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AIMS: The short wavelength sensitive (S) cone electroretinograms (ERGs) were examined in two patients with the complete type of congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB). METHODS: Ganzfeld spectral flashes in the presence of strong white adapting fields were used to elicit the S cone ERGs. RESULTS: The S cone ERG b-wave was not detectable to short wavelength stimuli, while the mixed long (L) and middle (M) wavelength sensitive cone responses appeared normal in waveforms with normal amplitude in both patients. Both patients had normal colour vision on the Farnsworth Panel D-15. CONCLUSIONS: These ERG results indicated that the S cone system as well as rod system is more impaired in complete CSNB than the L and M cone system and that normal colour vision may not depend on a normal S cone ERG to full field stimuli.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin kinase (RK), a rod photoreceptor cytosolic enzyme, plays a key role in the normal deactivation and recovery of the photoreceptor after exposure to light. To date, three different mutations in the RK locus have been associated with Oguchi disease, an autosomal recessive form of stationary night blindness in man characterized in part by delayed photoreceptor recovery [Yamamoto, S. , Sippel, K. C., Berson, E. L. & Dryja, T. P. (1997) Nat. Genet. 15, 175-178]. Two of the mutations involve exon 5, and the remaining mutation occurs in exon 7. Known exon 5 mutations include the deletion of the entire exon sequence [HRK(X5 del)] and a missense change leading to a Val380Asp substitution in the encoded product (HRKV380D). The mutation in exon 7 is a 4-bp deletion in codon 536 leading to premature termination of the encoded polypeptide [HRKS536(4-bp del)]. To provide biochemical evidence for pathogenicity of these mutations, wild-type human rhodopsin kinase (HRK) and mutant forms HRKV380D and HRKS536(4-bp del) were expressed in COS7 cells and their activities were compared. Wild-type HRK catalyzed light-dependent phosphorylation of rhodopsin efficiently. In contrast, both mutant proteins were markedly deficient in catalytic activity with HRKV380D showing virtually no detectible activity and HRKS536(4-bp del) only minimal light-dependent activity. These results provide biochemical evidence to support the pathogenicity of the RK mutations in man.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe a naturally occurring X-linked recessive mutation, no b-wave (nob), that compromises visual transmission between photoreceptors and second-order neurons in mice. METHODS: Affected mice were identified by recording the light-evoked response of the retina, the electroretinogram (ERG). To evaluate visual transmission, cortical potentials were recorded with a scalp electrode. The inheritance pattern for nob was defined by breeding nob animals with normal mice. Retinal histologic analysis was performed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Although the photoreceptor-mediated ERG component (a-wave) was normal in nob mice, the major response component reflecting postreceptoral neuronal activity (b-wave) was missing. Visually-driven cortical activity was also abnormal in nob animals. At the light microscopic level, the nob retina appeared to have a normal cytoarchitecture. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the nob defect interferes with the transmission of visual information through the retina and that these mice are a useful model for the study of outer retinal synaptic function. In addition, this mutant mouse seems to provide an animal model for the complete form of congenital stationary night blindness, a human disorder in which patients have a profound loss of rod-mediated visual sensitivity.  相似文献   

Here we analysed the involvement of tyrosine phosphorylation in the regulation of the initial molecular events induced by IL-13 to modulate TPA-triggered reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) production. Our data indicate that treatment of monocytes with a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor (herbimycin A) prevents IL-13-induced cAMP accumulation and subsequent ROI inhibition. We have previously demonstrated that cAMP accumulation depends on inositol phosphates hydrolysis (InsPs) and intracellular Ca2+ mobilisation. The inhibition of InsPs and intracellular Ca2+ release by herbimycin A suggests a primary role of tyrosine kinases upstream PLC activation. We further specify that IL-13 stimulates PLC-gamma 1 and IRS-2 tyrosine phosphorylation in human monocytes. We demonstrate for the first time that IL-13 induces the association of IRS-2 with PLC-gamma 1. We proposed here that PLC-gamma 1 is a new candidate recruited by IRS-2.  相似文献   

The occurrence of night blindness and serum vitamin A concentrations among children in rural Bangladesh were studied in relation to protein energy malnutrition, dietary habits and intake of vitamin A capsules. In 1992, 124 night-blind children were registered in a cross-sectional survey in the northern part of Bangladesh, and age-, sex- and neighbourhood-matched controls were selected. Of these, the first reported night-blind child from a household (n = 105) and their controls were included in the analyses. Our results showed that night blindness was associated with protein energy malnutrition when using the mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) as a measure of nutritional status. The odds ratio for a confirmed diagnosis of night blindness among children with a MUAC < 80% of the reference versus normal children was 5.4 (CI 1.9-15.5). Low MUAC was associated with low intake of beta-carotene-rich and vitamin A-containing foods as well as with low serum vitamin A in the total series of cases and controls. This may indicate that night blindness is only one aspect of the general protein energy malnutrition problems in this population. We therefore suggest that measures to prevent vitamin A-related morbidity and mortality should include improvement of the general diet with increased consumption of dietary vitamin A.  相似文献   

Progressive cone dystrophy (CD) is usually marked in the initial stages by reduced visual acuity, color vision deficiency and alterations in the photopic electroretinogram, while morphological alterations can be very mild; in some forms rods are affected in a later stage as well. We examined 40 patients with progressive cone dystrophy to determine the extent of functional losses in the cone system with psychophysical tests. A great variety of visual acuity and fundus alterations was found. Myopia was present in 74% of the patients. An autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance predominated (32%). No prevalence of gender was found. The age of onset ranged between 10 and 30 yr. All patients had progression of their symptoms. The total error score in color arrangement tests, the saturated Farnsworth Panel D-15 and the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test, was pathologic with a predominance of confusions along the tritan and scotopic axis. Especially if visual acuity was below 0.5, color vision defects increased, but color vision defects were also found in patients with normal visual acuity. A general decrease of sensitivity in all three cone mechanisms was observed in measurements of spectral sensitivity. Moreover, cone-cone interaction as tested by transient tritanopia measurements was usually disturbed. In the dark adaptation function the threshold of the cone branch was usually elevated. These tests provide a good means to ascertain the correct diagnosis in early stages of the disease and to monitor progression in patients suffering from cone dystrophy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Interleukin (IL)-15 has been found to share many immunoregulatory activities in lymphocytes with IL-2. The aim of this study was to investigate IL-15 activity in organ cultures, localization of IL-15 messenger RNA (mRNA), and proliferation of lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMCs) in response to recombinant IL-15 using the mucosal tissues obtained from patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: The contents of IL-15, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IL-2 in the culture supernatant of the rectal mucosal tissues were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Expression of IL-15 mRNA was analyzed by in situ hybridization, and proliferative response of LPMCs to recombinant IL-15 was determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. RESULTS: Significantly greater IL-15 activity was detected in active IBD, and this elevation was also observed in inactive ulcerative colitis. In contrast, greater tumor necrosis factor alpha activity was observed only in active IBD, and IL-2 was not detected in organ cultures. In situ hybridization showed IL-15 mRNA in macrophages and epithelial cells in active IBD specimens, and recombinant IL-15 induced a dose-dependent proliferative response in LPMCs. CONCLUSIONS: Mucosal IL-15 may be involved in the pathogenesis of IBD as one of the important mediators in activation of mucosal immune cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the influence of night blindness during pregnancy on nighttime work activities of women. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: A community based case-control study was used to compare nighttime activities of night blind (cases) and non-night blind pregnant women (controls) using a 24h recall method to measure work activities (n=116 pairs). SETTING: Rural South-Eastern district in the plains of Nepal. RESULTS: Approximately one third of the night blind women reported being 'inactive' the previous night, not participating in any of the inquired work activities, as compared with only 15% of the control group (P < 0.031). The type of work that was significantly affected was the outdoor kind such as fetching water and washing dishes. Logistic regression analysis showed that night blind women were half as likely (odds ratio=0.49, 95% confidence interval=0.25-0.98) to work at night than women without night blindness after controlling for the effects of confounding variables including gestational age, season, and protein energy malnutrition which were significantly associated with nighttime work activity. CONCLUSIONS: Night blindness during pregnancy, an indicator of vitamin A deficiency, reduces the number and type of work activities women perform at night, thus impairing women's ability to participate in normal subsistence activities by reducing their 'work day'.  相似文献   

A mutation in the gene for the rod photoreceptor molecule rhodopsin causes congenital night blindness. The mutation results in a replacement of Gly90 by an aspartic acid residue. Two molecular mechanisms have been proposed to explain the physiology of affected rod cells. One involves constitutive activity of the G90D mutant opsin [Rao, V. R., Cohen, G. B., & Oprian, D. D. (1994) Nature 367, 639-642]. A second involves increased photoreceptor noise caused by thermal isomerization of the G90D pigment chromophore [Sieving, P. A., Richards, J. E., Naarendorp F., Bingham, E. L., Scott, K., & Alpern, M. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92, 880-884]. Based on existing models of rhodopsin and in vitro biochemical studies of site-directed mutants, it appears likely that Gly90 is in the immediate proximity of the Schiff base chromophore linkage. We have studied in detail the mutant pigments G90D and G90D/E113A using biochemical and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic methods. The photoproduct of mutant pigment G90D, which absorbs maximally at 468 nm and contains a protonated Schiff base linkage, can activate transducin. However, the active photoproduct decays rapidly to opsin and free all-trans-retinal. FTIR studies of mutant G90D show that the dark state of the pigment has several structural features of metarhodopsin II, the active form of rhodopsin. These include a protonated carboxylic acid group at position Glu113 and increased hydrogen-bond strength of Asp83. Additional results, which relate to the structure of the active G90D photoproduct, are also reported. Taken together, these results may be relevant to understanding the molecular mechanism of congenital night blindness caused by the G90D mutation in human rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Mentation reports collected from sleep onset, Stage 2 and REM Stage awakenings, in the first part and in the second part of the night were analyzed both with systematic psycholinguistic and global measures. Results confirm the relationship between activation and the length of sleep mentation report shown by Antrobus. Length of the report increases with sleep time, but time does not modulate qualitative inter-stage differences. By partialling out the length of the report, many inter-stage differences disappeared; however significant differences remain in the global measure of bizarreness and in the psycholinguistic measure of visual imagery. These results cannot be explained entirely by differences in attention and memory and point to more basic differences in mental activity.  相似文献   

The diverse function of human placental aromatase including estradiol 6alpha-hydroxylase and cocaine N-demethylase activity are described, and the mechanism for the simultaneous metabolism of estradiol to 2-hydroxy- and 6alpha-hydroxyestradiol at the same active site of aromatase is postulated. Comparison of aromatase activity is also made among the wild type and N-terminal sequence deleted forms of human aromatase which are recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. Aromatase cytochrome P450 was reconstituted and incubated with [6alpha,7alpha-(3)H2,4-(14)C]estradiol, 7-ethoxycoumarin, and [N-methyl-(3)H3]cocaine. 6Alpha-hydroxy[7alpha-(3)H,4-(14)C]estradiol was isolated as the metabolite of estradiol and the 3H-water release method based on the 6alpha-3H label was established. The initial rate kinetics of the 6alpha-hydroxylation gave Km of 4.3 microM, Vmax of 4.02 nmol min(-1) mg(-1), and turnover rate of 0.27 min(-1). Testosterone competed dose-dependently with the 6alpha-hydroxylation and showed the Ki of 0.15 microM, suggesting that they occupy the same binding site of aromatase. The deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin showed Km of 200 microM, Vmax of 12.5 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) and turnover rate of 1.06 min(-1). The N-demethylation of cocaine was analysed by the 3H-release method, giving Km of 670 microM, Vmax of 4.76 nmol min(-1) mg(-1), and turnover rate of 0.49 min(-1). All activity was dose-responsively suppressed by anti-aromatase P450 monoclonal antibody MAb3-2C2. The N-terminal 38 amino acid residue deleted form of aromatase P450 was expressed in particularly high yield giving a specific activity of 397 +/- 83 pmol min(-1) mg(-1) (n = 12) of crude membrane-bound particulates with a turnover rate of 2.6 min(-1).  相似文献   

Research and common lore suggest that children subscribe to a rich world of fantasy, including beliefs about magical entities and events. This study explores how children use magic to explain events they witness in the real world. 16 children (aged 4, 6, and 8 yrs) were asked a set of interview questions designed to assess general magical beliefs. They were then presented with physical events and were asked to predict and explain their occurrence and to state whether they believed the events were magical. The extent of Ss' magical beliefs, as measured by the interview, decreased with age. Regarding explanations of events, the availability of correct physical explanations for the events accounted for a significant portion of the variance in Ss' claims that the events were magic. Findings suggest that magic is used by children as an explanatory tool when they encounter events that both violate their expectations and elude adequate physical explanation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence and severity of sleep disturbance in blind subjects and its relation to the form and duration of visual loss. METHODS: Of 403 blind subjects (visual acuity of less than 20/200 or a visual field of less than 5 degrees) recruited for the study, 15 were excluded because of affective disorder as identified by Montgomery Asberg Depression Scale. The remaining 388 subjects and a comparison group of 44 normally sighted individuals underwent an interview, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire was administered. Sleep disturbance was classified as mild, moderate, or severe. RESULTS: Disturbance of sleep was recorded in 189 (48.7%) of the blind subjects. The prevalence was higher and the sleep disturbance was more severe in those with no perception of light than in those with light perception or better visual acuity. In the comparison group, four (9.1%) had mild sleep disturbance only. The differences between blind subjects and normally sighted individuals were highly significant (P < .001). The most common sleep-related problem among the blind subjects was interrupted sleep, followed by increased sleep latency, short sleep duration, and daytime naps. Among the blind subjects, no correlation was found between the extent of sleep disturbance and the duration and pattern of visual loss. CONCLUSIONS: Blind subjects who retain light perception, as well as those with total loss of vision, have a high frequency of sleep disturbance, although disorder is more common and more severe in subjects with no light perception. Management of the sleep disturbance may improve the quality of life in the visually handicapped.  相似文献   

Tree shrews have relatively primitive tribosphenic molars that are apparently similar to those of basal eutherians; thus, these animals have been used as a model to describe mastication in early mammals. In this study the gross morphology of the bony skull, joints, dentition, and muscles of mastication are related to potential jaw movements and cuspal relationships. Potential for complex mandibular movements is indicated by a mobile mandibular symphysis, shallow mandibular fossa that is large compared to its resident condyle, and relatively loose temporomandibular joint ligaments. Abrasive tooth wear is noticeable, and is most marked at the first molars and buccal aspects of the upper cheek teeth distal to P2. Muscle morphology is basically similar to that previously described for Tupaia minor and Ptilocercus lowii. However, in T. glis, an intraorbital part of deep temporalis has the potential for inducing lingual translation of its dentary, and the large medial pterygoid has extended its origin anteriorly to the floor of the orbit, which would enhance protrusion. The importance of the tongue and hyoid muscles during mastication is suggested by broadly expanded anterior bellies of digastrics, which may assist mylohyoids in tensing the floor of the mouth during forceful tongue actions, and by preliminary electromyography, which suggests that masticatory muscles alone cannot fully account for jaw movements in this species.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against the myosin heavy chain of Amoeba proteus were obtained and used to localize myosin inside amoebae and to clone cDNAs encoding myosin. Myosin was found throughout the amoeba cytoplasm but was more concentrated in the ectoplasmic regions as determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. In symbiont-bearing xD amoebae, myosin was also found on the symbiosome membranes, as checked by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and by immunoelectron microscopy. The open reading frame of a cloned myosin cDNA contained 6,414 nucleotides, coding for a polypeptide of 2,138 amino acids. While the amino-acid sequence of the globular head region of amoeba's myosin had a high degree of similarity with that of myosins from various organisms, the tail region building a coiled-coil structure did not show a significant sequence similarity. There appeared to be at least three different isoforms of myosins in amoebae, with closely related amino acids in the globular head region.  相似文献   

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