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针对多针状电极场数值模拟结果,利用MATLAB编程和MATLAB的GUIDE开发了复杂多针状电极场的图形用户界面(GUI),实现了复杂多针状电极场的三维和二维空间分布图形显示,可以方便地同时显示任意根、任意长、任意方向放置的多针状电极场的数值计算的结果,实现了复杂多针状电极场空间分布的可视化,为更好地应用多针状电极带来了方便。 相似文献
基于人工神经网络的毛精纺纱线质量预报技术 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
介绍了毛精纺纺纱过程与人工神经网络的特点 ,提出人工神经网络在纺纱质量预报中的工作原理与实现方法 ,并提供了国内外的应用实例 ,指出人工神经网络技术在毛精纺纱线质量预报中的广泛应用前景。 相似文献
This study focused on predicting tensile properties of PES/CV/PAN blended Open-End Rotor yarns. The effective factors were fiber blend ratios (six stages from 0 to 100%), linear density (three count levels), mixing method (carding machine and drawframe), and number of passages in drawframe (one and two times) as production parameters. We performed a stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis and established an artificial neural network (ANN) model that trained with backpropagation rule as Levenberg–Marquardt. Then, we conducted a comparative analysis for both models in terms of prediction performance. As a result, ANN has given a slightly better prediction values than MLR for breaking strength but significantly better prediction values for breaking elongation. 相似文献
选用细度为650tex的棉粗纱为鞘纱,3.33tex的涤纶长丝为芯纱,改变其混纺比及捻系数,设置不同的工艺参数,在环锭细纱机上进行纺纱。将纺制好的几组纱线进行条干不匀率、毛羽、单纱断裂强力等测试,并将纱线做切片分析。通过实验,分析各种影响包芯纱性能的因素,给出了一组工艺参数来提高包芯纱的质量。 相似文献
针对新型生物基锦纶56的基础纺纱数据不足问题,制备了锦纶56短纤纯纺纱、纯棉纱及多种混纺比的锦纶56短纤/棉混纺纱,并分别测试了纤维、纯纺纱和混纺纱的拉伸力学性能,通过建立纤维模型和纯纺纱强度模型对混纺纱强度进行预测。结果表明:纯纺纱预测曲线上混纺纱最小强度点及整体趋势与试纺数据拟合度较好,通过纯纺纱模型可预测锦纶56短纤/棉混纺纱强度。以纤维模型为基础,利用纱线中纤维强度利用率对纤维模型进行修正,修正的纤维模型与纯纺纱模型预测结果相近,可省去纯纺纱试纺流程,快速完成混纺纱强度预测。 相似文献
Mélange yarn is produced by mixing some pre-dyed fibers, as a part of mélange yarn manufacturing process, predicting the recipe, i.e. a list of percentages of pre-dyed fibers, is the most important and difficult step. Artificial neural network (ANN) is considered as a more effective recipe prediction method than the traditional model. In order to improve the application performances of neural network in recipe prediction of mélange yarn under the condition of larger data-set, this paper proposed a new framework to carry out recipe prediction of top dyed mélange yarn from reflectance spectra using the concept of modular artificial neural network (MANN), which decomposed the whole data-set into different units by taking a dyed fiber as a module unit. Compared with ANN, MANN showed a clear superiority in correlation coefficient, training execution time, as well as root-mean-square error of recipe. The average CMC (2:1) color difference of the predicted spectrum obtained with MANN model was 1.26, which was much lower than that obtained with ANN (~3.94), indicating that MANN model was more accurate than ANN. Even the color differences were not small enough in practice, it still could be used as a recognition method to find out the main compounds of mélange yarn, which would be very helpful for accurate color matching. 相似文献
将人工神经网络与HVI指标相结合,提出了一种基于RBF神经网络的纱线质量预测方法,克服了BP神经网络训练效率低、容易陷入局部极小化等不足。通过实例分析,利用马克隆值等14项HVI指标和工艺参数对纱线的单纱断裂强度等4项指标进行预测,试验结果表明:与传统纱线质量预测方法相比,基于RBF神经网络的纱线质量预测模型表现出了优良的预测精度及稳定性,对降低生产成本、提高生产效率具有积极意义。 相似文献
人工神经网络具有较强的自适应模式识别能力和联想记忆能力。本文应用BP神经网络处理服装革的手感检测信号,为织物,皮革等服装材料的手感评定探索出一条新途径。 相似文献
基于ANN和PCA的玉米品种特征分析与识别研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了一种基于玉米外观形态和颜色特征进行的玉米品种的特征主分量分析及BP神经网络识别方法。采用数码相机获得了11个品种每个品种50粒共550幅图像,然后对各品种对应的籽粒群体图像提取每个籽粒的形态特征8个,颜色特征12个、纹理特征13个,共33个特征参数,采用主分量分析PCA的方法提取其主分量,将这些主分量作为BP神经网络的输入,构建4层神经网络,并分别定义11个玉米品种的二进制编码作为网络的输出,建立特征参数与玉米品种之间的神经网络识别模型。试验结果表明,方法对11个品种550个籽粒的品种检出率为92%以上,得到了较好的识别效果。 相似文献
人工神经网络技术与纺纱质量预报 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
评述了人工神经网络和纺纱过程的特点 ,提出人工神经网络在纺纱质量预报中的工作原理和网络构建方法 ,并提供了国内外的应用实例和网络的实现方法 ,指出人工神经网络技术在纺纱质量预报中的广泛应用前景 相似文献
The aim of this paper was to predict the colour strength of viscose knitted fabrics by using fuzzy logic (FL) model based on dye concentration, salt concentration and alkali concentration as input variables. Moreover, the performance of fuzzy logic (FL) model is compared with that of artificial neural network (ANN) model. In addition, same parameters and data have been used in ANN model. From the experimental study, it was found that dye concentration has the main and greatest effects on the colour strength of viscose knitted fabrics. The coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square (RMS) and mean absolute errors (MAE) between the experimental colour strength and that predicted by FL model are found to be 0.977, 1.025 and 4.61%, respectively. Further, the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square (RMS) and mean absolute errors (MAE) between the experimental colour strength and that predicted by ANN model are found to be 0.992, 0.726 and 3.28%, respectively. It was found that both ANN and FL models have ability and accuracy to predict the fabric colour strength effectively in non-linear domain. However, ANN prediction model shows higher prediction accuracy than that of Fuzzy model. 相似文献
采用BP神经网络技术建立和训练反应纱线、织物结构参数与织物起毛起球性之间关系的三层神经网络模型,对比预测值和实验值,表明用神经网络方法预测织物起毛起球性有相当的准确性。 相似文献
Barisoa Harijaona Rafidison Hareenanden Ramasawmy Jaykumar Chummun François Benjamin Vincent Florens 《Journal of Natural Fibers》2020,17(8):1111-1120
ABSTRACT Fibers from Pandanus utilis leaves were investigated to determine how fibre strength varies with tree and leaf maturity, exposure to sunlight, leaf degradation state, and fibre position along the leaf. Such information is necessary to optimise leaf harvest to obtain strongest fibres. It has been shown that the strongest fibre comes from a young leaf from a younger tree exposed to the sunlight. Tests and SEM revealed two types of fibres, thin and thick; with the former being stronger. A new method to precisely measure the shape and area of the fibre cross-section, the pre-extraction method that generates optimum-fibre-yield are presented. 相似文献
This paper explains the feasibility of two‐way prediction by developing direct models relating fiber to yarn and reverse models relating yarn to fiber using multivariate methods simultaneously. These models evaluate the dependencies of cotton yarn properties on fiber properties and vice versa with minimum random errors and maximum accuracy. To this end, cotton fiber properties were measured from rovings carefully untwisted. An HVI system and an evenness tester of premier were used to measure the various properties. The samples of cotton yarns (108 samples) produced yarn counts ranging from 16 to 32 Ne with optimum twist factor. In this study, effective variables were selected by multivariate statistical test (m‐test). Then, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used for evaluating the significance of obtained models. Next, the optimal separate equations were determined through multivariate multiple regression. After solving the linear equation system, a reverse model was achieved. By selecting fiber properties and machine factors as appropriate variables, the relative importance of these factors was also investigated. The results showed that the obtained equations were significant at the significance level α = 0.01. 相似文献
为了研究人工神经网络技术(ANN)、遗传算法(GA)相结合的化学计量方法在石吊兰素回流提取过程中的应用,在单因素实验基础上,采用Box-Behnken实验设计和ANN-GA法研究乙醇浓度、提取时间和提取次数、固液比对提取液中石吊兰素含量的影响。得到石吊兰中石吊兰素的最佳提取工艺为:乙醇浓度84%,提取2.8h,固液比1∶17,提取2次。按照该条件进行验证,得到提取液中石吊兰素含量为2.35mg/g,与预测值误差为1.88%。结果表明,神经网络遗传算法模型拟合度较好,这一方法在工艺优化过程中具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
针对实际生产过程中根据人工经验配比废纸用量导致纸浆性能与预期差别较大的现状,本研究利用纸厂提供的废纸配比和纸浆性能检测数据,使用BP神经网络和支持向量机(SVM)的建模方法,分别采用全部样本数据和样本平均值数据建立基于废纸配比的纸浆白度预测模型。研究结果表明,在模型预测精度、预测稳定性以及模型训练时间等方面,以样本平均值数据作为建模数据集,使用SVM方法建立的纸浆白度预测模型,具有较好的预测精度(2.42%)和良好的稳定性(0.58%),且模型训练时间短(0.2 s),可以满足实际生产过程的需要。 相似文献