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Prostate cancer remains a life-threatening disease among men worldwide. The majority of PCa-related mortality results from metastatic disease that is characterized by metastasis of prostate tumor cells to various distant organs, such as lung, liver, and bone. Bone metastasis is most common in prostate cancer with osteoblastic and osteolytic lesions. The precise mechanisms underlying PCa metastasis are still being delineated. Intercellular communication is a key feature underlying prostate cancer progression and metastasis. There exists local signaling between prostate cancer cells and cells within the primary tumor microenvironment (TME), in addition to long range signaling wherein tumor cells communicate with sites of future metastases to promote the formation of pre-metastatic niches (PMN) to augment the growth of disseminated tumor cells upon metastasis. Over the last decade, exosomes/ extracellular vesicles have been demonstrated to be involved in such signaling. Exosomes are nanosized extracellular vesicles (EVs), between 30 and 150 nm in thickness, that originate and are released from cells after multivesicular bodies (MVB) fuse with the plasma membrane. These vesicles consist of lipid bilayer membrane enclosing a cargo of biomolecules, including proteins, lipids, RNA, and DNA. Exosomes mediate intercellular communication by transferring their cargo to recipient cells to modulate target cellular functions. In this review, we discuss the contribution of exosomes/extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer progression, in pre-metastatic niche establishment, and in organ-specific metastases. In addition, we briefly discuss the clinical significance of exosomes as biomarkers and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PC) includes several phenotypes, from indolent to highly aggressive cancer. Actual diagnostic and prognostic tools have several limitations, and there is a need for new biomarkers to stratify patients and assign them optimal therapies by taking into account potential genetic and epigenetic differences. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small sequences of non-coding RNA regulating specific genes involved in the onset and development of PC. Stable miRNAs have been found in biofluids, such as serum and plasma; thus, the measurement of PC-associated miRNAs is emerging as a non-invasive tool for PC detection and monitoring. In this study, we conduct an in-depth literature review focusing on miRNAs that may contribute to the diagnosis and prognosis of PC. The role of miRNAs as a potential theranostic tool in PC is discussed. Using a meta-analysis approach, we found a group of 29 miRNAs with diagnostic properties and a group of seven miRNAs with prognostic properties, which were found already expressed in both biofluids and PC tissues. We tested the two miRNA groups on The Cancer Genome Atlas dataset of PC tissue samples with a machine-learning approach. Our results suggest that these 29 miRNAs should be considered as potential panel of biomarkers for the diagnosis of PC, both as in vivo non-invasive test and ex vivo confirmation test.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PC) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among men worldwide. Molecular biomarkers work in conjunction with existing clinicopathologic tools to help physicians decide who to biopsy, re-biopsy, treat, or re-treat. The past decade has witnessed the commercialization of multiple PC protein biomarkers with improved performance, remarkable progress in proteomic technologies for global discovery and targeted validation of novel protein biomarkers from clinical specimens, and the emergence of novel, promising PC protein biomarkers. In this review, we summarize these advances and discuss the challenges and potential solutions for identifying and validating clinically useful protein biomarkers in PC diagnosis and prognosis. The identification of multi-protein biomarkers with high sensitivity and specificity, as well as their integration with clinicopathologic parameters, imaging, and other molecular biomarkers, bodes well for optimal personalized management of PC patients.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have brought great momentum to the non-invasive liquid biopsy procedure for the detection, characterization, and monitoring of cancer. Despite the common use of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) as a biomarker for prostate cancer, there is an unmet need for a more specific diagnostic tool to detect tumor progression and recurrence. Exosomes, which are EVs that are released from all cells, play a large role in physiology and pathology, including cancer. They are involved in intercellular communication, immune function, and they are present in every bodily fluid studied—making them an excellent window into how cells are operating. With liquid biopsy, EVs can be isolated and analyzed, enabling an insight into a potential therapeutic value, serving as a vehicle for drugs or nucleic acids that have anti-neoplastic effects. The current application of advanced technology also points to higher-sensitivity detection methods that are minimally invasive. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of the significance of exosomes in prostate cancer and the potential diagnostic value of these EVs in disease progression.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of cancer-related death of men globally. Since its introduction, there has been intense debate as to the effectiveness of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test as a screening tool for PCa. It is now evident that the PSA test produces unacceptably high rates of false positive results and is not prognostic. Here we review the current status of molecular biomarkers that promise to be prognostic and that might inform individual patient management. It highlights current efforts to identify biomarkers obtained by minimally invasive methods and discusses current knowledge with regard to gene fusions, mRNA and microRNAs, immunology, and cancer-associated microparticles.  相似文献   

Early detection, characterization and monitoring of cancer are possible by using extracellular vesicles (EVs) isolated from non-invasively obtained liquid biopsy samples. They play a role in intercellular communication contributing to cell growth, differentiation and survival, thereby affecting the formation of tumor microenvironments and causing metastases. EVs were discovered more than seventy years ago. They have been tested recently as tools of drug delivery to treat cancer. Here we give a brief review on extracellular vesicles, exosomes, microvesicles and apoptotic bodies. Exosomes play an important role by carrying extracellular nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) in cell-to-cell communication causing tumor and metastasis development. We discuss the role of extracellular vesicles in the pathogenesis of cancer and their practical application in the early diagnosis, follow up, and next-generation treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Metabolomic profiling is an emerging field consisting of the measurement of metabolites in a biological system. Since metabolites can vary in relation to different stimuli, specific metabolic patterns can be closely related to a pathological process. In the dermatological setting, skin metabolomics can provide useful biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of cutaneous disorders. The main goal of the present review is to present a comprehensive overview of the published studies in skin metabolomics. A search for journal articles focused on skin metabolomics was conducted on the MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, and Scopus electronic databases. Only research articles with electronically available English full text were taken into consideration. Studies specifically focused on cutaneous microbiomes were also excluded from the present search. A total of 97 papers matched all the research criteria and were therefore considered for the present work. Most of the publications were focused on inflammatory dermatoses and immune-mediated cutaneous disorders. Skin oncology also turned out to be a relevant field in metabolomic research. Only a few papers were focused on infectious diseases and rarer genetic disorders. All the major metabolomic alterations published so far in the dermatological setting are described extensively in this review.  相似文献   

Globally, HIV/AIDS and cancer are increasingly public health problems and continue to exist as comorbidities. The sub-Saharan African region has the largest number of HIV infections. Malignancies previously associated with HIV/AIDS, also known as the AIDS-defining cancers (ADCs) have been documented to decrease, while the non-AIDS defining cancer (NADCs) are on the rise. On the other hand, cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease and precision oncology as the most effective cancer therapy is gaining attraction. Among HIV-infected individuals, the increased risk for developing cancer is due to the immune system of the patient being suppressed, frequent coinfection with oncogenic viruses and an increase in risky behavior such as poor lifestyle. The core of personalised medicine for cancer depends on the discovery and the development of biomarkers. Biomarkers are specific and highly sensitive markers that reveal information that aid in leading to the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of the disease. This review focuses mainly on the risk assessment, diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic role of various cancer biomarkers in HIV-positive patients. A careful selection of sensitive and specific HIV-associated cancer biomarkers is required to identify patients at most risk of tumour development, thus improving the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is still a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Less than half of cases are diagnosed when the cancer is locally advanced. CRC is a heterogenous disease associated with a number of genetic or somatic mutations. Diagnostic markers are used for risk stratification and early detection, which might prolong overall survival. Nowadays, the widespread use of semi-invasive endoscopic methods and feacal blood tests characterised by suboptimal accuracy of diagnostic results has led to the detection of cases at later stages. New molecular noninvasive tests based on the detection of CRC alterations seem to be more sensitive and specific then the current methods. Therefore, research aiming at identifying molecular markers, such as DNA, RNA and proteins, would improve survival rates and contribute to the development of personalized medicine. The identification of “ideal” diagnostic biomarkers, having high sensitivity and specificity, being safe, cheap and easy to measure, remains a challenge. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent advances in novel diagnostic biomarkers for tumor tissue, blood and stool samples in CRC patients.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive tumors, with a dismal prognosis due to poor detection rates at early stages, rapid progression, post-surgical complications, and limited effectiveness of conventional oncologic therapies. There are no consistently reliable biomarkers or imaging modalities to accurately diagnose, classify, and predict the biological behavior of this tumor. Therefore, it is imperative to develop new and improved strategies to detect pancreatic lesions in the early stages of cancerization with greater sensitivity and specificity. Extracellular vesicles, including exosome and microvesicles, are membrane-coated cellular products that are released in the outer environment. All cells produce extracellular vesicles; however, this process is enhanced by inflammation and tumorigenesis. Based on accumulating evidence, extracellular vesicles play a crucial role in pancreatic cancer progression and chemoresistance. Moreover, they may represent potential biomarkers and promising therapy targets. The aim of the present review is to review the current evidence on the role of extracellular vesicles in pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

The five-year survival rate of lung cancer patients is very low, mainly because most newly diagnosed patients present with locally advanced or metastatic disease. Therefore, early diagnosis is key to the successful treatment and management of lung cancer. Unfortunately, early detection methods of lung cancer are not ideal. In this brief review, we described early detection methods such as chest X-rays followed by bronchoscopy, sputum analysis followed by cytological analysis, and low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). In addition, we discussed the potential of metabolomic fingerprinting, compared to that of other biomarkers, including molecular targets, as a low-cost, high-throughput blood-based test that is both feasible and affordable for early-stage lung cancer screening of at-risk populations. Accordingly, we proposed a paradigm shift to metabolomics as an alternative to molecular and proteomic-based markers in lung cancer screening, which will enable blood-based routine testing and be accessible to those patients at the highest risk for lung cancer.  相似文献   

In order to successfully cure patients with prostate cancer (PCa), it is important to detect the disease at an early stage. The existing clinical biomarkers for PCa are not ideal, since they cannot specifically differentiate between those patients who should be treated immediately and those who should avoid over-treatment. Current screening techniques lack specificity, and a decisive diagnosis of PCa is based on prostate biopsy. Although PCa screening is widely utilized nowadays, two thirds of the biopsies performed are still unnecessary. Thus the discovery of non-invasive PCa biomarkers remains urgent. In recent years, the utilization of urine has emerged as an attractive option for the non-invasive detection of PCa. Moreover, a great improvement in high-throughput “omic” techniques has presented considerable opportunities for the identification of new biomarkers. Herein, we will review the most significant urine biomarkers described in recent years, as well as some future prospects in that field.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in North America and other developed countries. One of the reasons lung cancer is at the top of the list is that it is often not diagnosed until the cancer is at an advanced stage. Thus, the earliest diagnosis of lung cancer is crucial, especially in screening high-risk populations, such as smokers, exposure to fumes, oil fields, toxic occupational places, etc. Based on the current knowledge, it looks that there is an urgent need to identify novel biomarkers. The current diagnosis of lung cancer includes different types of imaging complemented with pathological assessment of biopsies, but these techniques can still not detect early lung cancer developments. In this review, we described the advantages and disadvantages of current methods used in diagnosing lung cancer, and we provide an analysis of the potential use of body fluids as carriers of biomarkers as predictors of cancer development and progression.  相似文献   

Exosomes are cell-secreted nanoparticles containing various molecules including small vesicles, microRNAs (miRNAs), messenger RNAs or bioactive proteins which are thought to be of paramount importance for intercellular communication. The unique effects of exosomes in terms of cell penetration capacity, decreased immunogenicity and inherent stability, along with their key role in mediating information exchange among tumor cells and their surrounding tumor microenvironment (TME), render them a promising platform for drug targeted delivery. Compared to synthetic drugs, exosomes boast a plethora of advantages, including higher biocompatibility, lower toxicity and increased ability of tissue infiltration. Nevertheless, the use of artificial exosomes can be limited in practice, partly due to their poor targeting ability and partly due to their limited efficacy. Therefore, efforts have been made to engineer stem cell-derived exosomes in order to increase selectiveness and effectivity, which can then become loaded with various active substances depending on the therapeutic approach followed. Erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular receptors (EPHs), along with their ligands, the EPH family receptor interacting proteins (ephrins), have been extensively investigated for their key roles in both physiology and cancer pathogenesis. EPHs/ephrins exhibit both tumorigenic and tumor suppressing properties, with their targeting representing a promising, novel therapeutic approach in cancer patients’ management. In our review, the use of ephrin-loaded exosomes as a potential therapeutic targeted delivery system in cancer will be discussed.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PC) is a male common neoplasm and is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. PC is traditionally diagnosed by the evaluation of prostate secreted antigen (PSA) in the blood. Due to the high levels of false positives, digital rectal examination and transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy are necessary in uncertain cases with elevated PSA levels. Nevertheless, the high mortality rate suggests that new PC biomarkers are urgently needed to help clinical diagnosis. In a previous study, we have identified a network of genes, altered in high Gleason Score (GS) PC (GS ≥ 7), being regulated by miR-153. Until now, no publication has explained the mechanism of action of miR-153 in PC. By in vitro studies, we found that the overexpression of miR-153 in high GS cell lines is required to control cell proliferation, migration and invasion rates, targeting Kruppel-like factor 5 (KLF5). Moreover, miR-153 could be secreted by exosomes and microvesicles in the microenvironment and, once entered into the surrounding tissue, could influence cellular growth. Being upregulated in high GS human PC, miR-153 could be proposed as a circulating biomarker for PC diagnosis.  相似文献   

The analysis of saliva as a diagnostic approach for systemic diseases was proposed just two decades ago, but recently great interest in the field has emerged because of its revolutionary potential as a liquid biopsy and its usefulness as a non-invasive sampling method. Multiple molecules isolated in saliva have been proposed as cancer biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, drug monitoring and pharmacogenetic studies. In this review, we focus on the current status of the salivary diagnostic biomarkers for different cancers distant to the oral cavity, noting their potential use in the clinic and their applicability in personalising cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Exosomes are very small extracellular vesicles secreted by multiple cell types and are extensively distributed in various biological fluids. Recent research indicated that exosomes can participate in regulating the tumor microenvironment and impacting tumor proliferation and progression. Due to the extensive enrollment in cancer development, exosomes have become a focus of the search for a new therapeutic method for cancer. Exosomes can be utilized for the therapeutic delivery of small molecules, proteins and RNAs to target cancer cells with a high efficiency. Exosome-carried proteins, lipids and nucleic acids are being tested as promising biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis, even as potential treatment targets for cancer. Moreover, different sources of exosomes exhibit multiple performances in cancer applications. In this review, we elaborate on the specific mechanism by which exosomes affect the communication between tumors and the microenvironment and state the therapeutic and diagnostic applications of exosomes in cancers.  相似文献   

Along with the cells that are exposed to radiation, non-irradiated cells can unveil radiation effects as a result of intercellular communication, which are collectively defined as radiation induced bystander effects (RIBE). Exosome-mediated signalling is one of the core mechanisms responsible for multidirectional communication of tumor cells and their associated microenvironment, which may result in enhancement of malignant tumor phenotypes. Recent studies show that exosomes and exosome-mediated signalling also play a dynamic role in RIBE in cancer cell lines, many of which focused on altered exosome cargo or their effects on DNA damage. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how these changes in exosome cargo are reflected in other functional characteristics of cancer cells from the aspects of invasiveness and metastasis. Therefore, in the current study, we aimed to investigate exosome-mediated bystander effects of 2 Gy X-ray therapeutic dose of ionizing radiation on the invasive potential of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in vitro via assessing Matrigel invasion potential, epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics and the extent of glycosylation, as well as underlying plausible molecular mechanisms. The findings show that exosomes derived from irradiated MCF-7 cells enhance invasiveness of bystander MCF-7 cells, possibly through altered miRNA and protein content carried in exosomes.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common type of cancer worldwide amongst males and females. CRC treatment is multidisciplinary, often including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Early diagnosis of CRC can lead to treatment initiation at an earlier stage. Blood biomarkers are currently used to detect CRC, but because of their low sensitivity and specificity, they are considered inadequate diagnostic tools and are used mainly for following up patients for recurrence. It is necessary to detect novel, noninvasive, specific, and sensitive biomarkers for the screening and diagnosis of CRC at earlier stages. The tumor microenvironment (TME) has an essential role in tumorigenesis; for example, extracellular vesicles (EVs) such as exosomes can play a crucial role in communication between cancer cells and different components of TME, thereby inducing tumor progression. The importance of miRNAs that are sorted into exosomes has recently attracted scientists’ attention. Some unique sequences of miRNAs are favorably packaged into exosomes, and it has been illustrated that particular miRNAs can be directed into exosomes by special mechanisms that occur inside the cells. This review illustrates and discusses the sorted and transported exosomal miRNAs in the CRC microenvironment and their impact on CRC progression as well as their potential use as biomarkers.  相似文献   

Fatigue and other deleterious mood alterations resulting from prolonged efforts such as a long work shift can lead to a decrease in vigilance and cognitive performance, increasing the likelihood of errors during the execution of attention-demanding activities such as piloting an aircraft or performing medical procedures. Thus, a method to rapidly and objectively assess the risk for such cognitive fatigue would be of value. The objective of the study was the identification in saliva-borne exosomes of molecular signals associated with changes in mood and fatigue that may increase the risk of reduced cognitive performance. Using integrated multiomics analysis of exosomes from the saliva of medical residents before and after a 12 h work shift, we observed changes in the abundances of several proteins and miRNAs that were associated with various mood states, and specifically fatigue, as determined by a Profile of Mood States questionnaire. The findings herein point to a promising protein biomarker, phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1), that was associated with fatigue and displayed changes in abundance in saliva, and we suggest a possible biological mechanism whereby the expression of the PGK1 gene is regulated by miR3185 in response to fatigue. Overall, these data suggest that multiomics analysis of salivary exosomes has merit for identifying novel biomarkers associated with changes in mood states and fatigue. The promising biomarker protein presents an opportunity for the development of a rapid saliva-based test for the assessment of these changes.  相似文献   

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