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针对OpenCL(open computing language)编译时期的特有模式, 提出了一种新的针对异构计算平台的编译期优化方法。该方法根据设备端和主机端的各自特点, 将设备端的一些冗余操作提到主机端或者新的设备端kernel中去执行, 以达到降低存储器读写的目的。这种方法充分利用了异构计算平台的特点, 较传统优化方法相对灵活。大多数情况下能有效提高OpenCL的运行速度, 测试用例中在应用原有编译器优化的基础上最快提高了270%。  相似文献   

The ability to represent, manipulate, and optimize data placement and movement between processors in a distributed address space machine is crucial in allowing compilers to generate efficient code. Data placement is embodied in the concept of dataownership. Data movement can include not just the transfer of data values but the transfer of ownership as well. However, most existing compilers for distributed address space machines either represent these notions in a language-or machine-dependent manner, or represent data or ownership transfer implicitly. In this paper we describe XDP, a set of intermediate language extensions for representing and manipulating data and ownership transfers explicitly in a compller. XDP is supported by a set of per-processor structures that can be used to implement ownership testing and manipulation at run-time, XDP provides a uniform framework for translating and optimizing sequential, data parallel, and message-passing programs to a distributed address space machine. We describe analysis and optimization techniques for this explicit representation. Finally, we compare the intermediate languages of some current distributed address space compilers with XDP.  相似文献   

赵迪  华保健  朱洪军 《计算机应用》2016,36(9):2481-2485
函数式语言编译中,闭包变换和函数消除是广泛采用的高阶代码消除方法。为了提高函数式语言的运行效率,针对函数式语言编译阶段的高阶代码消除过程对目标代码效率的影响,设计并实现了一种函数式语言编译框架。该框架采用了菱形的架构,平行地使用了闭包变换与函数消除两种高阶代码消除方法。设计了一种具有代表性的函数式语言——FUN语言,并以FUN语言为基础,给出了比较框架的一个完整实现。通过该系统,对闭包变换与函数消除的效率影响进行对比实验,选取具有典型特征的测试例,分别从生成代码的规模和运行效率方面对闭包变换与函数消除两种方法的结果进行比较。实验结果表明,与闭包变换相比,使用函数消除方式所得的目标代码量更少,最多可减少33.76%的目标代码量;并且运行效率更高,最多可提高69.51%。  相似文献   

Conditional branches are expensive. Branches require a significant percentage of execution cycles since they occur frequently and cause pipeline flushes when mispredicted. In addition, branches result in forks in the control flow, which can prevent other code‐improving transformations from being applied. In this paper we describe profile‐based techniques for replacing the execution of a set of two or more branches with a single branch on a conventional scalar processor. These sets of branches can include tests of multiple variables. For instance, the test if (p1 != 0 && p2 != 0) , which is testing for NULL pointers, can be replaced with if (p1 & p2 != 0) . Program profiling is performed to target condition merging along frequently executed paths. The results show that eliminating branches by merging conditions can significantly reduce the number of conditional branches executed in non‐numerical applications. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

苏伯珙  王剑 《计算机学报》1992,15(7):491-498,506
本文首先提出一种能够充分开发循环程序指令级细粒度并行性的编译技术——两级软件流水,该技术基于URPR软件流水算法,把资源分配和代码优化有机地结合起来;然后叙述采用两级软件流水的VLIW优化编译器;最后给出一个FFT内层循环编译过程的实例及初步实验结果.  相似文献   

针对当前算法在求解规模较大的TSP时得到的近似解中常常存在路径交叉这一不足,提出了一种路径交叉检测与消除方法,可以完全消除路径交叉从而提高近似解的质量;通过分析近似解的结构,发现一些相邻节点相互交换位置也可以有效提高解的质量,因此提出了一种邻节点置换方法。实验表明提出的方法可以有效改进模拟退火算法求得的TSP近似解。  相似文献   

马社祥  刘铁根 《计算机应用》2006,26(2):436-0438
为了提高块匹配运动估计的速度和精度,提出了多分辨逐步消除快速匹配算法。在块匹配运动估计中,像素块通过抽取降样而构成四种分辨率,对某匹配点而言,若其在较低分辨率上不满足为最优的必要条件,即对应于一不等式成立,说明该匹配点与当前最优点的像素信息差别较大,因此,将其消除,而不必进行复杂的匹配运算;否则,再在较高分辨率上进行相同的操作过程。如此逐步精细求优过程,使得只需用少量的计算就可以消除相当一部分的匹配点。同时,结合NTSS快速算法进行多分辨逐步消除。实验结果显示,本文方法能有效减少运算量。  相似文献   

We describe an algorithm (VQE) for a variant of the real quantifier elimination problem (QE). The variant problem requires the input to satisfy a certain extra condition, and allows the output to be almost equivalent to the input. The motivation/rationale for studying such a variant QE problem is that many quantified formulas arising in applications do satisfy the extra conditions. Furthermore, in most applications, it is sufficient that the output formula is almost equivalent to the input formula. The main idea underlying the algorithm is to substitute the repeated projection step of CAD by a single projection without carrying out a parametric existential decision over the reals. We find that the algorithm can tackle important and challenging problems, such as numerical stability analysis of the widely-used MacCormack’s scheme. The problem has been practically out of reach for standard QE algorithms in spite of many attempts to tackle it. However, the current implementation of VQE can solve it in about 12 hours. This paper extends the results reported at the conference ISSAC 2009.  相似文献   

针对有效冗余阅读器消除算法(Efficient Redundant Reader Elimination,ERRE)存在对RFID网络拓扑结构要求高和需要设定用户自定义因子的不足,提出基于试探性消除策略的改进ERRE算法。该算法在ERRE算法的基础上加入试探性消除策略,提高算法在不同拓扑结构下运行的有效性;并删除性能函数和权重函数,设阅读器的邻居数与覆盖数的比值作为冗余阅读器判定值。最后,通过实例分析证明改进算法的有效性,并和算法RRE、LEO、ERRE进行仿真对比分析。实验结果表明,改进算法在继承ERRE算法优点的同时,可适用于任何拓扑结构的RFID网络,而且不需要设定用户自定义因子,避免了人为因素对实验结果可信度的影响。相较其他算法,改进算法可以有效消除更多冗余阅读器。  相似文献   

康跃馨  甘元科  王生原 《软件学报》2019,30(7):2003-2017
同步数据流语言(如Lustre、Signal)在航空、高铁、核电等安全关键领域得到广泛应用.例如,适合这些领域实时控制系统建模和开发的Scade工具就是基于一种类Lustre语言.这类语言相关开发工具,特别是编译器的安全性问题也自然受到高度关注.近年来,基于形式化验证实现可信编译器构造成为程序设计语言领域的研究焦点之一,也取得了瞩目的成果,如CompCert项目实现了产品级的可信C编译器.同样,人们也采用这种方法开展了同步数据流语言可信编译器的研发工作.主要关注从事这一工作的两个长线项目,二者均研发面向基于Lustre的同步数据流语言编译器,分别以Vélus和L2C代称.对Vélus和L2C从多个重要的角度进行较为深入的分析与比较.  相似文献   

在所有的封闭式电子拍卖中存在的一个共同的缺陷结点(tie)问题,即几个投标者同时投了最高价,由于存在着结点严重地影响了拍卖的效率。基于shamir的(t,n)门限体制提出了一种淘汰式无拍卖行的匿名电子拍卖,采用无拍卖行且每个投标者的标价在投标者之间分享实现标价的匿名性的同时,提出了一种淘汰式拍卖解决结点问题,从而使拍卖的效率得到了提高。  相似文献   

Java编译系统的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
文中综述了具有代表性的Java编译系统:以采用的虚拟机技术来划分的三代Java编译系统,以及为特定平台的服务器端Java程序设计的编译系统,对它们的结构和工作原理进行了阐述,并分析指出了它们各自的优缺点,进行了一些比较,为实现基于我国国产系统平台COSA/COSIX上的Java编译系统提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

A comparison is presented in regular algebra of the Gaussian and Gauss-Jordon elimination techniques for solving sparse systems of simultaneous equations. Specifically, the elimination form and product form of the star A* of a matrix A are defined and it is then shown that the product form is never more sparse than the elimination form. This result generalises an earlier one due to Brayton, Gustavson and Willoughby in which it is shown that the product form of the inverse A-1 of a matrix A is never more sparse than the elimination form of the inverse. Our result applies both in linear algebra and, more generally, to path-finding problems.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the theorem proverMETEOR which is a high-performance model elimination prover running in sequential, parallel, and distributed computing environments.METEOR has a very high inference rate. But, as is the case with better chess-playing programs, speed alone is not sufficient when exploring large search spaces; intelligent search is necessary. We describe modifications to traditional iterative deepening search mechanisms whose implementation inMETEOR result in performance improvements of several orders of magnitude and that have permitted the discovery of proofs unobtainable by top-down model elimination provers.  相似文献   

Media hashing is an alternative approach to many applications previously accomplished with watermarking. The major disadvantage of the existing media hashing technologies is their limited resistance to geometric attacks. In this paper, a novel geometric distortion-invariant image hashing scheme, which can be employed to perform copy detection and content authentication of digital images, is proposed. Our major contributions are threefold: (i) a mesh-based robust hashing function is proposed; (ii) a sophisticated hash database for error-resilient and fast matching is constructed; and (iii) the application scalability of our scheme for content copy tracing and authentication is studied. In addition, we further investigate several media hashing issues, including robustness and discrimination, error analysis, and complexity, with respect to the proposed image hashing system. Exhaustive experimental results obtained from benchmark attacks confirm the excellent performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

An algorithm for displaying curved surfaces with hidden lines eliminated is described. The surfaces are displayed as rectangular grids of straight segments which approximate those surfaces. The algorith is essentially one of brute force. However, it divides the screen space into small 3D boxes to reduce the number of subpatches to be checked to determine the visibility of each grid point. It turned out that this division process made this algorithm about 10 times faster than the algorithm which had no use of the division.Expanding the algorithm for making contour drawings is very easy. Some methods for drawing silhouette lines are considered.  相似文献   

介绍了使用EDA的优越性,分析了VHDL语言及其基本特点,用VHDL语言编写了楼梯照明灯控制的源程序,通过编译和功能仿真,输出波形图,验证其正确性。  相似文献   

Java编译程序技术与Java性能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
冀振燕  程虎 《软件学报》2000,11(2):173-178
概述了Java编译程序技术,把Java编译程序分成5类:具有解释技术的编译程序;具有及时(JIT)编译技术的编译程序;具有自适应优化技术的编译程序;本地编译程序和翻译程序.详细描述和分析了它们的体系结构和工作原理.同时也分析了编译程序技术对Java性能的影响.  相似文献   

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