetical chromosome III gene; another, putatively very hydrophobic gene product, was 30% identical to the heat-shock protein HSP30. Two ORFs were homologous to human genes. The complete sequence was submitted to the EMBL data bank under the Accession Number Z46260 Authorin submission ‘3’.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a region of 51 kb of the right arm from chromosome XV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sequence contains 30 open reading frames (ORFs) of more than 100 amino acid residues. Thirteen new genes have been identified. Thirteen ORFs correspond to known yeast genes. One delta element and one tRNA gene were identified. Upstream of the RPO31 gene, encoding the largest subunit of RNA polymerase III, lies a Abf1p binding site. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ nucleotide sequence databases under the Accession Number X90518.  相似文献   

By means of gene disruption analyses, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain YPH499 was shown to have two, and only two, copies of ATP3 that encodes the gamma-subunit of H+-dependent ATP synthase and locates on the right arm of chromosome II. Linkage analyses of the two distinguishably marked copies of ATP3 indicated that the distance between them was about 43 cM. Since YBR030W, an ORF proximal to ATP3 by a distance of 17 kbp, was also found to be duplicated, we marked them with two distinguishable nutritional markers, which were also distinguishable from those used for marking the two copies of ATP3, and achieved four-point linkage analyses; CEN2 marked with an appropriate nutritional marker gene was included as a reference point. And, the following linkage map was deduced: CEN2- [11 cM]-YBR030Wa- [8 cM]-ATP3a-[47 cM]-ATP3b- [55 cM]-YBR030Wb. From this map, we suspected that a segment spanning at least YBR030W-ATP3 would be inversely duplicated on the right arm of chromosome II. We then carried out chromosome fragmentation analyses, using several laboratory strains including YPH499, and obtained data in accord with our speculation for all strains, although the distance between the two copies of ATP3 varied from 48 kbp to 192 kbp among the strains examined.  相似文献   

A comparison of the sequences of telomere regions from several yeast chromosomes revealed an apparent cloning artifact for the right end of chromosome III. An integrating vector containing G1–3T telomere sequences was used to clone the right end of chromosome III from a strain related to S288C. The sequence of this clone confirmed that the published sequence was incorrect and demonstrated that the right telomere region of chromosome III is similar to other telomeres.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of a 9037 bp fragment from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII. Analysis of the sequence revealed four complete open reading frames (ORFs), namely G7572, G7576, G7579 and G7584. The first three corresponded, respectively, to the previously cloned genes: HIP1, coding for a high-affinity histidine-specific permease, TDH1, one of the known genes coding for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and ODPX, which encodes a precursor of protein X, a component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The ORF G7584 showed 35·8% identity with a hypothetical protein of Caenorhabditis elegans chromosome 3. The reported sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number X82408.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of a 7941 bp DNA fragment from the left arm of chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which contains four open reading frames (ORFs) of greater than 100 amino acid residues. ORF biC834 shows 100% bp identity with the recently identified multicopy suppressor gene of the pop2 mutation (MPT5); its deduced protein product carries an eight-repeat domain region, homologous to that found in the hypothetical regulatory YGL023 protein of S. cerevisiae and the Pumilio protein of Drosophila. ORF biE560 protein exhibits patterns typical of serine/threonine protein kinases, with which it shares high degrees of homology. The complete nucleotide sequence was submitted to the EMBL Data Library under Accession Number X83690.  相似文献   

The ERG1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes squalene epoxidase, a key enzyme in the ergosterol pathway. ERG1 is an essential gene. Disruption of the gene with URA3 results in a lethal phenotype when cells are grown under aerobic conditions, even in the presence of ergosterol. However, cells are viable in the presence of ergosterol under anaerobic growth conditions during which ergosterol is taken up by cells. Physical and genetic mapping data reveal that ERG1 is located on the right arm of chromosome VII proximal to QCR9 at a distance of 14·6 cM from ADE3.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a fragment of 4867 base pairs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome II has been determined. The sequence contains three complete open reading frames. In addition to the already known gene RPB5, coding for a subunit shared by all three DNA directed RNA polymerases, two new open reading frames could be identified. YBR12.03 codes for a protein of 183 amino acids with homology to one of the proteins of the Bacillus subtilis riboflavin biosynthesis operon (RibG). Deletion mutants of YBR12.03 can germinate but stop growing after five to seven cell divisions on YPD. Supplementation with high concentrations of riboflavin does promote growth. YBR12.05 codes for a protein of 386 amino acids with homology to STI1, a stress-inducible protein of S. cerevisiae. Deletion mutants of YBR12.05 are not viable.  相似文献   

As part of the EEC yeast genome program, a fragment of 15 820 bp from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XI has been sequenced. This fragment corresponds roughly to the centromere-distal half of cosmid pUKG046 and to a small fragment of cosmid pUKG096, which are located approximately 150 kb from the centromere. It contains four open reading frames (ORFs) which encode potential proteins of more than 100 amino acid residues, as well as the UBI2 gene which carries an intron and does not show up as an ORF in the sequence analysis programs. One of the putative proteins, YKR412, is very rich in serine and has significant homology at the carboxyl end to Nopp140 phosphoprotein. YKR413 has several predicted transmembrane domains. YKR15, which has been recently cloned as the MPL1 gene, encodes a polypeptide that shows homologies to myosin heavy chain and to the cytoskeleton protein Uso1.  相似文献   

A 3·2 kb EcoRI fragment of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was entirely sequenced. Two new open reading frames were identified. The first is extremely hydrophobic, and would likely be an integral membrane protein. It has significant similarity to only one reported gene, a gene of unknown function from Drosophila melanogaster. The second ORF is asparagine-rich and very serine-rich, with a remarkable stretch of nearly 26 consecutive asparagine residues comprised of the same codon. It has no significant similarity to any reported gene. The fragment maps to chromosome II on the left arm between the CDC27 and ILS1 loci. The nucleotide sequence reported in this paper has been deposited in the GenBank database with the Accession Number M89908.  相似文献   

We report the sequence analysis of a 78,601 bp DNA segment on the left arm of chromosome II of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This 78·6 kb segment spans the region from the start of a subtelomeric Y′ element up to the ILS1 gene. It contains 49 open reading frames (ORFs) with more than 100 amino acids length including 14 internal and five overlapping ORFs. The gene density, excluding the internal ORFs, was calculated as one ORF per 2·2 kb. Eight ORFs (PKC1, TyA, TyB, ATP1, ROX3, RPL17a, PET112 and ILS1) correspond to previously characterized genes. ORF YBL0718 was identified as CDC27; YBL0706 as TEL1. Four other ORFs show strong similarities to already known genes. The gene product of YBL0838 is 60% identical to the ribosomal protein RPL32 from rat, mouse and man. YBL0701 encodes a protein with significant similarity to the initiation factor eIF2 associated p67 glycoprotein from rat. Eight ORFs were disrupted and the resulting yeast strains analysed with respect to their phenotype. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database under the Accession Number X79489.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a fragment of chromosome XV of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cloned into cosmid pEOA048. The analysis of the 26 857 bp sequence reveals the presence of 19 open reading frames (ORFs), and of one RNA-coding gene (SNR17A). Six ORFs correspond to previously known genes (MKK1/SSP32, YGE1/GRPE/MGE1, KIN4/KIN31/KIN3, RPL37B, DFR1 and HES1, respectively), all others were discovered in this work. Only five of the new ORFs have significant homologs in public databases, the remaining eight correspond to orphans (two of them are questionable). O5248 is a probable folylpolyglutamate synthetase, having two structural homologs already sequenced in the yeast genome. O5273 shows homology with a yeast protein required for vanadate resistance. O5268 shows homology with putative oxidoreductases of different organisms. O5257 shows homology with the SAS2 protein and another hypothetical protein from yeast. The last one, O5245, shows homology with a putative protein of Caenorhabditis elegans of unknown function. The present sequence corresponds to coordinates 772 331 to 799 187 of the entire chromosome XV sequence which can be retrieved by anonymous ftp (ftp. mips. embnet. org).  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of a 2967 bp fragment located near the centromere of chromosome II, between the CEN2 and FUR4 genes, was determined. The segment contains a new open reading frame of 1794 bp. The product encoded by the gene, designated TTP1, is a predicted type II membrane protein of 597 amino acid residues with a short cytoplasmic NH2-terminus, a membrane-spanning region and a large COOH-terminal region containing three potential N-glycosylation sites. Gene disruption indicated that TTP1 is not essential for cell growth. The sequence has been deposited in the GenBank data library under Accession Number U05211.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of an 18,002 bp DNA fragment from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XI. This segment contains nine complete open reading frames (ORFs), YKR401 to YKR409, and part of another ORF, YKR400, covering altogether 87·2% of the entire sequence. One of them, YKR400, encodes an NAD-dependent 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. YKR404, YKR405 and YKR406 correspond to the previously characterized HBS1, MRP-L20 and PRP16 genes, coding for a translation elongation factor, a mitochondrial ribosomal protein and an ATP-binding protein, respectively. The putative product of YKR407 contains the zinc-binding region signature of neutral zinc metallopeptidases. The five other ORFs do not show significant homology to any known protein. The sequence data reported here have been assigned EMBL accession number Z27116.  相似文献   

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