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Jin Yun  Zhu He 《中国油气》2014,(2):31-37
Oil quality was upgraded more quickly, and alternative fuels for motor vehicles continued to grow rapidly
(1) Gasoline and diesel were upgraded more quickly.
China enacted specific measures and schedule requirement of oil quality upgrading in 2013. National IV gasoline began to be used throughout the country on January 1, 2014, with sulfur content dropping to 50ppm.  相似文献   

Jin Yun  Zhu He 《中国油气》2014,(1):29-35
Generally, oil refining industry maintained steady growth in China in 2013, oil refining capacity continued to grow rapidly, growth rate of processed crude oil slowed down, and operating rate of refineries declined slightly: average scale of oil refining units was increased continuonsly, upgrading of oil quality sped up, and structure of refining units went on being adjusted; oil refining layout continued to be upgraded, and diversified market entity developed further: a batch of large newly- built and expanded oil refining projects were promoted further, and China became a hotspot and lightspot for construction and development of world oil refining industry.  相似文献   

中国炼油工业发展现状和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述了中国炼油工业的发展现状,炼油厂加快向规模化演化,加工含硫原油和优化方案发展战略,对外合资进展,炼油版图现状与炼油产业结构升级状况。为适应加工原油重质化,高含硫等原料的需要,正在优化规模化经营、淘汰落后产能、调整产品结构、合理布局,加快产品升级换代的速度,增强炼油业在国际竞争中的能力。  相似文献   

By the end of 2008,the total length of existing oil and gas pipelines in China had reached 6.3×104 km.These pipelines include 3.2×104 km of natural gas pipelines,1.8×104 km of crude oil pipelines and 1.3×104 km of oil products pipelines,laying the foundation for establishing a network of trans-regional oil and gas pipelines.  相似文献   

Pu Ming 《中国油气》2010,17(1):42-47
<正>By the end of 2009, the total length of existing oil and gas pipelines in China had reached 75×103 km. The pipelines include 38×103 km of gas pipelines, 20×103 km of crude oil pipelines and 17×103 km of oil product pipelines, framing a trans-regional pipeline network for the oil and gas delivery.  相似文献   

中国炼油工业现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了我国原油加工能力统计、原油加工能力分布、未来我国石油需求形势以及未来原油加工能力需求及炼油建设展望。  相似文献   

The year 2017 saw explosive growth in China's natural gas market, and the apparent consumption was 235.7 billion cubic meters, up 18.2% over the same period of 2016. In 2017, China's domestic production growth picked up significantly, reaching 145.3 billion cubic meters, an increase of 9%.Natural gas imports grew rapidly, and imported pipeline gas and imported LNG totaled 91.6 billion cubic meters. The trade volume of LNG surpassed that of pipeline gas for the first time since 2012. In 2018, the macro-economy is expected to maintain growth at a moderate-to-high rate. However, driven by favorable factors such as environmental policies, China's demand for natural gas is expected to continue to grow rapidly, and natural gas consumption will maintain double-digit growth, roughly at 12%. Nevertheless, the seasonable imbalance between natural gas supply and demand will remain conspicuous.  相似文献   

Gao Jie 《中国油气》2021,(4):57-62
Key indicators of the natural gas industry in 2020 In 2020,China's natural gas production reached 188.6 billion m3,up by 8.4%year-on-year;coal-based substitute ...  相似文献   

China has rich oil resources, yet relatively low-quality crude oil and difficulty in exploration and development limit the pace the oil industry will be. At present, the prospects of oil development are in a moderate mature stage, the increasing trend of high basic value in oil reserves pose a huge potential of oil exploration and development in China. The most proved reserves are distributed in big-and-middle-sized basins, and will be the main fields of undiscovered oil resources. In addition,though the degree of exploration in unconventional oil is low, its development with abundance resources will be as a significant complementary resource to conventional oil.  相似文献   

稠油开采技术现状及展望   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国现阶段陆上常规油气田大多数处于开采后期,随着常规原油受到储量增长的限制,开采稠油油藏显得更加重要.稠油粘度高,密度大,在地层中流动阻力大,所以稠油油藏开采时驱替效率低,采用常规开采方式开采效率低.介绍了现有的稠油冷采技术、稠油热采技术和复合开采技术,并指出稠油开采技术也要因地制宜,不同的油藏特点和开发阶段要选择不同的开采技术,这样才能取得比较好的开发效果.  相似文献   

塔里木石油天然气勘探开发工程技术现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了近年来西北石油局在塔里木盆地取得的勘探成果,并对其物探技术,钻井技术,测井技术,完井技术,油田开发,原油储运及油田建设的现状及发展进行了论述,同时在分析了该局工程技术发展的动力基础上也指出了目前工程技术发展中存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

催化裂化在21世纪炼油工业中的地位和作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了催化裂化在炼油工业中的重要性,包括从原油资源中获取催化原料、催化产品在炼油中的结构变化以及催化裂化装置在加工流程中的配置变化。分析了随着世界原油的日益重质化/含硫化、环保法规的不断推进,催化裂化所面临的挑战,对国内外催化裂化技术水平差距进行了比较。  相似文献   

Analysis of Environment for Development of Oil Refining Business in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China's refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China's refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China.  相似文献   

1 Overview and Current Status of Utilization of China's Natural Gas Resources Natural gas as a green fuel with low carbon content can comply with the trend in the epoch for development of non carbonaceous energy source, and has a lot of advantages such as its abundance in resources, convenience in applica tion and cost competitiveness. The application of natural gas as a premium fuel has become a focus pursued aggres sively by international players, and the perspectives for gas demand growth will be better than that for oil globally.  相似文献   

合理高效地开发油页岩资源对中国能源安全与经济发展有重要的战略意义。油页岩地下原位转化技术相比地面干馏技术具有独特的优势,是未来油页岩开采的发展方向。文章系统地分析了代表性的油页岩地下原位转化技术发展现状,对电传导加热、热流体加热、辐射加热、燃烧加热等工艺的特点进行了归纳。结合目前研究现状,从储层造缝、地下储集空间封闭、高效加热与新能源应用等方面提出了下步研究方向。该研究可为实现油页岩绿色高效开采提供技术参考。  相似文献   

China surpassed the United States(US) in 2006 to become the largest greenhouse gas emitter. CCSEOR technology, which meets the dual needs of reducing carbon emissions and enhancing oil recovery, has had much importance attached to it. For the latest decade, the Chinese government has provided support for CCSEOR technology through policy, funding and research projects. Under the vigorous guidance of the government,oil companies represented by China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC) competed to carry out research,demonstration, popularization and operation in major oil fields centering on the CCS-EOR technology and achieved remarkable results. Its scientific and technological achievements are reflected in various sub-projects under the 863 Program, 973 Program and National Science and Technology Major Project. However, white shifting from trial promotion of the current stage to large-scale commercialization, CCS-EOR techmology will not only face many opportunities but also quite a few challenges.  相似文献   

国内钻井数据库现状及发展应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络数据库作为数据管理的最新技术在我国各个行业中已得到广泛的普及和应用,并大大地推动了行业的技术进步.虽然目前石油钻井专业也开发了数据库,但并没有真正发挥数据库的作用.本文在分析目前钻井数据库应用落后原因的基础上,提出了开发建立钻井专业数据库的总体思路及下步发展建议,从而使钻井数据库充分发挥统计、分析和规范管理的功用,进一步提高钻井公司的管理与施工水平,为石油天然气勘探开发研究工作提供更好的服务.  相似文献   

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