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In this work, a sensitive and robust vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) single-photon ionization (SPI) ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer (VUV-SPI-IT-TOFMS) for on-line, realtime monitoring of chlorinated organic compounds in waste incineration flue gas has been newly developed. The fragment-free SPI technique with 121.6-nm VUV lamp irradiated by a microwave generator and the quadrupole ion trap to accumulate and select analyte ions were combined with a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer to detect chlorinated organic compounds at trace level. This measuring system was tuned up to detect dioxins precursors with the aim at an application to monitoring trace level toxic substances in flue gases from incinerator furnaces. As a result, this technology has made it possible to analyze trichlorobenzene (T3CB), a dioxin precursor, in 18 s with a sensitivity of 80 ng/m3-N (10 pptv) using the selective accumulation of analyte substances and separation of interfering substances in the ion trap. Moreover, the first field test of the continuous monitoring T3CB in an actual waste incineration flue gas had been done for 7 months. The results show that this system has an exceeding robust performance and is able to maintain the high sensitivity in analyzing T3CB for long months of operation.  相似文献   

Orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometers (oaTOFMS), which are exhibiting a pulsed orthogonal extraction of ion bunches into the TOF mass analyzer from a continuous primary ion beam, are well-suited for continuous ionization methods such as electron impact ionization (EI). Recently an electron beam pumped rare gas excimer lamp (EBEL) was introduced, which emits intensive vacuum UV (VUV) radiation at, e.g., 126 nm (argon excimer) and is well suited as the light source for soft single photon ionization (SPI) of organic molecules. In this paper, a new compact oaTOFMS system which allows switching between SPI, using VUV-light from an EBEL-light source, and conventional EI is described. With the oaTOFMS system, EBEL-SPI and EI mass spectral transients can be recorded at very high repetition rates (up to 100 kHz), enabling high duty cycles and therefore good detection efficiencies. By using a transient recorder card with the capability to perform on-board accumulation of the oaTOF transients, final mass spectra with a dynamic range of 106 can be saved to the hard disk at a rate of 10 Hz. As it is possible to change the ionization modes (EI and SPI) rapidly, a comprehensive monitoring of complex gases with highly dynamic compositions, such as cigarette smoke, is possible. In this context, the EI based mass spectra address the bulk composition (compounds such as water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. in the up to percentage concentration range) as well as some inorganic trace gases such as argon, sulfur dioxide, etc. down to the low ppm level. The EBEL-SPI mass spectra on the other hand are revealing the organic composition down to the lower ppb concentration range.  相似文献   

Single-photon ionization (SPI) using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light produced by an electron beam pumped rare gas excimer source has been coupled to a compact and mobile time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS). The novel device enables real-time on-line monitoring of organic trace substances in complex gaseous matrixes down to the ppb range. The pulsed VUV radiation of the light source is employed for SPI in the ion source of the TOFMS. Ion extraction is also carried out in a pulsed mode with a short time delay with respect to ionization. The experimental setup of the interface VUV light source/time-of-flight mass spectrometer is described, and the novel SPI-TOFMS system is characterized by means of standard calibration gases. Limits of detection down to 50 ppb for aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons were achieved. First on-line applications comprised real-time measurements of aromatic and aliphatic trace compounds in mainstream cigarette smoke, which represents a highly dynamic fluctuating gaseous matrix. Time resolution was sufficient to monitor the smoking process on a puff-by-puff resolved basis. Furthermore, human breath analysis has been carried out to detect differences in the breath of a smoker and a nonsmoker, respectively. Several well-known biomarkers for smoke could be identified in the smoker's breath. The possibility for even shorter measurement times while maintaining the achieved sensitivity makes this new device a promising tool for on-line analysis of organic trace compounds in process gases or biological systems.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a newly developed mobile mass spectrometer for comprehensive on-line analysis of complex gas mixtures such as ambient air or industrial process gases. Three ionization methods, namely, the resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), vacuum-ultraviolet single-photon ionization (SPI), and electron impact ionization (EI) are implemented in this instrument and can be operated (quasi-) simultaneously. By means of this setup, a wide range of compounds can be analyzed due to the unique ionization selectivitiy and sensitivity profiles provided by the different ionization techniques. The mass spectrometer is designed for field application even under severe conditions. The REMPI technique is suitable for the selective and soft ionization (without fragmentation) of aromatic compounds at trace level (ppbv/pptv). The also soft but less selective SPI technique with 118-nm vacuum-ultraviolet laser pulses is used as a second laser-based ionization method. Mass spectra obtained by this technique show profiles of most organic compounds (aliphatic and aromatic species) and of some low IP inorganic substances (e.g., ammonia, nitrogen oxide) down to ppbv concentrations. In addition to the laser-based ionization techniques, EI ionization can be used for analysis of the bulk components such as water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide as well as for detection of inorganic minor components such as HCN or HCl from combustion flue gases at ppmv concentration levels. Each method yields specific mass spectrometric information of the sample composition. Special techniques have been developed to combine the three ionization methods in a single mass spectrometer and to allow the quasi-parallel application of all three ionization techniques.  相似文献   

A newly conceived compact and mobile time-of flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) for real-time monitoring of highly complex gas mixtures is presented. The device utilizes two selective and sensitive soft ionization techniques, viz., resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and single-photon ionization (SPI) in a (quasi)-simultaneous mode. Both methods allow a fragmentationless ionization. The REMPI method selectively addresses aromatic species, while with SPI applying vacuum ultaviolet light (118 nm) in principle all compounds with an ionization potential below 10.5 eV are accessible. This provides comprehensive information of the chemical composition of complex matrixes. The combustion and pyrolysis behavior of five organic materials typically used in steel processing in China was studied. The trace amounts of organic compounds in the gas phase during combustion and pyrolysis were monitored selectively and sensitively by real-time SPI/REMPI-TOFMS. The measurements were carried out at several constant temperatures in the range from 300 to 1190 degrees C in both synthetic air and nitrogen. Timely resolved mass spectra reveal the formation and subsequent growth of aromatic molecules. At lower temperatures, highly alkylated PAHs predominate, while at temperatures above 800 degrees C, the more stable benzene and PAHs without side chains prevail. Potential hyphenation of SPI/REMPI-TOFMS to methods of thermal analysis is discussed.  相似文献   

Hua L  Wu Q  Hou K  Cui H  Chen P  Wang W  Li J  Li H 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(13):5309-5316
A novel combined ion source based on a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) lamp with both single photon ionization (SPI) and chemical ionization (CI) capabilities has been developed for an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer (oaTOFMS). The SPI was accomplished using a commercial 10.6 eV krypton discharge lamp with a photon flux of about 10(11) photons s(-1), while the CI was achieved through ion-molecule reactions with O(2)(+) reactant ions generated by photoelectron ionization at medium vacuum pressure (MVP). To achieve high ionization efficiency, the ion source pressure was elevated to 0.3 mbar and the photoionization length was extended to 36 mm. As a result, limits of detection (LODs) down to 3, 4, and 6 ppbv were obtained for benzene, toluene, and p-xylene in MVP-SPI mode, and values of 8 and 10 ppbv were obtained for toluene and chloroform, respectively, in SPI-CI mode. As it is feasible to switch between MVP-SPI mode and SPI-CI mode rapidly, this system is capable of monitoring complex organic mixtures with a wide range of ionization energies (IEs). The analytical capacity of this system was demonstrated by measuring dehydrogenation products of long-chain paraffins to olefins through direct capillary sampling and drinking water disinfection byproducts from chlorine through a membrane interface.  相似文献   

This work describes a fast and reliable method for determination of photoionization cross-sections (PICS) by means of gas chromatography (GC) coupled to single-photon ionization mass spectrometry (SPI-MS). Photoionization efficiency (PIE) data for 69 substances was obtained at a photon energy of 9.8 ± 0.4 eV using an innovative electron-beam-pumped rare gas excimer light source (EBEL) filled with argon. The investigated analytes comprise 12 alkylbenzenes as well as 11 other substituted benzenes, 23 n-alkanes, ten polyaromatic hydrocarbons, seven aromatic heterocycles, and six polyaromatic heterocycles. Absolute PICS for each substance at 9.8 eV are calculated from the relative photoionization efficiencies of the compounds with respect to benzene, whose photoionization cross-section data is well known. Furthermore, a direct correlation between the type of benzene substituents and their absolute PICS is presented and discussed in depth. Finally, comparison of previously measured photoionization cross-sections for 20 substances shows good agreement with the data of the present work.  相似文献   

A newly developed compact and mobile time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) for on-line analysis and monitoring of complex gas mixtures is presented. The instrument is designed for a (quasi-)simultaneous application of three ionization techniques that exhibit different ionization selectivities. The highly selective resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) technique, using 266-nm UV laser pulses, is applied for selective and fragmentationless ionization of aromatic compounds at trace levels (parts-per-billion volume range). Mass spectra obtained using this technique show the chemical signature solely of monocyclic (benzene, phenols, etc.) and polycyclic (naphthalene, phenathrene, indol, etc.) aromatic species. Furthermore, the less selective but still fragmentationless single photon ionization (SPI) technique with 118-nm VUV laser pulses allows the ionization of compounds with an ionization potential below 10.5 eV. Mass spectra obtained using this technique show the profile of most organic compounds (aliphatic and aromatic species, like nonane, acetaldehyde, or pyrrol) and some inorganic compounds (e.g., ammonia, nitrogen monoxide). Finally, the nonselective ionization technique laser-induced electron-impact ionization (LEI) is applied. However, the sensitivity of the LEI technique is adjusted to be fairly low. Thus, the LEI signal in the mass spectra gives information on the inorganic bulk constituents of the sample (i.e., compounds such as water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide). Because the three ionization methods (REMPI, SPI, LEI) exhibit largely different ionization selectivities, the isolated application of each method alone solely provides specific mass spectrometric information about the sample composition. Special techniques have been developed and applied which allow the quasi-parallel use of all three ionization techniques for on-line monitoring purposes. Thus, a comprehensive characterization of complex samples is feasible jointly using the characteristic advantages of the three ionization techniques. Laboratory applications show results on rapid overview characterization of mineral oil-based fuels and coffee headspace. The first reported field applications include timely resolved on-line monitoring results on automobile exhausts and of waste incineration flue gas.  相似文献   

Wu Q  Hua L  Hou K  Cui H  Chen W  Chen P  Wang W  Li J  Li H 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(23):8992-8998
A magnetic field enhanced photoelectron ionization (MEPEI) source combined with single photon ionization (SPI) was developed for an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer (oaTOFMS). A commercial radio frequency (rf) powered vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) lamp was used as SPI light source, and the photoelectrons generated by photoelectric effect were accelerated to induce electron ionization (EI). The MEPEI was obtained by applying a magnetic field of about 800 G with a permanent annular magnet. Compared to a nonmagnetic field photoelectron ionization source, the signal intensities for SO(2), SF(6), O(2), and N(2) in MEPEI were improved more than 2 orders with the photoelectron energy around 20 eV, while most of the characteristics of soft ionization still remained. Simulation with SIMION showed that the sensitivity enhancement in MEPEI was ascribed to the increase of the electron moving path and the improvement of the electrons transmission. The limits of detection for SO(2) and benzene were 750 and 80 ppbv within a detection time of 4 s, respectively. The advantages of the source, including broad range of ionizable compounds, reduced fragments, and good sensitivity with low energy MEPEI, were demonstrated by monitoring pyrolysis products of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and the intermediate products in discharging of the SF(6) gas inpurity.  相似文献   

An interface in elastomeric poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) for on-line orthogonal coupling of packed capillary liquid chromatography (LC) (i.d. = 0.2 mm) with capillary electrophoresis (CE) in combination with sheathless electrospray ionization (ESI) time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOFMS) detection is presented. The new interface has a two-level design, which in combination with a continuous CE electrolyte flow through the interface provides integrity of the LC effluent and the CE separation until an injection is desired. The transparent and flexible PDMS material was found to have a number of advantages when combined with fused silica column technology, including ease to follow the process and ease to exchange columns. By combining conventional microscale systems of LC, CE, and ESI-MS, respectively, the time scales of the individual dimensions were harmonized for optimal peak capacity per unit time. The performance of the LC-CE-TOFMS system was evaluated using peptides as model substances. A S/N of about 330 was achieved for leucine-enkephaline from a 0.5 microL LC injection of 25 microg/mL peptide standard.  相似文献   

Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) is an analytical method capable of on-line monitoring of trace compounds in complex matrices. A necessary prerequisite for substance selective detection is spectroscopic investigation of the target molecules. Several organic nitrogen compounds comprising aliphatic and aromatic amines, nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, and aromatic nitriles are spectroscopically investigated with a tunable narrow bandwidth optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser system providing a scannable wavelength range between 220 and 340 nm. These species are known as possible precursors in fuel-NO formation from combustion of solid fuels such as biomass and waste. A newly conceived double inlet system was used in this study, which allows rapid change between effusive and supersonic molecular beams. The resulting REMPI spectra of the compounds are discussed with respect to electronic transitions that could be utilized for a selective ionization of these compounds in complex mixtures such as combustion and process gases. The practicability of this approach is demonstrated by wavelength selected on-line REMPI-TOFMS detection of aniline and cyanonaphthalene in the burning chamber of a waste incineration plant. REMPI mass spectra recorded at different excitation wavelengths as well as variations in time show the utilization of species-selective REMPI-TOFMS detection for on-line monitoring of crucial substances in pollutant formation.  相似文献   

Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (REMPI-TOFMS) is a powerful technique for the on-line analysis of aromatic compounds with unique features regarding selectivity and sensitivity. Aliphatic compounds, however, are difficult to address by REMPI due to their unfavorable photo ionization properties. This paper describes the proof of concept for an on-line derivatization approach for converting nonaromatic target analytes into specific, photoionizable aromatic derivatives that are readily detectable by REMPI-TOFMS. A multichannel silicone trap or poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) open tubular capillary was used as a reaction medium for the derivatization of volatile alkyl aldehydes and alkylamines with aromatic "photoionization labels"and to concentrate the resulting aromatic derivatives. The aldehydes formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and crotonal, which when underivatized are poorly detectable by REMPI, were converted into their easily photoionizable phenylhydrazone derivatives by the on-line reaction with phenylhydrazine as reagent. Similarly, the methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and butylamines were converted into their REMPI-ionizable benzaldehyde alkylimine derivatives by the on-line reaction with benzaldehyde as reagent. The derivatives were thermally desorbed from the PDMS matrix and transferred into the REMPI-TOFMS for detection. The REMPI-TOFMS detection limits obtained for acetaldehyde; acrolein; crotonal; and methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and butylamine using this photo ionization labeling method were in the sub-parts-per-million range and, thus, readily below the permissible exposure limits set by OSHA.  相似文献   

Wu HP  Su CL  Chang HC  Tseng WL 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(16):6215-6221
A new sample preparation method for the analysis of cyclic oligosaccharides in surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SALDI-MS) is presented. We call this new technique "sample first method", in which a sample is deposited first and then bare gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), which serve as the SALDI matrixes, are added to the top of the sample layer. The use of the sample first method offers significant advantages for improving shot-to-shot reproducibility, enhancing the ionization efficiency of the analyte, and reducing sample preparation time as compared to the dried-droplet method, wherein samples and bare AuNPs are mixed and dried together. The relative standard deviation (RSD) values of the signal intensity as calculated from 65 sample spots was 25% when the sample first methods were applied to the analysis of beta-cyclodextrin. The results were more homogeneous as compared to the outcome using dried-droplet preparation of AuNPs (RSD=66%) and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (RSD=209%). We also found out that the optimal concentration of AuNP for ionization efficiency is 7.4 nM (4.52x10(12) particles/mL) while the lowest detectable concentration of cyclic oligosaccharides through this approach is 0.25 microM. Except for the cyclic oligosaccharide, the proposed method was also applied to the analyses of other biological samples, including neutral carbohydrate and steroid, aminothiols, and peptides as well as proteins.  相似文献   

A new supersonic jet inlet system for resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (REMPI-TOFMS), based on a fused-silica capillary with an integral nozzle has been developed. The new jet inlet system generates a supersonic molecular beam that originates in the center of the ion source of the time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Because of the design of the inlet system, high spatial overlap of sample and laser beam (i.e., increased detection sensitivity) and excellent jet beam qualities are achieved with good adiabatic cooling properties of analyte molecules (i.e., considerably enhanced optical selectivity of the REMPI process). Furthermore, the inlet is very robust and chemically inert and contains no moving parts. As a result of these properties, the new inlet is perfectly suited for field applications of jet-REMPI. A first field application of a mobile supersonic jet-REMPI mass spectrometer equipped with the novel inlet technique is reported; namely, the concentration of monochlorobenzene, which is an indicator for the formation and emission of toxic polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans, PCDD/F) was measured on-line in the flue gas of a waste incineration plant.  相似文献   

The design and operation of a novel UV-MALDI ionization source on a commercial QqoaTOF mass spectrometer (Applied Biosystem/MDS Sciex QSTAR Pulsar) is described. Samples are loaded on a 96-well target plate, the movement of which is under software control and can be readily automated. Unlike conventional high-energy MALDI-TOF, the ions are produced with low energies (5-10 eV) in a region of relatively low vacuum (8 mTorr). Thus, they are cooled by extensive low-energy collisions before selection in the quadrupole mass analyzer (Q1), potentially giving a quasi-continuous ion beam ideally suited to the oaTOF used for mass analysis of the fragment ions, although ion yields from individual laser shots may vary widely. Ion dissociation is induced by collisions with argon in an rf-only quadrupole cell, giving typical low-energy CID spectra for protonated peptide ions. Ions separated in the oaTOF are registered by a four-anode detector and time-to-digital converter and accumulated in "bins" that are 625 ps wide. Peak shapes depend upon the number of ion counts in adjacent bins. As expected, the accuracy of mass measurement is shown to be dependent upon the number of ions recorded for a particular peak. With internal calibration, mass accuracy better than 10 ppm is attainable for peaks that contain sufficient ions to give well-defined Gaussian profiles. By virtue of its high resolution, capability for accurate mass measurements, and sensitivity in the low-femotomole range, this instrument is ideally suited to protein identification for proteomic applications by generation of peptide tags, manual sequence interpretation, identification of modifications such as phosphorylation, and protein structural elucidation. Unlike the multiply charged ions typical of electrospray ionization, the singly charged MALDI-generated peptide ions show a linear dependence of optimal collision energy upon molecular mass, which is advantageous for automated operation. It is shown that the novel pulsing technique of this instrument that increases the sensitivity for precursor ions scans is applicable to the identification of peptides labeled with isotope-coded affinity tags.  相似文献   

Xu S  Ye M  Xu D  Li X  Pan C  Zou H 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(8):2593-2599
High concentrations of urea and guanidine hydrochloride are commonly used for the denaturation of protein, which was digested by enzymatic proteolysis for the identification by MS analysis. The presence of these contaminants seriously suppresses the ion signal of analytes in MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Herein, a novel MALDI matrix, 3, 4-diaminobenzophenone (DABP), has been found with high tolerance for these contaminants in MALDI MS analysis. The ion signal of analyte insulin can be detected in the presence of 2 M guanidine hydrochloride and 1.5 M urea using DABP as matrix. The tryptic digest of BSA (400 fmol) in 1 M guanidine hydrochloride or 1 M urea was successfully analyzed without any pretreatment prior to MS analysis. Furthermore, it has been found that this matrix can also effectively suppress the cation ion adduction of the peptides in the presence of high concentrations of metal ions in sample solution.  相似文献   

Cai SS  Syage JA 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(4):1191-1199
In this work, we compare the quantitative accuracy and sensitivity of analyzing lipids by atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and electrospray ionization (ESI) LC/MS. The target analytes include free fatty acids and their esters, monoglyceride, diglyceride, and triglyceride. The results demonstrate the benefits of using LC/APPI-MS for lipid analysis. Analyses were performed on a Waters ZQ LC/MS. Normal-phase solvent systems were used due to low solubility of these compounds in aqueous reversed-phase solvent systems. By comparison, APPI offers lower detection limits, generally highest signal intensities, and the highest S/N ratio. APPI is 2-4 times more sensitive than APCI and much more sensitive than ESI without mobile-phase modifiers. APPI and APCI offer comparable linear range (i.e., 4-5 decades). ESI sensitivity is dramatically enhanced by use of mobile phase modifiers (i.e., ammonium formate or sodium acetate); however, these ESI adduct signals are less stable and either are nonlinear or have dramatically reduced linear ranges. Analysis of fish oils by APPI shows significantly enhanced target analyte intensities in comparison with APCI and ESI.  相似文献   

In this study we have evaluated the suitability of a sheathless capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (CE-ESI-MS) interface with a porous tip as the nanospray emitter for use in peptide analysis. A positively charged capillary coating and 0.1% formic acid as background electrolyte were used for separation upstream from mass spectrometry characterization. The influence of the distance between emitter tip and MS inlet, ESI voltage applied, and of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) on electrospray performance and efficiency of the system was investigated in detail. Under optimized conditions, less than 30 amol of a model peptide (angiotensin I) was required for a detection in the base peak electropherogram and positive identification via tandem MS. Three different cationic capillary coatings were investigated for stability, resolution, and EOF and were found to enable reproducible separations by CE-ESI-MS. After optimizing MS settings, the effectiveness of the CE-ESI-MS method developed was compared with a state-of-the-art nano-liquid chromatography (LC)-ESI-MS method by analyzing Arg-C-digested rat testis linker histones with both systems. With comparable amounts of sample applied, the number of identified peptides increased by more than 60% when using CE-ESI-MS. We found that low molecular mass peptides (below 1400 Da) were preferentially identified by CE-ESI-MS, since this group of peptides poorly interacted with the reversed-phase material in the nano-LC system. Finally, total analysis time in LC-ESI-MS for three runs including equilibration was nearly 4 times longer than that of CE-ESI-MS: 246 versus 66 min.  相似文献   

Until now, the combined application of electrons and ions in surface analysis required two separate sources for electrons and ions with different incidence angles. The newly developed hybrid electron-ion gun, however, allows bombardment of the same sample area both with noble gas ions and with electrons coming from the same direction. By integrating such a hybrid gun axially in a cylindrical mirror energy analyser (CMA) a sensitive compact single flange spectrometer obtains for ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and sputtering all within normal beam incidence. This concept makes accurate beam centring very easy. Additionally, the bombardment from the same direction both for sputtering and for surface analysis brings advantages in depth profiling. The scattering angle for ISS has a constant value of about 138°. The hybrid gun delivers typically an electron beam current of −20 μA at 3 keV for AES, and an ion beam current of +40 nA and +1.2 μA at 2 keV for ISS and sputtering respectively. The switching time between ISS, AES, and sputtering mode is about 0.1 s. So this system is best suited for automatically controlled depth profile analysis. The design and operation of this new system will be described and some applications will be discussed.  相似文献   

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