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正2016年10月10日,浙江石油化工有限公司在舟山的40 Mt/a炼化一体化项目进行了第二次环评公示。该项目总规模为40 Mt/a炼油、10.40 Mt/a芳烃和2.80Mt/a乙烯,总建设投资约1 600亿元。项目分两期实施,其中一期建设规模为20 Mt/a炼油、5.20 Mt/a芳烃和1.40 Mt/a乙烯,主体工程包括22套炼油装置和15套化工装置;二期工程炼油、芳烃和乙烯等核心装置规模与一  相似文献   

以新建20.00 Mt/a大型炼油化工一体化项目为例,按照分子炼油的理论分析研究了炼油部分的工艺方案,目的是多产芳烃和乙烯原料,少产成品油。渣油的加工采用渣油加氢+重油催化裂化和延迟焦化的组合实现了加氢与脱碳工艺的灵活操作性,减压蜡油和柴油馏分的加工采用多产化工轻油的加氢裂化工艺。研究结果表明,整个项目实施后主要产品包括:成品油产量为8.30 Mt/a,其中汽油3.80 Mt/a、喷气燃料2.80 Mt/a和柴油1.70 Mt/a;对二甲苯4.00 Mt/a、苯1.62 Mt/a;优质乙烯原料3.90 Mt/a等,实现了原油资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

按照分子炼油理论,对某新建10.0 Mt/a化工型炼厂的总体工艺方案进行了优化,主要目标是最大化生产优质的乙烯和重整芳烃原料,实现零黑色产品和零成品油。结果表明:渣油的加工采用沸腾床渣油加氢裂化+未转化油气化工艺(IGCC)的组合模式,实现了减压渣油的轻质化和清洁化加工,同时满足了氢气、燃料气和蒸汽的供应;减压蜡油和柴油馏分采用轻油型的加氢裂化工艺,多产优质的重石脑油和轻烃分别作为重整芳烃原料和乙烯裂解原料;整体规划后,优质乙烯原料加工量为3.88 Mt/a,可以满足1.50 Mt/a乙烯裂解装置需要;重石脑油加工量为6.34 Mt/a,加上乙烯裂解汽油0.45 Mt/a,最终对二甲苯产量为3.85 Mt/a。  相似文献   

中国石油新疆独山子石化公司10Mt/a炼油和1Mt/a乙烯工程于2005年8月开工建设。该工程包括20套炼油装置和12套化工装置,概算投资262亿元人民币,其中炼油部分计划于2007年建成,化工部分计划于2008年建成。工程竣工后,可形成成品油5.50Mt/a、化工产品1.82Mt/a的生产规模。  相似文献   

燕山石油化工公司化工一厂0.3Mt/a乙烯装置规模改成0.45Mt/a后,乙烯装置原料需求量由原来的1.10Mt/a左右上升到1.55Mt/a。在相应配套装置尚未建成投产及原油加工量不增加的情况下,炼油厂通过优化常压塔操作、常三线油深拔、减一线油回炼、调整汽柴油产品结构、优化轻重裂解料比例等手段,圆满地完成了裂解料生产任务。化工一厂及时调整裂解深度,优化操作条件,在乙烯原料性质变重变差的情况下,确保了乙烯产量达标。  相似文献   

茂名石化公司100万t/a乙烯改扩建工程经过两个月的试运行后正式建成投产。该项目投产后将与茂名石化年加工1350万吨原油的炼油厂组成炼油化工一体化基地。  相似文献   

镇海炼化公司1 Mt/a乙烯项目获国务院批准中国石油化工集团公司镇海炼化公司1Mt/a乙烯项目获国务院批准。该项目将在今年正式动工,并于2009年建成。1Mt/a乙烯主体工程包括11套生产装置,项目总投资200多亿元。镇海炼化是目前国内最大的炼油公司,具备建设大型乙烯项目的优良条件。通过建设大型乙烯项目,镇海炼化将成为高科技的炼油化工一体化石化企业,实现炼油和化工的联合。镇海炼化乙烯工程实施循环经济模式,在选择先进的清洁化生产工艺和高效装备的基础上,通过合理配置各类资源,采取成熟的节水、节电、节汽技术和有效的减污环保措施,建设…  相似文献   

凌泽济 《炼油与化工》2011,22(6):9-12,62
文中阐述了蒸汽裂解原料优化技术,包括炼油化工一体化技术、蒸汽裂解原料优质化技术等.炼油化工一体化技术可明显提升乙烯生产的经济效益,蒸汽裂解原料优质化技术主要是提高乙烯收率.并结合扬子石化公司应用蒸汽裂解原料优化技术的实际情况,提出了相应的改进建议.  相似文献   

正埃克森美孚化工公司宣布其新加坡子公司已完成了对新加坡裕廊岛上世界最大芳烃装置的收购。该装置以前由裕廊芳烃集团拥有,位于埃克森美孚公司最大的炼油和石化一体化装置[包括1.9 Mt/a的乙烯产能  相似文献   

目的 在国内某1 500×104 t/a炼化一体化项目中新建100×104 t/a乙烯裂解装置及80×104 t/a对二甲苯装置,设计与原1 200×104 t/a炼油项目及新建300×104 t/a炼油改扩建项目相匹配。项目实施后,全厂柴汽比偏高,成品油总量偏多;乙烯裂解原料不足,且组分偏重;对二甲苯装置技术路线竞争力较弱,故需解决装置存在的上述问题。方法 确定300×104 t/a炼油改扩建项目采用新增“220×104 t/a柴油加氢裂化+260×104 t/a连续重整”路线对炼油加工方案进行优化,以增产乙烯裂解及对二甲苯原料。结果 与优化前相比,全厂柴汽比由1.74降至1.00,成品油总量减少187.68×104 t/a;乙烯裂解原料总量约降低1.74×104 t/a,但乙烯产品量增加5.61×104 t/a,乙烯裂解原料进一步轻质化;对二甲...  相似文献   

In recent years China has seen speedy development of its ethylene industry. Compared to other advanced countries the per capita ethylene consumption in China is still low. With successive startup of grassroots ethylene projects in China after 2006 and debottlenecking and expansion of existing ethylene units China will be confronted with the major issues related with increase of feedstocks for steam cracking. Naphtha is the main feedstock for producing ethylene, and the hydrocracked tail oil is increasing its share in the steam cracker feedstock pool over recent years. This article has analyzed the possibility for maximization of steam cracking feedstock and estimated steam cracker feedstock output based on processing 5 Mt/a of different crudes including the mixed crude transferred through Lu-Ning pipeline and Arabian light crude using corresponding process technologies at the refinery.  相似文献   

China has formed a complete and packaged system of domestic petroleum refining industry. Till 2020 the demand for petroleum products in China will record a sharp growth. However, China is currently confronted with a shortage of oil resources, unsatisfactory quality of petroleum products, a widening gap between demand and supply of steam cracking feedstocks, and a stern situation in environmental protection. In this context the petroleum refiners of China, while taking into account the actual conditions, should seek for the way of deep processing to produce transportation fuels and chemical feedstocks that can hardly be replaced by other energy forms, continue to bring into full play FCC process as core process for making finished oil products, speed up the development of hydrocracking to achieve integration between refining and chemical production, adopt measures that can combine feedstock pre-treatment, novel FCC technologies and after-treatment of products to improve the quality of finished products, as well as realize the recycling of wastewater and control over air pollution caused by SOx to accelerate the development of petroleum processing industry in China.  相似文献   

1 Foreword   In the 1990s China‘ s petroleum processing and petrochemical industry have achieved brisk development in parallel with the sharp growth of national economy.The volume of crude oil processed in China in 1998 reached 152. 4 Mt, increasing by 13% over the 1993 level (Figure 1), and China‘ s refining capacity was ranked the fourth in the world. The ethylene output reached 3.77 Mt, equaling to 1.87 times the total output in 1993 (Figure 2), and China‘ s ethylene capacity was ranked the sixth in the world.……  相似文献   

Based on an integrated refining/chemical plant processing 15 Mt/a of crude and manufacturing 1.0 Mt/a of ethylene under the guideline of "engaging in refining, olefins and aromatics by whatever appropriate means" to maximize the overall value of the integrated refining/chemical plant, it is necessary to concentrate on working on the flow diagram and the solution for mutual supply of materials between the refinery and ethylene plant. After analyzing the feedstock slate, the composition and properties of prod...  相似文献   

复杂体系反应动力学模型在石油加工过程工艺设计、操作条件优化等方面具有重要的应用价值。传统集总模型由于组成划分强烈依赖于建模所用原料,导致其原料适应性差。相比于集总模型,分子层次模型以分子作为最小构筑单元,模型的预测能力及原料适应性大为提高。笔者提出了分子层次模型构建策略,完成了重油加氢处理分子层次模型的构建,并将构建完成的重油加氢处理分子层次模型应用于不同重油原料,以考察其产物性质预测能力与原料适应性。结果表明:不同重油原料的组成模型宏观性质与实验数据一致,分子分布与高分辨质谱数据一致;反应动力学模型计算得到的产物宏观性质与分子分布符合实验结果,硫化物与氮化物的转化规律与实验规律一致。因此,分子层次模型具有一定的预测能力与原料适应性,相比于集总模型具有更高的工业应用价值。  相似文献   

目的对国内乙烯裂解原料的优化配置问题进行分析,为炼化企业提质增效提供相关信息和技术参考。 方法对乙烷裂解制乙烯投资热进行理性分析后,指出国内蒸汽裂解生产乙烯的原料来源广泛,以石脑油为主,兼及少量低碳烃和低辛烷值油品。阐述了石脑油的分离技术及裂解评价试验对乙烯裂解原料优化的重要作用。对煤基石脑油与石油基裂解原料的物性和裂解性能进行对比分析。 结果煤基石脑油中正构烷烃质量分数达到72.83%,其裂解乙烯、丙烯、双烯(乙烯+丙烯)及三烯(双烯+1,3-丁二烯)的收率分别比石油基石脑油高出18.33%~26.27%、5.92%~12.34%、16.50%~21.41%、12.66%~17.53%。煤基石脑油裂解乙烯收率分别比拔头油和油田轻烃高出10.95%和10.74%,双烯收率分别比拔头油和油田轻烃高出4.28%和4.09%,三烯收率分别比拔头油和油田轻烃高出6.89%和6.22%,裂解性能优异。 结论立足于国内“富煤、贫油、少气”的能源结构实际,充分发挥炼化一体化优势,积极盘活石油基乙烯裂解原料,对炼油厂副产低碳烃和低辛烷值油品等适合做乙烯裂解原料的烃类,应该合理利用。以煤基石脑油为突破口拓展新的裂解原料来源,是解决国内乙烯裂解原料短缺问题、实现炼化装置提质增效、推动炼化行业高质量发展,保障能源安全和实现乙烯工业可持续发展的有效途径。   相似文献   

1 MainpointsofconsiderationinoilrefininginChinaThroughdecadesofdevelopment,thepetroleumrefiningindustryinChinanowattainedtoasubstantialscale .Theoverallprocessingcapacityforcrudeoilsreached 2 70Mt/a .Itprocessesdiversifiedcrudes,includ ingparaffinic,interme…  相似文献   

Some selected petroleum based feedstocks have been characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy for their possible use as carbon black feedstock (CBFS). Feedstocks studied are pyrolysis tars, clarified oils, aromatic extracts and vacuum residue. Analysis of average structural NMR parameters show that pyrolysis tars because of their being highly aromatic in character (high BMCI) are the most suitable feedstock for carbon black. Aromatic extracts rank the next. Clarified oils of Indian refinery origin needs further processing due to middle distillate mode refining severity.  相似文献   

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