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《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(5):565-578
Mobile robots for advanced applications have to act in environments which contain moving obstacles (humans). Even though the motions of such obstacles are not precisely predictable, usually they are not completely random; long-term observation of obstacle behavior may thus yield valuable knowledge about prevailing motion patterns. By incorporating such knowledge as statistical data, a new approach called statistical motion planning yields robot motions which are better adapted to the dynamic environment. To put these ideas into practice, an experimental system has been developed. Cameras observe the workspace in order to detect obstacle motion. Statistical data is derived and represented as a set of stochastic trajectories. This data can be directly employed in order to calculate collision probability, i.e. the probability of encountering an obstacle during the robot's motion. Further aspects of motion planning are addressed: path planning which minimizes collision probability, estimation of expected time to reach the goal and reactive planning.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in motion planning is often caused by three main sources: motion error, sensing error, and imperfect environment map. Despite the significant effect of all three sources of uncertainty to motion planning problems, most planners take into account only one or at most two of them. We propose a new motion planner, called Guided Cluster Sampling (GCS), that takes into account all three sources of uncertainty for robots with active sensing capabilities. GCS uses the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) framework and the point-based POMDP approach. Although point-based POMDPs have shown impressive progress over the past few years, it performs poorly when the environment map is imperfect. This poor performance is due to the extremely high dimensional state space, which translates to the extremely large belief space?B. We alleviate this problem by constructing a more suitable sampling distribution based on the observations that when the robot has active sensing capability, B can be partitioned into a collection of much smaller sub-spaces, and an optimal policy can often be generated by sufficient sampling of a small subset of the collection. Utilizing these observations, GCS samples B in two-stages, a subspace is sampled from the collection and then a belief is sampled from the subspace. It uses information from the set of sampled sub-spaces and sampled beliefs to guide subsequent sampling. Simulation results on marine robotics scenarios suggest that GCS can generate reasonable policies for motion planning problems with uncertain motion, sensing, and environment map, that are unsolvable by the best point-based POMDPs today. Furthermore, GCS handles POMDPs with continuous state, action, and observation spaces. We show that for a class of POMDPs that often occur in robot motion planning, given enough time, GCS converges to the optimal policy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first convergence result for point-based POMDPs with continuous action space.  相似文献   

Roadmap-based motion planning in dynamic environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a new method is presented for motion planning in dynamic environments, that is, finding a trajectory for a robot in a scene consisting of both static and dynamic, moving obstacles. We propose a practical algorithm based on a roadmap that is created for the static part of the scene. On this roadmap, an approximately time-optimal trajectory from a start to a goal configuration is computed, such that the robot does not collide with any moving obstacle. The trajectory is found by performing a two-level search for a shortest path. On the local level, trajectories on single edges of the roadmap are found using a depth-first search on an implicit grid in state-time space. On the global level, these local trajectories are coordinated using an A/sup */-search to find a global trajectory to the goal configuration. The approach is applicable to any robot type in configuration spaces with any dimension, and the motions of the dynamic obstacles are unconstrained, as long as they are known beforehand. The approach has been implemented for both free-flying and articulated robots in three-dimensional workspaces, and it has been applied to multirobot motion planning, as well. Experiments show that the method achieves interactive performance in complex environments.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a point-to-point of an arm robot motion planning in complex geometrical obstacle. It will govern a two-layer optimization strategy utilizing sixth degree polynomial as joint angle path. At the beginning of the motion planning process, the path planning starts with the optimization objective to minimize the joint angle travelling distance under collision detection rules as constraint. After the best path has been met, the associated time will be searched with the optimization objective to minimize the total travelling time and the torque under the maximum velocity, the maximum acceleration, the maximum jerk, and the maximum torque constraints. The performance of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) will be investigated in searching the feasible sixth degree polynomial joint angle path and the total travelling time that gives the optimal trajectories under kinodynamic constraints. A 3-Degree-Of-Freedom (3-DOF) planar robot will be utilized to simulate the proposed scenario.  相似文献   

To ensure the collision safety of mobile robots, the velocity of dynamic obstacles should be considered while planning the robot’s trajectory for high-speed navigation tasks. A planning scheme that computes the collision avoidance trajectory by assuming static obstacles may result in obstacle collisions owing to the relative velocities of dynamic obstacles. This article proposes a trajectory time-scaling scheme that considers the velocities of dynamic obstacles. The proposed inverse nonlinear velocity obstacle (INLVO) is used to compute the nonlinear velocity obstacle based on the known trajectory of the mobile robot. The INLVO can be used to obtain the boundary conditions required to avoid a dynamic obstacle. The simulation results showed that the proposed scheme can deal with typical collision states within a short period of time. The proposed scheme is advantageous because it can be applied to conventional trajectory planning schemes without high computational costs. In addition, the proposed scheme for avoiding dynamic obstacles can be used without an accurate prediction of the obstacle trajectories owing to the fast generation of the time-scaling trajectory.  相似文献   

Temporal logic motion planning for dynamic robots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we address the temporal logic motion planning problem for mobile robots that are modeled by second order dynamics. Temporal logic specifications can capture the usual control specifications such as reachability and invariance as well as more complex specifications like sequencing and obstacle avoidance. Our approach consists of three basic steps. First, we design a control law that enables the dynamic model to track a simpler kinematic model with a globally bounded error. Second, we built a robust temporal logic specification that takes into account the tracking errors of the first step. Finally, we solve the new robust temporal logic path planning problem for the kinematic model using automata theory and simple local vector fields. The resulting continuous time trajectory is provably guaranteed to satisfy the initial user specification.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on autonomous motion control of a nonholonomic platform with a robotic arm, which is called mobile manipulator. It serves in transportation of loads in imperfectly known industrial environments with unknown dynamic obstacles. A union of both procedures is used to solve the general problems of collision-free motion. The problem of collision-free motion for mobile manipulators has been approached from two directions, Planning and Reactive Control. The dynamic path planning can be used to solve the problem of locomotion of mobile platform, and reactive approaches can be employed to solve the motion planning of the arm. The execution can generate the commands for the servo-systems of the robot so as to follow a given nominal trajectory while reacting in real-time to unexpected events. The execution can be designed as an Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Controller. In real world systems, sensor-based motion control becomes essential to deal with model uncertainties and unexpected obstacles.  相似文献   

A new robust neuro-fuzzy controller for autonomous and intelligent robot manipulators in dynamic and partially known environments containing moving obstacles is presented. The navigation is based on a fuzzy technique for the idea of artificial potential fields (APFs) using analytic harmonic functions. Unlike the fuzzy technique, the development of APFs is computationally intensive. A computationally efficient processing scheme for fuzzy navigation to reasoning about obstacle avoidance using APF is described, namely, the intelligent dynamic motion planning. An integration of a robust controller and a modified Elman neural networks (MENNs) approximation-based computed-torque controller is proposed to deal with unmodeled bounded disturbances and/or unstructured unmodeled dynamics of the robot arm. The MENN weights are tuned online, with no off-line learning phase required. The stability of the overall closed-loop system, composed by the nonlinear robot dynamics and the robust neuro-fuzzy controller, is guaranteed by the Lyapunov theory. The purpose of the robust neuro-fuzzy controller is to generate the commands for the servo-systems of the robot so it may choose its way to its goal autonomously, while reacting in real-time to unexpected events. The proposed scheme has been successfully tested. The controller also demonstrates remarkable performance in adaptation to changes in manipulator dynamics. Sensor-based motion control is an essential feature for dealing with model uncertainties and unexpected obstacles in real-time world systems.  相似文献   

The complexity of motion planning algorithms highly depends on the complexity of the robot's free space, i.e., the set of all collision-free placements of the robot. Theoretically, the complexity of the free space can be very high, resulting in bad worst-case time bounds for motion planning algorithms. In practice, the complexity of the free space tends to be much smaller than the worst-case complexity. Motion planning algorithms with a running time that is determined by the complexity of the free space therefore become feasible in practical situations. We show that, under some realistic assumptions, the complexity of the free space of a robot with any fixed number of degrees of freedom moving around in ad-dimensional Euclidean workspace with fat obstacles is linear in the number of obstacles. The complexity results lead to highly efficient algorithms for motion planning amidst fat obstacles.Research is supported by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and partially supported by the ESPRIT III BRA Project 6546 (PROMotion).  相似文献   

This paper addresses the modeling of the static and dynamic parts of the scenario and how to use this information with a sensor-based motion planning system. The contribution in the modeling aspect is a formulation of the detection and tracking of mobile objects and the mapping of the static structure in such a way that the nature (static/dynamic) of the observations is included in the estimation process. The algorithm provides a set of filters tracking the moving objects and a local map of the static structure constructed on line. In addition, this paper discusses how this modeling module is integrated in a real sensor-based motion planning system taking advantage selectively of the dynamic and static information. The experimental results confirm that the complete navigation system is able to move a vehicle in unknown and dynamic scenarios. Furthermore, the system overcomes many of the limitations of previous systems associated to the ability to distinguish the nature of the parts of the scenario.
Luis MontesanoEmail:

This paper studies the following path planning problem for a robot. There is a given path avoiding obstacles. If existing obstacles change their location or new obstacles appear, the preplanned path must be appropriately deformed for all obstacles avoidance. We develop a solution approach based on the component-wise method of smoothing the path curvature and the method of potentials. The proposed approach enables to avoid obstacles and smooth the path and its curvature (in the 2D and 3D cases).  相似文献   

We consider mobile robots made of a single body (car-like robots) or several bodies (tractors towing several trailers sequentially hooked). These robots are known to be nonholonomic, i.e., they are subject to nonintegrable equality kinematic constraints involving the velocity. In other words, the number of controls (dimension of the admissible velocity space), is smaller than the dimension of the configuration space. In addition, the range of possible controls is usually further constrained by inequality constraints due to mechanical stops in the steering mechanism of the tractor. We first analyze the controllability of such nonholonomic multibody robots. We show that the well-known Controllability Rank Condition Theorem is applicable to these robots even when there are inequality constraints on the velocity, in addition to the equality constraints. This allows us to subsume and generalize several controllability results recently published in the Robotics literature concerning nonholonomic mobile robots, and to infer several new important results. We then describe an implemented planner inspired by these results. We give experimental results obtained with this planner that illustrate the theoretical results previously developed.This research was partially funded by DARPA contract DAAA21-89-C0002 (Army), CIFE (Center for Integrated Facility Engineering), and Digital Equipment Corporation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a concept of initial minimum safety spacing (IMSS) for a robot to avoid the collision with moving obstacles from any direction. A quick intelligent control system based on IMSS to avoid the collision is presented. In the system, the necessary deceleration and steering can be predicted using the fuzzy reasoning, which only needs to input one variable of the collision danger degree judged according to IMSS. So, the membership functions and the fuzzy rules are very simple, the calculation time for the avoidance is reduced. These advantages are verified by the numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper studies a hierarchical approach for incrementally driving a nonholonomic mobile robot to its destination in unknown environments. The A* algorithm is modified to handle a map containing unknown information. Based on it, optimal (discrete) paths are incrementally generated with a periodically updated map. Next, accelerations in varying velocities are taken into account in predicting the robot pose and the robot trajectory resulting from a motion command. Obstacle constraints are transformed to suitable velocity limits so that the robot can move as fast as possible while avoiding collisions when needed. Then, to trace the discrete path, the system searches for a waypoint-directed optimized motion in a reduced 1-D translation or rotation velocity space. Various situations of navigation are dealt with by using different strategies rather than a single objective function. Extensive simulations and experiments verified the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The principal aim of this study was to show how an autonomous mobile robot can acquire the optimal action to avoid moving multiobstacles through interaction with the real world. In this paper, we propose a new architecture using hierarchical fuzzy rules, a fuzzy evaluation system, and learning automata. By using our proposed method, the robot autonomously acquires finely tuned behavior which allows it to move to its goal and avoid moving obstacles by using the steering and velocity control inputs simultaneously. We also show experimental results which confirm the feasibility of our method.  相似文献   

为便于机器人在避障时能高速前进,把整体G2连续的低次避障曲线从参数形式拓展到代数样条形式上。首先,对导向折线段中除去首末线段的其他线段插入中点,以生成一组控制多边形;然后,根据各控制多边形和与之对应的障碍物,得到既能使曲线规避所有障碍物,又能使曲线在整体上保持G2连续的形状因子。低次避障代数样条曲线不仅能够直接得到与给定点之间的位置关系,还具有次数低、连续阶高、计算简单、保形性好和便于控制的优点。曲线在次数为3时更是具有局部可调性,其在设计时的灵活度得以增加。  相似文献   

动态未知环境中移动机器人的滚动路径规划及安全性分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
借鉴预测控制滚动优化原理,研究了全局环境未知且存在动态障碍物情况下的机器人路径规划问题.提出的基于滚动窗口的移动机器人路径规划方法充分利用机器人实时测得的局部环境信息,以滚动方式进行在线规划,合理结合了优化与反馈,对动态环境具有良好的适应性.还对规划算法的安全性进行了分析.  相似文献   

数据采集过程中普遍存在不确定性,并且在现实地理空间中,不确定数据之间可能存在障碍物间隔。为解决障碍空间中不确定数据的聚类问题,提出APPGCUO算法,该算法包括三个过程:在障碍物约束下采用R树节点最小最大值方法提出的RPT-OUCure算法,用以生成局部最优解,提高生成局部最优解的效率;继而利用近似骨架的理论提出GIABO算法,以局部最优解生成有效初始解,避免划分聚类算法中任意初始解的不足;最后结合Voronoi图的特性提出VPT-KMediods算法,减少不确定数据的积分运算量。实验结果表明,APPGCUO算法具有较高的聚类效率和质量。  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(5):463-478
This paper describes the theory and an experiment of a velocity potential approach to path planning and avoiding moving obstacles for an autonomous mobile robot by use of the Laplace potential. This new navigation function for path planning is feasible for guiding a mobile robot avoiding arbitrarily moving obstacles and reaching the goal in real time. The essential feature of the navigation function comes from the introduction of fluid flow dynamics into the path planning. The experiment is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the navigation function for obstacle avoidance in a real world. Two examples of the experiment are presented; first, the avoidance of a moving obstacle in parallel line-bounded space, and second, the avoidance of one moving obstacle and another standing obstacle. The robot can reach the goal after successfully avoiding the obstacles in these cases.  相似文献   

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