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AbstractBlown-powder laser surface alloying was performed on the magnesium alloy AZ91D with Al–Si alloy powder to improve corrosion resistance. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that intermetallic compounds (IMCs) of Mg2Si, Al12Mg17 and Al3Mg2 were formed in the matrix of α-Mg and Al solid solutions in Al–Si alloyed layers. The anodic polarization test in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution showed that preferential corrosion occurred in the α-Mg matrix of the AZ91D base metal. The Al–Si alloyed layers exhibited a lower corrosion rate and a higher polarization resistance than AZ91D. The compactly dispersed dendritic Mg2Si phase, and the dendritic and angular phases of Al12Mg17 and Al3Mg2 in the alloyed microstructure were observed to be corrosion-resistant, constituting a barrier that retards corrosion. Corrosion initiated at the interface between IMCs and the solid solution matrix, and at substructures of the matrix, subsequently pervaded into the surrounding microstructure. 相似文献
Shiyan Zhang Qing Li Xiaokui Yang Xiankang Zhong Yan Dai Fei Luo 《Materials Characterization》2010,61(3):269-276
In this paper, a protective multilayer coating, with electroless Ni coating as bottom layer and electrodeposited Ni–TiO2 composite coating as top layer, was successfully prepared on AZ91D magnesium alloy by a combination of electroless and electrodeposition techniques. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were employed to investigate the surface, cross-section morphologies and phase structure of coatings, respectively. The electrochemical corrosion behaviors of coatings in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solutions were evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, open circuit potential and potentiodynamic polarization techniques. The results showed that the corrosion process of Ni–TiO2 composite coating was mainly composed of three stages in the long-term immersion test in the aggressive media, and could afford better corrosion and mechanical protection for the AZ91D magnesium alloy compared with single electroless Ni coating. The micro-hardness of the Ni–TiO2 composite coating improved more than 5 times than that of the AZ91D magnesium alloy. 相似文献
The microstructure and tensile properties at temperatures up to 300 °C of an experimental Al–7Si–1Cu–0.5Mg (wt.%) cast alloy with additions of Ti, V and Zr were assessed and compared with those of the commercial A380 grade. The microstructure of both alloys consisted of Al dendrites surrounded by Al–Si eutectic containing, within its structure, the ternary Al–Al2Cu–Si phase. Whereas the Al15(FeCrMn)3Si2 phases were present in the A380 alloy, Ti/Zr/V together with Al and Si phases, Al(ZrTiV)Si, were identified in the experimental alloy. As a result of chemistry modification the experimental alloy achieved from 20% to 40% higher strength and from 1.5 to 5 times higher ductility than the A380 reference grade. The role of chemistry in improving the alloy thermal stability is discussed. 相似文献
T. Satish Kumar R. Subramanian S. Shalini P. C. Angelo 《Forschung im Ingenieurwesen》2015,79(3-4):123-130
In the present study, the effect of reinforcement on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of aluminium–silicon–magnesium (Al–Si–Mg) alloy matrix hybrid composites reinforced with varying amounts of zircon and alumina has been investigated. Hardness and room temperature compressive tests were performed on Al–Si–Mg alloy as well as composites. Hardness and compressive strength was found to be higher for composites containing 3.75?% ZrSiO4?+?11.25?% Al2O3. Similarly, Al–Si–Mg alloy and its composites were studied for corrosion behaviour in 1 N HCl corrosive media. The weight loss of all the composites was found to decrease with time due to the formation of passive oxide layer on the sample surface. The results obtained indicate that composites exhibit superior mechanical properties and corrosion resistance compared to unreinforced alloy. 相似文献
Yukun Li Junwei Fu Ya Zhang Zhen Zhang Shi’ang Zhou 《Materials Science & Technology》2018,34(10):1265-1274
The effect of Sc on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Si–Mg–Cu–Ti alloy was investigated. Results obtained in this research indicate that, with increasing Sc content, the microstructure of the investigated alloys exhibits finer equiaxed dendrites with rounded edges and the morphology of the eutectic Si shows a complete transition from a coarse needle-like structure to a fine fibrous structure upon modification of eutectic Si. Subsequent T6 heat treatment had further induced the precipitation of nano-scaled secondary Al3(Sc, Ti) phase, as well as spheroidisation of eutectic Si. Combined with T6 heat treatment, the ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, percentage elongation and hardness were achieved in 0.20?wt-% Sc-modified alloy. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(12):1632-1638
AbstractThe microstructural and wear properties of spray formed Al–6.5Si, Al–18Si and Al–18Si–5Fe–1.5Cu (wt-%) alloys have been investigated. The microstructure of the Al–6.5Si alloy exhibits the equiaxed grain morphology of the primary α-Al phase with eutectic Si at the grain boundaries. The size of the primary Si particulates in the Al–18Si alloy varied from 3 to 8 μm embedded in the eutectic matrix. Complex intermetallic phases such as β-Al5 SiFe and δAl4 Si2 Fe are observed to co-exist with primary Si in the spray formed Al–18Si–5Fe–1.5Cu alloy system. The periphery of the preforms invariably showed pre-solidified particles with a large amount of interstitial pores. An extrusion ratio of 6 : 1 for these alloys led to drastic porosity reduction and extensive breaking of second phase particles. These microstructural features showed distinct variation in the wear behaviour and the coefficient of friction of the alloys. The Al–18Si–5Fe–1.5Cu alloy shows better wear resistance compared with the other two alloys, particularly at higher loads. The coefficient of friction shows a dependence upon the applied load. However, this becomes steady at higher loads. The wear behaviour of these alloys is discussed in light of the morphology of debris particles as well as that of the worn surfaces. 相似文献
The aim of this article is to analyze the influence of microstructural parameters on the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of a hypoeutectic Al–Ni alloy. Experimental results include secondary dendrite arm spacing, corrosion potential, current density, pitting potential, ultimate tensile strength and yield strength. It was found that cooling rates during solidification of about 0.6 °C/s and 8 °C/s can provide secondary dendritic spacings of 7 μm and 16 μm, respectively. Although the microstructure having their phases finely and homogeneously distributed was shown to induce better mechanical properties and higher pitting potential, its general corrosion resistance decreased when compared with the corresponding results of the coarser microstructure. 相似文献
In the present work, the effect of applying ternary Ni–P–B4C composite coating from an electroless plating bath containing sulfate nickel, sodium hypophosphate and suspended B4C particles, on the corrosion and wear resistance of an AZ91D, high aluminum cast magnesium alloy, was investigated. Regarding low corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys, chromium oxide plus HF (Hydro Fluoric Acid) pretreatment was applied to prepare the substrate for coating treatment in electroless bath. The pH value and temperature of the electroless bath were 9 and 82 °C, respectively. The coating was characterized for its micro structure, morphology, microhardness, wear and corrosion resistance. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) observation showed dense and coarse nodules in the ternary composite coating and the cross section of Ni–P–B4C coating offered presence of well dispersed B4C particles in the coating. The hardness of the Ni–P–B4C composite coatings was around 1200 MPa, more than what can be obtained for Ni–P coatings (about 700 MPa). The wear test which was carried out by using pin on disc method, showed that ternary Ni–P–B4C composite coating had a good wear resistance and more superior than Ni-P coating. The polarization test results for ternary Ni–P–B4C composite coating exhibited good corrosion resistance properties in protecting the AZ91D magnesium alloy, but not better than Ni–P coating. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(8):957-964
AbstractThe present study investigates some special microstructural characteristics and the diffusion phenomenon occurring in the laser cladding of an iron based alloy (a less commonly used alloy) on an Al–Si eutectic alloy. Among the three microstructural regions, i.e. the clad region, the transitional region, and the post-molten region, the transitional region is non-uniform in both microstructure and composition, in which the aluminium rich area displays a mixture of invisible and snowflakelike morphologies while the iron rich area has an ultrafine lamellalike structure and the transitional zone between them appears as a network structure. Differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction analysis carried out in the transitional region revealed that the possible phases existing in the three areas are γ-Fe, NiAl, and Fe2 Al5 in the iron rich area, α-Al and NiAl3 in the aluminium rich area and FeAl3 , Fe2 Al5 , and NiAl3 in the transitional zone, respectively. Furthermore, the solidification process of the pool and the bond mechanism have been discussed in relation to the microstructural characteristics observed in the experiments, the properties of materials and the extent of thermal conduction. 相似文献
In this paper the influence of high-temperature pre-precipitation treatment on corrosion behaviors of 7055 aluminum alloy is investigated. High-temperature pre-precipitation treatment enhances the discontinuing distribution of the coarse precipitates along the grain boundary, and increases the Cu content of grain-boundary precipitates, which obviously improves stress corrosion resistance, suppresses the serve fracture of sub-grain boundary under the stress corrosion and reduces inter-granular corrosion (IGC) susceptibility with the same strength and ductility. The electrochemical corrosion results of inter-granular phases indicate that the Cu-rich, discrete and coarse grain-boundary precipitates and the decreasing potential difference among inter-granular phases in the grain boundary are responsible for the enhancement of corrosion resistance of 7055 alloy. 相似文献
Wang Chengfeng Huang Yinchun Li Jingling Wang Meifeng Du Xiaoqing Chen Dongchu 《Journal of Materials Science》2022,57(31):14780-14798
Journal of Materials Science - Layered double hydroxide (LDH) films have attracted extensive attention in Mg alloy anti-corrosion due to their unique physical barrier function and ion exchange... 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(18):1838-1844
The effect of 0–2?wt-% Sn addition on AZ80 magnesium alloys after 350°C extrusion has been studied by analysing microstructure and mechanical properties. The results indicated that dynamically recrystallised grains were fine and homogeneous with less than 1?wt-% Sn addition. In AZ80–0.5Sn alloy, a large number of Mg17Al12 precipitated phases formed in grains and at grain boundaries during extrusion process. With more than 1?wt-% Sn addition, the size of dynamically recrystallised grains increased and the number of Mg17Al12 phases decreased. The strength of as-extruded AZ80–0.5Sn alloy enhanced largely as compared with that of the as-extruded AZ80 alloy. AZ80–0.5Sn alloy had the outstanding tensile and compressive properties. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(3):353-362
AbstractThe quality and properties of laser clad layers are dependent on the microstructure and properties of the interfaces with the substrate. The present paper reports, in details, on the characterisation of microstructure of the coating and interfacial layers evolved as a result of the CO2 laser remelting of previously plasma sprayed Al–12Si alloy onto C short fibres reinforced AS41–Mg composite. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), wavelength dispersive X-ray (WDX) analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were employed to identify the phases arising in the interfacial layers. The latter are composed mainly of Mg17Al12 and Mg2Si phases. XRD was conducted on the clad layers at different distances from the interface. At the same layers, the potentiodynamic polarisation in sodium chloride solution was measured and it was found that as the Mg content increases in the clad coating, the corrosion resistance decreases. However, the corrosion current of the clad coating is around two orders of magnitude lower than that of the C/Mg composite. 相似文献
High-pressure torsion (HPT) was used to produce hypoeutectic Al–7Si alloy samples having a range of microstructures to investigate the effect of the grain refinement on its corrosion behavior in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for the first time. Optical microscopy measurements reveal that with the HPT processing increased from 1/4 to 10 revolutions under an applied pressure of 6.0 GPa, brittle coarse silicon particles and intermetallic phases were effectively broken into ultrafine-grained particles and redistributed homogeneously into the Al-rich matrix. Open-circuit potential and polarization curves results exhibit that corrosion resistance of the Al–7Si alloy in NaCl solution was significantly enhanced upon high torsion strains, with corrosion rate reduced from 7.41 μm y−1 for the as-received sample to 1.68 μm y−1 for the 10-turn processed sample. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis combined with characterization of the corroded samples using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicates that the enhancement in corrosion performance of the Al–7Si alloy is due to the breakage of coarse silicon particles and intermetallic phases, the microstructure homogeneity and the increased HPT-induced active sites. It is demonstrated that microstructure refinement through HPT processing can significantly improve both microhardness and corrosion properties of the Al–7Si alloy. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(7):835-838
AbstractThe microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy with composition Mg – 8.8%Al – 0.78%Zn (wt-%) has been investigated to assess the possibility of improving the properties through precipitation hardening. Initially, both solutionising temperature and soaking time were optimised at 693 K and 8 h respectively. After solutionising, the AZ91 samples were subjected to artificial aging at 423 K, 448 K, and 473 K for a period of 12 to 120 h. The sample age hardened at 473 K attained peak hardness after a shorter time than the other two aging temperatures. Structural changes and corresponding mechanical properties were studied. As cast, solutionised and age hardened AZ91 samples were also subjected to corrosion studies to observe potentiodynamic polarisation behaviour. Fine precipitate formation throughout the matrix was observed following solutionising and then artificial aging. Microstructural modifications improved both tensile strength and elongation, however, the corrosion rate was not significantly influenced. 相似文献
S. S. Cho B. S. Chun C. W. Won H. K. Kim B. S. Lee K. H. Yim S. H. Eom H. Baek B. J. Song C. Suryanarayana 《Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing》1998,6(2):123-131
The microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Al–18 wt% Si and Al–18 wt% Si–5 wt% Fe alloys were investigated by a combination of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, tensile testing, and wear testing. The centrifugally atomized binary alloy powder consisted of the -Al (slightly supersaturated with Si) and Si phases and the ternary alloy powder consisted of the -Al (slightly supersaturated with Si), silicon, and needle-like metastable Al–Fe–Si intermetallic phases. During extrusion the metastable -Al4FeSi2 phase in the as-solidified ternary alloy transformed to the equilibrium -Al5FeSi phase. The tensile strength of both the binary and the ternary alloys decreased with a high-temperature exposure, but a significant fraction of the strength was retained up to 573 K. The specific wear gradually increased with increasing sliding speed but decreased with the addition of 5 wt% Fe to the Al–18 wt% Si alloy. The wear resistance improved with annealing due to coarsening of the silicon particles. 相似文献
Yan-Ling Hu Alexandre L. Vasiliev Lichun Zhang Kai Song Mark Aindow 《Journal of Materials Science》2008,43(22):7013-7025
The microstructures in as-cast and heat-treated samples of an Nb–27Mo–27Cr–9Al–9Si (in at.%) alloy have been investigated using X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques. The as-cast alloy comprises a dendritic A2 solid solution surrounded by a eutectic mixture of A15 and C14 phases. After heat treatment at 1,000 °C, there is extensive precipitation of A15 and C15 phases within the A2 dendrites, while the A15/C14 eutectic remains essentially unchanged. After heat treatment at 1,500 °C, the precipitates within the A2 phase exhibit the A15 and C14 structures; these are coarser and more equiaxed than those formed at 1,000 °C, and there is also extensive coarsening/spheroidization of the A15/C14 eutectic. Small particles of two unknown phases were also observed within the A2 dendrites in the heat-treated samples. The orientation relationships between the phases have been identified and these are used to deduce the way in which the microstructure develops. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(11):1333-1339
AbstractThe effect of grain size and indium addition on the workhardening characteristics of Al–1Si (wt-%) alloy has been investigated at room temperature (RT). The samples were preaged at different temperatures in the range 523–623 K. The yield stress, the fracture stress, the fracture time and the linear workhardening coefficient generally decreased with increasing temperature and/or grain size, while the fracture strain and dislocation slip distance increased. The yield and fracture stresses for different grain sizes at different temperatures were found to be linearly related to grain diameters. Indium addition caused general increase for all the measured strength parameters. As concluded from transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations, In addition to Al–Si alloy may retard the coarsening of Si particles. The energies activating the operating fracture mechanisms were found to be 79·6±0·4 and 32·4±0·4 kJ mol?1 for alloys Al–1Si and Al–1Si–0·2In respectively. This suggests a value of 47·2 kJ mol?1 as a binding energy between Si and In atoms in Al matrix. 相似文献
Xuewei Zhu Richu Wang Chaoqun Peng Wenshui Liu Jian Peng 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》2014,25(11):4889-4895
The hypereutectic Al–27Si (mass fraction) alloys are prepared by spray deposition and extrusion. The effect of thermal aging process on the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and microstructure of the Al–27Si alloys are investigated. The results show that the distribution of Si particles in α-Al matrix is uniform, and the primary Si phase grows gradually during the process of thermal aging. The CTE between room temperature to 100 °C increases gradually with the ascending of aging temperature, attributed to the relaxation of residual thermal stress and the coarsening of primary Si phases in the alloys. On the other hand, the CTE increases linearly as the cycling temperature increases up to 500 °C, and the measured values are in good agreement with the Kerner model. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(4):418-423
AbstractBy taking the method of liquid–metal cooled directional solidification, alloys with a nominal composition of Nb–14Si–24Ti–10Cr–2Al–2Hf (at-%) were prepared under different conditions. Alloys were initially directional solidified with different withdrawal rates (R?=?1·2, 6, 18 mm min?1) at 1750°C and subsequently heat treated at 1450°C for 10 h. These processes aimed to investigate the microstructure of directionally solidified (DS) and heat treated (HT) alloys by XRD, SEM, and EDS. The microstructure of DS alloy was composed of (Nb,Ti)SS, (Nb,Ti)5Si3, and Laves phase Cr2Nb, and the former two components formed (Nb,Ti)SS+(Nb,Ti)5Si3 eutectics. In addition, (Nb,Ti)5Si3 laths only presented in DS1·2 alloy. With the increasing withdrawal rates, the microstructure of alloy altered from hypereutectic into pseudo-eutectic, accompanied with the eutectic morphology transformation from petaloid into coupled. Also, the dimension of constituent phases reduced. However, after heat treatment, the constituent phases did not change. The petaloid morphology of eutectics in DS specimens disappeared and coupled eutectic transferred into network. The block or needle-like Cr2Nb gathered along the boundary between (Nb,Ti)5Si3 and (Nb,Ti)SS, and the overall alloy composition became homogenisation. 相似文献