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The performance of confined AD995 Alumina against L/D 20 tungsten long rod penetrators was characterized through reverse ballistic testing. The semi-infinite ceramic target was cylindrical with a diameter approximately 30 times the rod diameter. The target configuration included a titanium confinement tube and a thick, aluminum coverplate. The impact conditions ranged from 1.5 to 3.5 km/s with three or four tests performed at each of six nominal impact velocities. Multiple radiographs obtained during the penetration process allowed measurement of the penetration velocity into the ceramic and the consumption velocity, or erosion rate, of the penetrator. The final depth of penetration was also measured.

Primary penetration approaches 75% of the hydrodynamic limit. Secondary penetration is very small, even at 3.5 km/s. The effective Rt value decreased from 90 kbar to 70 kbar with increasing impact velocity over the range of velocities tested.

In tests in which the ratio of target diameter to penetrator diameter was reduced to 15, Rt, dropped by 30% to 50%. When a steel coverplate was used, total interface defeat occurred at 1.5 km/s.  相似文献   

The impact of the meteorite that formed the Odessa crater is examined in this numerical study. Extensive information collected from excavation of the site has made it possible to use the Odessa crater as a code validation test, to the extent that a calculated impact can produce equivalent cavity dimensions and stratification. In addition, the calculations can be used to provide a better estimate of velocity and trajectory of the meteorite at impact. The initial set of simulations performed in this study suggests that original estimates of the impact conditions may not have been sufficient to produce a crater of the size and shape known from the Odessa site. Supplemental analysis was performed and suggested that the meteor impacted at a much larger obliquity angle and may have been much larger than originally speculated. Details of the analysis leading to these observations are presented.  相似文献   

An analysis was performed to asses the failure root cause of an automotive diesel engine which experienced collapse only 6 month after revision. The connecting rod bolts torque disassembly was monitored and fractured parts were selected to laboratory fracture analysis. It was verified with fatigue rupture of one of the fourth connecting rod bolt. Tensile tests were performed in four of the remaining connecting rod bolts. During this procedure, it was verified another bolt with fatigue crack propagation an indication that the first fatigued bolt did not have suffer torque relaxation. A finite element analysis was performed in connection with an analytical fracture mechanics approach aiming to evaluate the relation between tightening force and fatigue crack propagation in connecting rod bolts. The engine collapse occurred due to forming laps in the grooves of the bolt shank. Finally, some design improvements were suggested for avoid future failures: a gap in the groove length at the connecting rod cap interface, enough to avoid combination of forming laps and higher stress amplitude; increase of the bolt torque assembly to reduce stress amplitude.  相似文献   

We investigate the formation of a crater in a 2-D bed of granular material by a jet of impinging gas, motivated by the problem of a retrograde rocket landing on a planetary surface. The crater is characterized in terms of depth and shape as it evolves, as well as by the horizontal position of the bottom of the crater. The crater tends to grow logarithmically in time, a result which is common in related experiments. We also observe a horizontal symmetry breaking at certain well-defined conditions which, as we will demonstrate, could be of considerable practical concern for lunar or planetary landers. We present data on the evolution of these asymmetric states and attempt to give insights into the mechanism behind the symmetry-breaking bifurcation.  相似文献   

The impact of long rod kinetic energy penetrators and shaped charge jets on homogeneous targets is investigated. In particular the effects of a random off-axis velocity component on the penetration achieved are analyzed. The aim of this study is to consider the case where the off-axis velocity component takes a uniform value W along the rod or jet.

It is assumed that penetration takes place according to the classical hydrodynamic penetration law, and that it continues either until the projectile material is exhausted or until a side wall collision occurs. The penetration is evaluated as a function of a reference coordinate q defined along the projectile, and the corresponding crater radius distribution R(q) calculated, on the assumption that W is zero. The locus of the penetration stagnation point S corresponding to the true value of W is then determined as a function of q and a revised crater profile is calculated with radius R(q), centred on S. We determine whether a side-wall collision occurs, and calculate the final penetration, P. The probability that P exceeds a given value Po is found. We then determine the expected value of P and investigate parameter variations to maximize this value.  相似文献   

The penetration and perforation of three kinds of aluminum alloys at room temperatures and low temperatures in the velocity range from about 0.5 to about 3.7 km/s were investigated experimentally. Main interests were focused on the depth and diameter of craters and their relations to the impact velocity. As a result, very distinctive features of the temperature effect on the shape and size of craters were found. Also, the effect of impact-induced phase transition of projectiles on the crater formation was examined about carbon steel, aluminum alloy and NaCl projectiles.  相似文献   

Dynamic elastic-plastic buckling phenomena in a rod due to axial impact   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dynamic elastic-plastic buckling phenomena which might develop in a rod from an axial impact loading are studied in order to identify the conditions for quasi-static behaviour. A discrete model for dynamic elastic-plastic buckling, which retains the axial and the lateral inertia forces, is proposed, and the relationship between the model parameters and the characteristics of an actual structure is given. Examples of different external loadings and boundary conditions are considered in order to clarify the influence of elastic-plastic axial wave propagation on the buckling process. The critical time for the initiation of buckling is obtained and the post-buckling behaviour of the model is analysed. Particular attention is paid to the role of the striking mass on the characteristics of the buckling process and on the development of the buckling shape. The numerical study reveals that the inertia of the striking mass affects considerably the development of the buckling shape causing different patterns of axial strain distributions at the initiation of buckling. The comparisons which are made between the model predictions and some previously published experimental data show that the buckling process is governed by the impact velocity as well as by the external loading history provided by the experimental technique.  相似文献   

Damage and rock-volatile mixture effects on impact crater formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explored simple geologic strength and material response models to determine which have the capability to simulate impact-induced faulting, complicated ejecta patterns and complex crater shapes. This led us to develop models for material damage, dilatancy, and inhomogeneous materials (mixtures). We found that a strength degradation (damage) model was necessary to produce faulting in homogeneous materials. Both normal and thrust ring faults may occur and extend relatively deeply into the planet during the transient cavity radial expansion. The maximum depth of fault development is about the depth of maximum penetration by the projectile. Dilatancy in geologic materials may reduce the final bulk density compared to the pristine state because of irreversible fracturing. When we include the effects of dilatancy, the radial position of faulting is displaced because of greater upward motions. In addition, the late time crater profile is shallower and the expression of features such as central peaks and rings may be more pronounced. Both damage and rock-ice mixtures effect the distribution of ejecta. The excavation flow field within the heavily damaged region is similar to flow fields in Mohr-Coulomb materials with no zero-pressure strength. In the outer, less damaged zone within the excavation cavity, the material trajectories collapse back into the crater. This effect creates a zone of reduced ejecta emplacement near the edge of the final crater. In the case of rock-ice mixtures, energy is preferentially deposited in the more compressible volatile component and the ejecta pattern is dependent upon the location of shock-induced phase changes in the volatile material.  相似文献   

Deformation-flow microstructures associated with [001] W–4% Ta penetrator fragments in a rolled homogeneous steel armor target exhibit dynamic recrystallization. The equiaxed, recrystallized grain structure observed in the deformed penetrator is also associated with soft zones in corresponding microhardness maps. Microstructure evolution is also examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED).  相似文献   

Polyimide Kapton films with a thickness of 62 m were bombarded by Ar+, N+, He+ and D+ ions at energies from 10–50 keV. After bombardment at room temperature, the surface topographic changes of the polymer were investigated using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The most common feature of the ion-bombarded Kapton surface is the formation of craters which often have circular shape and rims. The crater sizes suggest they are unlikely to have been caused by a single ion but by the collective effects including diffusion and trapping of gas atoms and gas molecules in ion-bombarded polymer. A model for the formation of these craters is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper deals with theoretical considerations on the conception and optimization of long-rod penetrators with regard to bending strain and penetration efficiency. In a first step we describe a method allowing to design long penetrators in such a manner that given values of bending stress and deflection are met if the rods are subjected to lateral forces. On the assumption of a constant lateral acceleration this results in rods with various dimensions; the aspect ratio remarkably does not remain constant. Then these penetrators are examined for maximum penetration efficiency while considering rods of equal energy. For the case studied the procedure results in an optimum velocity of about 2700 m/s. This demonstrates a fundamental difference in comparison to the optimization process with L/D-scaled penetrators where a much lower optimum velocity (2300 m/s) is obtained. In comparison to the reference penetrator (L/D=34, V=1800 m/s) the optimum penetrator — still at constant stress level and at an impact velocity of 2700 m/s — has of course a reduced mass, but also a reduced length and diameter showing an aspect ratio of 40. The perforation power could be increased by some 17%. On the other hand, the linearly scaled penetrator at constant energy only shows an increase of about 7% in penetration capability if the impact velocity reaches its optimum value at 2300 m/s. The optimization procedure of the energy-efficient penetration of constant-stress projectiles leads to an optimal velocity well in the hypervelocity regime. Furthermore, the special design of the penetrators with constant stress level results in a gain of penetration efficiency.  相似文献   

Three case studies are presented in which untempered martensite produced during forming or use caused premature failure or failures in unexpected regions. The sources of formation of untempered martensite observed were: laser cutting of circular saws, friction originated from poor fixation of blades, and uncontrolled thermal cycling in the vicinity of a weld. Due to its very high hardness, untempered martensite favors the appearance of microcracks that develop into premature catastrophic failures.  相似文献   

Muscovite mica was irradiated with slow highly charged Arq+ (charge state q = 12, 16) and Xeq+ (q = 23, 27) ions in a kinetic energy range of 150-216 keV and subsequently observed by contact mode atomic force microscopy. Surprisingly, on samples irradiated with Xe ions nano-sized hillock-like structures were found well below the charge state threshold reported in earlier experimental investigations. However, the structures found are not the result of a true topographic surface modification induced by the ion bombardment, because the absence of these nanostructures in tapping mode images and the dependence of the detected structures on scan conditions points towards a surface modification which manifests itself only in frictional forces and therefore in height measurement artifacts. Furthermore the generated defects are not stable but can be erased by continuous scanning.  相似文献   

The 17-4 PH stainless steel is employed to produce piston rods in industry due to the high strength and toughness, good workability and nice corrosion resistance. In the present failure analysis, obvious long cracks were observed along the longitudinal direction on the surface of the commercial 17-4 PH stainless steel piston rod after heat treatment. The cracks were carefully looked into by observing the crack tip and characterizing the microstructure along the cracks. The results showed that the cracks were mostly initiated from the surface of the rod and propagated along the phase boundary between martensite and δ ferrite. The EDXA showed that the segregation of Cu and Ni should be responsible for the cracking after heat treatment. In order to define when the crack was coming into being, oxidation film along the crack was considered as a clue. The scrutiny of the oxidation film on the crack edge illustrated that the crack should be formed right in the heat treatment of aging.  相似文献   

A key challenge in biology is to understand how spatio-temporal patterns and structures arise during the development of an organism. An initial aggregate of spatially uniform cells develops and forms the differentiated structures of a fully developed organism. On the one hand, contact-dependent cell–cell signalling is responsible for generating a large number of complex, self-organized, spatial patterns in the distribution of the signalling molecules. On the other hand, the motility of cells coupled with their polarity can independently lead to collective motion patterns that depend on mechanical parameters influencing tissue deformation, such as cellular elasticity, cell–cell adhesion and active forces generated by actin and myosin dynamics. Although modelling efforts have, thus far, treated cell motility and cell–cell signalling separately, experiments in recent years suggest that these processes could be tightly coupled. Hence, in this paper, we study how the dynamics of cell polarity and migration influence the spatiotemporal patterning of signalling molecules. Such signalling interactions can occur only between cells that are in physical contact, either directly at the junctions of adjacent cells or through cellular protrusional contacts. We present a vertex model which accounts for contact-dependent signalling between adjacent cells and between non-adjacent neighbours through long protrusional contacts that occur along the orientation of cell polarization. We observe a rich variety of spatiotemporal patterns of signalling molecules that is influenced by polarity dynamics of the cells, relative strengths of adjacent and non-adjacent signalling interactions, range of polarized interaction, signalling activation threshold, relative time scales of signalling and polarity orientation, and cell motility. Though our results are developed in the context of Delta–Notch signalling, they are sufficiently general and can be extended to other contact dependent morpho-mechanical dynamics.  相似文献   

The formation of out-of-plane ply deformation causes significant reductions in the mechanical properties of composites. In-plane fibre misalignments also cause reductions in the compressive strength, yet the origins of these defects are misunderstood. This paper presents a new mechanism for the formation of wrinkles, which is based upon the shear forces generated as a result of mismatches in the coefficient of thermal expansion of composite and tool, as well as the process of ply slippage that occurs during consolidation into radii. Using a U-shaped tool, defects in composite spars have been characterised using light microscopy, showing that the tool geometry and prepreg bridging leads to “instability sites,” which lead to wrinkles up to 750 μm in height as well as in-plane misalignment of 0° plies of up to 50°. Increasing the frictional shear stress through omission of release film prevents the formation of wrinkles, supporting the mechanism presented in this paper.  相似文献   

As a result of the outbreak and diffusion of SARS-CoV-2, there has been a directive to advance medical working conditions. In dentistry, airborne particles are produced through aerosolization facilitated by dental instruments. To develop methods for reducing the risks of infection in a confined environment, understanding the nature and dynamics of these droplets is imperative and timely. This study provides the first evidence of aerosol droplet formation from an ultrasonic scalar under simulated oral conditions. State-of-the-art optical flow tracking velocimetry and shadowgraphy measurements are employed to quantitatively measure the flow velocity, trajectories and size distribution of droplets produced during a dental scaling process. The droplet sizes are found to vary from 5 µm to 300 µm; these correspond to droplet nuclei that could carry viruses. The droplet velocities also vary between 1.3 m s−1 and 2.6 m s−1. These observations confirm the critical role of aerosols in the transmission of disease during dental procedures, and provide invaluable knowledge for developing protocols and procedures to ensure the safety of both dentists and patients.  相似文献   

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