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How do clinical supervisors respond to supervisees' reports of sexualized or sexually harassing behaviors by patients? A survey of experienced supervisors was conducted to answer this question and to determine the incidence of such reports. A substantial number of participants reported receiving at least 1 report of patient sexual harassment of a supervisee. Reports ranged from persistent inappropriate sexual comments to physical sexual assaults. Supervisors' responses ranged from supervisory discussions to active interventions. Clinical supervisors must acknowledge the potential for supervisees to be sexually harassed by patients and incorporate strategies to deal with harassment in their training programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A nationwide survey of 750 female psychologists practicing psychotherapy was conducted to determine the incidence of sexual harassment and potentially sexualized patient behaviors in clinical practice. A usable return rate of 48.7% was obtained (N?=?354). A total of 53.7% of the respondents reported at least 1 incident of sexual harassment. Events ranged from inappropriate verbal remarks to sexual assaults. Respondents reported an even higher incidence of sexually suggestive patient behaviors in clinical practice, although most of these were not experienced as sexual harassment. Implications for training and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Big Ten Student Suicide Study was undertaken from 1980-1990 to determine the suicide rates on Big Ten University campuses. The study design attempted to address many of the statistical and epidemiological flaws identified in previous studies of campus student suicides. The 10-year study collected demographic and correlational data on 261 suicides of registered students at 12 midwestern campuses. The largest number of suicides for both males and females were in the 20-24-year-old age group (46%), and amongst graduate students (32%). The overall student suicide rate of 7.5/100,000 is one half of the computed national suicide rate (15.0/100,000) for a matched sample by age, gender, and race. Despite the overall lower suicide rate, the analyses revealed that students 25 and over have a significantly higher risk than younger students. Although women have rates roughly half those of men throughout their undergraduate years, graduate women have rates not significantly different from their male counterparts (graduate women 9.1/100,000 and graduate men 11.6/100,000).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine obstetrician-gynecologists' (ob-gyns') awareness of and experience with sexual abuse of patients and former patients and their opinions about appropriate consequences. DESIGN: Mailed survey. SETTING: Canada. PARTICIPANTS: All 792 members of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC); 618 (78%) responded. Approximately half of all ob-gyns in Canada belong to the SOGC. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Knowledge of sexual involvement by an ob-gyn colleague with a patient or former patient (as defined by the respondents and by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario [CPSO]), self-report of such involvement, attitudes toward physician sexual abuse, desirable length of time a physician should wait before seeing a former patient in a situation that could lead to a sexual encounter, suggested consequences of sexual abuse. RESULTS: Overall, 10% of the respondents indicated that they knew about another ob-gyn who at some time had been sexually involved with a patient. In all, 3% of the male respondents and 1% of the female respondents reported sexual involvement with a patient; the corresponding proportions of those who reported having been accused of sexual abuse by a patient were 4% and 2%. Significantly more of the female ob-gyns than of their male counterparts (37% v. 19%) reported awareness of a colleague's sexual involvement with a patient that would meet the CPSO's definition of sexual impropriety, transgression or violation. Most of the respondents felt that the consequence of proven sexual impropriety should be reprimand and fine (chosen by 33%) or rehabilitation without loss of licence (28%). Most of the physicians supported loss of licence for proven sexual transgression (57%) or proven sexual violation (74%), but fewer felt that loss of licence should be permanent for these types of abuse (4% and 24% respectively). The female ob-gyns supported stronger sanctions against sexual transgression and sexual violation than the male ob-gyns. A wide range of opinion was seen regarding the propriety of sexual relationships with former patients. CONCLUSIONS: Ob-gyns have varied opinions about how sexual abuse of patients should be defined and how it should be sanctioned. There is a discrepancy between proposed public policy and the beliefs of physicians to whom the policy is to be applied.  相似文献   

Evaluated the effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing and counseling among homosexual and bisexual men participating in the San Francisco City Clinic Cohort (Centers for Disease Control, 1987). Behavioral data from 181 men who learned their HIV antibody status between 1985 and 1987 were compared with data from 128 men who were tested but declined to receive their results. Significant declines in risk indices for unprotected receptive and insertive anal intercourse occurred between 1983–1984 and 1986–1987, but these declines were independent of both knowledge of HIV status and actual serostatus. Ss who chose to learn their HIV status were no more likely to report depression or anxiety subsequent to testing. Frequent access to and discussion of risk-reduction information may be important motivators of behavioral change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of 377 students' attitudes toward counseling at a predominantly Black university produced results similar to those reported for predominantly White campuses. The predisposition to seek out counseling services depended on the type of problem. Most Ss were willing to discuss with the counselor matters related to vocational and educational concerns; however, for personal adjustment problems there was significant decline in the frequency with which the counselor's help was sought. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven hundred and two (346 non-Asian, 356 Asian) undergraduate volunteers were assessed in a confidential laboratory setting on levels of interpersonal sexual behavior (e.g., petting, intercourse), intrapersonal sexual behavior (e.g., fantasy, masturbation), and sociosexual restrictiveness (e.g., lifetime number of partners, number of "one-night stands"). The purpose was to examine possible differences in sexual behavior between Asian and non-Asian Canadian university students and to determine the association between North American residency and the sexual behavior of Asians. The role of gender on sexual behavior both across and within ethnic groups was also examined. Statistical analyses revealed that Asian students were significantly more conservative than non-Asian students on all measures of interpersonal sexual behavior and sociosexual restrictiveness. Significant differences were also noted between Asian and non-Asian students on most measures of intrapersonal sexual behavior. With the exception of two fantasy items, length of residency in Canada was unrelated to interpersonal sexual behavior, intrapersonal sexual behavior, or sociosexual restrictiveness among Asians. Although gender differences were substantial for intrapersonal sexual behaviors such as fantasy and masturbation, no significant gender differences were found for measures of interpersonal sexual experience, with the exception of reported number of one-night stands.  相似文献   

The immunodeficiency of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) is related to multiple and complex alterations of the cytokine network and of its target cells such as T or B lymphocytes, monocytes, fibroblasts or endothelial cells. Chronic activation of monocytic functions is recognized as a key factor in these immunological disorders. Since macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) is essential for the activation of several functions of monocytes and macrophages and their production of cytokines such as interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha, we investigated its involvement in patients with CRF. When measured by ELISA, M-CSF serum levels were significantly higher in patients with progressive CRF and those on hemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) than in controls. M-CSF serum levels did not correlate with the degree of renal insufficiency and were probably related to complex alterations in its production and/or degradation by the specific M-CSF receptors of macrophages. In HD patients the M-CSF serum concentrations inversely correlated with the number of circulating lymphocytes and were significantly higher in anemic patients requiring treatment with erythropoietin. Our results suggest that M-CSF may play a role in altering the immune system in uremic patients by maintaining in the circulation and tissues permanently primed monocytes and/or macrophages that can then be triggered to an activated state by secondary stimuli such as endotoxins, complement components, other cytokines or contact with foreign surfaces.  相似文献   

Surveys of risk behaviors have been hobbled by their reliance on respondents to report accurately about engaging in behaviors that are highly sensitive and may be illegal. An audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (audio-CASI) technology for measuring those behaviors was tested with 1690 respondents in the 1995 National Survey of Adolescent Males. The respondents were randomly assigned to answer questions using either audio-CASI or a more traditional self-administered questionnaire. Estimates of the prevalence of male-male sex, injection drug use, and sexual contact with intravenous drug users were higher by factors of 3 or more when audio-CASI was used. Increased reporting was also found for several other risk behaviors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the current practice of group psychotherapy at university counseling centers. A group usage survey was developed and used to assess the current practice of group psychotherapy. Surveys were distributed to 232 counseling center directors, with 148 responding, yielding a return rate of 64%. The results of the study indicate that the typical group consists of 5–8 members, is co-led for 1.5 hrs, and meets weekly in the late afternoon. Results include information about group screening, preparation, and other group factors. Although group therapy is a widely practiced therapeutic modality, it appears that it is not carrying enough of the burden of treatment delivery despite the widespread administrative constraints on treatment length and the concurrent high level of demand for services in university counseling centers. Implications for practice and future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the prevalence of, characteristics of, and factors associated with forgetting of childhood sexual abuse memories in a large non-clinical sample (N = 1712). METHOD: Using an anonymous survey, we asked respondents about (a) the nature and severity of their childhood abuse; (b) the continuity of their abuse memories; and (c) their experiences with others suggesting to them that they might have been abused. RESULTS: A substantial minority of victims in our sample reported having temporarily forgotten their childhood sexual abuse. Forgetting was largely unassociated with victim or abuse characteristics. Compared to individuals who always remembered their abuse, however, individuals who temporarily forgot were more likely to report that someone had suggested to them that they might have experienced abuse. Those who received such suggestions were particularly likely to suspect that they may have experienced childhood sexual abuse that they do not yet remember. CONCLUSION: Forgetting may be less common than implied by earlier estimates from clinical samples, yet it is not uncommon. Also, a sizable minority of the population is wondering whether they have experienced unremembered abuse, and these suspicions are linked to having encountered suggestions from others. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the phenomenon sometimes labeled repression.  相似文献   

The present study sought to assess the influence of gender and previous sexual experience regarding the structure of the basic sexual behavior hierarchy. Results indicated that both gender and previous experience have significant effects. Overall, gender appeared to have a less substantial effect than previous experience, being more noteworthy for the similarities manifest between males and females than the few differences observed. Previous experience displayed a substantial effect, particularly in the upper portion of the hierarchy, with like-experienced groups showing marked similarity in their hierarchy patterns. Several significant gender-experience interactions were found regarding oral-genital behaviors, and a general trend was observed for females indicating negative appreciation from pre to postexperience. Males revealed positive appreciation from pre to postexperience on all but the most basic sexual behaviors. Conclusions were to the effect that while both variables influenced the hierarchy, effects were complex, and often mediated by additional factors.  相似文献   

Although lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students often "come out" in university settings, empirical studies have demonstrated that these environments are often hostile toward them. The current paper posits that such hostile contexts adversely affect their educational experiences. Results from a survey of a stratified random sample of 1,927 undergraduate and graduate students on a scale measuring perceptions of academic climate (General Campus Climate) supported this claim: LGB students had more negative perceptions of a variety of campus factors. In addition, a scale measuring perceptions of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Campus Climate found that LGB students were more likely than heterosexuals to perceive the campus as inhospitable to LGB people. Women and racial and ethnic minorities were also more likely to rate the LGB climate as hostile. Finally, data from two scales measuring attitudes believed to influence these perceptions yielded gender, racial/ethnic, religious, and sexual orientation differences in theoretically meaningful directions. Results indicate that LGB students often experience the university in more negative ways than heterosexual students, and that certain campus communities--particularly women and racial/ethnic minorities--are more aware of this negativity and contribute to it less because of their relatively more progay attitudes. Implications for how to improve LGB students' experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

To gauge the extent of drug and alcohol use in Canadian university athletes, we estimated the proportion of Canadian university athletes using social and/or ergogenic drugs through survey methods. A secondary purpose was to examine athletes' perceptions of the value of drug testing and drug education programs. Using a stratified random sampling procedure, 754 student athletes were surveyed in eight different sports from eight universities across Canada. Results showed that 17.7 percent of athletes have used major pain medications over the past twelve months, 3 percent reported use of weight loss products, 0.9 percent reported anabolic steroid use, 16.6 percent reported use of smokeless tobacco products, 94.1 percent reported use of alcohol, 65.2 percent reported use of caffeine products, 0.7 percent reported use of amphetamines, 1.0 percent reported use of barbiturates, 19.8 percent reported use of marijuana or hashish, 5.9 percent reported use of psychedelics and 0.8 percent reported use of cocaine/crack.  相似文献   

Although several theories suggest that perceptions of the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, motivate individuals to adopt or maintain self-protective behaviors, the research literature has generally failed to demonstrate this relationship. Because many HIV prevention interventions are based on the presumption of this relationship and because there is support for the effects of risk perception on self-protective behaviors in other health domains, a closer examination of the research concerning HIV risk perception is warranted. Therefore, a critical review of methodological features of research in this area was conducted. Issues considered were measurement; research design; the distinctive characteristics of HIV risk; the sexual and social nature of HIV transmission; and ecological, construct, and statistical conclusion validity. Methodological and design recommendations were made for testing the effects of HIV risk perception more adequately.  相似文献   

This article presents results from a study of occupational stress in Australian university staff. The authors report data on psychological strain and job satisfaction from nearly 9,000 respondents at 17 universities. Academic staff were generally worse off than general staff, and staff in newer universities were worse off than those in older universities. At the aggregate level, self-report measures of psychological well-being were highly correlated with objective measures of university well-being (investment income, student-staff ratios, and recent cuts in staffing levels and in government operating grants). The authors conclude that the financial difficulties imposed on Australian universities in recent years are having serious consequences for the psychological well-being of their staff, particularly academic staff (faculty). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sexual dysfunction is a well-documented complication among male hemodialysis patients. To evaluate it in detail, we conducted a sexual function survey using the Sapporo Medical University Sexual Function Questionnaire. Two hundred five male patients receiving outpatient hemodialysis were entered into this study. Patients with diabetes mellitus and severe anemia (Hb value < 8.0 g/dl) were excluded. The control group consisted of 3,462 healthy male subjects. Of male hemodialysis patients, 33.7% showed deterioration of libido, while 44.4% showed deterioration of potency, both of them decreased greatly with age. Ejaculatory ability correlated with potency. We compared the frequency of sexual intercourse in male hemodialysis patients with that in normal males. Twelve point nine percent of hemodialysis patients (HP) ranging from 30 to 39 in age versus 3.5% of age-matched normal males had no sexual intercourse and 22.4% of HPs from 40 to 49 versus 3.0% of age-matched normal males, 52.2% of HPs from 50 to 59 versus 7.5% of age-matched normal males, and 89.3% of HPs from 60 to 69 versus 18.0% of age-matched normal males had no sexual intercourse. These results revealed that the sexual frequency in hemodialysis patients decreased more than that in normal males in all age groups and with age.  相似文献   

Describes a study in which 31 17-60 yr. old male drug-free heroin addicts, residents of a therapeutic community, were questioned individually by a nonaddict male interviewer as to 7 sexual variables. Results show that during addiction periods, "sexuality" was suppressed; most Ss reported decreased frequencies of intercourse, masturbation, and nocturnal emissions. Proportion of orgasm dropped, ratings of desire and the quality of orgasm were low, and all Ss reported that time to ejaculation was long. In the postaddiction residential phase in the program, sexuality recovered and resembled or was higher than that reported for preaddiction periods. A relationship between changes in sexuality and heroin addiction appears firmly established. A reinforcement hypothesis is discussed. (21 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Efforts to link media use to adolescents' sexual initiation have produced somewhat inconsistent results, perhaps as a result of the limited framing of the question. This study sought to expand current approaches by sampling college students instead of high school students, by investigating a range of sexual behaviors and media formats, and by testing a model that featured sexual cognitions as mediators. We tested our model with a sample of 796 heterosexual, male college students who reported on their regular consumption of 4 media (prime-time TV programs, music videos, movies, and men's magazines); their attitudes toward abstinence, the male sexual role, and nonrelational sex; their perceptions of peer sexual behavior; and several aspects of their sexual behavior (e.g., number of sexual partners). Findings revealed strong support for our mediated model, with exposure to men's magazines and movies contributing most strongly to their sexual cognitions, and with men's cognitions, in turn, contributing heavily to their sexual behavior. Some direct connections from media use to sexual behavior also emerged. Together, the findings provide insight into both potential mechanisms for and new approaches to addressing this issue. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine risk factors for secondary hemorrhage and poor visual outcome in children with traumatic hyphemas. METHODS: We reviewed 99 eyes of 97 children younger than 18 years who had been hospitalized for hyphema within 48 hours of blunt eye trauma. Inpatient records were examined for race, age, sickle cell trait status, size of hyphema and intraocular pressure at admission, secondary hemorrhage (rebleed of hyphema), and medications while hospitalized. Fifty-five eyes of 53 children had at least 1 month of follow-up or attained best-corrected visual acuity of 20/50 or better at their last outpatient visit. RESULTS: Among 99 eyes of 97 children with traumatic hyphema, secondary hemorrhage occurred in nine eyes (9%). Among 72 eyes of 70 African-American children, secondary hemorrhage occurred in nine eyes (14%), whereas in 27 eyes of 27 white children, there were no secondary hemorrhages. However, when the 14 eyes of 13 sickle cell trait-positive children were excluded from the African-American group, the 57 eyes of sickle cell trait-negative African-American and white children did not have any secondary hemorrhages. The sickle cell trait-positive group had secondary hemorrhages in nine of 14 eyes (64%), significantly (P < .005) different from the 0% rate in the 57 eyes of African-American sickle cell trait-negative and white children. The sickle cell trait-positive group also had higher intraocular pressure and permanent visual impairment. CONCLUSION: Sickle cell trait is a significant risk factor for secondary hemorrhage, increased intraocular pressure, and permanent visual impairment in children who have traumatic hyphemas following blunt trauma.  相似文献   

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