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The free ion activity model (FIAM) has already been confirmed under laboratory conditions for many trace metals but has still to be validated under natural conditions where the presence of natural organic ligands influences metal speciation and bioavailability. The goal of this study was to test if the FIAM is followed under natural conditions by measuring copper and zinc speciation as well as metal accumulation in periphyton. Periphyton was exposed in microcosms to natural river water with different added concentrations of copper (25-258 nM) or zinc (18-501 nM) and additions of a synthetic ligand (NTA). Free Cu2+ was in the range of 10(-16.5)-10(-14.5) M and Zn(2+) was in the range of 0.7-8.7 nM, as measured by competitive ligand exchange coupled with cathodic/anodic stripping voltammetry. Other metal complexes were either measured or computed. Bioaccumulation of zinc in periphyton appeared to be controlled by the free zinc ion concentration, confirming the FIAM. In contrast, bioaccumulation of copper was controlled by weakly complexed copper (including Cu2+ plus inorganic and weak organic complexes), which is in disagreement with the FIAM, and appears to be caused by limitation of copper diffusion due to very low free Cu2+ occurring in natural environments.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins are metal-binding polypeptides produced by algae under metal exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metal concentration variations in natural systems on periphyton at the biochemical level by analyzing its intracellular thiol content, in particular phytochelatins. To that purpose, two field campaigns were conducted in a stream subject to an increase of dissolved metal concentrations (particularly Cu and Zn) during rain events, which results in an increase of their accumulation in periphyton. At background metal concentrations, several thiols were detectable in periphyton, namely, glutathione (GSH), gamma-glutamylcysteine (gammaGluCys), phytochelatins (PC2), and some unidentified thiols, U1 and U2. Glutathione and gammaGluCys contents were found to vary independently of the rain, as well as U1 and U2, whereas the phytochelatin content increased during the rain events. To investigate whether Cu or Zn may be responsible for this increase, microcosm experiments were carried out with natural water enriched with Cu, Zn, and Cd separately, and Cu and Zn in combination. In this study, GSH, PC2, and U1 were also detected, but not gammaGluCys. An increase in accumulated Cu content did not induce any changes in thiol content, whereas an increase of the Zn content induced a decrease in GSH content and an increase in phytochelatin content. Zinc rather than Cu may thus induce a phytochelatin content increase in periphyton in the field studies. Addition of Cu and Zn in combination also induced an increase in phytochelatin content. Cadmium was found to be the most effective inducer, with the production of larger phytochelatins (PC3-4). This study is the first one to report changes in thiol content in periphyton in response to an increase of the metal concentration in natural freshwaters.  相似文献   

Solid-solution speciation and phytoavailability of copper and zinc in soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The soil solution speciation and solid-phase fractionation of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in 11 typical uncontaminated soils of South Australia were assessed in relation to heavy metal phytoavailability. The soils were analyzed for pH (4.9-8.4), soil organic matter content (3.5 to 23.8 g of C kg(-1)), total soil solution metal concentrations, Cu8 (49-358 microg kg(-1)) and Zn8 (121-582 microg kg(-1)), and dissolved organic matter (DOM) (69-827 mg of C L(-1)). The solid-liquid partition coefficient (Kd) ranged from between 13.9 and 152.4 L kg(-1) for Cu and 22.6 to 266.3 L kg(-1) for Zn. The phytoavailability of Cu and Zn could be predicted significantly using an empirical model with the solid-phase fractions of Cu and Zn, as obtained from selective sequential extraction scheme, as components. Phytoavailable Cu and Zn were found to significantly correlate with fulvic complex Cu (r= 0.944, P < 0.0001) and exchangeable Zn (r = 0.832, P = 0.002), respectively. The fulvic complex Cu was found to explain 89.2% of the variation in phytoavailable Cu, where as, the exchangeable Zn together with fulvic complex Zn could explain 78.9% of the variation in phytoavailable Zn. The data presented demonstrate the role of solid-phase metal fractions in understanding the heavy metal phytoavailability. The assessment of the role of solid-phase fractions in heavy metal phytoavailability is a neglected area of study and deserves close attention.  相似文献   

The physical and kinetic speciation of Cu and Zn in three impacted marine estuaries was examined. Contrasts in sources of metal-binding ligands, solution chemistry, and hydrologic forcing between and withinthethree study systems (Cape Fear River Estuary, North Carolina; Norfolk-Hampton Roads-Elizabeth River, Virginia; San Diego Bay, California) were exploited to enhance our understanding of Cu and Zn speciation. Trace metal-optimized tangential-flow ultrafiltration at 1 kDa nominal molecular weight limit (NMWL) was used to fractionate <0.4 microm species into colloidal and "dissolved" pools. Colloidal species of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and copper were significant and often the dominant pools in each of the three study systems. Characteristic colloidal fractions of both DOM and Cu ranged from near 70% of <0.4 microm concentrations in Cape Fear to 50% in San Diego Bay. Colloidal Cu and DOM were strongly coupled, and variability in observed <0.4 microm Cu concentrations was closely related to the concentrations of colloidal-associated metal. Colloidal fractions were much smaller for Zn than that of Cu; ranging from 10-30% in Cape Fear to less than 5% in San Diego Bay, and no relationship to DOM was observed. Kinetic separations on Chelex resin revealed the presence of large nonlabile pools of Cu in each of the study systems, with the highest fractions (70-100%) in Cape Fear and Norfolk and lowest (30-50%) in San Diego Bay. A close relationship was observed between colloidal and nonlabile Cu species, implying slow reactivity of colloidal-bound Cu. The fraction of filterable Zn labile to Chelex averaged 97%, 85%, and 60% in San Diego, Norfolk, and Cape Fear, respectively. Anthropogenic Zn appeared almost exclusively in the <1 kDa fraction, while anthropogenic Cu was distributed between dissolved and colloidal pools. Copper particle-partition coefficients (Kd) followed the trend: San Diego > Norfolk > Cape Fear and were inversely correlated with DOC concentrations. Colloid-based partition coefficients were significantly greater, in many cases an order of magnitude greater, than particle-based partition coefficients. The partitioning data suggest the presence of metal-enriched bacterial-derived exudates and/or discrete metal phases in colloidal-sized particles in impacted regions of these estuaries. The strong relationships observed between Cu and DOC indicate that Cu partitioning behavior over a range of estuarine environments may be modeled effectively with a limited set of coefficients. Our measurements of metal lability and size distribution imply that the fraction of <0.4 microm Zn that is likely to be bioavailable is greater than that for Cu, especially in impacted regions of the study systems.  相似文献   

Despite its pivotal role in determining the risks and time frames associated with contaminant release, metal speciation remains a poorly understood aspect of biosolids chemistry. The work reported here used synchrotron-based spectroscopy techniques to investigate the speciation of copper and zinc in a range of Australian biosolids. High resolution element mapping of biosolids samples using micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy revealed considerable heterogeneity in key element associations, and a combination of both organic and inorganic copper and zinc binding environments. Linear combination fitting of K-edge X-ray absorption spectra indicated consistent differences in metal speciation between freshly produced and stockpiled biosolids. While sulfide minerals play a dominant role in metal binding in freshly dewatered biosolids, they are of lesser importance in dried biosolids that have been stockpiled. A degree of metal binding with iron oxide minerals was apparent but the results did not support the hypothesis that biosolids metals are chiefly associated with iron minerals. This work has potential implications for the long-term stability of metals in biosolids and their eventual fate following land application.  相似文献   

Several techniques for speciation analysis of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni are used in freshwater systems and compared with respect to their performance and to the metal species detected. The analytical techniques comprise the following: (i) diffusion gradients in thin-film gels (DGT); (ii) gel integrated microelectrodes combined to voltammetric in situ profiling system (GIME-VIP); (iii) stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP); (iv) flow-through and hollow fiber permeation liquid membranes (FTPLM and HFPLM); (v) Donnan membrane technique (DMT); (vi) competitive ligand-exchange/stripping voltammetry (CLE-SV). All methods could be used both under hardwater and under softwater conditions, although in some cases problems with detection limits were encountered at the low total concentrations. The detected Cu, Cd, and Pb concentrations decreased in the order DGT > or = GIME-VIP > or = FTPLM > or = HFPLM approximately = DMT (>CLE-SV for Cd), detected Zn decreased as DGT > or = GIME-VIP and Ni as DGT > DMT, in agreement with the known dynamic features of these techniques. Techniques involving in situ measurements (GIME-VIP) or in situ exposure (DGT, DMT, and HFPLM) appear to be appropriate in avoiding artifacts which may occur during sampling and sample handling.  相似文献   

Characterization of uptake and loss dynamics is critical to understanding risks associated with contaminant exposure in aquatic animals. Dynamics are especially important in addressing questions such as why coexisting species in nature accumulate different levels of a contaminant. Here we manipulated copper (Cu) stable isotopic ratios (as an alternative to radioisotopes) to describe for the first time Cu dynamics in a freshwater invertebrate, the bivalve Corbicula fluminea. In the laboratory, Corbicula uptake and loss rate constants were determined from an environmentally realistic waterborne exposure to 65Cu (5.7 microg L(-1)). That is, we spiked deionized water with Cu that was 99.4% 65Cu. Net tracer uptake was detectable after 1 day and strongly evident after 4 days. Thus, short-term exposures necessary to determine uptake dynamics are feasible with stable isotopes of Cu. In Corbicula, 65Cu depuration was biphasic. An unusually low rate constant of loss (0.0038 d(-1)) characterized the slow component of efflux, explaining why Corbicula strongly accumulates copper in nature. We incorporated our estimates of rate constants for dissolved 65Cu uptake and physiological efflux into a bioaccumulation model and showed that dietary exposure to Cu is likely an important bioaccumulation pathway for Corbicula.  相似文献   

A technique of ligand exchange with DMG (dimethylglyoxime) and DPCSV was applied to determine Ni speciation in lake, river, and groundwater samples. The working conditions related to ligand-exchange equilibrium were optimized, and the ligand-exchange kinetics were examined. The observed pseudo-first-order rate, kobsd, was about 3 x 10(-5) (s-1) for Ni(DMG)2 complex formation with an excess of DMG (microM) over Ni (nM) at pH 7.1-7.7. The second-order exchange kinetic constants, kexch, were between 1.2 x 10(2) and 5.7 x 10(3) s-1 M-1 for ligand exchange of NiEDTA with DMG and between 5 x 10(2) and 7 x 10(3) s-1 M-1 for exchange of natural ligands with DMG in the freshwater samples under similar conditions. Ni ligand exchange between natural ligands and DMG occurred over days with half-lifes of 5-95 h. Total dissolved Ni concentrations in samples from various freshwater systems in Switzerland ranged from 4 nM in an oligotrophic lake to 30 nM in a small river affected by inputs from sewage effluents and agriculture. Free ionic Ni2+ concentrations were determined in the range of 10(-13)-10(-15) M (pNi = 12.2-14.7), indicating that more than 99.9% of dissolved Ni was bound by organic ligands with strong affinity (log K 12.1-14.9) and low concentrations (13-100 nM) at pH 7.2-8.2. Because of slow ligand-exchange kinetics, Ni speciation in natural waters may in many cases not reach equilibrium.  相似文献   

Speciation affects trace metal bioavailability. One model used to describe the importance of speciation is the biotic ligand model (BLM), wherein the competition of inorganic and organic ligands with a biotic ligand for free-ion trace metal determines the ultimate metal availability to biota. This and similar models require natural ligand concentrations and conditional stability constants as input parameters. In concept, the BLM is itself an analogue of some analytical approaches to the determination of trace metal speciation. A notable example is competitive ligand equilibration/cathodic stripping voltammetry, which employs an artificial ligand for comparative assessment of natural ligand concentrations and discrete conditional stability constants (i.e., BLM parameters) in a natural sample. Here, we report a new numerical approach to voltammetric speciation and parameter estimation that employs multiple analytical windows and a two-step optimization process, simultaneously generating both parameters and a complete suite of corresponding species concentrations. This approach is more powerful, systematic, and flexible than those previously reported.  相似文献   

Trace metal toxicity to aquatic biota is highly dependent on the meta?s chemical speciation. Accordingly, metal speciation is being incorporated in to water quality criteria and toxicity regulations using the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) but there are currently no BLM for biota in marine and estuarine waters. In this study, I compare copper speciation measurements in a typical coastal water made using Competitive ligand exchange-adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-ACSV) to model calculations using Visual MINTEQ. Both Visual MINTEQ and BLM use similar programs to model copper interactions with dissolved organic matter-DOM (i.e., the Stockholm Humic Model and WHAM-Windermere Humic Aqueous Model, respectively). The total dissolved (<0.4 μm filter) copper concentration, [CuT] in the study sites ranged from <10 nM close to the open Baltic Sea to ca. 50 nM in the vicinity of a marina in the Stockholm Archipelago. The corresponding free copper concentration [Cu2+], measured by CLE-ACSV ranged from 10–13.2 M to 10–12.0 M for the reference and marina sites, respectively, whereas the corresponding [Cu2+] modeled calculations ranged from 10–12.5 M to 10–11.6 M. The low copper to DOM ratios (similar to 0.0004 mg Cu per mg DOC) in these coastal waters ensured that ambient dissolved copper was overwhelmingly chelated to strong Cu–binding ligands (12 < log KCuL1,Cu2+Cond >14). The modeled [Cu2+] could be fitted to the experimental values better after the conditional stability constant for copper binding to fulvic acid (FA) complexes in DOM in the SHM was adjusted to account for higher concentration of strong Cu-binding sites in FA.  相似文献   

Measurements of trace metal species in situ in a softwater river, a hardwater lake, and a hardwater stream were compared to the equilibrium distribution of species calculated using two models, WHAM 6, incorporating humic ion binding model VI and visual MINTEQ incorporating NICA-Donnan. Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) and voltammetry at a gel integrated microelectrode (GIME) were used to estimate dynamic species that are both labile and mobile. The Donnan membrane technique (DMT) and hollow fiber permeation liquid membrane (HFPLM) were used to measure free ion activities. Predictions of dominant metal species using the two models agreed reasonably well, even when colloidal oxide components were considered. Concentrations derived using GIME were generally lower than those from DGT, consistent with calculations of the lability criteria that take into account the smaller time window available forthe fluxto GIME. Model predictions of free ion activities generally did not agree with measurements, highlighting the need for further work and difficulties in obtaining appropriate input data.  相似文献   

Copper speciation was determined in 68 rainwater samples collected in Wilmington, NC, from August 25, 2000, to September 24, 2002. Volume-weighted average concentrations of Cu(total), dissolved Cu(II), and dissolved Cu(I) were 5.3, 3.2, and 1.4 nM, respectively, with a significantly higher ratio of Cu(II)/Cu(I) in summer relative to winter events. The concentrations of all Cu species were higher in storms of continental origin relative to marine-dominated events, suggesting anthropogenic and/or terrestrial sources are important contributors of Cu in precipitation. Concentrations of strong Cu-complexing ligands were consistently lower than dissolved Cu concentrations, indicating a significant portion, but not all, of the dissolved Cu in rainwater is strongly complexed. A portion of these ligands, in addition to the sulfite and chloride in precipitation, may be Cu(I)-complexing ligands, which may explain the resistance of Cu(I) against oxidation in rainwater. Using our rainwater concentration data along with other published rainwater Cu concentrations and an estimate for total global annual rain, the total global flux of Cu removed from the atmosphere via wet deposition is 150 x 106 kg yr(-1). This represents complete removal of the estimated Cu input into the troposphere and indicates essentially all Cu released into the global atmosphere is removed by rain.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton concentrate mercury from their aqueous surroundings and represent the primary entry point for Hg in aquatic food webs. We used 203Hg to compare the uptake of inorganic mercury, Hg(II), and methylmercury, MeHg, in four phytoplankton species (a diatom, a chlorophyte, a cryptophyte, and a cyanobacterium) in two waters containing different concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). At steady state, volume concentration factors (VCFs) for Hg(II) in the four species were similar and ranged from 0.5 to 5 x 10(4) for both water types, whereas VCFs for MeHg exceeded those for Hg(II) and ranged from 1.3 to 14.6 x 10(5). The VCFs for MeHg in the three eukaryotic cells in the high DOC water were 2-2.6 times greater than those in the low DOC water, but the VCFs for the prokaryote were similar in both waters. Higher cell surface area to volume ratios correlated with increased MeHg concentrations but not with Hg(II). In both water types, VCFs of Hg(II) were similar for living and heat-killed cells, but the VCFs of MeHg were 1.5-5.0 times greater in living cells, suggesting an active uptake component for MeHg. Hg(II) and MeHg were entirely bound to cell surfaces of the dead cells, whereas 59-64% of the MeHg and 9-16% of the Hg(II) in living cells entered the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Copper, lead and zinc content in canned fruit manufactured in Moldavia in 1979 and 1980 was determined by polarography and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. The authors developed a method for determining the above trace elements in one sample using an atomic-absorption spectrophotometer. The errors of each method were calculated. It was ascertained that the data obtained by both the methods were identical. Analysis of the data indicates that the content of copper, lead and zinc is within the standards approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The data obtained in the studies can be used in both toxicological work on setting standards of heavy metals content in canned food and in the tables of the chemical composition of canned food. The methods for copper, lead and zinc determination can be used as the basis for the development of standard procedures for heavy metals.  相似文献   

As laboratory-based bioaccumulation methods are standardized and expanded to include other test species, kinetic studies assessing the major classes of contaminants with these species are needed to adequately select the standard duration for bioaccumulation tests. In the present study we measured the uptake (28-d exposure) of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; total and selected congeners) from field-contaminated sediment in the oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus, mayfly nymph Hexagenia spp., and fathead minnow Pimephales promelas. Depuration (25 d) of PCBs was measured in organisms that had been transferred to clean sediment after the 28-d exposure. Uptake and elimination of PCBs was rapid in L. variegatus and Hexagenia spp. Tissue residues reached steady-state concentrations within 28 d; elimination rates and biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) of the PCB congeners were not correlated with K(OW). Uptake and elimination rates of PCBs were slower in P. promelas, and it is not clear whether steady-state was reached in fish tissues. Elimination rates of the PCB congeners significantly decreased with increasing K(OW) in fish. The appropriateness of a 28-d exposure for measuring steady-state concentrations in tissue of the invertebrates was confirmed, but further study is required for fish.  相似文献   

The dynamic speciation technique, diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT), has been used in freshwater to determine simultaneously, from a single set of in situ measurements, (1) the equilibrium distribution of metal ions between simple inorganic complexes and larger organic complexes and (2) information on the rates of dissociation of these complexes. DGT devices with different diffusion layer thicknesses (0.3, 0.54, 1.34, and 2.14 mm) were used to estimate the in situ dissociation kinetics. Information on the species distribution was obtained by using two types of gel, which allow relatively free (polyacrylamide, APA) and more retarded (restricted, RES) diffusion of the metal complexes. The full theoretical basis of the technique is developed and applied to in situ measurements of Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb in a pristine river (Wyre, U.K.), with high DOC(15mg L(-1)), assuming that organic complexes are dominated by fulvic acid. These first DGT measurements that do not rely on assumptions about complex lability or the distribution of species, are compared to total dissolved measurements, previously reported speciation calculations and measurements using alternative speciation techniques. Examination of calculation consistency suggests that the effective mean diffusion coefficients of metal complexes with organic matter under in situ conditions may be larger than those measured in the laboratory using extracted fulvic acid.  相似文献   

文章报道了铜基金属结合剂中锌的含量测定的新方法。采用原子吸收分光光度法测定铜基金属结合剂中锌,不需分离基体铜,直接测定Zn。其工作曲线线性良好,标准偏差为0.0178。用于铜基金属结合剂中锌含量的测定,结果满意。  相似文献   


Copper (Cu) metal and alloys are used in cookware and other food contact surfaces due to their desirable properties for various applications. However, Cu metal can ionise and subsequently transfer to food and beverages under certain conditions. Here, we tested how pH and temperature affected Cu release kinetics using model systems utilising Cu metal foil and commercially available copperware. Cu foil and copperware were exposed to food simulants composed of 3% (w:w) aqueous solutions of citric acid, malic acid, acetic acid, or deionised (DI) water at temperatures ranging from 4°C to 60°C. An additional pilot experiment tested how simulated long-term cleaning affected subsequent Cu release from lined and unlined copperware to 3% citric acid. Food simulants were then analysed by ICP-MS for total Cu. After 180 min, incubation of Cu metal foil with acid-containing food simulants at 4°C resulted in Cu release ranging from 8.7 - 14.0 µg cm?2, while 21.5–38.1 µg cm?2 was released at 60°C. In contrast, Cu transfer from metal foil to DI water was relatively low, with <0.6 µg cm?2 released after 180 min at 60°C. With citric acid food simulant, lined copperware released between 0.6 and 3.0 µg Cu cm?2 over 180 min at the set temperatures, while unlined copperware released approximately 25–45 fold higher amounts of Cu (26.9–74.6 µg cm?2) over this same time period. In contrast, use of DI water food simulant resulted in Cu release of <0.1 µg cm?2 for the lined copperware and <2 µg cm?2 for the unlined type. No significant effect of simulated long-term cleaning on Cu release from copperware was observed. These data indicate that Cu release is affected by temperature and pH, and that specific steps can be taken to limit Cu metal release from food contact surfaces to foods and beverages.  相似文献   

The response of barley to foliar and soil applied zinc was studied at fire low soil zinc sites in south-east Scotland over two season. None of the treatments increased the grain yield at harvest. Of the treatments studied only foliar applied zinc sulphate consistently increased the zinc content of plant tissue, and this was more marked when a split application of 2·5 + 2·5 kg ha?1 Zn was used as opposed to a single treatment of 5 kg ha?1 Zn. It is concluded that at the present time there is no evidence that zinc is limiting the yield potential of barley when grown on low zinc soils in this part of Scotland.  相似文献   

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