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This study examined the trunk postures and upper-body muscle activations during four physically demanding wildfire suppression tasks. Bilateral, wireless surface electromyography was recorded from the trapezius and erector spinae muscles of nine experienced, wildfire fighters. Synchronised video captured two retroreflective markers to allow for quantification of two-dimensional sagittal trunk flexion. In all tasks, significantly longer time was spent in the mild and severe trunk flexion (p ≤ 0.002) compared to the time spent in a neutral posture. Mean and peak muscle activation in all tasks exceeded previously established safe limits. These activation levels also significantly increased through the performance of each task (p < 0.001). The results suggest that the wildfire suppression tasks analysed impose significant musculoskeletal demand on firefighters. Fire agencies should consider developing interventions to reduce the exposure of their personnel to these potentially injurious musculoskeletal demands.  相似文献   


The aims of this questionnaire study were to describe the occurrence and desired number of alternations between mental and physical tasks in industrial and non-industrial blue-collar work, and determine to which extent selected personal and occupational factors influence these conditions. On average, the 122 participating workers (55 females) reported to have close to four alternations per day between mental and physical tasks, and to desire more alternations than they actually had. They also expressed a general preference for performing a physical task after a mental task and vice versa. In univariate regression models, the desired change in task alternations was significantly associated with gender, age, occupation, years with current work tasks and perceived job control, while occupation was the only significant determinant in a multiple regression model including all factors. Our results suggest that alternations between productive physical and mental tasks could be a viable option in future job rotation.

Practitioner Summary: We addressed attitudes among blue-collar workers to alternations between physically and mentally demanding tasks. More alternations were desired than those occurring in the job, and workers preferred performing a physical task after a mental and vice versa. Alternating physical and mental tasks could, thus, be a viable option in job rotation.  相似文献   

Workers in physically demanding occupations require work breaks to recover from exertion. In a laboratory setting, we investigated the impact of ergometer cycling for 7 h in two conditions with an identical total break time but with two different activity-rest schedules. We hypothesised that more frequent but shorter breaks lead to less psychophysical strain and its effects than do less frequent but longer breaks, particularly for older workers. Twenty-nine participants representing three different age groups were tested in both conditions. Heart rate, perceived exertion/tension and feelings of fatigue were assessed and used as dependent variables. Results indicate no general activity-rest differences as well as no age-related differences of break effects under the condition of subjectively equal straining load. However, heart rate was found to be lower at some measurement points in the frequent-short-break condition and perceived exertion was lower in the infrequent-long-break condition. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: Design of activity-rest schedules in physically demanding occupations is a key issue in the prevention of strain and hence of interest to ergonomists. Our study suggests that breaks during physically demanding work have the same effect if they are frequent and short or infrequent and long, regardless of age.  相似文献   

The influence of the aging process upon productivity is briefly reviewed, with particular reference to the paradox that decreases in aerobic power, muscle strength, sensory acuity, and cerebral function, together with reduced tolerance of adverse environments and poor health, are not associated with the anticipated losses in ability to undertake work that is physically or mentally demanding. The performance of heavy physical work by an older worker can be improved substantially through a combination of appropriate initial selection of employees, subsequent exercise and lifestyle programmes to maximize function, and ergonomic measures ranging from more frequent rest pauses and a shorter working day to task redesign or automation. Compulsory retirement is an inequitable response to the declining performance of some workers, because there are large inter-individual differences in biological age. Current laboratory and field tests of work capacity also have limited reliability and validity, and it may thus be necessary to rate the performance of older employees on the job. The decision whether to retire in the face of ill-health is currently coloured by financial concerns, but in the future automation may allow increased pension payments, so that the decision to retire would be always made voluntarily.  相似文献   

A total of 15 physically active male students carried out a normalised task (T(N)) and a task of access by ladder and scaffolding (T(L)) in two impermeable protective coveralls and a reference sports wear to compare the physiological and subjective strains. Heart rate (HR) was recorded and sweat loss was checked. Subjective evaluations of comfort parameters, acceptable exposure durations and physical exhaustion were recorded at the end of the tasks. Results show that both protective clothing, compared to the sport wear, increase significantly HR, RPE and CR10 in both tasks. However the strains of both protective clothing are not significantly different except in sweat loss and cumbersomeness.  相似文献   

Introduction of more non-computer tasks has been suggested to increase exposure variation and thus reduce musculoskeletal complaints (MSC) in computer-intensive office work. This study investigated whether muscle activity did, indeed, differ between computer and non-computer activities. Whole-day logs of input device use in 30 office workers were used to identify computer and non-computer work, using a range of classification thresholds (non-computer thresholds (NCTs)). Exposure during these activities was assessed by bilateral electromyography recordings from the upper trapezius and lower arm. Contrasts in muscle activity between computer and non-computer work were distinct but small, even at the individualised, optimal NCT. Using an average group-based NCT resulted in less contrast, even in smaller subgroups defined by job function or MSC. Thus, computer activity logs should be used cautiously as proxies of biomechanical exposure. Conventional non-computer tasks may have a limited potential to increase variation in muscle activity during computer-intensive office work.  相似文献   



We aimed to investigate the relationship of task variation during dental work history with pinch grip strength among dentists.


We measured pinch grip strength among 295 female Finnish dentists aged 45–63 years. Variation in dental work tasks during work history was empirically defined by cluster analysis. Three clusters of task variation emerged: low (most work time in restoration treatment/endodontics), moderate (about 50% in the former and 50% in prosthodontics/periodontics/surgery), and high (variable tasks including administrative duties). Hand radiographs were examined for the presence of OA in the wrist and each joint of the 1–3rd fingers. Information on hand-loading leisure-time activities, and joint pain was obtained by questionnaire. Glove size was used as a proxy for hand size. BMI (kg/m2) was based on measured weight and self-reported height.


Dentists with low variation of work task history had an increased risk of low pinch grip strength in the right hand (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2–4.3), but not in the left (1.13, 0.62–2.08), compared to dentists with high task variation, independent of age, hand size, hand-loading leisure-time activities, BMI and symptomatic hand OA.


The dentists with the most hand-loading tasks were at an increased risk of low pinch grip strength, independent of e.g. symptomatic hand OA. It is advisable among dentists to perform as diverse work tasks as possible to reduce the risk of decreased pinch grip strength.  相似文献   

Operators with identical, demanding computer work (90 female and 97 male air traffic controllers) were found to have high prevalences of disorders (assessed by questionnaire and physical examination) in neck, shoulders and upper back. In spite of the identical work, the women displayed higher prevalences than the men (e.g. neck diagnoses 21% vs. 4%). Disorders in elbows, wrists and hands were less common, with similar rates in both genders. Generally, the psychosocial work environment (assessed by questionnaire) was found to be good, but with large inter-individual variation. Women experienced lower decision latitude than men, particularly regarding influence and freedom at work, but perceived higher social support. Physically, the work was characterized by relatively low angular velocities of upper arms (measured by inclinometry) and wrists (right: < 1 degrees/s during 19% of time, measuring by goniometry), dynamic muscular activities and high time fractions of rest in the trapezius and forearm extensor muscles (measuring by electromyography). There were only minor differences between the genders.  相似文献   

We assessed psychosocial work environment, the prevalence of mental health complaints and the association between these two among bricklayers and construction supervisors. For this cross-sectional study a total of 1500 bricklayers and supervisors were selected. Psychosocial work characteristics were measured using the Dutch Questionnaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work and compared to the general Dutch working population. Mental health effects were measured with scales to assess fatigue during work, need for recovery after work, symptoms of distress, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. The prevalence of self-reported mental health complaints was determined using the cut-off values. Associations between psychosocial work characteristics and self-reported mental health complaints were analysed using logistic regression.  相似文献   

Operators with identical, demanding computer work (90 female and 97 male air traffic controllers) were found to have high prevalences of disorders (assessed by questionnaire and physical examination) in neck, shoulders and upper back. In spite of the identical work, the women displayed higher prevalences than the men (e.g. neck diagnoses 21% vs. 4%). Disorders in elbows, wrists and hands were less common, with similar rates in both genders. Generally, the psychosocial work environment (assessed by questionnaire) was found to be good, but with large inter-individual variation. Women experienced lower decision latitude than men, particularly regarding influence and freedom at work, but perceived higher social support. Physically, the work was characterized by relatively low angular velocities of upper arms (measured by inclinometry) and wrists (right: <1°/s during 19% of time, measuring by goniometry), dynamic muscular activities and high time fractions of rest in the trapezius and forearm extensor muscles (measuring by electromyography). There were only minor differences between the genders.  相似文献   

A job exposure matrix of ergonomics risk factors was constructed for school custodial workers in one large school district in the province of British Columbia using 100 h of 1-min fixed-interval observations, participatory worker consensus on task durations and existing employment and school characteristic data. Significant differences in ergonomics risk factors were found by tasks and occupations. Cleaning and moving furniture, handling garbage, cleaning washrooms and cleaning floors were associated with the most physical risks and the exposure was often higher during the summer vs. the school year. Injury rates over a 4-year period showed the custodian injury rate was four times higher than the overall injury rate across all occupations in the school district. Injury rates were significantly higher in the school year compared with summer (12.2 vs. 7.0 per 100 full-time equivalents per year, p < 0.05). Custodial workers represent a considerable proportion of the labour force and have high injury rates, yet ergonomic studies are disproportionately few. Previous studies that quantified risk factors in custodial workers tended to focus on a few tasks or specific risk factors. This study, using participatory ergonomics and observational methods, systematically quantifies the broad range of musculoskeletal risk factors across multiple tasks performed by custodial workers in schools, adding considerably to the methodological literature.  相似文献   

Background. Computer use is associated with musculoskeletal complaints among office workers. Insufficient exposure diversity between tasks is a proposed etiological factor, but little information exists on diversity of tasks and information and communication technologies (ICT) among office workers. Method. Direct observation and self-report data were collected on tasks performed and ICT used among 24 office workers, over 12 h in work and non-work environments. Self-reports were repeated on four additional days. Results. Observations were for a mean [SD] 642[40] min. Productive tasks comprised 63% of observations, instrumental 17%, self-care 12% and leisure 8%. Non-ICT tasks comprised 44% of observations; New electronic-based ICT 36%; Old paper-based ICT 15%, and Combined ICT tasks 4%. Proportions of tasks and ICT use differed between environments and days. Conclusion. Information about diversity in tasks and ICT provides the basis for future investigations into exposure variation in ICT-intensive environments and possible musculoskeletal health risks.

Statement of relevance: Information and communication technologies (ICT) provide office workers access to perform work-related tasks after work hours and in away-from-work locations. Musculoskeletal disorder risk assessment for office workers should account for actual tasks performed over a work day, including away from work exposures. This study provides rich, detailed data on occurrence of tasks performed and ICT used by office workers throughout the day.  相似文献   

The study examined whether mental stimulation received in the workplace positively affects cognitive functioning and rate of cognitive change. Data taken from the VISAT (ageing, health and work) longitudinal study concerned 3237 workers who were seen three times (in 1996, 2001 and 2006) and who were aged between 32 and 62 years at baseline. Measures of cognitive stimulation both at work and outside work were available at baseline. Cognitive efficiency was assessed on the three occasions through episodic verbal memory, attention and processing speed tests. Greater cognitive stimulation (at work and outside work) was associated with higher levels of cognitive functioning and a more favourable change over the 10-year follow-up. These results were obtained after adjustment for age, education, sex and a variety of medical, physical and psychosocial confounders. The study thus supports the hypothesis that exposure to jobs that are mentally demanding and that offer learning opportunities increases the level of cognitive functioning and possibly attenuates age-related decline.

Statement of Relevance: The effect of occupational activity on cognitive functioning is under-researched. This paper reports results from a substantive longitudinal study, with findings indicating that exposure to jobs that are mentally demanding are beneficial in increasing levels of cognitive functioning and possibly attenuating age-related decline.  相似文献   

The study examined whether mental stimulation received in the workplace positively affects cognitive functioning and rate of cognitive change. Data taken from the VISAT (ageing, health and work) longitudinal study concerned 3237 workers who were seen three times (in 1996, 2001 and 2006) and who were aged between 32 and 62 years at baseline. Measures of cognitive stimulation both at work and outside work were available at baseline. Cognitive efficiency was assessed on the three occasions through episodic verbal memory, attention and processing speed tests. Greater cognitive stimulation (at work and outside work) was associated with higher levels of cognitive functioning and a more favourable change over the 10-year follow-up. These results were obtained after adjustment for age, education, sex and a variety of medical, physical and psychosocial confounders. The study thus supports the hypothesis that exposure to jobs that are mentally demanding and that offer learning opportunities increases the level of cognitive functioning and possibly attenuates age-related decline. STATEMENT OF RELEVANCE: The effect of occupational activity on cognitive functioning is under-researched. This paper reports results from a substantive longitudinal study, with findings indicating that exposure to jobs that are mentally demanding are beneficial in increasing levels of cognitive functioning and possibly attenuating age-related decline.  相似文献   

Office workers perform tasks using different information and communication technologies (ICT) involving various postures. Adequate variation in postures and muscle activity is generally believed to protect against musculoskeletal complaints, but insufficient information exists regarding the effect on postural variation of using different ICT. Thus, this study among office workers aimed to determine and compare postures and postural variation associated with using distinct types of ICT. Upper arm, head and trunk postures of 24 office workers were measured with the Physiometer® over a whole day in their natural work and away-from-work environments. Postural variation was quantified using two indices: APDF(90-10) and EVA(sd). Various ICT had different postural means and variation. Paper-based tasks had more non-neutral, yet also more variable postures. Electronics-based tasks had more neutral postures, with less postural variability. Tasks simultaneously using paper- and electronics-based ICT had least neutral and least variable postures. Tasks without ICT usually had the most posture variability. Interspersing tasks involving different ICT could increase overall exposure variation among office workers and may thus contribute to musculoskeletal risk reduction.  相似文献   

It is known that the ageing process will result in a decrease in anthropometric dimensions as well as loss of hand grip strength, which is natural among elderly people. Previous studies have shown that the decrease in anthropometric dimensions may influence hand grip strength of elderly people. Hence, this paper seeks to determine the relationship between anthropometric dimensions and hand grip strength among elderly Malaysians. A total of 112 elderly subjects aged 60 years and above residing in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, are recruited in this study. The subjects comprise 56 males (age range 60–79 years, mean: 66.88, SD: 5.35) and 56 females (age range: 60–82 years, mean: 66.98, SD: 5.16). In this study, 38 anthropometric dimensions are measured, along with hand grip strength. The anthropometric dimensions are measured using a professional standard anthropometry set whereas hand grip strength (in Newtons) is measured using a dynamometer. The mean values, standard deviations and percentiles are determined and the data are analysed by correlation analysis. The results show that there is a significant correlation between the following anthropometric dimensions (stature, sitting hip breadth, wrist circumference, hand circumference and heel ankle circumference) and hand grip strength. These findings of this study are indeed useful for product designers to design and develop ergonomic hand-held products for elderly Malaysians.  相似文献   

Giacomoni M  Edwards B  Bambaeichi E 《Ergonomics》2005,48(11-14):1473-1487
The circadian rhythm in muscle strength was analysed in 12 males (28 +/- 4 years, 79.6 +/- 12.3 kg, 1.80 +/- 0.05 m) and eight females (28 +/- 4 years, 60.3 +/- 5.5 kg, 1.61 +/- 0.08 m). After two familiarization sessions, participants were tested at six different times of the day (02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 hours), the order of which was randomly assigned over 3-4 days. Rectal temperature (T(rec)) was measured over 30 min before each test. Peak isokinetic torques (PT) of knee extensors and flexors were then measured at 1.05 rad s(-1) and 3.14 rad s(-1) through a 90 degrees range of motion. Maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MVC) of knee extensors and flexors was measured at 60 degrees of knee flexion and the MVC of knee extensors was also assessed with superimposed electrical twitches (50 Hz, 250 V, 200 mus pulse width) in order to control for motivational effects. Three trials were performed in each condition, separated by 3 min recovery, and the highest values were retained for subsequent analyses. A significant circadian rhythm was observed for T(rec) in both males and females (acrophase, Phi, 17:29 and 16:40 hours; mesor, Me, 37.0 and 36.8 degrees C; amplitude, A, 0.28 and 0.33 degrees C for males and females, respectively). The mesor of T(rec) was higher in males than in females (p < 0.05). Significant circadian rhythms were observed for knee extensor PT at 3.14 rad s(-1) in males (Phi, 17:06 hours; Me, 178.2 N m; A, 4.7 N m) and for knee extensor PT at 1.05 rad s(-1) in females (Phi, 15:35 hours; Me, 128.7 N m; A, 3.7 N m). In males, the MVC of knee extensors demonstrated a significant circadian rhythm, but only when electrical twitches were superimposed (Phi, 16:17 h; Me, 302.1 N m; A, 13.6 N m). Acrophases of all indices of muscle strength were not statistically different between the two groups and were located in the afternoon (12:47 < Phi < 17:16 hours). The amplitude (percentage of mesor) of extensors MVC (electrically stimulated) was higher in males (6.4%) than in females (4.2%; p < 0.05). Significant circadian rhythms were not consistently observed for all indices of muscle strength whatever the gender. Our group of female subjects tended to show lower circadian amplitudes than the males. In males, maximal voluntary contraction of electrically stimulated muscles followed a circadian curve, which was not significant without the superimposed twitches. These results suggest that motivation could have a masking effect on the circadian rhythm in muscle performance and strengthen the view that peripheral factors are implicated in this rhythm.  相似文献   


US large-herd dairy parlour workers experience a high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the upper extremity. The purpose of this study was to estimate and compare full-shift and task-specific muscle activity of the upper extremity among parlour workers. Surface electromyography data were recorded continuously throughout a full work shift for each participant (n = 60). For a subset of participants (n = 33), muscular effort was estimated for milking task cycles. Lower muscle activity levels and higher per cent muscular rest was observed among rotary parlour participants as compared to herringbone and parallel parlour participants for anterior deltoid, forearm flexor and forearm extensor muscles. These findings suggest rotary parlours may offer workstation designs or work organisational dynamics which may be more beneficial to the health and performance of the worker, as compared to parallel or herringbone parlours.

Practitioner Summary: Study findings suggest milking parlour configurations present different biomechanical demands on workers which may influence worker health and performance. Our findings will enable more informed decisions regarding both engineering (e.g. parlour configuration or milking equipment) and administrative (e.g. work organisation) control strategies for large-herd milking parlours.  相似文献   

This paper presents an automatic numerical procedure for classifying the automobile ingress movements in young and elderly populations with or without prostheses. This procedure proceeds in two stages. The first stage works to identify the main movement strategies by classifying the subjects according to new indices, called 3BJCV (3 Bases Joint Contribution Vector). These indices make it possible to take the complexity of the automobile ingress movement into account. They quantify the contribution of the lower limbs chains angles' and those of the chain gathering the trunk and head in the final positioning of the midpoint between the two hips (MPH). The second stage specifies the main movement strategies obtained in stage 1 by classifying the subjects according to the relevant articular variables of the ingress movement.This two-stage procedure was applied to the ingress movements extracted from the national HANDIMAN (RNTS, 2004) project, measured in experiments carried out with a small vehicle and a large vehicle (i.e., a minivan). The two main ingress movement strategies were identified: a one-foot ingress strategy and a two-foot ingress strategy. In all, 6 ingress sub-strategies were highlighted automatically, without requiring any special expertise. Five of these sub-strategies had already been observed, based on the same experiments, in the past. The 6th sub-strategy was used by subjects who were divided into 2 other sub-strategy groups while of the observation.

Relevance to industry

The procedure proposed in this study can help ergonomists and car manufacturers to quantify and classify the automobile ingress movements without requiring any a priori expertise on the movement. It also helps to improve any given numerical simulation by providing numerical data characterizing the different ingress movement profiles.  相似文献   

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