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Flotation of a low grade pentlandite ore containing large amounts of serpentine minerals from Western Australia was conducted with process water having high ionic strength. Nickel recovery was low in the flotation of both fine and coarse fractions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicated that oxidation occurred on both fine and coarse pentlandite particles. To reduce pentlandite oxidation, sodium hydrosulphide (NaHS) and dithionite (Na2S2O4) were added during grinding. It was found that NaHS improved both pentlandite and serpentine mineral flotation and deteriorated pentlandite separation from serpentine, whilst Na2S2O4 improved pentlandite flotation without affecting serpentine flotation and therefore increased pentlandite separation from serpentine.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of bentonite and kaolinite minerals with low and high crystallinity on pulp rheology and the flotation of copper and gold minerals was investigated. It was found that clay minerals modified the pulp rheology depending on the type of clay minerals present. Bentonite, a 2:1 structured clay mineral increased pulp viscosity more significantly than kaolinite, a 1:1 structured clay mineral, and poorly crystallized kaolinite increased pulp viscosity more than well crystallized kaolinite. It was also found that pulp rheology modified by clay minerals was strongly correlated with copper and gold flotation. The higher pulp viscosity corresponded to the lower copper recovery. While high pulp viscosity was related to the decreased gold flotation, slightly increased pulp viscosity by clay minerals enhanced gold flotation.  相似文献   

Clay minerals have a deleterious effect on flotation. In a previous study (Peng and Zhao, 2011), the authors found that the flotation of secondary copper minerals such as chalcocite was more affected by clay minerals than the flotation of primary copper minerals such as chalcopyrite due to stronger surface oxidation resulting in an electrostatic attraction to clay particles. In this current study, the intention was to use electrolytes to mitigate the adverse effect of clay minerals on chalcocite flotation. A copper ore mainly containing chalcocite was examined. In fresh tap water, kaolinite significantly depressed chalcocite flotation. However, with an increase in the electrolyte concentration, the recovery of chalcocite was increased. It is concluded that the electrolytes reduce the electrostatic attraction between kaolinite and chalcocite so that the surface coating of kaolinite on chalcocite surfaces may be mitigated leading to improved chalcocite flotation. It is interesting to find that anions and cations with a greater atomic size had a more beneficial effect which may be associated with their tendency to modify surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

亓欣 《煤炭工程》2013,(2):102-105
 以煤泥水中常见的三种黏土矿物为对象,通过浮选、沉降、过滤实验研究了不同黏土对煤泥水处理的影响,结果表明:蒙脱石的存在降低了煤泥的可燃体回收率和浮选速率,引起沉降恶化和过滤时间的增长。伊利石的存在主要影响浮选速率,在保证浮选时间的前提下,对可燃体回收率没有影响。高岭石的存在对煤泥水处理影响较小。  相似文献   

介绍了吕家坨选煤厂在回收浮选尾煤中的粗粒煤、降低煤泥水系统的处理压力和提高尾煤的经济效益等方面的经验,并阐述了在煤泥的深度处理、煤炭产业的产品结构方案优化与实践等方面的探索。  相似文献   

王天威  彭耀丽  夏文成  谢广元 《煤炭学报》2018,43(12):3498-3503
粗颗粒煤泥易于脱附是限制粗颗粒煤泥浮选的主要因素,为了探究粗颗粒煤泥在柱体内轴向的脱附规律,运用一种可在浮选柱给料口上方不同轴向位置添加上升水流的自制流化床浮选柱使浮选柱给料口以上的上升水流表观流速大于粗颗粒粒群的最大沉降末速,从而将经气泡携带至给料口以上的粗颗粒带入泡沫产品,减少在给料口以上因粗颗粒脱附而引起的精煤损失。研究结果表明,难浮粗煤粒在柱体轴向的脱附率和柱体轴向高度之间成线性关系,且界面脱附约占总脱附率的40%,从而证明难浮粗颗粒的主要浮选缺陷是脱附概率大,通过在给料口以上添加上升水流或者降低给料口以上柱体高度可有效实现难浮粗颗粒的浮选。  相似文献   

闵凡飞  陈军  彭陈亮 《煤炭学报》2018,43(1):242-249
煤泥颗粒界面水化是煤泥水难以沉降脱水的主要原因,采用分子动力学模拟研究了煤泥水中主要微细黏土矿物颗粒高岭石及蒙脱石颗粒界面水化分子动力学特性,模拟计算了矿物颗粒界面水平衡构型、界面原子浓度、水分子扩散系数及金属离子的影响。研究结果表明:水分子能够通过氢键在高岭石及蒙脱石颗粒表面发生水化作用;随水覆盖率(或水分子数)的不断增加,矿物颗粒表面对水分子的束缚力逐渐减小,界面处的氢键作用逐渐减弱,其中水分子在亲水性的高岭石和蒙脱石界面能逐渐形成3个水分子层,总厚度为(8~10)×10-10 m;高岭石(001)面水化程度大于蒙脱石(001)面;二价金属离子对蒙脱石水化的促进作用强于一价金属离子。  相似文献   

Due to scarcity of fresh water and stringent regulations on the quality of discharged water, more and more flotation plants have to use groundwater, sea water or recycle water with a high concentration of electrolytes. Although a number of studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of saline water (or salt solutions) on mineral flotation, effective ways to solve the problems encountered in mineral flotation plants using saline water are currently not available. This paper presents a review of published articles addressing the effect of saline water on the interfacial phenomena taking place in the flotation process, such as surface wettability, bubble-particle collision and attachment, mineral particle interactions and frothing. This review provides an overall picture of the current status of studies in this area and pinpoints directions of future research to address different problems associated with using saline water in mineral flotation.  相似文献   

浮选精煤粒度过细会造成浮选消泡困难、浮选精煤水分高等问题,而合理的向浮选精煤中掺入粗颗粒,改善其粒度组成,有利于解决这些问题。通过试验论证了浮选精煤掺粗有利于浮选精煤消泡,并可有效降低浮选精煤水。  相似文献   

分别将0.074 mm粒度以下的低密度(-1.4 g/cm3)、中间密度(1.4~1.8 g/cm3)和高密度(+1.8 g/cm3)细粒煤泥掺入到粗粒煤泥中进行浮选试验,研究不同密度细粒煤泥对粗粒煤泥浮选产率的影响,通过AFM测定低密度、高密度细粒煤泥颗粒与低灰粗颗粒煤之间的作用力,采用SEM观察浮选精煤、尾煤中粗颗粒煤的表面形貌,结合EDLVO理论对其影响机理进行了探讨。结果表明:中间密度细粒煤泥对粗粒煤泥浮选的抑制作用最大,低密度细粒煤泥次之,高密度细粒煤泥最小;粗粒煤泥的粒度越大,其浮选产率受中间密度细粒煤泥的影响越严重;AFM测定的作用力-距离曲线证实了疏水作用力的存在,颗粒疏水性越强,颗粒间的疏水力越大;通过SEM观察发现中间密度细粒煤泥在粗粒煤泥表面的罩盖现象显著。  相似文献   

In this work, the flotation of slime-fine fractions of Mt. Keith pentlandite ore was studied in de-ionised water, and bore water with high ionic strength. Compared with de-ionised water, bore water increased pentlandite flotation significantly while decreasing serpentine flotation. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was tested as a dispersant to improve pentlandite flotation in both de-ionised and bore water. The degree of substitute (DS) of CMC, an indication of the charge density, was found to be an important parameter. In de-ionised water, the higher the DS of CMC, the better the pentlandite flotation, while in bore water, the lower the DS of CMC, the better the pentlandite flotation.  相似文献   

黏土矿物是煤层中最重要的矿物质,煤层中有机质与黏土矿物复合能改善黏土矿物对甲烷的吸附能力,因而煤储层中黏土矿物对甲烷的吸附不容忽视。分别选取黏土矿物含量较高的煤层夹矸和纯黏土样品,采用X-射线衍射、红外光谱及扫描电镜表征,并进一步分析了样品中总有机碳(TOC)含量、有机质的类型和成熟度,结合孔径、孔隙体积和比表面积测定结果,探讨造成夹矸型和非煤黏土矿物甲烷吸附能力差异的主要原因,研究影响夹矸型黏土矿物吸附能力的控制因素。结果表明:夹矸型黏土矿物对甲烷的吸附能力依次为铵伊利石高岭石伊利石金云母;单纯的外表面积大小并不能完全反应出黏土矿物的甲烷吸附特性,需结合不同黏土矿物层间域等多方面因素综合考虑;有机质含量较高的夹矸型黏土矿物样品比纯黏土样品具有更多的微小孔隙,尤其是孔径小于6 nm的孔隙,对样品比表面积的增加起到了关键作用,进而也增强了其甲烷吸附能力。通过分析黏土矿物的甲烷吸附贡献率发现,黏土矿物及其有机复合体具有较强的甲烷吸附能力,在煤层夹矸中对甲烷的吸附贡献较大。  相似文献   

利用扩展的DLVO理论计算了2种硬度条件下煤和高岭石组成的煤泥水中颗粒之间的相互作用,建立了包括范德华作用能、静电作用能与界面极化作用能与颗粒间距的势能曲线,并进行了沉降试验.结果表明:当水质硬度为1.0 mmol/L时,煤颗粒之间、高岭石颗粒之间以及煤与高岭石颗粒之间都不凝聚而处于悬浮态;当水质硬度为10.0 mmol/L时,煤颗粒之间最易凝聚,其次是煤颗粒和高岭石颗粒凝聚,剩余的高岭石颗粒始终不凝聚而分散悬浮于水中.  相似文献   

煤粉颗粒中矿物分布特征及其对飞灰特性的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
孙俊民  韩德馨 《煤炭学报》2000,25(5):546-550
利用SEM-EDAX研究了分别燃用褐煤,烟煤和无烟煤的3个电厂入炉煤粉中矿物分布与飞灰显微结构特征,在煤粉颗粒中划分出独立矿物和细分散状矿物两种类型,后进一步分出以粘土矿物为主(A)、以黄铁矿为主(B)和粘土矿物与黄铁矿共生(C)3种亚型,而褐煤粉粉中这3种亚型又与微粒状方解石和有机结合态钙离子共生,研究表明,除以独立矿物存在的石英和粘土矿物转化为飞灰中不规则颗粒外,其它类型矿物主要形成球形闰,细分散矿物中亚型A形成硅铝质颗粒、亚型B和C形成铁质颗粒,而褐煤中细分散矿物形成钙质颗粒;高挥发分具粘结性有机组分中的细分散矿铁质颗粒,而褐煤中细分散矿物形成钙质颗粒,高挥发分具粘结性有机组成中的细分散矿物趋于成空心微珠,而其它有机组分中的细分散矿物容易形成了子母珠和实心微珠。  相似文献   

以选煤厂细粒煤泥为研究对象,分析了该煤泥的煤质特征。探索了改变充气量对浮选结果的影响,结果表明该煤泥为难选煤泥,常规浮选很难得到低灰分的精煤产品。对浮选精煤产品进行粒度与密度组成分析,表明解离不充分与细泥夹带是造成精煤灰分偏高的主要原因。采用原煤分级 粗粒级磨矿浮选工艺,可有效降低精煤产品的灰分。  相似文献   

A novel flotation system was used to process fine coal feeds supplied from coal preparation plants. The system consisted of an inverted fluidized bed arranged above a system of inclined channels. High fluidization (wash water) fluxes were imposed through a distributor enclosing the free-surface, producing strong positive bias of up to 2.4 cm/s, ideal for desliming. High gas fluxes of up to 2.6 cm/s, in excess of the flooding condition, were also imposed. The presence of the inclined channels prevented the entrainment of gas bubbles into the tailings stream. This paper, which is the third in a series, examines, for the first time, the hydrodynamic performance of this system on two actual plant feeds, each known to be difficult to wash. The first feed was a poorly liberated coal with particle size <260 μm and 69% feed ash. The second was a well liberated coal with nominal size <125 μm and 83% less than 38 μm. The product ash was shown to decrease significantly with an increasing fluidization flux to gas flux ratio. The single stage flotation system demonstrated a performance capable of matching the Tree Flotation Curve with some cases in fact surpassing this result.  相似文献   

难浮煤泥浮选速率试验研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
针对主导粒级为细粒级的难浮煤泥,进行了窄粒度级和全粒度级的浮选速度试验。结果表明:浮选速度由快到慢的粒级依次为0.125~0.074、0.250~0.125、〈0.074、0.500~0.250、〉0.500 mm。粗粒级煤粒因其质量大、脱附概率高、部分连生体表面疏水性较差,需在高能量输入条件下,通过较长时间的矿化作用...  相似文献   

通过浮选试验、Zeta 电位测试、吸附量试验和扩展的DLVO理论计算,考察六偏磷酸钠对浮选中煤泥与黏土颗粒间相互作用的影响,研究六偏磷酸钠的作用机理。结果表明:高岭石含量较多时会对煤泥浮选产生不利影响,高岭石含量达到20%,精煤回收率降低18.70%;低用量的六偏磷酸钠会抑制高岭石上浮而对煤影响较小,高用量的六偏磷酸钠会失去选择抑制性;六偏磷酸钠用量为1000g/t时,能使煤和高岭石的Zeta电位分别从-25mV、-39mV移至-32mV、-57mV,增强了颗粒间静电排斥作用;同时,六偏磷酸钠水解形成的大分子吸附于高岭石表面,当颗粒相互靠近时产生较强的排斥力,增强了颗粒之间的空间稳定化作用能。  相似文献   

张文勇  倪小明  王延斌 《煤炭学报》2015,40(5):1087-1092
以晋城矿区寺河井田为研究对象,借助扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪得出煤中矿物成分和充填方式;基于煤储层几何模型结合渗流理论,构建了煤体原始渗透率和矿物溶解后渗透率变化的数学模型;在对寺河矿孔径分布、不同矿物溶解度测试基础上,探讨了注CO2后与煤中不同矿物反应渗透率的变化规律。研究结果表明:煤中矿物主要为黏土和碳酸盐矿物;煤中矿物主要以薄膜状附着和完全或半充填于煤层裂隙2种充填方式存在;不同矿物溶解、沉淀时间差异性导致注CO2后煤储层渗透率呈现先增加后减小趋势;在矿物含量相同条件下,在大孔径孔裂隙中附着或充填的矿物含量越高,矿物溶解后煤储层渗透率增加越多。煤层注CO2后煤层渗透率变化实验测试一定程度上验证了数学模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

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