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烟叶烘烤是烤烟生产中的一个重要环节,需要对烘烤房的温度按照烤烟工艺进行严格的监控.传统烘烤过程主要依靠操作人员的烘烤经验控制,存在操作误差大、反应不灵敏、预期结果滞后的不足.结合目前能源发展的现状,提出构建光伏系统供电的烘烤系统,该系统与电网并联,可以单独给住宅供电,烤烟季节给烤烟房供电,并能实现烤烟房的温度控制.  相似文献   

日前,由中国恩菲工程技术有限公司承担设计的全球单体规模最大的地面并网光伏电站之一——200MWp并网光伏发电项目已完成施工图设计,全面进入施工建设阶段。该项目位于甘肃省金昌市金川区金武公路旁,由甘肃金泰电力公司投资建设,设计年均发电量超过3亿kW·h,项目计划于2013年6月30日并网发电.  相似文献   

在当前全球不可再生能源日益紧缺和环境污染日益严重的现状下,全世界的人们都将目光转向了太阳能利用上.光伏建筑一体化作为能源生产和建筑艺术相结合的新兴应用模式,已经被逐渐的应用到城市建设的各个角落.但如何能让光伏组件和建筑物完美的结合,发挥其应有的经济效力和丰盈社会回报,从而丰富建筑物的科技内涵,提高建筑物的使用价值,即为本文所要讨论的中心.  相似文献   

徐远志 《云南冶金》2014,43(5):47-53
重点介绍了国内外光伏产业现状,主要包括多晶硅原料、光伏组件、光伏发电的产业现状,并对光伏产业发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

8月6日,《新闻联播》播出了这样一条消息,上海居民利用自家阳台建起了小型光伏发电站,所产生的电量除去自家使用外,富余电量还可以卖给国家电网。一时之间,类似这样的小型发电站在各地相继涌现,但它们毕竟规模小、发电少、分布散。因此,拥有众多优势的光伏建筑一体化被专家们又一次搬上了台面,以期对我国太阳能光伏产业、建筑业与节能减排工作产生更深远、积极的作用。  相似文献   

基于对国外市场的严重依赖和尚未及时启动的国内市场的失望,中国光伏产业正处于“腹背受敌”的困境,而这种“看别人脸色行事”的日子在2012年很可能仍将持续。  相似文献   

为了进一步提高大功率光伏逆变器的效率,山东省冶金科学研究院选用西门子S120系列调节性电源模块作为逆变核心部件,通过优化参数设置和简化控制程序,研发了新一代500kW高效光伏逆变器。该光伏逆变器在太阳能轿车停车场项目中实现了一次性成功并网发电,运行效果良好,实测最大效率超过98.2%。  相似文献   

本文以装机容量36 MWp的分布式光伏发电工程为例,介绍了可采用的接入电压等级方案,并根据分布式光伏电源接入配网对并网点电压抬升的影响,选择10 kV电压等级并网,给出了一种分布式电源接入系统方案,并进行了导线截面校验.最后结合工作实际,归纳了分布式光伏电源一次设计要点,包括主接线设计以及高压侧熔断器和低压侧断路器的选...  相似文献   

研究了一种通过光伏电子手段将太阳能转化为电能来电解难选铜矿浆的技术及装置.以DSP芯片作控制核心,通过DC/DC变换器控制蓄电池充放电,并对太阳能最大功率输出点进行跟踪,实现了太阳能的高效利用及矿浆电解.在能源短缺和节能减排形势下,太阳能的利用给企业带来了一定经济效益.  相似文献   

虽然身为"光伏大国",但九成以上光伏产品为出口,我国被称为"电池和组件制造大国"更为适合。目前,全球主要市场仍旧分布在欧洲、美国和日本。在光伏这个新兴产业内,资金、技术、市场等战略制高点留在了海外,引入中国的,只是低附加值的下游产品制造环节。尽管我国近年来加快了光伏发电领域的发展速度,但自身市场的全面启动仍需时日。  相似文献   

Analytical Relationships for Designing Rectangular Drip Irrigation Units   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Approximate analytical expressions were obtained that relate uniformity indices of water distribution in rectangular drip irrigation units as a function of the variables that define that unit: lengths and diameters of laterals and submain, spacing of emitters and laterals, ground slopes, parameters of the emitter discharge equation, and equivalent lengths characterizing local losses. The proposed expressions offer greater precision than might be needed in irrigation practice. They do not require iterative calculations and improve the procedures normally used. They may be useful in the design of drip irrigation units and in their evaluation and management. An example of their application is offered. The proposed relationships simplify studies of the sensitivity of variables involved in optimum hydraulic design. Users are thus allowed a rational understanding of their influence, improving that which can be gained from computer programs. Graphs obtained with the mentioned expressions are also offered. They can be of interest, although their use is not treated specifically in this paper.  相似文献   

以某光伏发电系统在建筑项目中的应用为例,对该光伏发电系统方案的技术经济、社会效益和节能减排效果、技术方案实施及应用等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

Analytical expressions have been developed relating water distribution indexes in trapezoidal drip irrigation units to design variables which define these units: lengths and diameters of pipes, emitter and lateral spacing, slopes, emitter flow equation parameters, and equivalent lengths characterizing local losses. The proposed expressions are founded in classical hydraulics. They are more accurate than predictions in irrigation practice and are easier to handle than the simulation models frequently proposed to irrigation technicians. Unit design and irrigation decision making and evaluation can thus be furthered. An example for the application of the proposed expressions is presented. First, lateral and submain diameters are determined for different shapes of irrigation units to achieve a given water application uniformity. The irrigation time to supply the desired irrigation depth is then calculated. Results are finally compared with values obtained by simulations that take into account hydraulic and manufacture variations in the unit.  相似文献   

随着“双碳”战略及“十四五”推动绿色高质量发展目标的提出,可再生能源的研究与利用日益受到重视。光伏电池因其发电过程中不会产生温室气体,且不受地形及海拔等的影响而被广泛使用。然而,随着光伏电池的大规模应用,废旧光伏组件产生量越来越大。简述了三代不同光伏电池的组成结构及当前的电池效率,从光伏电池的不同组件与不同种类系统角度,探讨三代不同光伏电池的回收方法,并总结了铝边框、玻璃、EVA等组件的高值化利用现状。研究可为合理回收废旧光伏组件、减少资源浪费与环境污染提供参考。  相似文献   

The lateral lines of a drip irrigation system consist of pressurized pipelines with inline or online emitters. Proper hydraulic design of drip laterals usually requires the accurate evaluation of the total head losses, represented by friction losses along the pipe and the emitters, and local losses due to the emitter connections. This paper extends the local loss evaluation procedure, previously obtained for coextruded laterals, on the basis of new experiments. In addition, a simplified procedure was proposed based on the constant outlet discharge assumption for a quick evaluation of total head losses in drip irrigation lines, taking into account the total local loss due to the emitter connections. Total head loss values measured on 15 commercially available coextruded laterals were then compared with those obtained by using the nowly proposed methodology. Relative errors on the pressure head estimation for the examined cases were always ±2.4%, and therefore the proposed methodology could serve for a quick, approximate evaluation of the total head losses along the laterals.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Various Surface Irrigation Numerical Simulation Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, a zero-inertia model (ZIMOD) is presented to simulate all phases of border and furrow irrigation systems. The governing equations were discretized using a control volume of moving cells, by procedures reported in the literature for borders and for furrows. Later, the discretized equations were linearized by applying a Taylor series expansion according to the Newton-Raphson procedure, and then the algebraic linearized equations were iteratively solved using the Gaussian elimination technique. The ZIMOD was verified against several field experimental data and output of various numerical models in the SIRMOD package. Computational times, errors in predicting advance and recession trajectories, and estimated runoff and infiltrated volumes were compared. All models used in the comparative analysis predicted the advance and recession times and the infiltrated and runoff volumes satisfactory. However, models in the SIRMOD package were computationally faster than ZIMOD.  相似文献   

A complete methodology to predict water distribution in laterals and units of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is proposed. Two computer programs have been developed for the hydraulic characterization of SDI; one for laterals and the other for units. Emitter discharge was considered to depend on hydraulic variability, emitter’s manufacture and wear variation, and soil pressure variation. A new procedure to solve the hydraulic calculation of SDI looped network has been established. Moreover, spatial distribution of soil variability was estimated by a geostatistical modeling software that is coupled with the computer programs. Thus the evaluation and performance of laterals and units of SDI can be addressed by changing input variables such us: length and diameters of laterals; coefficients of emitter’s discharge equation; coefficient of variation of emitter’s manufacture and wear; local losses at the emitter insertion; inlet pressure; and soil hydraulic properties and its spatial variability. Finally, the methodology has been applied to different scenarios, and some recommendations are outlined for the selection of emitter discharge and inlet pressures.  相似文献   

Reliable information on irrigation methods is important for determining agricultural water demand trends. Therefore, a study was conducted during 2002 to collect information on irrigation methods that were used by growers to irrigate their crops in 2001. The results were compared to earlier surveys to assess trends in cropping and irrigation methods. A one-page questionnaire was developed to collect information on irrigated land by crop and irrigation methods. The questionnaire was mailed to 10,000 growers in California that were randomly selected from a list of 58,000 growers by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, excluding rice, dry-land, and livestock producers. From 1972 to 2002, the area planted has increased from 15 to 31% for orchards and from 6 to 16% for vineyards. The area planted to vegetables has remained relatively static, while that planted to field crops has declined from 67 to 42% of the irrigated area. The land irrigated by low-volume (drip and microsprinkler) irrigation has increased by about 33%, while the amount of land irrigated by surface methods has decreased by about 31%. Sprinkler usage has decreased in orchards and vineyards, but it has increased in vegetable crops.  相似文献   

介绍南昌钢铁有限责任公司炼铁系统概况,并阐述4号高炉、130m^2烧结机和烧结中和料场的工艺设计内容及技术特点。  相似文献   

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