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Shallow cavity flows driven by horizontal temperature gradients are analysed over a range of Rayleigh numbersR and Prandtl numbers , whereR is comparable in size to the aspect ratioL(1). Eigenvalue calculations show the existence of a critical Prandtl number R > R c (), below which the parallel core-flow structure is destroyed for Rayleigh numbersR>R c(). For other Rayleigh numbers and Prandtl numbers the horizontal scale of influence of the end walls of the cavity is determined.  相似文献   

The microwave absorption R in the Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7–x single crystals was investigated near T c 92K and in the external magnetic field 0 < H 9kOe. A modified ESR spectrometer was used in the experiment. The method of temperature modulation, along with the usual method of magnetic-field modulation, was first applied in studying of the microwave response of these crystals. Peaks in the temperature dependencies of the signals R/H and R/T observed in the vicinity of T c were differently shaped and shifted one with respect to another. The evolution of the peaks with variation of the magnetic field and angle between H and the c-axis was traced. It has been shown that the observed difference of the temperature dependencies of the derivatives R/H and R/T occurs due to the field-induced broadening of the superconducting transition, which is inherent in the high-T c superconductors.  相似文献   

In the Murnaghan approximation, an isothermal relation between pressure (P) and volume (V) for solids is derived from the assumption that the isothermal bulk modulus (B) is a linear function ofP. This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of a generalized form of the equation, based on treating all its various parameters [viz., V, B, and (B/P) T atP=0] as functions of temperature. Extending a previous study, the effect ofT upon (B/P) T is accounted for by using a dimensionless parameter introduced by us, which is used in formulating general expressions for the volume dependence of various thermophysical quantities,viz., the thermal expansion coefficient (), the productB, and the Grüneisen and Anderson-Grüneisen parameters. Some combinations of these parameters are identified, which show a simple dependence uponP. The new expressions are used in analyzing current approximations and the behavior of the solid in the low-compression range. In particular, an expression for at highP is reported which generalizes the Anderson equation and previous results by us.  相似文献   

The interaction between a dislocation and the impurity in KCl: Mg2+ (0.035 mol% in the melt) was investigated at 77–178 K with respect to the two models: one is the Fleischer's model and the other the Fleischer's model taking account of the Friedel relation. The latter is termed the F-F. The dependence of strain-rate sensitivity due to the impurities on temperature for the specimen was appropriate to the Fleischer's model than the F-F. Furthermore, the activation enthalpy, H, for the Fleischer's model appeared to be nearly proportional to the temperature in comparison with the F-F. The Friedel relation between effective stress and average length of the dislocation segments is exact for most weak obstacles to dislocation motion. However, above-mentioned results mean that the Friedel relation is not suitable for the interaction between a dislocation and the impurity in the specimen. Then, the value of H(T c) at the Fleischer's model was found to be 0.61 eV. H(T c) corresponds to the activation enthalpy for overcoming of the strain field around the impurity by a dislocation at 0 K. In addition, the Gibbs free energy, G 0, concerning the dislocation motion was determined to be between 0.42 and 0.48 eV on the basis of the following equation ln / = G 0/(kTp0)1 – (T/T c)1/2 –1(T/T c)1/2 + ln 0/where k is the Boltzmann's constant, T the temperature, T c the critical temperature at which the effective stress due to the impurities is zero, p0 the effective shear stress without thermal activation, and 0 the frequency factor.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack propagation studies have been carried out on a range of WC-Co hardmetals of varying cobalt content and grain size using a constant-stress intensity factor double torsion test specimen geometry. Results have confirmed the marked influence of mean stress (throughK max), which is interpreted in terms of static modes of fracture occurring in conjunction with a true fatigue process, the existence of which can be rationalized through the absence of any frequency effect. Dramatic increases in fatigue crack growth rate are found asK max approaches that value of stress intensity factor ( 0.9KIC) for which static crack growth under monotonic load (or static fatigue) occurs in these materials. Lower crack growth rates, however, produce fractographic features indistinguishable from those resulting from fast fracture. These observations, and the important effect of increasing mean free path of the cobalt binder in reducing fatigue crack growth rate, can reasonably be explained through a consideration of the mechanism of fatigue crack advance through ligament rupture of the cobalt binder at the tip of a propagating crack.  相似文献   

We have measured ac susceptibility, nuclear magnetic resonance, and nuclear heat capacity of two PtFe x samples with concentrations of magnetic impurities x = 11 ppm and 41 ppm at magnetic fields (0 ± 0.05) mTB248 mT. The susceptibility data have been measured at temperatures of 0.3 KT100 mK, no hint for nuclear magnetic ordering could be detected to a temperature of 0.3 K. The nuclear heat capacity data taken at 1.4 KT10 mK show enhanced values which scale with x at low polarization. This effect is described by a model assuming an internal magnetic field caused by the impurities. No indication for nuclear magnetic ordering could be detected to 1.4 K. The nuclear magnetic resonance experiments have been performed on these samples at 0.8 KT0.5 mK and 2.5 mTB22.8 mT as well as on three other samples with x = 5, 10, 31 ppm in a different setup at 40 KT0.5 mK and at 5.4 mTB200 mT. Spin-lattice and effective spin-spin relaxation times 1and 2 * of 195 Pt strongly depend on x and on the external magnetic field. No temperature dependence of 1and 2 * could be detected and the NMR data, too, give no hint for nuclear magnetic ordering to 0.8 K.  相似文献   

We report high-resolution measurements of the pressure coefficient (P/T) for3He in both the one-phase and two-phase regions close to the critical point. These include data on 40 isochores over the intervals–0.1t+0.1 and–0.2+0.2, wheret=(T–T c )/T c and =(– c )/ c . We have determined the discontinuity (P/T) of (P/T) between the one-phase and the two-phase regions along the coexistence curve as a function of . The asymptotic behavior of (1/) (P/T) versus near the critical point gives a power law with an exponent (+–1)–1=1.39±0.02 for0.010.2 or–1×10 –2t10 –6 , from which we deduce =1.14±0.01, using =0.361 determined from the shape of the coexistence curve. An analysis of the discontinuity (P/T) with a correction-to-scaling term gives =1.17±0.02. The quoted errors are fromstatistics alone. Furthermore, we combine our data with heat capacity results by Brown and Meyer to calculate (/T) c as a function oft. In the two-phase region the slope (2/T 2)c is different from that in the one-phase region. These findings are discussed in the light of the predictions from simple scaling and more refined theories and model calculations. For the isochores 0 we form a scaling plot to test whether the data follow simple scaling, which assumes antisymmetry of – ( c ,t) as a function of on both sides of the critical isochore. We find that indeed this plot shows that the assumption of simple scaling holds reasonably well for our data over the ranget0.1. A fit of our data to the linear model approximation is obtained for0.10 andt0.02, giving a value of =1.16±0.02. Beyond this range, deviations between the fit and the data are greater than the experimental scatter. Finally we discuss the (P/T) data analysis for 4 He by Kierstead. A power law plot of (1/) P/T) versus belowT c leads to =1.13±0.10. An analysis with a correction-to-scaling term gives =1.06±0.02. In contrast to 3 He, the slopes (2/T 2)c above and belowT c are only marginally different.Work supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A new iterative method for elastic-plastic stress analysis based on a new approximation of the constitutive equations is proposed and compared with standard methods on the accuracy and the computational time in a test problem. The proposed method appears to be better than the conventional methods on the accuracy and comparable with others on the computational time. Also the present method is applied to a crack problem and the results are compared with experimental ones. The agreement of both results are satisfactory.List of symbols u = (u 1, u 2) displacements u (H) = u (n+1) - u (n) u k (n) = u (k (n + 1) - u (n) (n, k = 0, 1, 2, ...) - = 11, 22, 12) stresses - = (11, 22, 12) strains - = (11, 22, 12) center of yield surface - D elastic coeffficient matrix, C = D –1 - von Mises yield function. The initial yielding is given by f() = Y - f {f/} - * transposed f - H hardening parameter (assumed to be a positive constant for kinematic hardening problems) - time derivative of - [K] total elastic stiffness matrix - T traction vector - = [B] relation between nodal displacements and strains  相似文献   

We applied coherent Brillouin spectroscopy to solid parahydrogen, and measured the Brillouin spectra of longitudinal acoustic modes at 5.6K. It was found that the linewidth of these spectra is 1.5MHz. From the observed Brillouin shift and the crystal orientation, the elastic stiffness was determined as C 11=0.355±0.016GPa and C 33=0.432±0.022GPa.  相似文献   

From the second-sound velocityU 2 near the superfluid transition point, the superfluid densities in3He-4He mixtures, s (X) and s (), were deduced along the paths of constant3He concentrationX and of constant chemical potential difference of3He and4He. The following critical exponents of s are determined: (a) =XX for s (X) in the(X, T) plane,(b) X for s (X) in the(, T) plane, and(c) for s () in the(, T) plane. It is found that and X change by about 4–6% relative to with increasing3He concentration up toX=0.4 and by 8–10% up toX=0.53. It seems that, belowX=0.53, universality hold for . Values of have been found to be in good agreement with the critical exponent of s in pure4He under constant pressure. The values of and X forX0.53 are also found to be consistent with the scaling relations in the (,T) plane of3He-4He mixture.Work performed in part while at the Electrotechnical Laboratory.  相似文献   

A glass-ceramic material was developed to act as a flow visualization material. Preliminary experiments indicate that aperiodic, thermally induced, convective flows can be sustained at normal processing conditions. These flows and the stress and temperature gradients induced are most likely responsible for the anomalous behaviour seen in these materials and the difficulties encountered in their development and in their production on industrial and experimental scales. A simple model describing the dynamics of variable-viscosity fluids was developed and was shown to be in qualitative agreement with more sophisticated models as well as with experimental results. The model was shown to simulate the dependence of the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convection on the viscous properties of the fluid at low T, and also to simulate quenching behaviour when the temperature differences were high.Nomenclature C p Heat capacity - D, E, F Expansion coefficients - H Height of the roll cell - Pr Prandtl number - R a Rayleigh number - R c Critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convection in a constant-viscosity fluid - S Dimensionless stream function - T Temperature - T m Mean temperature - T 0 Bottom surface temperature - T r Reference temperature - a Aspect ratio of cell - g Acceleration due to gravity - k Thermal conductivity - k 1 Function related to 2v/T 2 - k 2 Function related to 4v/T 4 - r Rayleigh number ratioR a/R c - t Time - w Dimensionless vertical coordinate - w m Mean cell height - x Horizontal coordinate - y Dimensionless horizontal coordinate - z Vertical coordinate - , Constants - t Thermal expansion coefficient - Constant in viscosity function - T Temperature difference between top and bottom surfaces - i Viscosity coefficients - Kinematic viscosity - m Mean kinematic viscosity - Dimensionless kinematic viscosity - Thermal diffusivity - Non-linear temperature function - Dimensionless non-linear temperature function - o - Stream function - Dimensionless time - Eigenvalues  相似文献   

Specific heats of 3d transition metal intercalates of 1T-CdI2-type TiS2, M x TiS2 (M=V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni; 0x1), have been measured in the temperature range 1.6–300 K using an ac calorimetry technique. The electronic specific heat coefficient (2–100 mJ/mole K2) and the Debye temperature D (240–430 K) are found to depend on the guest 3d metals and their concentrations. All the intercalates show anomalous specific heat at low temperatures following an – lnT dependence ( and are constants), as found in dilute alloys.  相似文献   

We have determined the effect of hydrostatic pressureP on the superconducting transition temperatureT c of bulk, A15 Nb3Si. For 0P20 kbar (2 GPa),T c decrease linearly with increasing pressure at a rate T c/P=–2.67×10–5 K/bar. From an estimate of T c/P obtained using recent band structure calculations for the density-of-electronic-states change as a function of lattice parameter in Nb3Si, we conclude that the pressure dependence of the electron-phonon interaction primarily determines T c/P.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE.  相似文献   

Powder compacts (e.g., pharmaceutical tablets) manufactured on commerically available machines are not strictly identical but show inevitable variability in their weights, thicknesses and compaction pressures. Consequently, the variability in fracture-stress data obtained from such brittle specimens is greater than that due to the inherent strength variability of the material itself. A modified Weibull analysis has been developed so that a more accurate estimate of the inherent variability of the mechanical strength of the material can be derived from test data obtained from commercially produced compacts; its application is illustrated.Nomenclature D diameter - f() relative frequency of occurrence of specimens with density and volume - F minimization function - i ascending rank number of a fracture stress - m Weibull modulus - N tot number of specimens in a batch - N() number of specimens with densities in the range to + d and volumes in the range to + d - P f failure probability - p u upper punch compaction pressure - t thickness - volume - w weight - W f fracture load - density - f fracture stress - ¯ f mean fracture stress of a batch - ¯ f() mean fracture stress of specimens with density and volume - 0 scale parameter or normalizing factor - u location parameter or threshold stress  相似文献   

Ageing characteristics of an extruded eutectoid Zn-Al based alloy were investigated using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The extruded alloy consisted of Al rich phase and Zn rich E and phases. The original cast eutectoid Zn-Al alloy was extruded at 250 °C. Both supersaturated s and s phase decomposed during extrusion and appeared as fine and coarse lamellar structures. The E and phases particles formed in the original interdendritic region. It was found that two Zn rich phases E and decomposed sequentially during ageing at 170, 140 °C. The decomposition of the E phase occurred as a discontinuous precipitation in the early stage of ageing and the decomposition of the phase took place in a four phase transformation: + T + in the prolonged ageing. Two typical morphologies of the decomposition of the Zn rich phases E and were distinctive in back-scattered scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Pulse-echo-overlap measurements of ultrasonic wave velocity have been used to determine the elastic stiffness moduli and related elastic properties of titanium diboride (TiB2) ceramic samples as functions of temperature in the range 130–295 K and hydrostatic pressure up to 0.2 GPa at room temperature. TiB2 is an elastically stiff but light ceramic: at 295 K, the longitudinal stiffness (C L ), shear stiffness (), adiabatic bulk modulus (B S ), Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio () are 612 GPa, 252 GPa, 276 GPa, 579 GPa and 0.151, respectively. The adiabatic bulk modulus B S is in good agreement with the results of recent theoretical calculations. All elastic moduli increase with decreasing temperature and do not show any pronounced unusual effects. The results of measurements of the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the ultrasonic wave velocity have been used to determine the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives of elastic stiffnesses and the acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters. The values determined at 295 K for the hydrostatic-pressure derivatives (C L /P) P=0, (/P) P=0 and (B S /P) P=0 are 7.29 ± 0.1, 2.53 ± 0.1 and 3.91 ± 0.1, respectively. The hydrostatic-pressure derivative (B S /P) P=0 of the bulk modulus of TiB2 ceramic is found to be larger than that estimated previously from uniaxial shock-wave loading experiments. The longitudinal (L), shear (S), and mean (el) acoustic-mode Grüneisen parameters of TiB2 are positive: the zone-centre acoustic phonons stiffen under pressure in the usual way. Since the acoustic Debye temperature D (=1190 K) is very high, the shear modes provide a substantial contribution to the acoustic phonon population at room temperature. Knowledge of the elastic and nonlinear acoustic properties sheds light on the thermal properties of ceramic TiB2.  相似文献   

A superconductor / normal conductor potential probe pair was used to measure differences between the time-averaged electrochemical potentials p of Cooper pairs and of quasiparticle excitations caused by a phase-slip center in several experimental situations. The results can only be understood by assuming that at a larger distance from the phase-slip center differs from the proposal of Skocpol, Beasley, and Tinkham by showing a swinging over or swinging below p . We propose a modified slope of as a function of site. Possible explanations are discussed. The multiple-contact samples used also allow the study of the influence of phase-slip centers already present on the relaxation of nonequilibrium quasiparticles.  相似文献   

Ductile L20-type wires and+L12-type duplex wires with high strengths and large elongation in the Ni-Al-Fe and Ni-Al-Co ternary systems have been manufactured directly from the liquid state by an in-rotating-water spinning method. The wire diameter was in the range 80 to 180m and the average grain size was 2 to 4m for the wires and 0.2 to 1.0m for the+ wires. y, f and p of the wires were found to be about 360 to 760 MPa, 560 to 960 MPa, and 0.2 to 5.5%, respectively, for the Ni-Al-Fe system, those of the+ wires were about 395 to 660 MPa, 670 to 1285 MPa, and 3.5 to 17%, respectively, for the Ni-Al-Fe system, and about 260 to 365 MPa, 600 to 870 MPa, and 4.0 to 7.0%, respectively, for the Ni-Al-Co system. Cold-drawing caused a significant increase in y and f and the values attained were about 1850 and 2500 MPa, respectively, for Ni-20Al-30Fe and Ni-25Al-30Co wires drawn to about 90% reduction in area. The high strengths, large elongation and good cold-workability of the melt-quenched and+ compound wires have been inferred to be due to the structural change into a low-degree ordered state containing a high density of phase boundaries, suppression of grain-boundary segregation and refinement of grain size.  相似文献   

The dependence of the magnetic momentm obtained from the hysteresis loops on the speed of the magnetic field sweep =dH ext/dt is explained on the basis of Anderson's interpretation of the magnetic flux creep. In addition, a phenomenological model is suggested which predicts a linear dependence ofm on ln with the slope m/ ln , numerically equal to the relaxation rate m/ ln(t) from the usual magnetic relaxation. Such linear relations betweenm and ln were observed experimentally in single crystals of YBaCuO. Preliminary experiments on the complementary time dependent relaxation ofm after a simulated step change ofH ext gave mostly relaxation rates close to the predicted values. The model here presented also enables one to compare the critical state in the superconductor at a field sweep rate with the critical state at some timet eff after a step change ofH ext. The values of analyzed in our experiments actually correspond to the critical state at timest eff between0.04 and4 sec after an imaginary large step change ofH ext.  相似文献   

The volume change at the magnetic field-induced transition from the super-conducting to the normal state has been measured on single crystals of lead and aluminum between 0.3 K andT c. From these data we have deduced the pressure dependence of the critical fieldH c, of the critical temperatureT c, and of the electronic specific heat coefficient . In lead, the results are in good agreement with theoretical calculations by Carbotte, where strong coupling effects are taken into account. We find ln / lnV=3.1±0.8, whereV is the volume. The measurements on aluminum giving ln / lnV=3±4 are consistent with results derived from thermal expansion experiments.This work was in part financially supported by the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds.  相似文献   

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