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摘 要: 为了从日益丰富的蒙古文信息中快速准确地检索用户需求的主题信息,提出了一种融合主题模型LDA与语言模型的方法。该方法首先对蒙古文文本建立一元和二元语言模型,得到文本的语言概率分布;然后基于LDA建立主题模型,利用吉普斯抽样方法计算模型的参数,挖掘得到文档隐含的主题概率分布;最后,计算出文档主题分布与语言分布的线性组合概率分布,以此分布来计算文档主题与查询关键词之间的相似度,返回与查询关键词主题最相关的文档。语言模型充分利用蒙古文语法特征,而主题模型LDA又具有良好的潜在语义挖掘及主题发现的泛化学习能力,从而结合两种方法更好的实现蒙古文文档的主题语义检索,提高检索准确性。实验结果表明,融合LDA模型与语言模型的方法相比单一模型体现主题语义方面取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

在自然语言处理领域,LDA主题模型是进行文本语义挖掘的一种统计模型,用来发现文档中的隐含主题,将词项空间表达的文档约简为主题空间的低维表达,实现信息检索、文本分类等。本文阐述了LDA模型的文档生成过程、LDA模型的图模型表示、基于LDA的扩展模型以及未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

程玉胜  梁辉  王一宾  黎康 《计算机应用》2016,36(11):2963-2968
传统的文本分类多以空间向量模型为基础,采用层次分类树模型进行统计分析,该模型多数没有结合特征项语义信息,因此可能产生大量频繁语义模式,增加了分类路径。结合基本显露模式(eEP)在分类上的良好区分特性和基于最小期望风险代价的决策粗糙集模型,提出了一种阈值优化的文本语义分类算法TSCTO:在获取文档特征项频率分布表之后,首先利用粗糙集联合决策分布密度矩阵,计算最小阈值,提取满足一定阈值的高频词;然后结合语义分析与逆向文档频率方法获取基于语义类内文档频率的高频词;采用eEP分类方法获得最简模式;最后利用相似性公式和《知网》提供的语义相关度,计算文本相似性得分,利用三支决策理论对阈值进行选择。实验结果表明,TSCTO算法在文本分类的性能上有一定提升。  相似文献   

基于本体的Web文本挖掘与信息检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
艾伟  孙四明  张峰 《计算机工程》2010,36(22):75-77
针对传统Web文本挖掘技术缺少语义理解能力的不足,提出并实现一种基于本体的Web文本挖掘模型,即利用基于本体概念体系的向量空间模型替代传统的向量空间模型来表示文档,在此基础上进行Web文本挖掘,并给出一种集成语义信息检索的设计。实验结果初步验证了本体模型在Web文本挖掘技术上应用的可行性。  相似文献   

基于向量空间模型的文本分类中特征向量是极度稀疏的高维向量,只有降低向量空间维数才能提高分类效率。在利用统计方法选择文本分类特征降低特征空间维数的基础上,采用隐含语义分析技术,挖掘文档特征间的语义信息,利用矩阵奇异值分解理论进一步降低了特征空间维数。实验结果表明分类结果宏平均F1约提高了5%,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对文本挖掘过程中存在的搜索空间过大问题,介绍潜在语义分析的方法,指出该方法应用在文本情感分类中,具有空间占用小的优点,阐述潜在语义分析算法通过对词项和文档矩阵进行奇异值分解,能够有效降低文本情感分类的搜索空间并对词项在语义层面进行分析,解决一词多义的问题。  相似文献   

评论文本中蕴含着丰富的用户和物品信息,将其应用于推荐算法有助于缓解数据稀疏问题,提高推荐准确度.然而,现有的基于评论的推荐模型对评论文本的挖掘不够充分和有效,并且大多忽视了用户兴趣随时间的迁移和蕴含物品属性的物品描述文档,使得推荐结果不够准确.基于此,文中提出了一种基于深度语义挖掘的推荐模型(Deep Semantic...  相似文献   

层次标签文本分类是自然语言处理领域中一项具有挑战性的任务,每个文档需要被正确分类到对应具有层次结构的多个标签中。然而在标签集中,由于标签包含的语义信息不充分,同时被归类到深层次标签的文档数量过少,深层次标签训练不充分,导致显著的标签训练不平衡问题。基于此,提出了深层次标签辅助分类任务的层次标签文本分类方法(DLAC)。该方法提出了一种深层次标签辅助分类器,在标签语义增强的基础上有效利用文本特征与深层次标签对应的父标签结点(即浅层次标签的丰富特征)来提升深层次标签的分类性能。与11种算法在三个数据集上的对比实验结果表明,模型能够有效提升深层次标签的分类性能,并取得良好效果。  相似文献   

现有可解释性文档分类常忽略对文本信息的深度挖掘,未考虑单词与单词上下文、句子与句子上下文之间的语义关系.为此,文中提出基于生成式-判别式混合模型的可解释性文档分类方法,在文档编码器中引入分层注意力机制,获得富含上下文语义信息的文档表示,生成精确的分类结果及解释性信息,解决现有模型对文本信息挖掘不够充分的问题.在PCMag、Skytrax评论数据集上的实验表明,文中方法在文档分类上性能较优,生成较准确的解释性信息,提升方法的整体性能.  相似文献   

利用交叉分类机制共享因特网上各种语言的信息资源是知识挖掘的重要方法,本文给出了双语交叉分类的模型以及实现方法。其主要思想是不需要进行机器翻译和人工标注,利用文本特征抽取机制提取类别特征项和文本特征项,通过基于概念扩充的对译映射规则自动生成类别和文本特征向量,在此基础上利用潜在语义分析,将双语文本在语义层面上统一起来,通过类别与文本的语义相似度进行分类。从而获取较高的精度。  相似文献   

This paper proposes three feature selection algorithms with feature weight scheme and dynamic dimension reduction for the text document clustering problem. Text document clustering is a new trend in text mining; in this process, text documents are separated into several coherent clusters according to carefully selected informative features by using proper evaluation function, which usually depends on term frequency. Informative features in each document are selected using feature selection methods. Genetic algorithm (GA), harmony search (HS) algorithm, and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are the most successful feature selection methods established using a novel weighting scheme, namely, length feature weight (LFW), which depends on term frequency and appearance of features in other documents. A new dynamic dimension reduction (DDR) method is also provided to reduce the number of features used in clustering and thus improve the performance of the algorithms. Finally, k-mean, which is a popular clustering method, is used to cluster the set of text documents based on the terms (or features) obtained by dynamic reduction. Seven text mining benchmark text datasets of different sizes and complexities are evaluated. Analysis with k-mean shows that particle swarm optimization with length feature weight and dynamic reduction produces the optimal outcomes for almost all datasets tested. This paper provides new alternatives for text mining community to cluster text documents by using cohesive and informative features.  相似文献   

Searching for similar document has an important role in text mining and document management. In whether similar document search or in other text mining applications generally document classification is focused and class or category that the documents belong to is tried to be determined. The aim of the present study is the investigation of the case which includes the documents that belong to more than one category. The system used in the present study is a similar document search system that uses fuzzy clustering. The situation of belonging to more than one category for the documents is included by this system. The proposed approach consists of two stages to solve multicategories problem. The first stage is to find out the documents belonging to more than one category. The second stage is the determination of the categories to which these found documents belong to. For these two aims -threshold Fuzzy Similarity Classification Method (-FSCM) and Multiple Categories Vector Method (MCVM) are proposed as written order. Experimental results showed that proposed system can distinguish the documents that belong to more than one category efficiently. Regarding to the finding which documents belong to which classes, proposed system has better performance and success than the traditional approach.  相似文献   

Recently research on text mining has attracted lots of attention from both industrial and academic fields. Text mining concerns of discovering unknown patterns or knowledge from a large text repository. The problem is not easy to tackle due to the semi-structured or even unstructured nature of those texts under consideration. Many approaches have been devised for mining various kinds of knowledge from texts. One important aspect of text mining is on automatic text categorization, which assigns a text document to some predefined category if the document falls into the theme of the category. Traditionally the categories are arranged in hierarchical manner to achieve effective searching and indexing as well as easy comprehension for human beings. The determination of category themes and their hierarchical structures were most done by human experts. In this work, we developed an approach to automatically generate category themes and reveal the hierarchical structure among them. We also used the generated structure to categorize text documents. The document collection was trained by a self-organizing map to form two feature maps. These maps were then analyzed to obtain the category themes and their structure. Although the test corpus contains documents written in Chinese, the proposed approach can be applied to documents written in any language and such documents can be transformed into a list of separated terms.  相似文献   

基于统计的文本相似度量方法大多先采用TF-IDF方法将文本表示为词频向量,然后利用余弦计算文本之间的相似度。此类方法由于忽略文本中词项的语义信息,不能很好地反映文本之间的相似度。基于语义的方法虽然能够较好地弥补这一缺陷,但需要知识库来构建词语之间的语义关系。研究了以上两类文本相似度计算方法的优缺点,提出了一种新颖的文本相似度量方法,该方法首先对文本进行预处理,然后挑选TF-IDF值较高的词项作为特征项,再借助HowNet语义词典和TF-IDF方法对特征项进行语义分析和词频统计相结合的文本相似度计算,最后利用文本相似度在基准文本数据集合上进行聚类实验。实验结果表明,采用提出的方法得到的F-度量值明显优于只采用TF-IDF方法或词语语义的方法,从而证明了提出的文本相似度计算方法的有效性。  相似文献   

String alignment for automated document versioning   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The automated analysis of documents is an important task given the rapid increase in availability of digital texts. Automatic text processing systems often encode documents as vectors of term occurrence frequencies, a representation which facilitates the classification and clustering of documents. Historically, this approach derives from the related field of data mining, where database entries are commonly represented as points in a vector space. While this lineage has certainly contributed to the development of text processing, there are situations where document collections do not conform to this clustered structure, and where the vector representation may be unsuitable for text analysis. As a proof-of-concept, we had previously presented a framework where the optimal alignments of documents could be used for visualising the relationships within small sets of documents. In this paper we develop this approach further by using it to automatically generate the version histories of various document collections. For comparison, version histories generated using conventional methods of document representation are also produced. To facilitate this comparison, a simple procedure for evaluating the accuracy of the version histories thus generated is proposed.  相似文献   

Automatic text classification based on vector space model (VSM), artificial neural networks (ANN), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Naives Bayes (NB) and support vector machine (SVM) have been applied on English language documents, and gained popularity among text mining and information retrieval (IR) researchers. This paper proposes the application of VSM and ANN for the classification of Tamil language documents. Tamil is morphologically rich Dravidian classical language. The development of internet led to an exponential increase in the amount of electronic documents not only in English but also other regional languages. The automatic classification of Tamil documents has not been explored in detail so far. In this paper, corpus is used to construct and test the VSM and ANN models. Methods of document representation, assigning weights that reflect the importance of each term are discussed. In a traditional word-matching based categorization system, the most popular document representation is VSM. This method needs a high dimensional space to represent the documents. The ANN classifier requires smaller number of features. The experimental results show that ANN model achieves 93.33% which is better than the performance of VSM which yields 90.33% on Tamil document classification.  相似文献   

Text mining techniques include categorization of text, summarization, topic detection, concept extraction, search and retrieval, document clustering, etc. Each of these techniques can be used in finding some non-trivial information from a collection of documents. Text mining can also be employed to detect a document’s main topic/theme which is useful in creating taxonomy from the document collection. Areas of applications for text mining include publishing, media, telecommunications, marketing, research, healthcare, medicine, etc. Text mining has also been applied on many applications on the World Wide Web for developing recommendation systems. We propose here a set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of text mining techniques in an attempt to facilitate the selection of appropriate technique.  相似文献   

文档聚类在Web文本挖掘中占有重要地位,是聚类分析在文本处理领域的应用。文章介绍了基于向量空间模型的文本表示方法,分析并优化了向量空间模型中特征词条权重的评价函数,使基于距离的相似性度量更为准确。重点分析了Web文档聚类中普遍使用的基于划分的k-means算法,对于k-means算法随机选取初始聚类中心的缺陷,详细介绍了采用基于最大最小距离法的原则,结合抽样技术思想,来稳定初始聚类中心的选取,改善聚类结果。  相似文献   

许伟佳 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,5(9):7281-7283,7286
文档聚类在Web文本挖掘中占有重要地位.是聚类分析在文本处理领域的应用。文章介绍了基于向量空间模型的文本表示方法,分析并优化了向量空间模型中特征词条权重的评价函数,使基于距离的相似性度量更为准确。重点分析了Web文档聚类中普遍使用的基于划分的k-means算法.对于k-means算法随机选取初始聚类中心的缺陷.详细介绍了采用基于最大最小距离法的原则,结合抽样技术思想,来稳定初始聚类中心的选取,改善聚类结果。  相似文献   

基于文本挖掘的可视化竞争情报提取   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
竞争情报的提取需要更自动而高效的工具。本文根据竞争情报的特点,并借助于迅速发展的文本挖掘和信息可视化思想和技术,提出了基于文本挖掘的可视化竞争情报提取系统,并对其中所涉及到的文档收集、文档预处理、文本挖掘和信息可视化等关键技术进行了较为详细的讨论。  相似文献   

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