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针对转炉钒渣钙化焙烧酸浸工艺中存在的钒转浸率低的问题,采用高能球磨对钒渣进行活化预处理,以期强化其提钒效果。采用激光粒度分析仪、BET比表面积测定仪和XRD对活化前后钒渣进行了粒度、比表面积及物相结构分析;采用浸出实验研究了机械活化对钙化焙烧和浸出的影响规律。结果表明:机械活化法增大了钒渣的比表面积,增加了晶格畸变与微观应力,使含钒物相充分解离,由此可改善钒渣钙化焙烧的动力学条件。在浸出20 min条件下,机械活化80 min可将钒浸出率提高10%,最佳焙烧温度降低100℃。  相似文献   

为了提高转炉钒渣提钒回收率,提出钙镁复合焙烧-酸浸提钒新工艺,研究MgO/(CaO+MgO)摩尔比、焙烧和浸出工艺参数对钒回收率的影响。结果表明:当焙烧添加剂CaO完全被MgO取代时,钒浸出率降低,由88%降至81%;然而,采用CaO/MgO复合焙烧却能强化钒的浸出。当MgO/(CaO+MgO)的摩尔比为0.5:1时,钒浸出率达到94%。XRD和SEM-EDS结果表明,CaO/MgO复合焙烧添加剂能强化焙烧过程中可溶性钒酸盐的生成,并通过减少硫酸钙沉淀的生成改善浸出过程的动力学条件。  相似文献   

活化焙烧-酸浸法富集中低品位富钛料   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用还原磨选法制得的富钛料TiO2品位低,不适合直接作生产氯化法钛白和海绵钛的原料.热力学分析表明,采取添加Na2CO3进行焙烧处理后,可破坏富钛料中主要矿物组分黑钛石(Me3O5型固溶体,Me=Ti、Fe、Mg、Mn等)的固溶体结构,使固溶于其中的杂质元素铁和镁等转变为易溶于稀盐酸的物质.结果表明,用稀盐酸浸出活化富钛料可使浸出产物TiO2品位提高到90%以上,比直接用稀盐酸浸取未经活化的富钛料浸出产物TiO2的品位提高了近10%.  相似文献   

Titanium mineral was prepared from vanadium titanomagnetite concentrates by hydrogen reduction and acid leaching. The leaching behaviors of elements like Fe, V, Mn, Al, Mg, Ca, and Si were highly related to the reduction degree. The phase compositions of the reduced materials and the leached residues were analyzed by XRD to identify the effect of reduction degree on the leaching mechanisms. The results showed that the concentrates were reduced to iron metal and titanomagnetite at 800?1000 °C for 0.5 h, and the above elements of Fe and impurities were easily leached. Deeper reduction led to the formation of ilmenite and Mg?Al spinel, which hindered leaching. Mg-bearing anosovite appeared in the further reduced materials, and the leaching rates of impurities became much lower. An upgraded titanium mineral with a normalized TiO2 grade of 70.3% was achieved by H2 reduction at 850 °C for 0.5 h and acid leaching, which is a satisfactory Ti resource for the preparation of titanium oxide by sulfate process.  相似文献   

浓硫酸焙烧高钛渣的反应动力学(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种新方法,利用浓硫酸焙烧高钛渣提取二氧化钛,并在焙烧工艺的基础上研究焙烧反应动力学。考察焙烧温度、粒度以及酸矿比对反应速率的影响。结果表明,焙烧反应符合未反应核收缩模型。动力学实验数据、SEM和EDAX结果分析表明,用浓硫酸焙烧高钛矿渣的反应受通过固体产物层的内扩散控制。Arrhenius方程得到焙烧反应的表观活化能为18.94 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

对含高钛的酸溶性钛渣进行铝热还原制备钛铝基多元合金。为了控制并了解合金的制备,讨论了铝和氧化钙的添加和温度的影响。通过考虑材料的配比计算,可以成功地使合金与渣合金分离。大多数还原元素的回收率表现为高值,在所有实验条件下均为95%。铝的添加主要影响合金的成分,而氧化钙的添加则通过改变渣系成分来影响渣金分离。此外,系统的温度可以提高大部分还原元素的回收率和分配比。  相似文献   

Zinc leaching residue (ZLR), produced from traditional zinc hydrometallurgy process, is not only a hazardous waste but also a potential valuable solid. The combination of sulfate roasting and water leaching was employed to recover the valuable metals from ZLR. The ZLR was initially roasted with ferric sulfate at 640 °C for 1 h with ferric sulfate/zinc ferrite mole ratio of 1.2. In this process, the valuable metals were efficiently transformed into water soluble sulfate, while iron remains as ferric oxide. Thereafter, water leaching was conducted to extract the valuable metals sulfate for recovery. The recovery rates of zinc, manganese, copper, cadmium and iron were 92.4%, 93.3%, 99.3%, 91.4% and 1.1%, respectively. A leaching toxicity test for ZLR was performed after water leaching. The results indicated that the final residue was effectively detoxified and all of the heavy metal leaching concentrations were under the allowable limit.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the decomposition of acid dissolved titanium slag with a sodium hydroxide system under atmospheric pressure was studied. The effect of reaction temperature, particle size and NaOH-to-slag mass ratio on titanium extraction was investigated. The results show that temperature and particle size have significant influence on titanium extraction. The experimental data of titanium extraction show that the shrinking core model with chemical reaction controlled process is most applicable for the decomposition of slag, with an apparent activation energy of 62.4 kJ·mol−1. Approximately 85 wt.%−90 wt.% of the titanium can be extracted from the slag under the optimal conditions. In addition, the purity of titanium dioxide obtained in the product is up to 98.5 wt.%.  相似文献   

钒钛渣碱浸脱硅   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究一种选择性脱除钒钛渣中二氧化硅的工艺。利用XRD、SEM和EDS对钒钛渣和碱浸出后的样品进行表征。结果表明:钒钛渣的主要组分是黑钛石、辉石和金属铁。黑钛石为板状和颗粒状,分布于辉石中;金属铁为球型,呈蠕虫状被包裹于辉石和黑钛石中,边缘被氧化;硅主要分布在辉石中;钛和钒主要分布在黑钛石中。对搅拌速度、浸出温度、浸出时间、NaOH浓度和液固比对浸出的影响进行研究。结果表明:浸出温度和液固比对Si02的浸出率有较大的影响,在最佳实验条件下,Si、A1、Mn和v的浸出率分别为88.2%、66.3%、27.3%和1.2%。钒钛渣碱浸脱硅动力学过程受化学反应控制,其表观活化能为46.3kJ/mol。  相似文献   

介绍了以70%~75%TiO2的低品位高钛渣为原料制备人造金红石的分离工艺。低品位高钛渣中MgO,FeO,CaO,Al2O3和SiO2进入杂质相,钛组分进入金红石相,金红石相中TiO2品位达到90%~95%,可满足流态化氯化对杂质的要求。1050℃的低温预氧化与1510℃的高温热处理促使渣中分散于各矿物相的钛组分选择性转移并富集于金红石相,金红石相析出与长大,用稀硫酸和稀盐酸实现金红石相的分离。实验结果表明,金红石矿物相平均晶粒度可以达到25μm,通过稀酸选择性浸出改性渣,可以获得95%TiO2品位的人造金红石。  相似文献   

CaTiO3 was decomposed by alkaline roasting method for the production of TiO2.The process included alkaline roasting, water leaching and acid leaching steps.In the alkaline roasting step, the factors such as roasting temperature and NaOH/CaTiO3 molar ratio were investigated and 99.5% TiO2 could be extracted from CaTiO3.In addition, it is believed that only ion-exchange between Ca2+ and Na+ takes place, while the structure of TiO 32-in CaTiO3 was not destroyed during the roasting process.In the acid leaching ...  相似文献   

研究尼日利亚钛铁矿矿物学特征和经机械活化和碱性焙烧处理后的浸出行为。研究了 NaOH/矿石比、H2SO4浓度、浸出和焙烧温度对钛回收率的影响。结果表明,机械活化对钛铁矿石的浸出有明显的增强作用。钛铁矿经机械活化后,加入60%NaOH在850°C下焙烧,在温度为90°C,经60%H2SO4浸出4 h下的浸出率为72%。对焙烧矿、水处理后残渣和酸浸滤渣的XRD物相分析证实了反应机理和实验结果。  相似文献   

以锰铁合金渣为原料,经研磨、硫酸浸出后,采用中和-水解、氟化沉淀、硫化沉淀和重结晶法去除浸出液中的铁、铝、钙、镁和重金属以及钠、钾等离子以制备电子级硫酸锰。研究反应pH、反应温度和不同添加剂的用量对硫酸锰产品中杂质含量的影响,并得到了较优的温度、pH、沉淀剂的用量等工艺条件。结果表明:在较优工艺条件下,所制备的碳酸锰中,Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、K+杂质离子的含量小于0.005%,Fe3+、Al3+和重金属离子的含量小于0.001%,Mn2+的含量大于32%,硫酸锰产品的质量满足锂离子电池正极材料的要求。  相似文献   

H3PO4 oxidation roasting followed by HCl acid leaching was proposed to remove magnesium and calcium from electric furnace titanium slag containing 3.12% MgO and 0.86% CaO. XRF, XRD and SEM techniques were used to characterize the composition, mineral phase component and microstructure of the titanium slag. The H3PO4 oxidation thermodynamic, mineral phase transformation, microstructure, element distribution in titanium slag during H3PO4 oxidation process and leaching process were investigated. The thermodynamic analysis indicated that H3PO4 could promote the decomposition of MgTi2O5 and CaSiO3. The results indicated that H3PO4 could effectively promote the transformation of titanium-bearing mineral to rutile and enrich the impurities in MxTi3–xO5 into phosphate which could be removed by acid leaching process. Under the studied conditions, the leaching rates of magnesium and calcium reached 94.68% and 87.19%, respectively. The acid leached slag containing 0.19% MgO and 0.13% CaO (mass fraction) was obtained.  相似文献   

锌浸渣还原焙烧-磁选回收铁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在查明锌浸渣工艺矿物学的基础上,采用还原焙烧将铁酸锌分解为氧化锌和磁性氧化铁,再通过磁选的方法回收铁,达到锌、铁分离的目的。实验考查了焙烧温度、焙烧时间、还原剂用量对铁酸锌分解率、铁回收率和铁品位的影响。结果表明:在焙烧温度为950℃、焙烧时间为1 h及还原剂添加量为10%和5%的条件下,铁酸锌分解率达到72.05%,铁回收率可达到91.79%,精矿中铁的品位为50%左右。焙烧及磁选过程中颗粒的团聚包裹是铁精矿品位不高的主要原因。  相似文献   

提出一种直接利用高钛渣制备高强钛合金的方法。先用镁粉还原高钛渣制备氧含量为1.3%(质量分数)的合金粉末,再将合金粉末在600 MPa压力下压制成小圆柱体,最后在氩气下烧结成钛合金产品。对还原粉末进行表征,研究烧结温度对烧结合金的烧后密度、抗压强度、显微组织和硬度的影响。结果表明,随着烧结温度由900℃升高至1200℃,钛合金的密度增加,孔隙率降低,实现较好的烧结致密化(1100℃为98.65%,1200℃为99.41%),在1100℃时硬度达到HV 655.7,压缩强度为1563 MPa。  相似文献   

钒是重要的战略资源,目前主要是从钒钛磁铁矿经"高炉冶炼-转炉吹钒"工艺所得钒渣中采用湿法冶金提取,其中萃取方法应用最多。本文研究以N-辛基吡啶类离子液体为萃取剂,正戊醇为稀释剂,采用溶剂萃取法考察萃取分离V(Ⅴ)的影响因素,包括温度、时间以及溶液pH并对其萃取机理进行研究。结果表明:在[OPy]Cl和[OPy][BF4]萃取V(Ⅴ)最适宜的条件下,即萃取时间分别为60 s和40 s、pH=2.957~8.029、温度为25℃时,两者的V(Ⅴ)萃取率分别达到95.42%和93.52%;结合离子选择性电极法、斜率法、紫外-可见光谱分析、红外光谱分析等方法研究并确定了N-辛基吡啶类离子液体萃取V(Ⅴ)的机理为阴离子交换。  相似文献   

By means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX) and scanning electron microscope(SEM)analysis,the phase structure characteristics of high titanium slag were analyzed.Through the single factor and the orthogonal experiment methods,the effects of material particle size,mass ratio of acid to ore,roasting temperature,and roasting time on the acidolysis ratio of TiO_2during the process of roasting high titanium slag with concentrated sulfuric acid were systematically investigated.The results show that the sequence of each factor affecting the acidolysis ratio of TiO_2 is:mass ratio of acid to ore,roasting time,and roasting temperature.The optimum technological conditions are obtained as mass ratio of acid to ore of 2.1,roasting temperature of 310 ℃,roasting time of 75 min,and material particle size of 45-53 μm.The acidolysis ratio of TiO_2 is over 96%under the optimum conditions.The roasting process is proved to be significant in the exploitation and utilization of high titanium slag.The advantages of the proposed roasting process are of high efficiency,low power consumption,and minimum pollution.  相似文献   

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