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Five conventionally kept calves aged between 17 and 24 days were experimentally infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) by aerosol in order to mimic the natural infection route. The calves were killed and autopsies performed 7 days after the first virus challenge. The BRSV isolate used induced tracheitis, bronchitis and atelectasis in infected calves. The only virus which could be isolated from the lungs of the calves was BRSV. In addition, Mycoplasma bovirhinis was isolated from the lungs or/and trachea of two calves. The clinical and histopathological findings, as well as the detection of BRSV antigens by immunofluorescence in the epithelial cells of lung and trachea, and the reisolation of the virus from bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of all inoculated calves, provided confirmation of successful infection with BRSV.  相似文献   

An ELISA for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was developed based on antigens derived from a genotype I BVDV strain isolated in Switzerland. Using monoclonal antibodies we showed that this antigen contained the conserved non-structural protein NS3 whereas it essentially lacked the more strain-specific E2 surface glycoprotein. This ELISA has a sensitivity of 97.5% and a specificity of 99.2% as compared to the serum neutralization test (SNT). Preliminary experiments showed that this ELISA reliably detects antibodies to BVDV strains circulating in Brazil. Serum samples obtained from 430 adult cattle on 19 farms of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and one farm from Corrientes (Argentina) were tested for antibodies by means of this ELISA. We found antibodies in 56% +/- 15.1% of the cattle sera tested, which indicates that, in Brazil, the prevalence of infection with BVDV is similar to that found in Europe and the USA. Our sequence analysis of two BVDV isolates showed that BVDV of both genotypes I and II circulate in Brazil.  相似文献   

The lamb model was used to investigate the possible protective effects of vaccination with inactivated viral antigens against experimental infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Two groups of eight lambs were vaccinated with either glutaraldehyde-inactivated cell-associated virus or heat-inactivated cell-free virus and subsequently challenged with live virus, along with a group of naive lambs. The virus was shed for significantly longer periods, and the virus titres in nasal secretions were significantly higher in the group of naive lambs than in the two groups of vaccinated lambs. The period of virus-shedding in nasal secretions and virus titres was significantly lower (p < 0.01) in the group of lambs immunized with the cell-associated preparation. The same antigen stimulated better cellular immune responses as measured by virus-specific cytotoxicity or by virus-specific lymphocyte proliferation. However, priming with inactivated vaccines had no significant effect on lymphocyte responses to phytohaemagglutinin, which was found to be significantly reduced (p < 0.01) following challenge with live virus.  相似文献   

The immune response of calves was studied following infection with non-cell-passaged Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Two groups of 6 specific pathogen free (SPF) calves were housed in separate isolation rooms. One group was inoculated intranasally with a non-cell-passaged BRSV strain and the control group was mock-infected. A BRSV specific antibody response was observed for all the BRSV infected calves. These antibodies were shown to have neutralizing activity. No lymphocyte proliferation response was detected in the mock-infected group whereas three animals in the infected group were positive three weeks after the infection. All BRSV-infected calves, except one, produced interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) one week post-infection and IFN-gamma was observed in all six infected calves after three weeks. The control group showed no IFN-gamma synthesis. In spite of the limits of the BRSV infection model, humoral and cellular immune responses were actively developed by all the calves against this pathogen.  相似文献   

Based on 2 previous surveys on the occurrence of infection with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Danish and Michigan dairy herds, the prevalence and incidence of the infection were compared. The presence of certain possible risk factors for the occurrence of infection in the 2 areas were summarized and it was investigated if any of these risk factors had significant effect on the presence of animals persistently infected (PI) with BVDV in the dairy herds. Information on the cattle population density in the 2 areas was obtained from statistical yearbooks. Further information for the individual farms on age distribution, housing of animals, herd size, pasturing and purchasing policy was gathered. The prevalence of PI animals was more than 10 times higher in Denmark as compared to Michigan. In herds without PI animals, the annual incidence of seroconversion as calculated from the age specific prevalence of antibody carriers varied in most age groups between 20-25% in Denmark and between 5-10% in Michigan. All investigated risk factors except for herd size were in favour of a lower prevalence of infection in Michigan. The use of having animals on pasture and at the same time having purchased more than 40 animals within recent 3 1/2-4 years were significantly associated with presence of PI animals in the dairy herds (p = 0.01) when tested by the Mantel-Haenszel chi 2. Using multivariable logistic regression, the occurrence of PI animals was found to be significantly related to the study area (Michigan and Denmark) as well as to herd size and purchase intensity.  相似文献   

The clinical picture of "pinkengriep", an enzootic form of bronchopneumonia in young cattle, is described. In addition to cough, conjunctivitis and a soporous state, accelerated respiration initially is an outstanding clinical symptom. In some cases, symptoms of fog fever appear during the second stage of the disease. In the autumn of 1973 and that of 1974, a total number of 292 animals with "pinkengriep" were serologically examined for known respiratory virus infections and Chlamydia. Complement fixation tests showed that there was significant increase in antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus in 76 per cent of the animals studied. In the case of para-influenza virus 3, virus diarrhoea virus, the adenoviruses of the antigen groups 1, 2 and 3, those of the antigen groups 4 to 10 inclusive and Chlamydia, these proportions were 48, 13, 12, 11 en 10 per cent respectively. On the other hand, symptoms of infection with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus were absent in the herds studied. These findings suggest a possible role of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in "pinkengriep".  相似文献   

Recombinant antibody-cytokine fusion proteins are immunocytokines that achieve high cytokine concentrations in the tumor microenvironment and thereby effectively stimulate cellular immune responses against malignancies. The activation and expansion of immune effector cells, such as CD8+ T lymphocytes, by interleukin-2 immunocytokines resulted in the eradication of established pulmonary and hepatic metastases of murine melanoma and colorectal carcinoma in syngeneic mouse models. These immunocytokines were equally effective in eliminating established bone marrow and liver metastases of murine neuroblastoma by activating natural killer cells. The effective eradication of metastases by immunocytokines resulted in significant prolongation in life span of mice over that of controls receiving equivalent mixtures of antibody and interleukin-2, which failed to reduce the growth of disseminated metastases. Proof of concept was established, indicating that immunocytokine-induced activation and expansion of immune effector cells in the tumor microenvironment can effectively eradicate established tumor metastases. This promising new approach to cancer immunotherapy may lead to clinical applications that improve treatment of cancer patients with minimal residual disease in an adjuvant setting.  相似文献   

Nine Norwegian Red cattle, aged 7-14 months, persistently infected with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were inoculated with a Swedish strain of Babesia divergens. Six persistently infected cattle of the same age and breed were kept as controls. Blood and serum samples were collected regularly during the observation period. Rectal temperatures were recorded every morning for 25 days post infection, and the animals were examined clinically on a daily basis. Sera were examined for antibodies to B. divergens by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Eight of the infected animals developed fever of 2-5 days duration. Babesia divergens organisms appeared in the erythrocytes of all infected animals on the day after inoculation. The parasitaemia lasted for 4-11 days. One animal had a transient haemoglobinuria. Compared with the control group, there was a 20% decrease in the haematocrit. There was a transient lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia during the period of fever. There were no differences in mean numbers of neutrophils between the two persistently infected groups. Compared with cattle free of BVDV, the persistently infected cattle had consistently lower total leucocyte count that was mainly due to decreased mean numbers of neutrophils and monocytes. All infected animals develop antibodies > or = 1:1280 between day 7 and 10 post infection. The magnitude of the antibody response was considerably lower than that of BVDV-free animals inoculated with the same strain and dosage of B.divergens.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 24 calves undergoing experimental acute infection with a non-cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were examined for viral antigen in peripheral leucocytes with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and for presence of virus in blood plasma in a cell culture assay. With the antigen ELISA, low positive values were detected in leucocytes sampled on days 3-4 from two of eight animals inoculated intranasally, and on days 11-13 from three of 16 animals inoculated intramuscularly. From 22 of the animals, low titres of BVDV were detected in blood plasma obtained 2-9 days after inoculation. All other samples, drawn between 2 and 21 days after inoculation, were negative for viral antigen. All animals seroconverted 3-4 weeks after inoculation, some after having shown mild and transient signs of disease.  相似文献   

Seven monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) fusion (F) protein were produced and characterized by radioimmunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence assays. These seven MAbs together with the previously described MAbs (Beeler and Van Wyke Coelingh, 1989) to the F protein of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) were used to study the antigenic variation of 12 strains of ungulate RSV. All except one MAbs specific for the HRSV-F protein reacted with ungulate RSV strains less efficiently, indicating that some epitopes are conserved, and others are not conserved on the F proteins of HRSV and BRSV strains. Three MAbs specific to the BRSV-F protein neutralized virus infectivity and reacted with all the ungulate RSV strains, suggesting that these epitopes are well conserved. Based on the reactivity of three other MAbs specific to the BRSV-F protein, ungulate RSVs could be grouped into two subgroups. The results indicated that there are antigenic variations in the F protein among ungulate RSV strains.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine efficacy of a modified-live type-I isolate of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccine in protecting calves from infection with a virulent type-II isolate, and to determine which type of immune response (i.e., humoral or cellular) correlates with protection. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 28 neonatal Holstein and Holstein-cross calves. PROCEDURE: Within 18 hours of birth, calves received maternal colostrum or were fed pooled colostrum. On days 7 to 10 after birth, calves were determined to be seropositive (n = 16) or seronegative (12) for antibodies to BVDV on the basis of ELISA and virus neutralization test results. Seropositive and seronegative 10- to 14-day-old calves were then given a combined vaccine that contained a modified-live type-I isolate of BVDV or a similar vaccine that lacked protection against bovine viral diarrhea. All calves were inoculated intranasally approximately 21 days after vaccination with a virulent type-II isolate of BVDV. Clinical and immunologic variables, including clinical scores, rectal temperatures, results of CBC with lymphocyte subset analysis, antibody responses, and cell-mediated immune responses, were monitored for 14 days after inoculation. RESULTS: Seronegative-unvaccinated calves developed severe disease and required euthanasia. Vaccination of seronegative calves with a modified-live type-I isolate had a disease-sparing effect as did passive transfer of colostral antibodies to BVDV. Clinical scores were not significantly different between seropositive-vaccinated and seropositive-unvaccinated calves after viral inoculation. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: A single dose of a modified-live type-I isolate of BVDV vaccine protects young calves from clinical signs of disease associated with type-II isolates.  相似文献   

Bovine turbinate (BTu) and lamb testis (LT) cell lines persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) arose as a result of a single change of medium containing commercial foetal calf serum. Infected cells comprise 30% and 50% respectively, of the total cell population, determined by immunohistochemical staining. The ratio of positive cells has remained unchanged during successive passages. Characterization of the persistently-infected BTu cells (BTuI) showed that only full length viral RNA was detected by northern blot hybridisation, indicating that DI particles were not involved. Secreted and intracellular virus from these cells was fully infectious for fresh BTu and LT cells. The BTuI cell line was fully permissive for a cytopathic BVDV isolate and a bovine herpesvirus, but non-permissive for two non-cytopathic BVDV isolates. Attempts to induce the permissive state in the BVDV-negative cells of the BTuI culture by treatment with actinomycin D and 5'-aza-cytidine failed. These cells provide a convenient model to study aspects of BVDV pathogenesis and replication.  相似文献   

(-)-Indolactam V (ILV) is a synthetic analog of the teleocidins, a newly described class of tumor promoters. Here we describe the mitogenic and comitogenic effect of (-)-ILV on human adult and fetal/neonatal (cord) lymphocytes. (-)-ILV induced proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, with optimal concentrations between 2.6 and 5.2 microM. Cord lymphocytes gave significantly lower (-)-ILV responses compared to the corresponding a2ult cells (50-60% lower at optimal mitogenic doses). The mitogenic action of (-)-ILV was apparently independent of the presence of adherent monocytes. H-7, a relatively specific protein kinase (PK) C inhibitor, and H-8, a less specific PK inhibitor, suppressed (-)-ILV-induced proliferation by 54 and 36%, respectively. Suboptimal concentrations of (-)-ILV were strongly mitogenic for both adult and cord lymphocytes when added together with calcium ionophore A23187, phytohemagglutinin, or the anti-T cell receptor monoclonal antibodies OKT3 and TCR1. In adult cells, the synergistic effect decreased with increasing concentrations of (-)-ILV or/and the other comitogens, and was, in most (> 60%) cases, converted to inhibition at the combination of optimal doses. The inhibition was invariably reversed by depletion of monocytes. In contrast, among cord lymphocytes (-)-ILV and OKT3 or TCR-1 showed strong cooperative effect at all concentrations tested. The (-)-ILV hyporesponsiveness and distinct comitogenic pattern of cord lymphocytes, together with the previously described lower cord cell response to phorbol ester TPA, suggest functional differences in signal transduction mechanisms between cord (naive) and adult (memory) T cells, possibly at the level of monocytes.  相似文献   

The case of a 59-year-old female with a longstanding hemiplegia who developed unilateral psoriatic arthritis and unilateral psoriasis on the non-hemiplegic side only is reported. Investigations showed an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 58 mm/h, with all classes of rheumatoid factor negative in serum and synovial fluid (SF). An inflammatory infiltrate was demonstrated in both knee joints despite the absence of clinical involvement on the hemiplegic side. In addition, while neurofilament and substance P (SP) immunoreactivity was demonstrated in both synovial specimens, conspicuously less SP was present in the clinically involved synovial membrane. Finally, SF levels of SP and IL1 beta were raised in the clinically involved knee only.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We experienced an unusual complication of life-threatening respiratory syncytial viral disease cardiovascular compromise. Life-threatening respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection has predominancy involved with ventilatory support for respiratory distress and/or failure. We performed a retrospective chart review of 20 consecutive infants admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) for impending respiratory failure. METHODS: Seventeen required ventilatory support. As part of the infants' initial assessment, blood pressure, distal perfusion [capillary refill time (CRT) > or = 3 sec], decreased peripheral pulses, and peripheral mottling were used to determine cardiovascular compromise. These infants received volume resuscitation either at the referring facility or the PICU until euvolemia was obtained, as determined by central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring (between 3 to 7 cm H20). Nine of the 20 infants did not respond to volume resuscitation alone and required vasopressor support in the form of: Dopamine (7 patients, 5-10 micrograms/kg/min), Dobutamine (2 patients, 5-7 micrograms/kg/min), and one who expired required both Epinephrine (600 ng/kg/min) and Dopamine (10 micrograms/kg/min). The mean ages of these 9 patients were 6.2 +/- 3.4 weeks (range 3-12 weeks), the mean duration of ventilation was 7.2 +/- 4.1 days (range 4-12 days). The mean duration of pharmacologic support was 69.7 +/- 47 hours (range 14-168 hours). The mean ages of RSV+ infants not requiring inotropic support was 19.4 +/- 27.4 weeks (range 1-90 weeks), and mean duration of ventilation was 5.5 +/- 5.9 days (range 2-20 days). RESULTS: The inotrope treated patients were weaned from pharmacologic support prior to extubation, without any hemodynamic deficits. Our experience with this rather high incidence of hemodynamic complications during this RSV epidemic was unexpected. CONCLUSION: These results substantiate the fact that younger patients with RSV disease are at both greater risk for pulmonary complications and cardiovascular deterioration and may thus benefit from pharmacologic support.  相似文献   

Infections with respiratory syncytial virus Long strain, associated with influenza virus, A/Beijing 353/89 (H3N2) strain, parainfluenza virus type 3, 739-2D strain, and adenovirus type 3, were experimentally induced in white mice, causing histological, histochemical and histoenzymatic lesions at the respiratory system level, the severity of which exceeded the one observed in the controls infected with a single virus. The pathomorphological changes made up an inflammatory, predominantly infiltrative, lymphohistiocytic, then exudative and alterative picture. The severest and most frequent lesion was the diffuse interstitial, often peribronchiolovascular, bronchopneumonia, which might involve large parenchyma areas. Another highly frequent pulmonary lesion was the thickening of interalveolar septa, due to stasis hyperemia, oedema and the predominantly lymphocytic cytoinfiltrate. At the level of the extrapulmonary airways, the lesion present in all experimental models was the denudation of epithelium cilia. In the viral association in which influenza virus was included, an alteration, the hyalinosis of tunica media of the vessels, as well as of the Reisseisen's muscle, was also observed, in addition to the cytoinfiltrate; when the association was achieved with parainfluenza virus type 3, many macrophages and erythrocytes and a few fibroblasts appeared in the cytoinfiltrate, the alteration being the same as in the former model; when the association contained adenovirus, there appeared necrosis, abundant lymphocytes and lysis of the Reisseisen's muscle in the bronchopulmonary block. The associated infections were demonstrated by the presence of homologous serum antibodies and by positive IF reactions in the pulmonary tissue.  相似文献   

Viruses, including the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), have evolved multiple strategies to overcome host immune defenses, allowing them to persist in the host. Molecular and cellular approaches were simultaneously used to provide sensitive and unbiased delineation of the diversity and dynamics of the immune response, and to study the relative compartimentalization of HIV-specific CTL clones in patients undergoing primary HIV infection. This approach revealed that some HIV-specific CTL clones can be deleted in presence of high levels of antigen, a phenomenon analogous to high-dose tolerance or clonal exhaustion described in murine models of persistent viral infections. Also, HIV-specific CTL clones were found to accumulate preferentially in peripheral blood as compared to lymph nodes, even though the large majority of viral replication during primary HIV infection takes place within lymph nodes. These two mechanisms may decrease the effectiveness of the host cell-mediated immune responses, and favor the establishment of virus persistence during primary HIV infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prophylaxis against infection caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) with high titered RSV immunoglobulin or humanized antibody may soon be available in Europe. OBJECTIVE: To study the epidemiology of RSV infections requiring hospitalization in infants <6 months in East Denmark to provide a rational basis for decisions concerning prophylaxis against RSV. METHOD: Populat ion-based retrospective review of case records of infants <6 months admitted to pediatric departments with RSV infection in East Denmark from November 1, 1995, to April 30, 1996. RESULTS: Data were obtained from 459 infants. Seventy-three had predisposing conditions: prematurity, 49; pulmonary disease, 2; congenital heart disease, 7; neurologic disease, 6; others, 9. One preterm infant had bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The incidence of RSV infection requiring hospitalization in East Denmark among infants <6 months was estimated to be 34/1000/season. It was 32/1000/season among term infants and 66/ 1000/season among preterm infants (P<0.001). Infants with predisposing conditions and/or nosocomial infection (n = 24) had significantly more severe courses than otherwise healthy infants (P<0.01). One-hundred thirty infants received respiratory support by nasal continuous positive airway pressure, but only six required mechanical ventilation. No infants died. CONCLUSION: The course of RSV disease in East Denmark was milder than reported elsewhere, possibly as a result of the low prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in Denmark. However, RSV constitutes a considerable burden to the Danish pediatric health care system, and therefore prophylaxis against RSV is desirable.  相似文献   

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