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烟株对不同价态硒的吸收与分配 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了开发富硒烟叶生产技术和了解烟叶对硒的富集机理,采用水溶性Se(Ⅳ)(亚硒酸钠)和Se(Ⅵ)(硒酸钠)盆栽试验,探讨了烟株对硒的吸收和分配规律,以及不同价态和用量的硒对烟株生长发育的影响。结果表明,土壤施用适当浓度的两种价态硒(1~10 mg/kg)均有改善烟株形态性状和提高生物量的作用,高浓度硒(20~30 mg/kg)则有负面影响,且Se(Ⅵ)处理抑制效果大于 Se(Ⅳ)。相同浓度下,两种价态的硒均能有效提高烟株各部位硒含量,Se(Ⅵ)处理较 Se(Ⅳ)提高了3~30倍。土壤中的硒优先富集和分布于叶片中,其次是根系,茎秆最小。Monod方程拟合结果表明,Se(Ⅵ)处理烟株叶片、茎秆和根系最大硒含量分别是Se(Ⅳ)处理的1.83、15.81和20.98倍,烟株对Se(Ⅵ)的亲和能力显著大于Se(Ⅳ),说明Se(Ⅵ)对烟株的生物有效性明显高于Se(Ⅳ)。 相似文献
文章分析了用Al^3+对棉织物进行前媒过程中,媒染液中加入的碱对Al^3+和棉织物之间的配合反应以及Al^3+和OH^-形成的沉淀反应的影响。几种不同结构的天然染料对媒染后棉织物进行染色后的试样表明,在媒染液中加入少量碱液,有利于Al^3+与棉织物之间的配合反应,从而增加了天然染料在棉织物上的得色量。 相似文献
油菜叶片对多效唑的吸收及在体内和土壤中残留 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用同位素示踪技术研究油菜叶片对MET的吸收、运转及MET在油菜和土壤中的残留量。试验结果表明:叶面施用^3H-MET后1小时,吸收量即达施用量的46.26%,3小时为52.58%,此后随着施用时间的延长,吸收增加甚微,至48小时为54.29%。叶片吸收的^3H-MET基本上滞留于处理部位,占吸收量的99%左右,向植株其它部位输出极少。^3H-MET在油菜中的残留量为0.024-0.107ppm, 相似文献
N~+离子注入对茶树生化成分的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以经N+离子注入诱变后所获得的福鼎系5个茶树新品系为研究对象,对其茶多酚、咖啡碱、水溶性碳水化合物、水浸出物等生化成分进行检测。研究表明,N+离子诱变对茶树中咖啡碱、水溶性碳水化合物和茶多酚含量的影响很大,对茶树中水浸出物含量的影响较大。结果证明:N+注入法在茶树育种上是可行的,它能使茶树生物性状发生较大的变异。 相似文献
分次施钾对白肋烟生长和钾素吸收,分配的影响 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
采用基肥与追肥分次施钾的方法,可以在同等供钾水平下促进白肋烟地上部生长,提高烟叶产量烟叶含钾量。分次施钾可以提高所施钾肥的吸收效率,改变钾素在不同部位烟叶中的分配比例,特别对腰叶和上二棚烟叶含钾量的增加更为明显。 相似文献
目的分析不同茶树修剪高度稀土(REE)、氟(F)、铝(Al)含量的高低,为阐明茶树高度和稀土F、Al含量在茶树中的积累特性机制提供一定的基础。方法采用ICP-MS测定茶叶中稀土和Al含量,氟离子电极法测定茶叶中F含量,应用Microsoft Excel软件和SPSS19.0软件,采用使用新复极差法进行显著性分析,Pearson相关性分析茶树稀土的含量和生化成分差异及其相关性。结果经过定型修剪后,表现为随着茶树修剪高度的降低,稀土和Al含量呈逐渐增加的趋势,修剪高度最低的20 cm稀土含量(0.36 mg/kg)显著高于传统树冠高度60 cm(0.12 mg/kg),F含量则在40 cm修剪高度时达到最高;儿茶素总量和茶多酚含量则有随着茶树高度的增加而降低,成品茶中稀土、F、Al含量大致和定型修剪后的鲜叶一致。稀土含量和F、Al含量之间达到了极显著相关,稀土、Al含量与茶叶品质成分中的酯型儿茶素也呈显著的正相关。结论本研究发现不同修剪高度对茶树的稀土、F、Al元素含量和品质成分均产生了一定的影响,但影响程度不同,随着修剪高度的降低,茶树传统树冠下稀土、F、Al元素的含量均会低于现阶段采用的矮树冠。 相似文献
烤烟体内氮磷钾的浓度和积累、分配特征 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
田间试验和室内分析相结合研究了在利川市海拔1100~1200m的黄棕壤上烤烟植株体内氮磷钾营养元素的浓度、积累量和不同部位的分配比例,以及施肥和地膜覆盖对它们的影响。试验表明,地上部氮磷钾的浓度明显高于地下部,且叶片中的浓度最高,同时叶片也是营养元素积累最多的器官。施用氮肥和磷肥仅相应增加氮、磷积累量,而不能相应提高它们在烟株体内的浓度。施用钾肥既可增加钾在烟株体内的积累量,又提高钾的浓度。施任何一种肥料均可增加其它两种肥料元素在烟株体内的积累。地膜覆盖或地膜覆盖条件下施肥能促进氮、钾在烟株地上部和磷在地下部的富集。 相似文献
为了解河南烟区烤烟对氮素的吸收分配情况,试验采用15N分别标记基肥中的铵态氮(15NH4+)、基肥中的硝态氮(15NO3-)以及追肥氮的方法研究了烤烟大田生育期内各器官中氮素的吸收分配规律。结果显示:(1)在整个大田生育期烟株体内氮素积累量不断增加,其中旺长期增幅最大;烟株对土壤氮的积累量显著大于肥料氮,且吸收的氮素50%以上分布在叶片中;烟株根系对氮素的积累在整个生育期都呈现持续增加的趋势。(2)随生育期推进烟株各器官中积累肥料氮量占总氮比例不断降低;不同叶位间,叶片积累肥料氮占总氮的比例一直是:下部叶>中部叶>上部叶。(3)烟株在大田移栽后40d~60d期间为氮素积累强度最大时期,随后逐渐减弱,且生育后期烟株对肥料氮的积累表现为负值,而对土壤氮的吸收则表现出滞后性;烟株对基肥中硝态氮的吸收能力强于铵态氮,对追肥中氮素的吸收能力强于基肥氮。 相似文献
A field experiment was carried out to determine the effects of wood ash and refuse tea with urea on yield and nutrient status of tea. Experimental plots were located in the St Coombs Estate, Tea Research Institute, Talawakelle, Sri Lanka. Six treatments (1 ton wood ash plus 20 ton refuse tea ha-1 year-1{T1}, 2 ton wood ash plus 20 ton refuse tea ha-1 year-1{T2}, 1 ton wood ash plus 20 ton refuse tea plus 587 kg urea ha-1 year-1{T3}, 2 ton wood ash plus 20 ton refuse tea plus 587 kg urea ha-1 year-1{T3}, present TRI fertilizer mixture{T3}, and control{T3}, without any fertilization) were arranged according to Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Macro and micro nutrient contents in soil and leaf were analyzed5 months after applying treatments and yield was recorded in weekly intervals.T2 applied plots indicated significant positive effect (p<0.05) on the yield and significantly (p<0.05) higher Potassium and Calcium content in the soil. Significant effect (p<0.05) of Nitrogen and Carbon content in the soil was given by T1. Electrical conductivity and pH changes in soil were not any significantly different among all the treatments whilst higher macro and micro-nutrient concentration was observed in the soil, treated with T1,T2,T3and T4. It is evident from results that wood ash, refuse tea with urea can be successfully used to promote sustainable tea cultivation in the Mattakelle soil series (Rhodudults/Tropudults;USDA classification) which having high buffering capacity. 相似文献
Yingxu Chen Jie Xu Mingge Yu Xincai Chen Jiyan Shi 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2010,90(9):1501-1507
BACKGROUND: There has been increasing concern in recent years about the concentration of lead (Pb) in tea. However, little research has been done to address questions concerning the distribution of Pb in different varieties of tea plant and the differences among tea plant varieties in their uptake and accumulation of Pb from the soil. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the accumulation of Pb in different tea plant varieties and the factors affecting Pb bioavailability. RESULTS: Three patterns of Pb distribution could be observed in different plant parts among the eight tea varieties surveyed, as well as a linear relationship between the Pb concentration in fine roots and the exchangeable Pb fraction in the corresponding soil. The uptake of Pb by fine roots increased significantly as the soil pH decreased. The average ratios of Pb concentration in fine roots to those in young stems and young leaves were 5.18 and 31.80 respectively. In fine roots the Pb concentration varied from 22.7 to 61.6 mg kg?1. CONCLUSION: The results indicated that the uptake, transport and accumulation of Pb by tea plant organs were strongly governed by soil conditions and tea variety, thus providing tea producers with useful information on variety selection for the production of quality teas containing low levels of Pb. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Effect of extraction temperature on cream and extractability of black tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary Tea cream and haze in black tea infusions increased with the rise in the tea extraction temperature. The temperature at which substances involved in cream and haze formation began to be extensively extracted into the tea infusion was between 50 and 60 °C. The tea cream particle volume concentration in infusions extracted at 50 °C or below formed less tea cream particles, and their particle sizes were larger and more heterogeneous than those extracted at 60 °C and second infusions extracted at 90 °C from the residual leaves that were previously extracted at 40–50 °C. High‐performance liquid chromatography confirmed that constituents with pyrogallol groups are involved in tea creaming, and the effect of caffeine on tea cream and haze depends on whether these constituents are sufficiently present. The extractability of tea increased with the rise in extraction temperature. Two‐stage extraction of tea in ready‐to‐drink tea processing and its effects on colorimetric indicators were also examined. 相似文献
油茶籽油对大鼠降血脂和预防脂肪肝的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:考察油茶籽油辅助降血脂和预防脂肪肝的作用。方法:采用SD大鼠,预饲养4d后随机分成6组(每组10只):A.高脂对照组、B.空白对照组、C.高剂量茶籽油组、D.中剂量茶籽油组、E.低剂量茶籽油组、F.橄榄油对照组;各组每kg体质量的日喂食标准为:A.150g高脂饲料和9.0g生理盐水,B.150g基础饲料和9.0g生理盐水,C.150g高脂饲料和9.0g油茶籽油,D.150g高脂饲料和3.0g油茶籽油,E.150g高脂饲料和1.5g油茶籽油,F.150g高脂饲料和9.0g橄榄油,并以高脂饲料建立高脂模型;连续饲养7周后杀鼠,制备血清以备测定其甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)含量,并取肝脏进行病理切片、观察其脂肪病变程度。结果:与高脂对照组比较,3个剂量茶籽油组大鼠血清的TG和TC水平均极显著地降低(P<0.01);3个剂量茶籽油组大鼠肝脏的脂肪病变程度明显轻于高脂对照组(P<0.05),其中,高剂量组与橄榄油组类似,即:90%病例为正常肝或轻度脂肪肝,仅10%病例为中度脂肪肝,而且均与空白组的表现接近。结论:油茶籽油具有辅助降血脂作用以及预防脂肪肝的作用。 相似文献
Fabrice Houdusse María Garnica Jose María García‐Mina 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2007,87(11):2099-2105
BACKGROUND: The presence of stable mixed nitrogen forms (such as nitrate/ammonium/urea or nitrate/urea) in the soil solution is due to the use of nitrification and/or urease inhibitors in urea‐based fertilisers. However, there is no specific information in the literature comparing the efficiency of these urea mixed nitrogen forms as a nitrogen source for plants with that of nitrate and ammonium/nitrate. The aim of this study was to compare the effects on plant growth and mineral nutrition of different nitrogen forms, including mixed nitrogen forms containing urea. RESULTS: The results indicated that for both wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) the growth of plants fed mixed nitrogen forms containing urea was generally similar to that of plants receiving nitrate and nitrate/ammonium. Only in the case of pepper did ammonium/urea nutrition cause a significant decrease in plant growth. The presence of nitrate corrected the negative effects of mixed nitrogen forms containing ammonium and/or urea on the growth of pepper plants. CONCLUSION: Mixed nitrogen forms containing urea did not cause any negative effect on plant growth or mineral nutrition. In fact, plants fed mixed nitrogen forms containing urea had higher shoot concentrations of potassium, phosphorus, iron and boron than plants receiving nitrate. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
目的研究南极磷虾氟在大鼠体内的吸收、分布情况。方法随机将大鼠分为8组,4组灌胃4 mL氟浓度均为0.3 mg/mL的氟化钠溶液、虾粉悬浮液、虾糜及煮沸的虾糜,在灌胃后15 min,30 min,1 h,2 h,4 h,8 h及24 h取血;另外3组连续7 d用同法给予氟化钠、虾粉、虾糜,最后一组正常喂养作为空白对照,分别取此4组大鼠的血液、肾脏、肺、心脏、肝脏和骨骼,用氟离子选择电极测氟浓度。结果大鼠连续食用南极磷虾后,肺、心脏及肝脏中氟含量无明显变化,但在血液及肾脏中均有升高,骨骼中升高尤为明显。结论大鼠连续一周大量食用南极磷虾会产生氟蓄积,蓄积的氟对机体特别是骨的影响有待进一步的研究。 相似文献
Haixia Chen Zhaoshuai Wang Xueming Lu Bijun Xie 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2008,88(14):2523-2528
BACKGROUND: To contribute towards understanding the relationship of structure and bioactivity, a protein‐bound acidic polysaccharide named TPC3‐1 was isolated and purified from low‐grade green tea (Camellia sinensis L.). The homogeneity and weight average molecular weight of TPC3‐1 was determined by agarose gel electrophoresis and high‐performance gel permeation chromatography. The monosaccharide and amino acid composition of TPC3‐1 were analysed by gas chromatography and an amino acid analyser. The molecular structure of TPC3‐1 was characterised by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. RESULTS: Based on the data obtained, the average peak molecular weight of TPC3‐1 was about 120 kDa. TPC3‐1 was composed of L ‐arabinose, D ‐ribose, D ‐xylose, D ‐glucose and D ‐galactose with a molar ratio of 4.9:2.2:3.1:1.8:1.0. Fifteen amino acids were identified as components of the polymer. The TPC3‐1 molecule was found to have an anomeric carbon sign of both α and β configurations and high‐branched chains. The network structure of TPC3‐1 was observed. CONCLUSION: The tea polysaccharide TPC3‐1 was an acid protein‐bound polysaccharide with an image of network structure. The results presented here will facilitate further study of the relationship between the chemical structure and biological role of tea polysaccharide. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
茶多酚改性对聚乙烯醇膜吸湿特性及抗氧化活性的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究含不同质量分数茶多酚的聚乙烯醇膜的吸湿特性和抗氧化活性。通过等温吸湿实验研究了含不同质量分数茶多酚(0%、0.5%、1%、1.5%、2%)的聚乙烯醇膜的吸湿特性,并基于常用的等温吸湿模型对实验数据进行拟合表征;通过1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,DPPH)自由基清除实验分析了薄膜的抗氧化活性。结果表明:含不同质量分数茶多酚的聚乙烯醇膜均具有吸湿性,其等温吸湿曲线整体变化趋势相似,属于Ⅱ型等温吸湿曲线;薄膜的平衡含水率随水分活度的增加而显著增加(P<0.01),当水分活度大于0.6时,其平衡含水率增加幅度增大;茶多酚对聚乙烯醇膜的改性增加了其疏水性,在相同水分活度条件下,薄膜的吸湿性能随薄膜中茶多酚质量分数的增加而下降,但5 种聚乙烯醇膜之间差异不显著(P>0.05);GAB等温吸湿模型对薄膜吸湿性能的拟合效果最好,R2≥0.996;茶多酚对聚乙烯醇膜的改性使其具有抗氧化活性,DPPH自由基清除率随着薄膜中茶多酚质量分数的增加而显著提高(P<0.01),表明经茶多酚改性后的聚乙烯醇膜的抗氧化性能随薄膜中茶多酚质量分数的增加而增强。经茶多酚改性的聚乙烯醇膜具有吸湿和抗氧化功能,预示其作为塑料复合薄膜内层或中间层应用于湿度敏感型、含高脂肪等干燥易氧化食品包装具有较好的前景。 相似文献