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涂料染色适合于各种纤维,但目前国内涂料局限于印花、织物染色,较少用于色织物的纱线染色。文章介绍了涂料染色纱线色织面料的开发实践,叙述了各道工序的具体工艺和影响质量的主要因素,由此拓宽了涂料应用范围,丰富了色织物品种,还可通过磨毛改善涂料染色织物手感僵硬的缺点。 相似文献
在长期生产高支高密色织产品的实践基础上,针对高支高密色织物喷气织造技术难点,探讨了常见品种的浆料选择、浆料配方和浆纱工艺参数的选择及控制,使浆出的纱线浆膜成形、保伸效果好,利于织造效率和产品质量的提高。 相似文献
为解决色织物产品设计周期长,试织打样耗时费力的问题,提出一种采用色纺纱图像的真实感色织物的模拟方法。首先采集彩色纱线图像,运用阈值分割、形态学处理得到纱线主体,获取纱线主体的上、下边界和中心线,进而得到原始纱线图像的主体部分;接着根据椭圆模型和正弦曲线模型对纱线主体图像进行处理,得到纱线在二维织物表面中的形态;最后根据色纱循环和织物组织变换模型来改变经纬纱的覆盖关系,实现了真实感条纹型和格子型色织物的模拟。模拟结果表明:本文算法能够模拟不同种类色织物的织造过程,真实地反映织物的外观效果,且能够调整织物组织和色纱循环参数,提高了现有模拟算法的真实性和适应性。 相似文献
设计与生产了竹浆纤维色织经起花织物。络筒工序采用“中车速、降毛羽、小张力、匀卷绕、勤巡回”的工艺原则;整经工序采用“中车速、中张力、降毛羽、三均匀、勤清洁”的工艺原则;浆纱工序采用“低车速、贴伏毛羽、增强保伸”的工艺原则:织造工序采用“早开口、大张力、中车速、严控温湿度”的工艺原则。通过采取以上技术措施,生产的产品经向台时断头为0.52根/万米,纬向台时断头为1.21根/万米。生产效率达到97%以上,入库一等品率达到99%以上,达到了较好的效果。 相似文献
白坯色织效果弹力织物以其工艺流程较短,弹性、舒适性及外观保形性较好受到消费者的青睐,文章介绍了白坯色织弹力斜纹嵌条织物的组织结构设计及生产关键技术要点,技术改进后可以缩短工艺流程,降低成本。 相似文献
介绍了色织腈纶膨体织物的设计工艺,对产品生产过程的纺纱、染纱、准备、织造、整理工艺进行了探讨,通过试验对整理工艺和起毛起球的关系进行了阐述. 相似文献
色织涤棉细密平纹织物的生产实践 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过对涤棉色织细纺、府绸等织物的特点及风格介绍,说明了涤棉细密平纹织物的产品规格设计及生产工艺要求、后整理的工艺流程以及工艺条件。重点叙述了生产工艺的配置和要点,以及工艺配置不良对织物风格和手感的影响。 相似文献
This series of studies aim to develop a computer vision-based system for automatic detection of misarranged color warp yarns to replace manpower and improve efficiency. Based on the warp yarn segmentation and fabric image stitching methods presented in Part I, this paper proposes a stepwise segmentation method of warp regions, as a core of the developed computer vision-based system, to detect the layout of color yarns for yarn-dyed fabrics automatically. The proposed framework consists of two main components: rough warp region segmentation and precise warp region merging which are realized by analyzing correlation coefficient of color histograms among segmented warp yarns and warp regions successively. The proposed method has been evaluated on 543 fabric images of four fabric samples consisting of 5533 warp regions, and experimental results show that the proposed method can realize the warp region segmentation in yarn dyed fabrics with the average accuracy of 99.47%. 相似文献
In textile and garment industries, misarranged warp yarns of yarn-dyed fabrics disorganize the layout of fabrics and lead to poor product quality. This series of studies aims to develop a computer vision-based system for automatic detection of misarranged color warp yarns in terms of high efficiency and good accuracy. Four main parts are included in this series of studies: warp yarn segmentation, fabric image stitching, warp regional segmentation, and yarn layout proofing. This paper proposes a continuous segmentation method of warp yarns to detect the misarranged color warp yarns for yarn-dyed fabrics automatically, which is the foundation of the developed computer vision-based system. The proposed framework consists of two main components: warp yarn segmentation and fabric image stitching. Firstly, the sequence images of a fabric stripe are captured using a designed offline image acquisition platform. Secondly, the warp yarns in the sequence images are segmented by a sub-image projection-based method successively. Thirdly, the sequence images are stitched by a yarn-template matching method based on their warp segmentation results. Finally, the continuous segmentation result of warp yarns is saved for the further processing of warp regional segmentation and color warp layout proofing. The proposed method has been evaluated on 720 fabric images of five fabric examples with plain and 2/2 twill, and experimental results show that the proposed method can realize the continuous segmentation of warp yarns in yarn-dyed fabrics with the yarn segmentation accuracy of 97.43% and image stitching accuracy of 99.53%. 相似文献
高紧度机织物图像倾斜的自动纠正 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
通过傅里叶变换方法,实现对高紧度机织物图像上位于同一直线像素点信号的周期提取。通过对不同位置直线上像素点周期的比较,发现当像素点所在直线与纱线位置平行时,得到的周期值最小。利用该结论,以图像中心为纠偏点,以0.2°为步长,遍历该点所在水平线上下20°范围的所有直线,计算对应的周期值。在这201个周期值中,最小值所对应的直线就是纱线的平行位置。将该位置旋转到水平位置,即可完成图像的纠偏。实验结果表明,该方法能够完成高紧度机织物图像倾斜的自动纠正,纠偏精度为0.2°,且对不同的织物图像具有很好的适应性。 相似文献
通过解析织物缩水率与织物结构参数、织造条件、原料特性之间的关系,基于生产实践中人们对织物缩水现象的认识,从平纹织物着手,建立了织物的缩水模型,给出了根据织造工艺技术条件估计缩水率的方法及计算公式。通过实验测试棉织物、粘胶织物的缩水率,并与理论计算结果进行了比较分析,验证了理论结果的可靠性。还利用此模型,分析讨论了纱线直径、经纱屈曲波高、织物纬密、纱线溶胀率对织物经向缩水率的影响。 相似文献