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提出了一种简单实用的算法,用以对彩色照片图像处理生成类似于绘画作品的视觉效果。使用了结合颜色距离和空间位置关系的像素聚类方法来模拟画笔涂抹的区域。同当前主流图像处理软件进行的对比表明,该算法可以获得更佳的处理效果。 相似文献
张晓慧 《数字社区&智能家居》2014,(10):6696-6698
将繁杂的理论设计成具体的案例,以思维导图为工具,进行知识归纳、整理,系统呈现知识体系,强化学生对知识的理解与记忆,提高了教学效果。 相似文献
A new 3D representation of the Mandelbrot set is presented. Although the method employing the Douady Hubbard's potential function has been useful for the 3D representation of the Mandelbrot set, in our new method 3D pictures are generated by setting height components normal to the plane of the original Mandelbrot set. The pictures obtained look like natural landscapes with cliffs. 相似文献
陆洁 《数码设计:surface》2009,(12):268-270
本文从上海电子艺术节谈起,阐述了电子艺术的定义和表现形式,产生的背景和发展。并谈到电子艺术节的现状并展望其未来发展。文章以缘起,定义,发展,现状为结构主线。清晰地阐述了电子艺术的发展状况,并对其发展做不可限量的展望及反思。 相似文献
该文采用EDA技术对电子密码锁进行设计,介绍了设计电子密码锁所采用的设计语言、仿真平台与开发系统,描述了电子密码锁的总体结构、主要功能与设计流程,给出了电子密码锁设计的仿真结果,阐述了计算机仿真在电子系统设计中的功能和重要作用。实践证明,EDA技术将电子系统的软件设计与硬件设计有机地融为一体,为电子系统设计提供了全新的手段,它是现代电子设计的发展趋势。 相似文献
Clifford A. Pickover 《The Visual computer》1992,8(4):233-240
The goal of this article is to present an informal introduction and tutorial on certain graphical aspects of inversion and osculation for the non-mathematician and to present artistic renditions using these methods. 相似文献
Clifford A. Pickover 《The Visual computer》1992,9(3):166-169
This paper provides an introduction to simple techniques for visualizing a large class of intricate shapes generated by osculatory packing of cylinders and spheres. 相似文献
Clifford A. Pickover 《The Visual computer》1990,6(4):227-229
A simple technique is described for demonstrating artistically interesting behavior in chaotic systems defined by complex
dynamics. In particular, the Mandelbrot set for the iterative process
is explored. 相似文献
本文通过对电子签名的概念、法规、主要采用的技术、基本原理以及使用等方面的介绍,并结合在工作中发现的一些网上信息安全性问题,探讨了电子签名在解决这些问题上的相关应用及其作用,最后就电子签名的应用前景作了展望。 相似文献
We are artists working since 1991 on the creation of interactive computer installations for which we design metaphoric, emotional, natural, intuitive and multi-modal interfaces. The interactive experiences we create are situated between art, design, entertainment and edutainment. When creating our interactive systems we often develop novel interface technologies that match conceptual and metaphoric content with technically novel interface solutions. While our main focus is to design interactive systems for the art context, our interactive or immersive systems also often find use in edutainment and in mobile communications areas. The following article summarizes some of our key concepts for our interface designs and presents some of our interactive technologies in more detail. 相似文献
电脑技术发展日新月异,电脑美术设计水平也得到了很大的提高。电脑美术设计借助电脑这一制作工具,为现代设计的发展提供了便利的条件。本文主要对电脑美术设计和传统视觉艺术关系进行了讨论,首先对电脑美术设计进行了概述,然后论述了电脑美术设计和传统设计的关系,最后对电脑美术开拓设计新领域的情况进行了详细阐述。 相似文献
Clifford A. Pickover 《The Visual computer》1993,10(3):173-177
Computer displays of colorful and undulating lava-like forms will decorate living rooms of the future. These forms can already be created using mathematical simulations and hardware-assisted, isosurface computer graphics. In particular, the simulations involve twisted majority rules computed using a 3-D cellular automation lattice described in this paper. 相似文献
介绍电子教鞭系统常用的辅助教学功能,主要包括教师端和学生端的功能,并以计算机课程的教学为例,举例说明如何应用系统进行不同教学模式下的教学活动。描述现代计算机机房的电子教鞭系统,及在不同的教学过程中可以使用电子教鞭的功能进行教学活动。 相似文献
Frank Dietrich 《The Visual computer》1986,2(3):135-151
The field of visual communication is currently facing a period of transition to digital media. Two tracks of development can be distinguished; one utilitarian, the other artistic in scope. The first area of application pragmatically substitutes existing media with computerized simulations and adheres to standards that have evolved out of common practice. The artistic direction experimentally investigates new features inherent in computer imaging devices and exploits them for the creation of meaningful expression. The intersection of these two apparently divergent approaches is the structural foundation of all digital media. My focus will be on artistic explorations, since they more clearly reveal the relevant properties. The metaphor of adata particle is introduced to explain the general universality of digital media. The structural components of the data particle are analysed in terms of duality, discreteness and abstraction. These properties are found to have significant impact on the production process of visual information: digital media encourage interactive use, integrate different classes of symbolic representation, and facilitate intelligent image generation. 相似文献
科学技术与社会水平的不断发展促进了计算机在各领域的普及和应用,随着人们生活节奏的加快,现代化科技水平在人们生活中所扮演的角色也随之越来越重要,而计算机技术正是这些现代化科技中的核心代表产物。在全球经济水平高速发展的同时,为了跟上现代生活中人们生活与工作的步伐,不断地开辟新型市场交易路径是其中的关键所在,而电子商务正是在这一前提下产生和发展的。当电子商务的规模逐渐壮大、影响力逐渐深远的同时,为了保障交易双方的信息安全从而使得电子商务得以正常顺畅的开展,加强计算机安全技术的应用十分必要。基于上述几点考虑,通过对计算机安全技术相关概念的阐述,结合实际案例对其在电子商务中的应用进行了全面的探讨,拟为计算机安全技术的进一步普及和发展提供可靠的依据。 相似文献
Clifford A. Pickover 《The Visual computer》1993,9(4):227-229
The goal of this article is to present an informal introduction and tutorial on the production of aesthetically pleasing solid models. The article is intended for the nonmathematical reader interested in computer art. Simple generating formulas and recipes are included. 相似文献
李华山 《中国图象图形学报》1996,1(1):53-57
本文旨在讨论计算中的某些数学问题,计算机艺术与通常艺术作品不同之点在于它特有的数学结构,因而数学模型与方法在理论与实践都起着重要作用,本文对诸如几何模型,数学变换,迭代算法,动画等某些实用技巧作为概述,还介绍了关于审美准则的数学描述。 相似文献
The major techniques in computer art in use so far are classified into six categories and evaluated. Among these categories, we discuss the function method in detail by showing pictures generated by our system ART-3, a small system based on the function method. By this means we show the usefulness of mathematics in this area and demonstrate the enormous possibilities of computer art. Furthermore, on the basis of our experience of using ART-3 the role of artists in technology-aided art is briefly discussed. 相似文献
作者通过介绍进行计算机美工基础教育的艺术欣赏、工作美工的需要和教学中培养学生创造性三个方面,阐述了当前信息化教育中计算机美工基础教育的意义和作用。 相似文献