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Amyloid fibrils draw attention as potential novel biomaterials due to their high stability, strength, elasticity or resistance against degradation. Therefore, the controlled and fast fibrillization process is of great interest, which raises the demand for effective tools capable of regulating amyloid fibrillization. Ionic liquids (ILs) were identified as effective modulators of amyloid aggregation. The present work is focused on the study of the effect of 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium-based ILs with kosmotropic anion acetate (EMIM-ac) and chaotropic cation tetrafluoroborate (EMIM-BF4) on the kinetics of lysozyme amyloid aggregation and morphology of formed fibrils using fluorescence and CD spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, AFM with statistical image analysis and docking calculations. We have found that both ILs decrease the thermal stability of lysozyme and significantly accelerate amyloid fibrillization in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 5% (v/v) in conditions and time-frames when no fibrils are formed in ILs-free solvent. The effect of EMIM-BF4 is more prominent than EMIM-ac due to the different specific interactions of the anionic part with the protein surface. Although both ILs induced formation of amyloid fibrils with typical needle-like morphology, a higher variability of fibril morphology consisting of a different number of intertwining protofilaments was identified for EMIM-BF4.  相似文献   

Protein aggregate formation is linked with multiple amyloidoses, including Alzheimer‘s and Parkinson‘s diseases. Currently, the understanding of such fibrillar structure formation and propagation is still not sufficient, the outcome of which is a lack of potent, anti-amyloid drugs. The environmental conditions used during in vitro protein aggregation assays play an important role in determining both the aggregation kinetic parameters, as well as resulting fibril structure. In the case of alpha-synuclein, ionic strength has been shown as a crucial factor in its amyloid aggregation. In this work, we examine a large sample size of alpha-synuclein aggregation reactions under thirty different ionic strength and protein concentration combinations and determine the resulting fibril structural variations using their dye-binding properties, secondary structure and morphology. We show that both ionic strength and protein concentration determine the structural variability of alpha-synuclein amyloid fibrils and that sometimes even identical conditions can result in up to four distinct types of aggregates.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are associated with conformational conversion of cellular prion protein into a misfolded pathogenic form, which resembles many properties of amyloid fibrils. The same prion protein sequence can misfold into different conformations, which are responsible for variations in prion disease phenotypes (prion strains). In this work, we use atomic force microscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and magic-angle spinning NMR to devise structural models of mouse prion protein fibrils prepared in three different denaturing conditions. We find that the fibril core region as well as the structure of its N- and C-terminal parts is almost identical between the three fibrils. In contrast, the central part differs in length of β-strands and the arrangement of charged residues. We propose that the denaturant ionic strength plays a major role in determining the structure of fibrils obtained in a particular condition by stabilizing fibril core interior-facing glutamic acid residues.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes are known to be involved in the formation and degradation of various monomeric proteins, but the effect of proteases on the ordered protein aggregates, amyloid fibrils, which are considered to be extremely stable, remains poorly understood. In this work we study resistance to proteolytic degradation of lysozyme amyloid fibrils with two different types of morphology and beta-2-microglobulun amyloids. We showed that the proteolytic enzyme of the pancreas, trypsin, induced degradation of amyloid fibrils, and the mechanism of this process was qualitatively the same for all investigated amyloids. At the same time, we found a dependence of efficiency and rate of fibril degradation on the structure of the amyloid-forming protein as well as on the morphology and clustering of amyloid fibrils. It was assumed that the discovered relationship between fibrils structure and the efficiency of their degradation by trypsin can become the basis of a new express method for the analysis of amyloids polymorphism. Unexpectedly lower resistance of both types of lysozyme amyloids to trypsin exposure compared to the native monomeric protein (which is not susceptible to hydrolysis) was attributed to the higher availability of cleavage sites in studied fibrils. Another intriguing result of the work is that the cytotoxicity of amyloids treated with trypsin was not only failing to decline, but even increasing in the case of beta-2-microglobulin fibrils.  相似文献   

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR can enhance sensitivity but often comes at the price of a substantial loss of resolution. Two major factors affect spectral quality: low‐temperature heterogeneous line broadening and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) effects. Investigations by NMR spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and EPR revealed a new substantial affinity of TOTAPOL to amyloid surfaces, very similar to that shown by the fluorescent dye thioflavin‐T (ThT). As a consequence, DNP spectra with remarkably good resolution and still reasonable enhancement could be obtained at very low TOTAPOL concentrations, typically 400 times lower than commonly employed. These spectra yielded several long‐range constraints that were difficult to obtain without DNP. Our findings open up new strategies for structural studies with DNP NMR spectroscopy on amyloids that can bind the biradical with affinity similar to that shown towards ThT.  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid fibrils is linked to multiple neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Despite years of research and countless studies on the topic of such aggregate formation, as well as their resulting structure, the current knowledge is still fairly limited. One of the main aspects prohibiting effective aggregation tracking is the environment’s effect on amyloid-specific dyes, namely thioflavin-T (ThT). Currently, there are only a few studies hinting at ionic strength being one of the factors that modulate the dye’s binding affinity and fluorescence intensity. In this work we explore this effect under a range of ionic strength conditions, using insulin, lysozyme, mouse prion protein, and α-synuclein fibrils. We show that ionic strength is an extremely important factor affecting both the binding affinity, as well as the fluorescence intensity of ThT.  相似文献   

Prion protein aggregation into amyloid fibrils is associated with the onset and progression of prion diseases—a group of neurodegenerative amyloidoses. The process of such aggregate formation is still not fully understood, especially regarding their polymorphism, an event where the same type of protein forms multiple, conformationally and morphologically distinct structures. Considering that such structural variations can greatly complicate the search for potential antiamyloid compounds, either by having specific propagation properties or stability, it is important to better understand this aggregation event. We have recently reported the ability of prion protein fibrils to obtain at least two distinct conformations under identical conditions, which raised the question if this occurrence is tied to only certain environmental conditions. In this work, we examined a large sample size of prion protein aggregation reactions under a range of temperatures and analyzed the resulting fibril dye-binding, secondary structure and morphological properties. We show that all temperature conditions lead to the formation of more than one fibril type and that this variability may depend on the state of the initial prion protein molecules.  相似文献   

In this review, we provide an illustration of the idea discussed in the literature of using model compounds to study the effect of substitution of L- for D-amino acid residues in amyloid peptides. The need for modeling is due to the inability to study highly disordered peptides by traditional methods (high-field NMR, X-ray). At the same time, the appearance of such peptides, where L-amino acids are partially replaced by D-analogs is one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s disease. The review presents examples of the use diastereomers with L-/D-tryptophan in model process—photoinduced electron transfer (ET) for studying differences in reactivity and structure of systems with L- and D-optical isomers. The combined application of spin effects, including those calculated using the original theory, fluorescence techniques and molecular modeling has demonstrated a real difference in the structure and efficiency of ET in diastereomers with L-/D-tryptophan residues. In addition, the review compared the factors governing chiral inversion in model metallopeptides and Aβ42 amyloid.  相似文献   

Under appropriate conditions, peptides and proteins can assemble from their native state into prefibrillar oligomers and then mature into fibrillar aggregates. This transition forms the molecular basis of several pathologies, often related to the deposition of these amyloid fibrils. Several hormone peptides involved in fundamental biological processes have the tendency to self-assemble into amyloid fibrils, resulting in a loss of their native functions, and more importantly, entailing devastating consequences, such as the formation of amyloid depositions. Calcitonin is a 32 amino-acid hormone peptide that can be considered a molecular paradigm for the central events associated with hormone misfolding. Calcitonin in its native form is involved in various physiological functions, including mediating calcium homeostasis and maintaining bone structure. It is the latter function that has motivated the use of calcitonin as an aqueous therapeutic agent for the treatment of bone-related pathologies such as osteoporosis and Paget's disease. Despite some success as a therapeutic, calcitonin's ability to control these diseases is limited by its aggregation along the canonical amyloid aggregation pathway, compromising its long-term stability as a therapeutic agent. A better understanding of the misfolding process would not only provide the structural basis to improve calcitonin's long-term stability and activity as a therapeutic, but also provide valuable insights into pathological aggregation of other amyloids. In this work, we review the physiological roles of calcitonin, its structure, and aggregation process, and consider the effects of calcitonin's structure on its role as a therapeutic.  相似文献   

Computational prediction of molecular structures of amyloid fibrils remains an exceedingly challenging task. In this work, we propose a multi-scale modeling procedure for the structure prediction of amyloid fibrils formed by the association of ACC1-13 aggregation-prone peptides derived from the N-terminal region of insulin’s A-chain. First, a large number of protofilament models composed of five copies of interacting ACC1-13 peptides were predicted by application of CABS-dock coarse-grained (CG) docking simulations. Next, the models were reconstructed to all-atom (AA) representations and refined during molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in explicit solvent. The top-scored protofilament models, selected using symmetry criteria, were used for the assembly of long fibril structures. Finally, the amyloid fibril models resulting from the AA MD simulations were compared with atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging experimental data. The obtained results indicate that the proposed multi-scale modeling procedure is capable of predicting protofilaments with high accuracy and may be applied for structure prediction and analysis of other amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

蛋白质是生物体内一切功能的执行者,而蛋白质正确折叠则是发挥其生理功能的一个重要前提条件。近年来研究发现,蛋白质的错误折叠可以形成淀粉样沉积进而导致一些疾病的产生。探讨了蛋白质折叠和淀粉样纤维产生的机制。  相似文献   

The misfolding and aggregation of proteins and peptides into amyloid fibrils are believed to be responsible for the dysfunction and death of neuron cells in many neurodegenerative diseases. Resolving the atomic structures of amyloid peptides at different aggregation stages by molecular simulations has opened new ways to probe the molecular mechanisms of amyloid aggregation, toxicity, and inhibition, as well as to validate computational data with available experimental ones. In this review article, we summarize some recent and important findings on: 1) a number of atomic structures of amyloid oligomers with typical β-sheet-rich conformations, related to amyloid aggregation; 2) different amyloid peptide-induced membrane-disruption mechanisms, related to amyloid toxicity; and 3) rational design of different amyloid inhibitors capable of preventing amyloid aggregation and toxicity, related to amyloid inhibition. All these findings will provide some mechanistic implications for molecular mechanisms of amyloid aggregation, toxicity, and inhibition, which are fundamentally and practically important for the treatment of amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

Functional amyloids are fibrillary proteins with a cross-β structure that play a structural or regulatory role in pro- and eukaryotes. Previously, we have demonstrated that the RNA-binding FXR1 protein functions in an amyloid form in the rat brain. This RNA-binding protein plays an important role in the regulation of long-term memory, emotions, and cancer. Here, we evaluate the amyloid properties of FXR1 in organisms representing various classes of vertebrates. We show the colocalization of FXR1 with amyloid-specific dyes in the neurons of amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Moreover, FXR1, as with other amyloids, forms detergent-resistant insoluble aggregates in all studied animals. The FXR1 protein isolated by immunoprecipitation from the brains of different vertebrate species forms fibrils, which show yellow-green birefringence after staining with Congo red. Our data indicate that in the evolution of vertebrates, FXR1 acquired amyloid properties at least 365 million years ago. Based on the obtained data, we discuss the possible role of FXR1 amyloid fibrils in the regulation of vital processes in the brain of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The crystalline structure of silk fibroin Silk I is generally considered to be a metastable structure; however, there is no definite conclusion under what circumstances this crystalline structure is stable or the crystal form will change. In this study, silk fibroin solution was prepared from B. Mori silkworm cocoons, and a combined method of freeze-crystallization and freeze-drying at different temperatures was used to obtain stable Silk I crystalline material and uncrystallized silk material, respectively. Different concentrations of methanol and ethanol were used to soak the two materials with different time periods to investigate the effect of immersion treatments on the crystalline structure of silk fibroin materials. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman scattering spectroscopy (Raman), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to characterize the structure of silk fibroin before and after the treatments. The results showed that, after immersion treatments, uncrystallized silk fibroin material with random coil structure was transformed into Silk II crystal structure, while the silk material with dominated Silk I crystal structure showed good long-term stability without obvious transition to Silk II crystal structure. α-chymotrypsin biodegradation study showed that the crystalline structure of silk fibroin Silk I materials is enzymatically degradable with a much lower rate compared to uncrystallized silk materials. The crystalline structure of Silk I materials demonstrate a good long-term stability, endurance to alcohol sterilization without structural changes, and can be applied to many emerging fields, such as biomedical materials, sustainable materials, and biosensors.  相似文献   

采用FT-IR、1H-NMR、GPC等测试手段对端叠氮基端酯基GAP增塑剂产品进行了测试表征,采用DSC、TG-DTA研究了产品的热稳定性.结果表明,样品结构中存在叠氮基、酯基、醚键等,Tg在-58~-62℃之间,叠氮基分解温度为250℃左右,主链分解温度峰值为348℃左右.  相似文献   

徐文斌 《广东化工》2012,39(2):75-77
采用电导率法,测定了以表面活性剂丁二酸-2-乙基己基磺酸钠(AOT)与甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)和水构成的反相微乳液体系的稳定性,考察了油相极性、表面活性剂浓度、分散相浓度及离子价态、助乳化剂丙烯酰胺(AM)对反相微乳液体系的影响,确定了反相微乳液体系体系的局部相图,初步表征了反相微乳液体系的相结构。结果表明,以极性单体作为油相的微乳液体系电导率与增溶水量的变化关系中不存在突变点,有别于一般的以低极性或非极性烷烃(或混合烷烃)作为油相的微乳液体系。当体系中AOT浓度0.1~0.3 M,分散相(盐溶液)浓度≤0.05 M,增溶水量([H2O]/[AOT]摩尔比)w≤9时,可以得到稳定的反相微乳液体系,AM的存在能够增大体系的增溶能力。  相似文献   

Beta2-microglobulin (B2M) a key component of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules, which aid cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) immune response. However, the majority of studies of B2M have focused only on amyloid fibrils in pathogenesis to the neglect of its role of antimicrobial activity. Indeed, B2M also plays an important role in innate defense and does not only function as an adjuvant for CTL response. A previous study discovered that human aggregated B2M binds the surface protein structure in Streptococci, and a similar study revealed that sB2M-9, derived from native B2M, functions as an antibacterial chemokine that binds Staphylococcus aureus. An investigation of sB2M-9 exhibiting an early lymphocyte recruitment in the human respiratory epithelium with bacterial challenge may uncover previously unrecognized aspects of B2M in the body’s innate defense against Mycobactrium tuberculosis. B2M possesses antimicrobial activity that operates primarily under pH-dependent acidic conditions at which B2M and fragmented B2M may become a nucleus seed that triggers self-aggregation into distinct states, such as oligomers and amyloid fibrils. Modified B2M can act as an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) against a wide range of microbes. Specifically, these AMPs disrupt microbe membranes, a feature similar to that of amyloid fibril mediated cytotoxicity toward eukaryotes. This study investigated two similar but nonidentical effects of B2M: the physiological role of B2M, in which it potentially acts against microbes in innate defense and the role of B2M in amyloid fibrils, in which it disrupts the membrane of pathological cells. Moreover, we explored the pH-governing antibacterial activity of B2M and acidic pH mediated B2M amyloid fibrils underlying such cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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