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杜文龙 《电子器件》2021,44(1):97-102
针对相关衰落MIMO信道下的联合天线子集选择,提出了2种选择算法。首先,在已知精确信道知识的情况下,选择算法选择以使接收数据流的SNR最大化和瞬时误差概率即误符号率最小化的天线子集,从而得到平均SNR增益改善的解析表达式;其次,当信道迅速变化时,在已知信道统计知识的情况下,选择算法选择以使全部可能信道实现的平均误差概率最小化的天线子集,从而得到编码增益,在极端相关信道条件下,也可以得到分集增益;基于2种选择算法的性能分析和仿真结果验证了本文提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   

肖啸  朱光喜 《信号处理》2008,24(1):14-18
本文设计了一种新的MIMO传输技术,它在发射端(基站)按最大比发射(MRT),接收端则基于信噪比最大的原则仅选择一根接收天线来处理信号,记MRT/RAS.其目标就是为了提高系统性能并降低接收端(移动台)的硬件复杂度.根据随机矩阵和排序统计的最新理论,推导出瑞利衰落信道下MRT/RAS系统的中断概率、误码率(BER)等性能指标的确切表达式.仿真结果表明MRT/RAS系统可以取得很好的阵列增益及满分集增益.仿真试验也证明了分析结果的正确性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we concentrate on the direct semi-blind spatial equalizer design for MIMO systems with Rayleigh fading channels. Our aim is to develop an algorithm which can outperform the classical training-based method with the same training information used and avoid the problems of low convergence speed and local minima due to pure blind methods. A general semi-blind cost function is first constructed which incorporates both the training information from the known data and some kind of higher order statistics (HOS) from the unknown sequence. Then, based on the developed cost function, we propose two semi-blind iterative and adaptive algorithms to find the desired spatial equalizer. To further improve the performance and convergence speed of the proposed adaptive method, we propose a technique to find the optimal choice of step size. Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms and comparable schemes.  相似文献   

A new space-time block coded transmit antenna selection scheme over spatially correlated fading channels is presented. This scheme allows two or more transmit antennas to simultaneously use one radio frequency frontend. A system with four transmit antennas is considered in particular. The four antennas are selectively grouped into two subsets. Alamouti code is then applied on top of the subsets as if each was a single antenna. This scheme is shown to be more efficient than the conventional transmit antenna selection combined with Alamouti code in correlated channels. Moreover, it lowers the bitrate of the feedback channel.  相似文献   

杨亮  秦家银 《电子学报》2006,34(1):107-109
本文全面地分析了在Nakagami-m衰落信道下具有"匙孔"(keyhole)效应时正交块空时编码(STBCs)的多输入多输出 (MIMO)系统的容量以及误比特率(BER)性能,导出了该系统环境下平均容量的紧下边界值,同时得出了系统中断概率的具体表达式及其误码率的近似值.在此基础上分析了Keyhole MIMO信道下的天线选择问题.最后进行了仿真,其结果与理论分析一致.研究表明,在Keyhole MIMO信道中,采用天线选择仍然能够获得与全复杂系统相同的分集增益.  相似文献   

秦艳  朱晓明 《电子科技》2007,(5):61-62,82
在理想多输入多输出(MIMO)系统容量的基础上,推导了衰落信道空间相关性对MIMO系统容量的影响,并通过MATLAB仿真进行了验证,最后给出了结论。  相似文献   

瑞利快衰落信道下STBC的译码器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alamouti提出的空时分组码(STBC)发射分集技术,其优良性能及低复杂性的译码方案是限制在准静态衰落信道的情况下的,通过研究发现此系统在时变快衰落信道时性能会有严重的损失。为了改善系统在快衰落信道下的性能,提出一种最小均方误差(MMSE)线性译码器,该译码器能够同时抑制噪声和干扰。理论及计算机仿真证明,MMSE译码器用于空时分组码发射分集系统中可以有效地改善无线信道的时变快衰落对系统性能的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive performance analysis of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with transmit antenna selection (TAS) and stochastic power allocation (SPA) for the spatially correlated fading channels. Two best transmit antennas that maximize the instantaneous received signal-to-noise (SNR) are selected to transmit the Alamouti scheme and maximal-ratio combining (MRC) is applied at the receiver. With correlation matrices available to the transmitter, SPA is applied on these selected antennas. Two different methods are given to derive the explicit upper bounds on the bit-error rate (BER) performance. Finally we present numerical results to verify our analysis. It is shown that the TAS/SPA scheme can achieve high performance in spatially correlated channels.  相似文献   

多天线可以用来增加通信系统的分集增益或者复用增益,二者之间存在着基本的折衷关系。相关瑞利信道的折衷性能差于i.i.d瑞利衰落信道,并且相关矩阵降秩时,折衷性能进一步下降。本文给出了相关瑞利信道下分集增益和复用增益的最优折衷关系。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Recently ,MultipleInputandMultipleOutput(MIMO)wirelesssystemsusingmulti elementan tennadiversityatboththetransmitterandthere ceiverhasdrawnconsiderableattention[1~3] .InMI MOsystems,space timecodingcouldbeemployedtoimprovelinkreliability ,suchasSpace TimeBlockCoding (STBC)whichhasaverysimplede codingmethodandfulldiversityachieved[4~7] .WhenSTBCisusedoverwidebandchannels,theOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplex (OFDM )techniquecanbeusedtogethertoeffectivelycombatf…  相似文献   

在空间瑞利相关信道下,笔者推导了混合选择/多输入多输出系统(H-S/MIMO)信道容量的精确表达式。以2发送天线和2/3接收天线的MIMO系统为模型,使用MATLAB对该系统进行了仿真。结果表明,理论分析与仿真曲线相吻合,进一步说明文中理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

A nonasymptotic framework is presented to analyze the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless system at finite signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The target data rate at each SNR is proportional to the capacity of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with an array gain. The proportionality constant, which can be interpreted as a finite-SNR spatial multiplexing gain, dictates the sensitivity of the rate adaptation policy to SNR. The diversity gain as a function of SNR for a fixed multiplexing gain is defined by the negative slope of the outage probability versus SNR curve on a log-log scale. The finite-SNR diversity gain provides an estimate of the additional power required to decrease the outage probability by a target amount. For general MIMO systems, lower bounds on the outage probabilities in correlated Rayleigh fading and Rician fading are used to estimate the diversity gain as a function of multiplexing gain and SNR. In addition, exact diversity gain expressions are determined for orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC). Spatial correlation significantly lowers the achievable diversity gain at finite SNR when compared to high-SNR asymptotic values. The presence of line-of-sight (LOS) components in Rician fading yields diversity gains higher than high-SNR asymptotic values at some SNRs and multiplexing gains while resulting in diversity gains near zero for multiplexing gains larger than unity. Furthermore, as the multiplexing gain approaches zero, the normalized limiting diversity gain, which can be interpreted in terms of the wideband slope and the high-SNR slope of spectral efficiency, exhibits slow convergence with SNR to the high-SNR asymptotic value. This finite-SNR framework for the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff is useful in MIMO system design for realistic SNRs and propagation environments  相似文献   

空间相关MIMO信道中一种自适应的天线选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了空间相关性对于多输入多输出空间复用(MIMO-SM)系统性能影响问题,并提出了一种适用于迭代迫零软干扰抵消接收机的天线选择算法。平坦衰落信道中,发送天线相关性将降低接收天线选择算法的性能,该文所研究的算法采用可变的接收天线数以获得不同的接收分集,增加一定的硬件实现复杂度但可以显著减小发送天线相关性引起的误码性能下降。在2个发送天线,4个接收天线的天线配置场合,计算机仿真证实该算法在帧误码率上优于简单的行相关算法(CBM)。  相似文献   

A new transmit antenna selection (TAS) scheme with phase feedback for multiple-input multiple-output systems is proposed in this paper. This scheme allows two or more transmit antennas to simultaneously use one radio frequency chain. By grouping the transmit antennas according to their similarities in instantaneous channel coefficients into two subsets and treating each subset as a single antenna, both hardware complexity reduction and antenna array gain can be achieved. Compared with the transmit antenna selection combined with space-time block code (TAS/STBC) scheme, the proposed TAS scheme provides excellent robustness, in terms of symbol error rate performance, against spatially correlated fading channels. Moreover, the proposed TAS scheme need not use STBC encoder and decoder which used in the TAS/STBC schemes. Therefore, the proposed TAS scheme is simpler than the TAS/STBC schemes in practical hardware implementation.  相似文献   

We investigate the joint relay and antenna selection performance in a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication system employing physical layer network coding (PLNC) with amplify-and-forward (AF) scheme at the relay antenna. Analytic results are derived under the cascaded Nakagami-m fading channel model assumption, which covers cascaded Rayleigh and conventional cellular channel models as well. We evaluate the performance of the system in terms of joint outage probability of sources and derive closed-form expressions for lower and upper bounds while an exact expression is found as a single integral form. Besides, the asymptotic diversity order is analyzed and quantified as a function of number of relays and antennas installed on the source and relay vehicles, and channel parameters. Finally, we verify the analytic derivations by computer simulations. Our results show that the outage probability performance decreases with the increasing cascading degrees of the channels but joint relay and antenna selection enhances the performance of the system superbly with the increasing number of relays and antennas. Also it is shown throughout all the simulation results, the lower bound for the joint outage probability seems to consistently be well tight for large SNR. Therefore it can be used for practical design of inter-vehicular communication systems which contain multiple relays and antennas.  相似文献   

This paper considers the choice of the number of diversity branches for minimizing the bit error rate of a selection diversity system using noncoherent binary frequency-shift keying modulation for transmission over a Rayleigh fading Gaussian channel. An exact expression for the optimum number of branches,L_{sel}^{ast}, is given. The resulting probability of bit error decreases exponentially with the square root of the energy per bit.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of frequency offset and channel gain estimation for frequency-selective multi-input multi-output (MIMO) correlated fading channels. A maximum-likelihood (ML) frequency offset (FO) estimator is proposed by using the Bayesian approach. We show that the proposed FO estimator is efficient and asymptotically optimal. Based on the FO estimate, we derive the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimator and analytically investigate the effect of frequency offset estimation error on the mean square error (MSE) performance of the channel estimator. Finally, the performances of the FO and channel estimation are evaluated by simulation results.  相似文献   

相关瑞利分集系统容量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般来说,充分利用无线信道的特性能够极大地提高通信系统的容量,但是对于相关瑞利信道的平均容量讨论的不多。文章借助于一种线性变换的方法,得出了一种相关瑞利分集情况下容量的近似表达式,简化了在通常情况下的复杂的表达式。数值计算的结果也形象地说明了相关系数对分集容量的影响,以及分集能够有效的提高系统的容量。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) scheme combining transmit antenna selection and receiver maximal-ratio combining (the TAS/MRC scheme). In this scheme, a single transmit antenna, which maximizes the total received signal power at the receiver, is selected for uncoded transmission. The closed-form outage probability of the system with transmit antenna selection is presented. The bit error rate (BER) of the TAS/MRC scheme is derived for binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) in flat Rayleigh fading channels. The BER analysis demonstrates that the TAS/MRC scheme can achieve a full diversity order at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), as if all the transmit antennas were used. The average SNR gain of the TAS/MRC is quantified and compared with those of uncoded receiver MRC and space-time block codes (STBCs). The analytical results are verified by simulation. It is shown that the TAS/MRC scheme outperforms some more complex space-time codes of the same spectral efficiency. The cost of the improved performance is a low-rate feedback channel. We also show that channel estimation errors based on pilot symbols have no impact on the diversity order over quasi-static fading channels.  相似文献   

天线选择是MIMO系统中一项重要的技术,它能从MIMO系统的多个发射天线和多个接收天线中选择出性能最好的一个或几个天线,从而以很小的性能损失换取成本的大幅降低,极大地提高了MIMO系统的性能价格比。最优算法具有较高的复杂度而限制了它的应用,文中从次优的递增递减算法入手,提出了一种具有更低复杂度的递增递减接收天线选择算法。仿真结果表明,该算法以很小的系统容量损失为代价换取了复杂度的降低。  相似文献   

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