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A novel self‐supported emulsion‐based catalyst and a conventional MgCl2‐supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst were used in the copolymerization of propylene and ethylene under industrial conditions using triethyl aluminium as cocatalyst and dicyclopentyl dimethoxy silane as external donor. The effects of the concentration of ethylene and hydrogen on the polymerization behaviors and polymer properties were investigated. The combined effect of both ethylene and hydrogen increased the relative activity of the novel catalyst more than for the conventional catalyst. This trend was consistent with our earlier observed higher degree of dormancy, due to 2,1 insertions, found with the novel catalyst. More importantly, the work has uncovered that the self‐supported catalyst incorporates ethylene in a more random fashion and produces copolymers with relatively narrow molecular weight distribution (MWD). These results in combination with polymer microstructure studies using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 13C‐NMR spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry all indicated that the novel catalyst has a narrower distribution of active site types than the conventional reference catalyst. The narrow composition of active site structures, the narrow MWD, and the random incorporation of ethylene into the polymer chain indicated that the emulsion‐based catalyst possesses features that to a certain degree tend to be more indicative for a single‐site‐like catalyst structure and behavior. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

The morphology and mechanical properties of novel block copolymers consisting of isotactic polypropylene (PP) and ethylene–propylene rubber (EPR) synthesized by a short‐period polymerization method were examined using differential scanning calorimetry, atomic force microscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis, and a rheooptical technique. It was found that the novel block copolymers show a single glass transition and EPR segments are trapped into the amorphous region of PP. Furthermore, the rheooptical analysis demonstrates that a drawing process of the EPR‐rich block copolymer induces orientation of the PP lamellae in the EPR matrix. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 74: 958–964, 1999  相似文献   

The effects of ionizing radiation on ethylene‐propylene copolymer were evaluated over the range of total γ doses up to 500 kGy. The influence of the irradiation dose was investigated by oxygen uptake and thermal analysis. Four testing temperatures (170, 180, 190, and 200°C) and two heating rates between 2.9 and 5.9 K/min were selected for oxygen uptake measurements and thermal analysis, respectively. The competition between crosslinking and scission was examined on the basis of kinetic parameters of postirradiation oxidation. The influence of the momentary concentration of hydrocarbon free radicals is discussed in regard to the contribution of the antagonistic processes of crosslinking and oxidative degradation. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 78: 298–303, 2000  相似文献   

We studied tensile behavior of low‐molecular‐weight (MW) polypropylene (PP)/ethylene–propylene rubber (EPR; 70/30) blends from the viewpoint of the MWs of PP and EPR and the compatibility between PP and EPR. The value of the melt flow rate of PP varied from 30 to 700 g/10 min at 230°C. We studied the compatibility between PP and EPR by varying the propylene content in EPR (27 and 68 wt %). At the initial elongation stage, crazes were observed in all blends. When blends included EPR with 27 wt % propylene, the elongation at break of the low‐MW PP improved little. The blends with EPR and 68 wt % propylene content were elongated further beyond their yielding points. The elongation to rupture was increased with increasing MW of EPR. Molecular orientation of the low‐MW PP was manifested by IR dichroism measurements and X‐ray diffraction patterns. The blends of low‐MW PP and EPR could be elongated by the partial dissolution of EPR of high‐MW in the PP amorphous phase. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 46–56, 2002  相似文献   

Summary: Blends of poly(propylene) (PP) were prepared with poly[ethylene‐co‐(methyl acrylate)] (EMA) having 9.0 and 21.5% methyl acrylate comonomer. A similar series of blends were compatibilized by using maleic anhydride grafted PP. The morphology and mechanical properties of the blends were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in tensile mode. The DMA method and conditions were optimized for polymer film specimens and are discussed in the experimental section. The DSC results showed separate melting that is indicative of phase‐separated blends, analogous to other PP‐polyethylene blends but with the added polarity of methyl acrylate pendant side groups that may be beneficial for chemical resistance. Heterogeneous nucleation of PP was decreased in the blends because of migration of nuclei into the more polar EMA phase. The crystallinity and peak‐melting temperature did not vary significantly, although the width of the melting endotherm increased in the blends indicating a change had occurred to the crystals. DMA analysis showed the crystal‐crystal slip transition and glass transition (Tg) for PP as well as a Tg of the EMA copolymer occurring chronologically toward lower temperatures. The storage modulus of PP and the blends was generally greater with annealing at 150 °C compared with isothermal crystallization at 130 °C. The storage modulus of the blends for isothermally crystallized PP increased with 5% EMA, then decreased for higher amounts of EMA. Annealing caused a decrease with increasing copolymer content. The extent of the trend was greater for the compatibilized blends. The Tg of the blends varied over a small range, although this change was less for the compatibilized blends.

Storage modulus for PP and EMA9.0 blends annealed at 150 °C.  相似文献   

Blend systems of polystyrene‐block‐poly(ethylene‐co‐(ethylene‐propylene))‐block‐polystyrene (SEEPS) triblock copolymer with three types of hydrocarbon oil of different molecular weight were prepared. The E″ curves as a function of temperature exhibited two peaks; one peak at low temperature (? ?50°C), arising from the glass transition of the poly[ethylene‐co‐(ethylene‐propylene)] (PEEP) phase and a high temperature peak (? 100°C), arising from the glass transition of the polystyrene (PS) phase. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the PEEP phase shifted to lower temperature with increasing oil content. The shifted Tg depended on the types of oil and was lower for the low molecular weight oil. The Tg of PS phase of the present blend system, were found to be constant and independent of the oil content, when molecular weight of the oil is high. However, for the lower molecular weight oil, the Tg of the PS phase also shifted to lower temperatures. This fact indicates that the oil of high molecular weight is merely dissolved in the PS phase. The E′ at (75°C, at which temperature both of PEEP and PS phases are in glassy state, was found to be independent of oil content. In contrast, at 25°C, at which temperature the PEEP phase is in rubbery state, the E′ decreased sharply with increasing oil content. This result indicates that the hydrocarbon oil was a selective solvent in the PEEP phase. It mainly dissolved in the PEEP phase, although slightly dissolved into the PS phase as well, when molecular weight of oil is low. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

Blends of isotactic polypropylene (PP), ethylene‐propylene rubber copolymer (EPR), and ethylene‐propylene crystalline copolymer (EPC) can be produced through in situ polymerization processes directly in the reactor and blends with different structure and composition can be obtained. In this work we studied the structure of five reactor‐made blends of PP, EPR, and EPC produced by a Ziegler‐Natta catalyst system. The composition of EPR was related to the ratio between ethylene and propylene used in the copolymerization step. The ethylene content in the EPR was in the range of 50–70 mol %. The crystallization behavior of PP and EPC in the blends was influenced by the presence of the rubber, and some specific interactions between the components could be established. By preparative temperature rising elution fractionation (P‐TREF) analysis, the isolation and characterization of crystalline EPC fractions were made. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 2155–2162, 2004  相似文献   

A series of graft polymers having polypropylene (PP) backbone and poly(ethylene‐co‐propylene) (EPR) side chains was prepared. PP backbone molecular weight (Mn) was 28–98 kg/mol, EPR side chain Mn was 2.6–17 kg/mol, and EPR content was 0–16 wt %. In this work, thermal analysis of the copolymers was performed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Nonisothermal crystallization was performed at different cooling rates. The DSC thermograms revealed multiple melting peaks for slowly cooled samples, most likely the result of the melting of thinner tangential lamellae followed by the melting of thicker radial lamellae. Equilibrium melting temperature (Tm0) was determined using the linear Hoffman–Weeks method. Another approach was also used for determining Tm0: melting temperature (Tm) and crystallization temperature (Tc) were plotted as functions of logarithmic cooling rate. Linear relationships were observed for all samples with the cross points as Tm0's. As cooling rate decreased, Tc, Tm, and enthalpy of fusion (ΔHf) increased. Tm and Tm0 increased with increasing PP Mn. Tc and Tm were unaffected by the grafting of EPR onto the PP backbone. Tm0 and ΔHf decreased as EPR content increased. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 99: 3380–3388, 2006  相似文献   

The bisupported Ziegler–Natta catalyst system SiO2/MgCl2 (ethoxide type)/TiCl4/di‐n‐butyl phthalate/triethylaluminum (TEA)/dimethoxy methyl cyclohexyl silane (DMMCHS) was prepared. TEA and di‐n‐butyl phthalate were used as a cocatalyst and an internal donor, respectively. DMMCHS was used as an external donor. The slurry polymerization of propylene was studied with the catalyst system in n‐heptane from 45 to 70°C. The effects of the TEA and H2 concentrations, temperature, and monomer pressure on the polymerization were investigated. The optimum productivity was obtained at [Al]/[DMMCHS]/[Ti] = 61.7:6.2:1 (mol/mol/mol). The highest activity of the catalyst was obtained at 60°C. Increasing the H2 concentration to 100 mL/L increased the productivity of the catalyst, but a further increase in H2 reduced the activity of the catalyst. Increasing the propylene pressure from 1 to 7 bar significantly increased the polymer yield. The isotacticity index (II) decreased with increasing TEA, but the H2 concentration, temperature, and monomer pressure did not have a significant effect on the II value. The viscosity‐average molecular weight decreased with increasing temperature and with the addition of H2. Three catalysts with different Mg/Si molar ratios were studied under the optimum conditions. The catalyst with a Mg/Si molar ratio of approximately 0.93 showed the highest activity. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 89: 1177–1181, 2003  相似文献   

In this report we outline recent work on the evaluation of magnesium carbonate‐based flame retardants for polymers commonly used in halogen‐free flame retardant wire and cable applications: poly(ethylene‐co‐vinyl acetate) (EVA) and poly(ethylene‐co‐ethyl acrylate) (EEA). Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite), synthetic magnesium carbonate (hydromagnesite), and hydromagnesite/huntite blends were combined with EVA or EEA and tested for flame retardancy effectiveness with the cone calorimeter. The flammability results showed that the effectiveness of these carbonates was polymer dependent, suggesting that polymer degradation chemistry played a role in the flammability reduction mechanism. Hydromagnesites were, in general, more effective in reducing flammability, being comparable in performance to magnesium hydroxide. Finally, we report some polymer–clay (organically treated montmorillonite and magadiite) + magnesium carbonate flame retardant results which showed that the nanocomposite yielded mixed results. Specifically, the polymer–clay nanocomposite samples did not always yield the greatest reductions in peak heat release rate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A coupled‐single‐particle and Monte Carlo model was used to simulate propylene polymerization. To describe the effects of intraparticle transfer resistance on the polymerization kinetics, the polymeric multilayer model (PMLM) was applied. The reaction in each layer of the PMLM was described with the Monte Carlo method. The PMLM was solved together with the Monte Carlo model. Therefore, the model included the factors of the mass‐ and heat‐transfer resistance as well as the stochastic collision nature of the polymerization catalyzed with single‐site‐type/multiple‐site‐type catalysts. The model presented results such as the polymerization dynamics, the physical diffusion effect, and the polymer molecular weight and its distribution. The simulation data were compared with the experimental/actual data and the simulation results from the uniform Monte Carlo model. The results showed that the model was more accurate and offered deeper insight into propylene polymerization within such a microscopic reaction–diffusion system. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

Polymerization of propylene was carried out by using a MgCl2–EtOH–TiCl4–ID–TEA–ED catalyst system in n‐heptane, where ID (internal donor) was an organic diester, ED (external donor) was a silane compound, and TEA (triethyl aluminum) was the activator. The influences of temperature, pressure, time, hydrogen, and the molar ratios of Al/Ti and ED/Ti on polymer isotacticity and catalyst activity were studied by solubility in boiling n‐heptane and measuring the polymer produced, respectively. The morphology of the polymers was evaluated through scanning electron microscopy and particle size distribution. The rheological properties of the poly(propylene) were determined by the melt flow index. It was found that the catalyst showed good morphology and high activity and also the produced polymers were characterized by high isotacticity and globulelike shapes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 97: 1744–1749, 2005  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene‐co‐propylene) (EPR) was functionalized to varying degrees with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) by melt grafting processes. The EPR‐graft‐GMA elastomers were used to toughen poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT). Results showed that the grafting degree strongly influenced the morphology and mechanical properties of PBT/EPR‐graft‐GMA blends. Compatibilization reactions between the carboxyl and/or hydroxyl of PBT and epoxy groups of EPR‐graft‐GMA induced smaller dispersed phase sizes and uniform dispersed phase distributions. However, higher degrees of grafting (>1.3) and dispersed phase contents (>10 wt%) led to higher viscosities and severe crosslinking reactions in PBT/EPR‐graft‐GMA blends, resulting in larger dispersed domains of PBT blends. Consistent with the change in morphology, the impact strength of the PBT blends increased with the increase in EPR‐graft‐GMA degrees of grafting for the same dispersion phase content when the degree of grafting was below 1.8. However, PBT/EPR‐graft‐GMA1.8 displayed much lower impact strength in the ductile region than a comparable PBT/EPR‐graft‐GMA1.3 blend (1.3 indicates degree of grafting). Morphology and mechanical results showed that EPR‐graft‐GMA 1.3 was more suitable in improving the toughness of PBT. SEM results showed that the shear yielding properties of the PBT matrix and cavitation of rubber particles were major toughening mechanisms. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Magnesium hydroxide‐based halogen‐free flame retarded linear low density polyethylene composites containing poly(ethylene‐co‐propylene) elastomer were prepared in the melt process and subsequently vulcanized thermally. Influences of the elastomer on the mechanical properties, combustion characteristics and crystallization behaviour of polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide composites have been investigated. The results from the mechanical tests show that the incorporation of a suitable amount of elastomer into polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide composites after vulcanization can increase both the tensile strength and elongation greatly, compared with those of the composites without the elastomer. It has been found that the properties such as limiting oxygen index, UL‐94 rating, the time to ignition and the rate of heat release of polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide/elastomer composites are all improved in comparison with polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide composites at the same retardant level. Scanning electron microscopy studies show that the incorporation of the elastomer into polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide composites improves the compatibility between the filler and the polymer substrate. The degrees of crystallinity of polyethylene/magnesium hydroxide/elastomer composites decrease with increasing the elastomer content. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Liquid–liquid (L–L) phase separation and its effects on crystallization in polypropylene (PP)/ethylene–propylene rubber (EPR) blends obtained by melt extrusion were investigated by time‐resolved light scattering (TRLS) and optical microscopy. L–L phase separation via spinodal decomposition (SD) was confirmed by TRLS data. After L–L phase separation at 250°C for various durations, blend samples were subjected to a temperature drop to 130°C for isothermal crystallization, and the effects of L–L phase separation on crystallization were investigated. Memory of the L–L phase separation via SD remained for crystallization. The crystallization rate decreased with increasing L–L phase‐separated time at 250°C. Slow crystallization for the long L–L phase‐separated time could be ascribed to decreasing chain mobility of PP with a decrease in the EPR component in the PP‐rich region. The propylene‐rich EPR exhibited good affinity with PP, leading to a slow growth of a concentration fluctuation during annealing. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 81: 695–700, 2001  相似文献   

Phenolic resin (PF) was incorporated into rubbers by in situ polymerization at the vulcanization conditions of rubbers. The PF with a localized three‐dimensional network structure was formed in chloroprene rubber (CR), whereas the fabric PF was formed in ethylene–propylene rubber (EPDM). The study results showed that the PF phase was effective on reinforcing these rubbers. Depending on the morphologies of the formed PF phases, various rubber properties could be significantly enhanced. In the case of CR rubber, the tensile strength, tear strength, and modulus could be considerably enhanced, but the elongation and resilience properties were limitedly affected by PF addition. For EPDM rubber, all mechanical properties were improved, particularly the elongation, about 26% increase. The substantial improvements of mechanical properties of CR and EPDM rubbers were attributed to their morphology, high flexibility, moderate stiffness, and excellent bonding with rubber matrix. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Kinetic and morphological aspects of slurry propylene polymerization using a MgCl2‐supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst synthesized from a Mg(OEt)2 precursor are investigated in comparison with a ball‐milled Ziegler–Natta catalyst. RESULTS: The two types of catalyst show completely different polymerization profiles: mild activation and long‐standing activity with good replication of the catalyst particles for the Mg(OEt)2‐based catalyst, and rapid activation and deactivation with severe fragmentation of the catalyst particles for the ball‐milled catalyst. The observed differences are discussed in relation to spatial distribution of TiCl4 on the outermost part and inside of the catalyst particles. CONCLUSION: The Mg(OEt)2‐based Ziegler–Natta catalyst is believed to show highly stable polymerization activity and good replication because of the uniform titanium distribution all over the catalyst particles. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Filled covulcanizates of elastomer blend comprising natural rubber (NR) and ethylene‐propylene‐diene rubber (EPDM) of commercial importance were successfully prepared by using a multifunctional rubber additive; namely, bis(diisopropyl)thiophosphoryl disulfide (DIPDIS). A Two‐stage vulcanization technique further improved the physicochemical properties of the blend vulcanizates by restricting, through the formation of polar rubber bound intermediates, the migration of curative and filler from lower to highly unsaturated rubber. Scanning electron microscopy studies indicate homogeneity and coherency in the morphology of the two‐stage vulcanizates. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 84: 1001–1010, 2002; DOI 10.1002/app.10361  相似文献   

A series of polypropylene (PP) alloys containing different ethylene contents have been prepared by the in situ sequential polymerization technique, using Ziegler–Natta catalyst (MgCl2/TiCl4/BMF; BMF is 9,9‐bis(methoxymethyl)fluorine, as an internal donor) without any external donor. The structure and properties of PP alloys obtained have been investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dynamic mechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results have suggested that PP alloys are the complex mixtures containing PP, the copolymer with long sequence ethylene chain, ethylene‐propylene rubber (EPR), and block copolymer etc. In the alloys, PP, EPR, and the copolymer with long sequence ethylene chain are partially compatible. The investigation of the mechanical properties indicates that notched Izod impact strength of PP alloy greatly increases at 16°C/?20°C in comparison with that of pure PP. The noticeable plastic deformation is observed in SEM photograph. The increase in the toughness, the mechanical strength of PP alloy decreases to a certain extent. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 4804–4810, 2006  相似文献   

The radiolysis of a poly(ethylene‐co‐propylene), Elpro, marketed by Thai Polypropylene Co. Ltd for the manufacture of medical goods has been investigated at 77 K. Calcium stearate was blended with the Elpro as a processing aid; and dioctyl phthalate, DOP, was added in various amounts as a radiation stabilizer. The ESR spectra of Elpro and Elpro+Ca were very similar and characterized principally by the presence of PP α‐carbon radicals. The spectra of the samples containing DOP were similar to those for Elpro but with an additional narrow singlet arising from DOP radicals. On annealing the irradiated polymers to higher temperatures, the singlet was lost between 250 and 270 K, and at room temperature the principal radicals remaining were allyl radicals. The G‐values for radical formation at 77 K for Elpro and Elpro+Ca at 77 K were 3.0 and 3.2, respectively, but incorporation of DOP resulted in lower G‐values, ranging from 1.6 to 1.4 for 0.5 and 2.5 phr DOP, respectively. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 99: 638–643, 2006  相似文献   

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