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Magnetic susceptibility and magnetization measurements on V3O7 from 4,2 to 600 K characterize a paramagnetic behaviour above 18 K : the samples follow a Curie-Weiss law with a Curie constant in good agreement with a spin only value S = 12 per V4+. At lower temperature the magnetic ordering may be attributed to a metamagnetic behaviour resulting from the layer type structure.  相似文献   

An investigation by electron microscopy confirms the low temperature transition in single crystal of V2O3 and V2?xCrxO3 (x = 0,048). The twin planes were identified in the corundun structure as (1 1 2 0)M. An explanation is proposed.  相似文献   

Single crystals of europium oxide Eu2O3 with monoclinic B structure were prepared by the Verneuil process. The magnetic properties of these crystals have been studied. Paramagnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed for various orientations of the crystal with respect to the magnetic field at constant temperatures (5,77 and 300 K) as well as at increasing temperatures (5 – 1000 K). They show an anisotropy. An interpretation of this phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   

Structural, magnetic and thermal properties have been carried out on V6O11 mixed valence oxide. It has been shown that the metal-insulator transition which occurs at 163 K is associated to a crystallographic modification. On the basis of the already known low temperature structure of V4O7 a scheme is proposed in order to describe the M-I transition. It involves both electron localization and pair formation, and agrees well with the magnetic susceptibility data in the paramagnetic region.  相似文献   

The unit cell of Dy5Re2O12 is monoclinic, space group P2l/m, with a = 12.425(8), b = 7.511(5), c = 5.653(5) A?, γ = 107.8(2)°, Z = 2.The crystal structure has been determined from single crystal diffractometer data. However, the presence of a polysynthetic twinning prevents a correct refinement.This structure is built from infinite chains of octaedra ReO6 along c axis which are bridged along b axis by isolated octaedra DyO6. These two types of octaedra from sheets along (100) between them are located the other Dy atoms which assume the cohesion of this tridimensionnal network.  相似文献   

Non cristalline pentoxide V2O5 obtained from molten V2O5 using quenching method contains a few amount of water. Thermogravimetry, thermal analysis, mass spectrometer, aqueous dissolution demonstrate that it exists a relation between non cristalline structure and water bond. At 190°C, the oxide crystallises at the same time that the water is eliminated.  相似文献   

During the study of polymorphic transformation from monoclinic to orthorhombic ReO2, particular crystal growth of monoclinic oxide has been observed. Electronic microscopy results lead up to conclude that this phenomenon is spiral growth. Original electron diffraction patterns are obtained which show two kinds of polygonal spirals.  相似文献   

Crystals of Mn0.25NbS2 and Mn0.33NbS2 phases were grown by iodine vapor transport. Their accurate composition has been determined and single phase specimens used for studies of magnetic and electrical properties. Both compounds show ferromagnetic interactions at low temperature. Curie paramagnetic temperatures are 120°K for Mn0.25NbS2 and 53°K for Mn0.33NbS2. The experimental magnetic moments indicate an intermediate valence state (between +2 and +3) for manganese in the compounds. Resistivity and Hall measurements show a metallic character and coincide with the intermediate valence state. Interpretations are given in terms of a simple band model, and an analysis of the magnetic interactions is proposed.  相似文献   

The authors describe a rhenium oxide, Re2O5. It was revealed and investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy and single diffraction. The orthorhombic unic cell is related to the ReO3 cubic cell in terms of: b=c=ac= 3,747 A and a= 2 ac √2= 10,598 A?. The crystal structure is explained from patterns, according to the structural scheme of Me2O5 and particularly to vanadium pentoxide structure. It is obvious that there exists a close relationship between them.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of potassium tantalum oxide fluoride K2Ta4O9F4 has been previously determined by X ray-diffraction, but this technique is unable to distinguish in the lattice between oxygen and fluorine atoms. From NMR measurements on 19F it is possible by a Van Vleck second moment approach to locate the F? ions at the corners of the octahedra, forming infinite Ta-F-Ta … chains along the c axis.  相似文献   

Ternary sulphides isolated from the SnS-BaS and SnS-Tl2S systems have been prepared to examine some basic physical properties. Results on electrical conductivity and optical absorption measurements are reported. For Tl4SnS3 α, built up from sheets, electrical conductivity (σ// and σ⊥) on single crystal was carried out and shown a p type semiconductor with electronic gap of 1.13 eV.  相似文献   

The variation of the electrical resistivity of non-stoichiometric WO3, as a function of oxygen pressure has been studied at 750°C and in the range of 1 atm ? PO2 ? 10?16.6 atm, corresponding to 0 ? x ? 0.04.The stair-like log10ρ vs log10 PO2 curve shows evidence of the existence of seven Magneli type phases in which the conduction mechanism depends on the shear planes rather than on point defects.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity and the thermoelectric power of trivalent iron oxide α-Fe2O3, studied in the crystallographic plane (001) and along the [001] axis, have shown typical anisotropic behaviour.In the same material, the existence of two electronic transitions at 2.14 and 2.50 eV respectively has been found after optical absorption measurements.At high temperature (T > 1020 K) the electrical conductivity has an essentially intrinsic origin, and is practically independent of the oxygen pressure, while the extrinsic contribution predominates below 720 K.According to the model developped for the interpretation of the above experimental results, the peculiar behaviour of the electrical conductivity results from variations in the mobility of the carriers, depending on the electronic levels they are likely to occupy. These levels were identified as the results of a split in the t2g orbitals of iron under the influence of the rhombohedral. distortion of the crystal field.Furthermore, the anisotropy of mobility is strongly dependent on the magnetic order below Néel temperature.


L'étude de la conductivité électrique et du pouvoir thermoélectrique de l'oxyde de fer Fe2O3α, effectuée selon la direction cristallographique [001] et dans le plan (001), a révélé une grande anisotropie de comportement. Sur le même matériau des mesures d'absorption optique ont montré l'existence de deux transitions électroniques, à 2,14 et 2,50 eV respectivement.Prenant en compte l'ensemble de ces résultats un modèle a été proposé pour expliquer les propriétés du matériau à diverses températures et sous différentes pressions partielles d'oxygène.A température élevée (T > 1020 K) la conductivité électrique, pratiquement indépendante de la pression d'oxygène, est à forte dominante intrinsèque. En revanche, à basse température (T < 720 K), la conductivité est d'origine extrinsèque.La diversité des mécanismes de conduction observés peut s'expliquer par l'existence de porteurs dont la mobilité varie suivant les niveaux d'énergie qu'ils occupent. Ces niveaux résultent de l'éclatement des orbitales t2g du fer dû à la distorsion rhomboédrique du champ cristallin.Les mobilités anisotropes sont fortement affectées par l'ordre magnétique au-dessous de la température de Néel.  相似文献   

Reversible hydration of amorphous V2O5 has been performed in order to study the effect of water upon the properties of the oxide. A drastic change of the ESR spectrum is observed, which turns from anisotropic to isotropic upon hydration. This has been interpreted in terms of a brownian motion which, by analogy with the V2O5 gels, is supposed to be due to the fibrous texture of the amorphous oxide.  相似文献   

The system V1?xFexO2 (x ? 0.020) was investigated by X-ray diffraction, DTA, magnetic susceptibility measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The phase diagram and the magnetic properties are similar to those of the V1?xCrxO2 and V1?xAlxO2 systems previously studied. In oxygen deficient materials appears a Magnéli type shear phase, the Fe3+ ions occupying the shear planes.  相似文献   

CnH2n+1N+(CH3)3 ions and CnH2n+1NH2 amines with n ranging from 1 to 18 have been intercalated into the lamellar structure of V2O5 gels. Alkyl chain orientation in the interfoliar space has been deduced from the basal d-spacing evolution with the chain length : the chains are parallel, then tilted and finally perpendicular to the host lamellae as the chain length increases. Their monolayer disposition is also demonstrated. The large adaptability of the host structure proceeding from its gel state, leads to fast reaction at room temperature, especially with small polar heads such as -NH2 (less than an hour). Contrary to usual intercalates, due to the gel state, only a mean composition can be defined. It has been found to correspond to 0.3–0.4 intercalated species per V2O5 : this is in good agreement with the upper limit (0.5) deduced from sterical considerations based upon a full filling of the interfoliar space. Thermal decomposition of alkyl chains restricts the stability of these intercalates to 160°C. More likely of the cationic exchange type with trimethylammonium ions, intercalation mechanism appears more complex with amines, involving probably also a host-guest charge transfer.  相似文献   

The authors have determined the phase diagram of the system V1?xCrxO2 (0 ? x ? 0.15) by magnetic susceptibility, D. T. A. and X-ray diffraction measurements. At small chromium concentrations the existence of the intermediate phases M2 and M3, between M1 and the rutile phase, has been confirmed. But it has been found that M3 has actually a triclinic symmetry without destruction of the V-V pairs already existing in M1. At higher concentrations (x > 0.07) there appears a monoclinic M4 phase in which the V - V pairs are all destroyed.  相似文献   

Structural investigations on the cryolite-like compound Na3AlH6 have been carried out using high-temperature diffractometry. α-Na3AlH6 which crystallises in a monoclinic pseudo-cubic system under room-temperature conditions exhibits at 525 K a polymorphic transition into a f.c.c. form β-Na3AlH6. This result has been established by high-pressure-high-temperature studies. From structural point of view Na3AlH6-β is to be related to the high temperature modification of cryolite Na3AlF6  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy, internal and specular I.R. reflection spectroscopies have been applied to WO3 and MoO3 thin films (~ 5,000 A). These films are amorphous and transform to crystalline materials at 400°C. Structural similarities between WO3 films and the new hexagonal form of WO3 may explain the electrochromic properties of the former.  相似文献   

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