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BACKGROUND: Mutations of the transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor gene (TGF-beta RII) have been found in several replication error-positive sporadic colorectal carcinomas and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma cell lines. The aim of this study was to clarify the role of TGF-beta RII in sporadic colorectal carcinogenesis. METHODS: The authors screened for mutations at simple repeated sequences in the TGF-beta RII gene by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism. They also examined genomic instability, using five microsatellite DNA markers in 69 sporadic colorectal carcinomas. When the carcinomas exhibited the TGF-beta RII mutations, the authors screened further for mutations in two DNA mismatch repair genes, hMSH2 and hMLH1. RESULTS: Seven of the 69 cancers (10%) showed one or two A deletions in TGF-beta RII and resultant frameshift mutations in nucleotide positions 709-718 containing a (A) 10 repeated sequence; but none of these appeared in the corresponding normal DNA, indicating a somatic mutation. All of the seven cancers were located in the proximal colon; there were none in the distal colon (P < 0.01). On the other hand, 22 of the 69 carcinomas (32%) showed the replication error-positive phenotype. The frequency of replication errors in proximal colon carcinomas was higher than that in distal colon carcinomas (P < 0.05). All 7 cancers with TGF-beta RII mutations showed replication errors. One of them revealed a nonsense mutation at codon 413, and 1 revealed a loss of heterozygosity in hMSH2. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that mutations of TGF-beta RII are strongly related to proximal colon carcinomas with microsatellite instability and that the mechanism of carcinogenesis in some proximal colon carcinomas is similar to that in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) binds the type II TGFbeta growth factor receptor (TGFbetaRII) to inhibit the growth of most epithelial tissues. Most human colon and gastric cancers with microsatellite instability (MI) have frameshift mutations in polynucleotide repeats within the TGFbetaRII coding region; these mutations truncate the receptor protein and disable the serine/threonine kinase to produce TGF-beta resistance. To further investigate the type, frequency and tissue distribution of TGFbetaRII gene mutations, in this study, we examined 36 sporadic breast cancers. We previously produced eight intron based primer pairs for mutational analysis of the entire coding region of the TGFbetaRII gene. Using these primers, we developed protocols for polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis of PCR products from genomic DNA samples of 36 breast cancer patients and we tested them for microsatellite instability (MI) at eight microsatellite loci. One case demonstrated MI (2.8%) and we found no mutations. These and other recent data indicate that TGFbetaRII mutations are essentially confined to colon and gastric cancers with MI. The narrow spectrum of tissues containing RII mutations illustrates the complexity of genetic checkpoints in human carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations of the transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor (TGF-beta RII) gene have been detected in several human cancers. However, mutation analysis of coding sequences of TGF-beta RII in gastric carcinomas has not yet been fully elucidated. We performed PCR-SSCP analysis and direct DNA sequencing of the entire coding region of TGF- RII in 38 human sporadic gastric cancers and 8 gastric cancer cell lines. Mutations of the TGF-beta RII were detected in two tumors and three cell lines. Two tumors had one base deletion in the polyadenine tract in exon 3, the cystein-rich extracellular domain. Three cell lines had a silent mutation in the kinase domain located in exon 4. Polymorphisms were detected in introns 2 and 3. An a/g polymorphism was observed at the seventh base in intron 2 and an a/t polymorphism was observed at the fourth to last base in intron 3. There were no mutations in exons 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7. These results indicate that the polyadenine tract in the TGF-beta RII is a mutational hot spot in human gastric cancer. However, these results also suggest that mutations of the gene are rare events in human sporadic gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations in the transforming growth factor beta type II receptor (TGFbetaRII) gene have been detected in several human cancer types exhibiting microsatellite instability. Using intron primers previously reported for examination of the entire coding region of the TGFbetaRII gene, 29 sporadic gastric cancers were screened with non-radioactive single strand conformation polymorphism and subsequent DNA sequencing analysis. Mutations of the TGFbetaRII gene were detected in three out of 29 tumors (10%). Two cases showed deletions in a polyadenine tract in both alleles and was positively associated with replication error. One case had an insertion of GA dinucleotide sequence in one allele. Mutations of the TGFbetaRII gene were restricted to exon 3 and other coding regions were not affected. Loss of heterozygosity was detected by analyzing a polymorphic site in intron 2. Three out of nine (33%) informative cases, which were all of intestinal type and advanced cases, showed loss of heterozygosity but neither TGFbetaRII mutation nor replication error was found in these cases. Immunoreactivity of TGFbetaRII in tumor tissues was reduced to a different extent in the gastric cancer with genetically abnormal transforming growth factor. Although the numbers studied are small, homozygous (A)10 deletion or loss of heterozygosity of TGFbetaRII is involved in tumorigenesis and progression of at least some part of sporadic gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations in the transforming growth factor beta type II receptor (TGFbeta RII) gene have been detected in several human cancers exhibiting microsatellite instability. To extend analyses of this gene, we previously investigated the exon-intron organization of the TGFbeta RII gene and defined seven exons and flanking intron sequences. In this study, we further determined the nucleotide sequences surrounding these seven exons and designed eight sets of intron-based primers to examine the entire coding region of the TGFbeta RII gene. Using these primers, we screened genomic DNA sequences from 30 sporadic colorectal cancers for mutations of the TGFbeta RII gene. TGFbeta RII mutations were detected in two of 30 tumors and both displayed microsatellite instability. One had a deletion in a polyadenine tract in exon 3 and the other had a point mutation in the kinase domain located in exon 7. There were no mutations in exons 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. These results further implicate the polyadenine tract and kinase domain as mutational hotspots in the TGFbeta RII gene in cells with genomic instability and suggest that TGFbeta RII gene mutations occur rarely in cells lacking genomic instability.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) type II receptor (RII) is a colon cancer suppressor gene that is inactivated by mutation in 90% of human colon cancers arising via the microsatellite instability (MSI) pathway of carcinogenesis. To determine the pathophysiological consequence of RII mutations, we have determined the timing of their onset among 22 MSI human colon adenomas of varying stages. No RII mutations were detected in any early MSI adenoma, including all those with simple tubular or villous histology. The earliest RII mutation detected was in a region of high-grade dysplasia but was absent from the surrounding simple adenoma. Six additional RII mutations were all found in highly progressed adenomas that contained regions of frankly invasive adenocarcinoma. These RII mutations were detected in both the advanced adenomas and their adjacent regions of carcinoma. RII mutation is a late event in MSI adenomas and correlates tightly with progression of these adenomas to cancer.  相似文献   

Cancers of the microsatellite mutator phenotype (MMP) show exaggerated genomic instability at simple repeat sequences. More than 50 percent (21 out of 41) of human MMP+ colon adenocarcinomas examined were found to have frameshift mutations in a tract of eight deoxyguanosines [(G)8] within BAX, a gene that promotes apoptosis. These mutations were absent in MMP- tumors and were significantly less frequent in (G)8 repeats from other genes. Frameshift mutations were present in both BAX alleles in some MMP+ colon tumor cell lines and in primary tumors. These results suggest that inactivating BAX mutations are selected for during the progression of colorectal MMP+ tumors and that the wild-type BAX gene plays a suppressor role in a p53-independent pathway for colorectal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) is characterized by lifelong asymptomatic hypercalcemia without PTH hypersecretion and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with near 100% penetrance. In contrast, neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT) is a life-threatening disorder characterized by marked hypercalcemia and PTH hypersecretion. FHH/NSHPT results from inactivating mutations of the human calcium-sensing receptor (Casr) gene on chromosome 3q13.3-24. Nearly 30 different mutations of the Casr gene associated with FHH/NSHPT have been reported previously. In this report, genetic analysis of 1 Japanese NSHPT family revealed 2 novel mutations at codon 185 (CGA-->TGA/Arg-->Ter) in exon 4 of the Casr gene and at codon 670 (GGG-->GAG/Gly-->Glu) in exon 7. The Arg185Ter change was shown to occur in the proband's unaffected father and paternal grandmother as well as in the proband. The other mutation in exon 7 was shown in the proband's unaffected mother of Philippine origin as well as in the proband. This family is the first case of manifestation of more than 1 mutation in a proband's chromosomes; 1 mutation was obtained from the unaffected father, and the other was from the unaffected mother. Our observations have given us important keys to help elucidate the structure-function relationships of the Casr.  相似文献   

A combined study of anterograde axonal degeneration and Golgi electron microscopic technique was designed to examine the distribution and density of axon terminals from the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) over layer III pyramidal cells in the prelimbic cortex of the rat. The reconstructive analysis of serial ultrathin sections of gold-toned apical and basal dendrites of layer III pyramidal cells showed that degenerating thalamocortical axon terminals from MD formed asymmetrical synaptic contacts predominantly with dendritic spines of the identified basal dendrites as well as apical dendrites. There was little difference in the numerical density of thalamocortical synapses from MD per unit length of both apical and basal dendrites.  相似文献   

Mutations of the gene SOD-1, which encodes the enzyme copper-zinc superoxide dismutase, occur in patients with a familial form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We investigated 71 families with more than one individual affected by ALS for clinical features and SOD-1 mutations. Mutations were identified in 14 families, indicating the presence of SOD-1 mutations in around 20% of this population. There were 10 different heterozygote missense point mutations in eight different codons, and a novel two-base frameshift insertion (132insTT), which leads to substitution of aspartic acid for glutamic acid at codon 132, and a premature stop codon at 133, with predicted truncation of the protein. SOD enzyme activity was reduced to around 50% of normal in individuals with SOD-1 mutations, and may be a useful predictor for the presence of these mutations. A predilection for disease onset in the lower limbs appears to be a distinguishing feature of familial ALS with SOD-1 mutations, and accords with findings in transgenic mouse models. In general, the finding of an SOD-1 mutation does not accurately predict a prognosis or disease severity.  相似文献   

In view of the tumor suppressor role of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) type II receptor (RII), the identification and characterization of agents that can induce the expression of this receptor are of potential importance to the development of chemoprevention approaches as well as treatment of cancer. To date, the identification of exogenous agents that control RII expression has been rare. We demonstrated that proliferation of MCF-7 early passage cells (MCF-7 E), which express RII and are sensitive to TGFbeta growth inhibition activity, was significantly inhibited by vitamin D3 and its analogue EB1089. In contrast, proliferation of MCF-7 late passage cells (MCF-7 L), which have lost cell surface RII and are resistant to TGFbeta, was not affected by these two compounds. TGFbeta-neutralizing antibody was able to block the inhibitory effect on MCF-7 E cells by these compounds, indicating that treatment induced autocrine-negative TGFbeta activity. An RNase protection assay showed approximately a 3-fold induction of the RII mRNA, while a receptor cross-linking assay revealed a 3-4-fold induction of the RII protein. In contrast, there was no change in either RII mRNA or protein in the MCF-7 L cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) in tumors from patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer and in a subset of patients with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC). In sporadic CRC, three tumor phenotypes have been defined: microsatellite stable (MSS), low-frequency MSI, and high-frequency MSI (MSI-H). Although defective mismatch repair, consisting primarily of alterations in hMSH2 and hMLH1, is believed to be responsible for the MSI phenotype in the majority of patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer, the genetic defect responsible for this phenotype in sporadic CRC has yet to be clearly delineated. Somatic or germ-line alterations in these two genes have been identified in only a minority of these cases. Analysis of the protein expression patterns of hMSH2 and hMLH1 in unselected CRC, however, suggests that alterations in hMLH1 may account for a majority of the MSI-H cases. In an effort to explore the underlying molecular basis for these findings, we have examined the methylation status of the presumptive hMLHI promoter region in 31 tumors that vary in regard to their MSI status (MSI-H or MSS), their hMLH1 protein expression (MLH- or MLH+), and their gene mutation (Mut+ or Mut-) status. Hypermethylation of the hMLH1 promoter occurred in all 13 MSI-H/ MLH- tumors that did not have a detectable mutation within the hMLH1 gene. Of those MSI-H tumors containing germ-line or somatic alterations in hMLH1 (n = 7, including 3 frameshift, 1 nonsense, 2 missense mutations, and 1 tumor containing multiple mutations: missense, splice-site alteration, and a frameshift), four had a normal methylation pattern, whereas three others demonstrated hypermethylation of the hMLH1 promoter region. Two of these cases had a missense alteration, the other a frameshift alteration. The single MSI-H/Mut+ tumor that had normal hMLH1 and hMSH2 expression, as well as 9 of the 10 MSS cases, lacked methylation of the hMLH1 promoter. Hypermethylation of the hMSH2 promoter was not observed for any of the cases. These results suggest that hypermethylation of the hMLH1 promoter may be the principal mechanism of gene inactivation in sporadic CRC characterized by widespread MSI.  相似文献   

We recently identified missense mutations at amino acid residues 526 and 537 located within the highly conserved subdomain XI of the transforming growth factor beta type II receptor (TbetaR-II) serine-threonine kinase in two human squamous carcinoma cell lines. These cell lines are resistant to transforming growth factor beta-mediated inhibition of growth. Moreover, treatment with transforming growth factor beta fails to increase the levels of type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor and fibronectin synthesis. To test the effects of the mutations on receptor function, mutant TbetaR-II cDNAs were expressed in TbetaR-II-deficient T47D cells. Cyclin A promoter activity was reduced by 50% in cells expressing wild-type TbetaR-II but increased 2-fold in cells transfected with either of the two mutant receptors. Conversely, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 promoter activity was increased 6-fold in cells transfected with wild-type receptor but not with either of the two mutant receptors. Moreover, the activity of both mutant serine-threonine kinases was strongly reduced compared to that of the wild-type receptor. Thus, the amino acid residues at positions 526 and 537 seem to be essential for kinase function and signaling activity of the TbetaR-II.  相似文献   

Bone loss after oophorectomy of adult rats is more rapid and complete in the metaphysis than in the epiphysis of the femur, particularly in the proximal region of the metaphysis distant from the growth plate. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of prepubertal oophorectomy, on femoral cancellous bone acquisition during growth. Rats were oophorectomized (OVX) or sham operated at 3 weeks of age and killed at intervals up to 78 weeks for scanning electron microscopy and histomorphometry of the distal femur. Differences in cancellous bone architecture between the two groups was evident after 6 weeks of age. Relatively minor differences were found in the part of the metaphysis near the growth plate and in the epiphysis, with less trabeculae in the primary spongiosa and 1 to 2 less trabeculae/mm in the secondary spongiosa. However, as metaphyseal growth proceeded, trabeculae were present for a greater distance up the femoral shaft in controls than in OVX rats, with mean BV/TV in the proximal part of the metaphysis increasing from 1.4% at 6 weeks to 13.4% at 20 weeks in controls, with no increase in the OVX rats. We find that the lack of ovarian hormones increases the rate of destruction of trabeculae near the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction.  相似文献   

Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) are at higher risk for cancer. Risk factors are duration of disease, extent of colitis, associated primary sclerosing cholangitis and possibly early onset of UC in childhood. Epithelial dysplasias are considered as precursors of colorectal cancer within the concept of an inflammation-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Dysplasia originates multifocally and is difficult to identify by colonoscopy. Histomorphological diagnosis can also be problematical. Surveillance programs utilize colonoscopy with random biopsies to diagnose dysplasia in patients with risk factors. The efficiency of these programs can be markedly increased when certain rules are applied. The ultimate aim must be to perform a proctocolectomy in patients at higher risk before invasive cancer develops. With only a few exceptions, colorectal cancer in UC can be treated by restorative proctocolectomy. Partial resection of the colon should be avoided because of the high frequency of occult carcinomas and multifocal carcinogenesis. There are first results that indicate a higher risk for malignant deterioration in the terminal ileum. After an ileoanal pouch procedure patients with chronic pouchitis seem to have a higher risk for dysplasia. At the moment the risk for malignancy cannot be calculated because of the relatively short follow-up time after ileoanal pouch procedures. However, it is recommended that after restorative proctocolectomy patients be followed by endoscopy and random biopsies for the rest of their lives.  相似文献   

The type I and type II receptors for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) are structurally related transmembrane serine/threonine kinases, which are able to physically interact with each other at the cell surface. To help define the initial events in TGF-beta signaling, we characterized the kinase activity of the type II TGF-beta receptor. A recombinant cytoplasmic domain of the receptor was purified from Escherichia coli and baculovirus-infected insect cells. Anti-phosphotyrosine Western blotting demonstrated that the type II receptor kinase can autophosphorylate on tyrosine. Following an in vitro kinase reaction, the autophosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain and phosphorylation of exogenous substrate was shown by phosphoamino acid analysis to occur not only on serine and threonine but also on tyrosine. The dual kinase specificity of the receptor was also demonstrated using immunoprecipitated receptors expressed in mammalian cells and in vivo 32P labeling showed phosphorylation of the receptor on serine and tyrosine. In addition, the kinase activity of the cytoplasmic domain was inhibited by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor tyrphostin. Tryptic mapping and amino acid sequencing of in vitro autophosphorylated type II receptor cytoplasmic domain allowed the localization of the sites of tyrosine phosphorylation to positions 259, 336, and 424. Replacement of all three tyrosines with phenylalanines strongly inhibited the kinase activity of the receptor, suggesting that tyrosine autophosphorylation may play an autoregulatory role for the kinase activity of this receptor. These results demonstrate that the type II TGF-beta receptor can function as a dual specificity kinase and suggest a role for tyrosine autophosphorylation in TGF-beta receptor signaling.  相似文献   

A potential tumor suppressor gene, STK11 , encoding a serine threonine kinase, has recently been identified on chromosome 19p13. Germ-line mutations of this gene have been found in patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS). To further investigate the relevance of STK11 mutations in PJS, we analyzed its coding sequence in nine patients and identified two deletions and three missense mutations. Because intestinal carcinomas have been observed to develop in association with PJS, we analyzed tumors from 71 patients for allelic deletions (loss of heterozygosity) and STK11 gene mutations, to elucidate the etiological role of STK11 gene in sporadic colorectal cancer. Loss of heterozygosity, evaluated using the microsatellite D19S886, was observed in 10 of 52 informative cases. No somatic mutations were detected except for a missense alteration in one tumor. Our data indicate the heterogeneity of PJS and the infrequent involvement of the STK11 gene in colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

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