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研究了高温固溶和时效热处理对12Ni无钴马氏体时效钢微观组织和性能的影响。结果表明:在原始固溶态试样中存在粒状和长粒状析出相,经能谱分析为Fe(Mo,Ti)或Fe2Ti型金属间化合物,消耗了大量的强化元素Mo,导致合金时效处理后强度不足(1100MPa);高温固溶处理后消除了粗大析出相,获得单一的板条马氏体组织;进一步改进时效热处理工艺,合金组织呈现弥散分布的纳米尺度的Ni3Mo、Ni3Ti强化相,使合金强度显著提高,达到1225MPa。 相似文献
超高强度18Ni无钴马氏体时效钢的力学性能 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
研究了2000MPa级18Ni无钴马氏体时效钢的热处理对微观结构和力学性能的影响,并对无钴马氏体时效钢的强韧化机理进行了探讨.结果表明,固溶态18Ni无钴马氏体时效钢的硬度几乎不受固溶温度和固溶时间的影响;峰时效时屈服强度达到2000MPa以上,δ和KIc分别为9%,70Ma·m1/2,强度和韧性达到最佳配合.TEM观察表明,18Ni无钴马氏体时效钢通过在高密度位错基体中时效析出纳米尺度沉淀相Ni3(Mo,Ti)而实现强韧化,沉淀强化遵循Orowan位错绕过机制. 相似文献
本文研究了18Ni(2450MPa级)马氏体时效钢的相变超塑性。通过冷变形量、应力以及冷却速度对相变应变影响规律的研究,开发了该合金的相变超塑性成形工艺。当冷变形量为60%时,在最佳工艺条件下,经14cyc γ?α’循环相变,可获得320%的极限延伸率。经TEM观察发现,该合金应力诱发马氏体形态为块状马氏体。 相似文献
马氏体时效钢以其超高的强度及优良的综合力学性能广泛应用于宇航结构钢、火箭发动机外壳等航空航天领域。该材料可以通过在中等温度下进行时效处理析出纳米级的析出相来实现组织强化,具有超高强度、高延展性和高韧性。不同钴含量对马氏体时效钢的时效组织具有较大影响,但目前钴元素在材料时效组织的作用机制目前仍存在争议,相关方面研究较少。本文设计并制备了成分为6%~12%(质量分数)钴含量的马氏体时效钢,并对其时效组织进行测试和表征。实验结果表明,随着钴含量的升高,时效组织的马氏体板条宽度减小,位错密度升高,材料内部的纳米析出相由富Mo相逐渐转变为Ni3Ti相。 相似文献
对18Ni无Co马氏体时效钢进行了真空电子束焊接,用金相显微镜观察了焊接接头的组织形貌,并测定了焊缝区、热影响区、基体的显微硬度.结果表明,18Ni无Co马氏体时效钢组织为板条马氏体组织,材料焊接性能良好,焊缝区凝固组织为胞状树枝晶,熔合线附近热影响区晶粒发生了再结晶,晶粒长大明显.硬度分布有明显的规律性,焊缝区硬度最低,细晶区硬度最高,熔合线附近的热影响区,离熔合线越远,硬度值越高.在距熔合线2.5 mm处有一个马氏体与奥氏体两相混合的狭窄区域,硬度较其两侧有明显降低. 相似文献
Zheng-Fei Hu De-Feng Mo Chun-Xu Wang Guo-Qiu He Cheng-Shu Chen 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2008,17(5):767-771
Microstructures of two different 18 Ni Co-free maraging specimens A and B and their electron beam (EB) weld joints were investigated comparatively by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is shown that both of the steels are typical lath martensite; however, grain size of specimen A is about three times as large as that of specimen B. X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals that the amount of the reverted austenitic phase in A is obviously less than that in B. Most of the austenite distributes in plate form along grain and lath boundaries while some of it distributes as fine particles within the matrix. The microstructural differences between the two specimens led to diverse behaviors in EB welding. The specimen A is weldable but B shows obvious welding defects of pits and burn-through holes in weld face. The welding microstructure exhibits a typical dendritic morphology, and the grains in the heat-affected zone recrystallized and grew because of high temperatures of welding EB. The weldablity of the examined materials is related to the microstructure characteristics that markedly affected thermal conduction performance. 相似文献
Texture development in hot rolled sheet and hot forged tube of 18%Ni- 350 maraging steel has been studied after various degrees
of cold deformation and flow turning, respectively. Hot rolled sheet exhibited considerable mechanical anisotropy. Weak texture
development was observed following flow turning compared to cold deformation. Above 80% deformation, an increase in work hardening
was accompanied by an increase in the orientation density of the texture component (001 )[110]. Deformation of 97% leads to
the development of the texture component (111)[110], with the highest orientation density 10.3 times random and a constant
orientation density of 9 times random along (φ1 at ϕ = 55° and φ2 = 45°. This texture was correlated with the appearance of
shear bands in the microstructure. 相似文献
为了确保T250无钴马氏体时效钢薄壁筒形压力容器的焊接质量和可靠性,制备薄壁片状、筒形焊接试件及角焊缝焊接试件进行了钨极氩弧焊焊接工艺试验。试验结果表明,T250钢具有良好的焊接性,薄壁件钨极氩弧焊不易出现冷裂纹,焊前不需预热,焊后不需进行消除应力的热处理;焊接时,应严格控制焊接电流,防止出现焊接缺陷;焊接后,焊接接头的强度不高,需要通过时效或固溶+时效处理才能达到超高强度钢的强度,其时效工序不可忽视。 相似文献
M. Ahmed I. Salam I. Nasim S. W. Hussain F. H. Hashmi A. Q. Khan 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》1994,3(3):386-392
The possibility of gainfully utilizing grade 18Ni(350) maraging steel scrap has been investigated, along with the effect of
additional alloying with niobium. A vacuum induction melting and casting furnace was used for melting and additional alloying.
The cast ingots were hot forged and their properties compared with those of the stock material. The composition of the reprocessed
material was found to be within the prescribed range for 18Ni(350) steel, except for some loss in titanium content. The hardness
and tensile strength of the recycled steel were similar to those of the stock material. A slight decrease in hardness in the
aged condition could be attributed to loss of titanium during remelting. Charpy V- notch impact test-ing indicated significantly
higher toughness in the remelted material; this has been attributed to a homo-geneous, refined microstructure and a lower
level of inclusions. Additional alloying with 2% Nb not only improved the mechanical properties but also affected the amount
of reverted austenite obtained after ag-ing. 相似文献