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泡沫精馏塔内泡沫液的传质模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对泡沫精馏塔内泡沫的传质问题进行了分析,提出传质微分方程,得到了解析解,并用实验验证了解的正确性。  相似文献   

本文对使用支撑液膜(Supported Liquid Membrane)从水溶液中革取乳酸(HL)的过程进行了理论分析,经过适当的简化,推导出支撑液膜革取乳酸的传质模型。对模型进行了实验验证,测得了膜的弯曲因子及过程的促进因子,模型计算值与实验值相吻合,同时得出膜内载体三烷基氧磷(TRPO)与乳酸形成的萃合物分子式为HL·TRPO。  相似文献   

张刚  肖泽文  乔冠军 《硅酸盐学报》2012,40(5):729-730,731,732,733
以酚醛树脂和乙二醇混合物经过反应诱导相分离热解后形成的多孔炭单体制备复杂形状SiC陶瓷。通过用场发射扫描电子显微镜和压汞仪对多孔炭进行表征,分别研究了乙二醇含量、催化剂含量以及预固化温度对多孔炭的孔形貌、尺寸及分布的影响。结果表明:乙二醇含量可以影响多孔炭单体的形成,以及孔的形貌、大小和分布;催化剂含量和预固化温度对多孔炭的影响不显著。  相似文献   

鼓泡塔中非牛顿流体体系的传质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在直径0.10 m、高1.05 m的鼓泡塔中,以羧甲基纤维素钠作为模拟介质,采用单孔喷嘴布气、孔径d_o=0.01 m,测定了该类反应器的比相界面积和容积传质系数,提出了比相界面积和传质系数的关联式。  相似文献   

乳状液膜分离Zn^2+的界面传质阻力及传质模型   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
用Lweis恒界面传质池对乳状液膜分离Zn^2+的传质阻力进行实验研究,结果表明由于表面活性剂单分子层的形成,使界面传质阻力占整个传质阻力的85%。在此基础上所建立的既考虑界面传质阻力又考虑膜破碎的液膜传质模型能使用理论计算值与实验测定值符合较好。  相似文献   

本文在图解法的基础上,通过分析理论塔板与操作线、平衡线之间的关系,建立了适用于气体吸收、液体精馏及液液萃取过程的传质单元数与理论板数间的对应关系,并利用工业低含量物质传质过程,对此关系式进行验证。与实际比较,结果基本一致,且计算过程简单、快捷,可帮助学生加深对传质过程的认识。  相似文献   

吸附式制冷中吸附剂传热传质的强化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对吸附式制冷系统中吸附剂的两种关键性能-有效吸附量及导热系数进行了实验及理论研究。测量了几种吸附剂的上述性能并进行了数据拟合,分析了吸附剂吸附性能及导热系数对吸附制冷系统效率的影响,提出了以吸附制冷最佳经济效率为目标函数的吸附剂性能强化手段,并进行了一些实验研究,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

为中小型燃煤锅炉烟气脱硫提出一种以列管式并流降膜塔为脱硫反应器,H2O2溶液为脱硫剂的简便高效、无二次污染的脱硫技术.建立了气、液相传质系数模型,通过实验数据回归了降膜管传质关联式.对气、液相传质系数模型进行验证,结果显示,得出的计算结果与实验数据基本相符,这表明建立脱硫模型对基本设计参数的确定具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

The simulation of fermentation product separation using nanoporous membranes is presented. The aim of the simulation was to predict the performance of an extraction process to remove compounds from aqueous solutions. The simulation was conducted using computational fluid dynamics techniques for the solution of governing equations. The system studied was a membrane‐based extractor of acetone from aqueous solutions using near‐critical CO2 as solvent. The predicted extraction percentages obtained by the simulations were compared to experimental values reported in the literature and showed very good agreement. The simulation can predict the concentration profile of acetone in the membrane and also predicts the formation of a concentration boundary layer.  相似文献   

A simple experimental approach was developed to measure the gas phase volumetric heat and mass transfer coefficients in a bubble column and a slurry bubble column employing a single gas nozzle. The experimental technique was based on a transfer model that simulates humidification and direct contact evaporation models in the case of a gas bubble rising in a liquid of uniform temperature. The temperature and relative humidity of the inlet and outlet gas in the column are the only measurements required in this technique. Experiments were carried out in a 0.15 m inner diameter column using water as the liquid phase, air as the gas phase, and cation resins of 0.1 mm diameter and a specific gravity of 1.2, as the solid phase. The results showed that, when using solid concentrations in the range of 7–10 wt %, both the volumetric gas‐phase heat and mass transfer coefficients increased with an increase in the gas superficial velocity and were further enhanced by increasing the solid load after a certain minimum superficial velocity had been reached in the column (0.044 m/s in the system used). Increasing the solid load beyond 10 wt %, did not contribute to a further increase in these coefficients. Furthermore, the gas holdup in the column increased with the superficial gas velocity and was further enhanced when the solid‐phase load was in the range of 7–10 wt %. These observations agree well with previously reported findings by other investigators.  相似文献   

Dalkeun  PARK  Joong  Kee  LEE 《中国化学工程学报》2002,10(6):681-685
Ibprofen is widely used as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and poduced as racemic mixture.Its pharmacological activity resides only is S-( )-enantiomer,and R-(-)-enantiomer is not only inactive but also has many side effects.Thus it is necessary to separate Renantiomer from racemic ibuprofen.We studied optical separation of racemic Ibuprofen with chiral high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).,Out of three different chiral stationary phases,which were selected on the basis of structure and availability,two were found to be effective.There was optimum eluent composition for each stationary phase for good resolution in optical separation.Resolution decreased with increase of eluent flow rate,but effect of injection volume on resolution was insignificant at high eluent flow rate.  相似文献   

根据旋流塔板上的气液运动规律,建立气相二维定数混合池传质模型,并用CO_2-air/H_2O物系的传质试验结果进行验证,结果表明,模型计算值和实验值相当吻合。  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(7):1621-1635

A mathematical model for the mass-heat transfer in a continuous plate dryer has been developed. Along with a new mass transfer model, the formulas for several important parameters, such as height, volume of each granular heap and retention time, are provided. According to the penetration model of particle heat transfer, the average drying rate ([mdot]) is predicted together with the mean bulk temperature (T out) and moisture content (X out) by a straightforward stepwise calculation procedure. The only empirical parameter N mix can be predicted by the method, provided that experimental data with various initial moisture contents (X in) are given. According to the model, the optimization of a plate dryer should aim at the maximizing of the effective covering ratio (μ) and the total area-averaged heat transfer coefficient (α). The model and equations were applied in an experimental plant. In the result, the theoretical predictions are shown to be in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Weighted least squares and error-in-variable statistical methods were used to minimize variations in the experimental data set obtained from literature, and were used to validate Models I and II, S h′ = 0.0015(R e 1/2 S c 1/3)2.58 and S h′ = 0.00084(R e 0.4299 S c 0.8783), respectively. Published data were used for the empirical estimation of mass transfer coefficients in separation processes in fixed bed systems using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction with low molecular diffusion. Model I gained accuracy when the Schmidt Number Sc is high (> 70) and the molecular diffusion is weak. The exponential ratio of the Re and Sc of Model II differed from the common ratio of 3:2; however, the exponents of the Sc are unique for both Models I and II.  相似文献   

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used to compare the hydrodynamics and mass transfer of an internal airlift reactor with that of a bubble column reactor, operating with an air/water system in the homogeneous bubble flow regime. The liquid circulation velocities are significantly higher in the airlift configuration than in bubble columns, leading to significantly lower gas holdups. Within the riser of the airlift, the gas and liquid phases are virtually in plug flow, whereas in bubble columns the gas and liquid phases follow parabolic velocity distributions. When compared at the same superficial gas velocity, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, for an airlift is significantly lower than that for a bubble column. However, when the results are compared at the same values of gas holdup, the values of kLa are practically identical.  相似文献   

The mass transfer between non-aqueous phase liquid(NAPL) phase and soil gas phase in soil vapor extraction(SVE) process has been investigated by one-dimensional venting experiments. During quasi-steady volatilization of three single-component NAPLs in a sandy soil, constant initial lumped mass transfer coefficient (λgN,0) canbe obtained if the relative saturation (ξ) between NAPL phase and gas phase is higher than a critical value (ξc), andthe lumped mass transfer coefficient decreases with ξ when ξ<ξc. It is also shown that the lumped mass transfercoefficient can be increased by blending porous micro- particles into the sandy soil because of the increasing of theinterfacial area.  相似文献   

The mass transfer between non-aqueous phase liquid(NAPL) phase and soil gas phase in soil vapor ex-traction(SVE) process has been investigated by one-dimensional venting experiments. During quasi-steady volatilization of three single-component NAPLs in a sandy soil, constant initial lumped mass transfer coefficient (λgN,o) can be obtained if the relative saturation (ξ) between NAPL phase and gas phase is higher than a critical value (ξc), and the lumped mass transfer coefficient decreases with ξ when ξ<ξc. It is also shown that the lumped mass transfer coefficient can be increased by blending porous micro-particles into the sandy soil because of the increasing of the interfacial area.  相似文献   

In this article, mass transfer during leaching of starch and protein from potato using water as the solvent was investigated. Leaching experiments were carried out by immersion of slab-shaped potato samples in distilled water at 30°C, 45°C, and 55°C, and amounts of starch and protein loss, and moisture gain by the samples were evaluated at different process duration times. A two-parameter model was proposed for prediction of the kinetics of mass transfer and also estimation of the final equilibrium values of solutes loss and moisture gain by the samples. Effective diffusivities of solutes and moisture were estimated by fitting the experimental data of solute loss and moisture gain to the analytical solution of Fick's second law of diffusion. Moisture, starch, and protein distributions into the potatoes were predicted as a function of time and location into the samples. Mean relative errors (MREs) between the predicted concentrations by the proposed models and experimental data were in the ranges of 0.037–0.104 and 0.063–0.205 for the two-parameter model and the analytical solution, respectively. Estimated equilibrium solute losses were between 0.922 and 1.549 (g/100 g fresh fruit) for protein and between 10.893 and 11.848 (g/100 g fresh fruit) for starch. Also equilibrium water gain (WG) was in the range of 35.842–46.296 (g/100 g fresh fruit). Effective diffusivities were estimated in the range of 1.334–1.817 × 10?10 m2/s for moisture and 1.070–1.893 × 10?10 m2/s for solutes.  相似文献   

This study presented a rapid and practical method of separating triacylglycerol (TAG) from edible oil using high‐performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with atmospheric‐pressure chemical ionization (APCI)/mass spectrometry (MS) system with a porous graphitic carbon column (150 mm × 2.1 mm, 5 μm) and a toluene–isopropanol–formic acid mobile phase. After investigating the experimental conditions, the gradient toluene–isopropanol mobile phase containing 0.1% formic acid was changed from 50:50 to 80:20 in 30 min; the column temperature was set to 35 °C, and APCI/MS was used in the positive‐ion acquisition mode. The TAG retention displayed a special order and was summarized to fit as follows: S‐ECN (special equivalent carbon number) = 2CN (carbon number) ? 3dB (double bond number) 5uFA (unsaturated fatty‐acid number). Then, the LC–MS method was applied to separate TAG in 6 vegetable oils, resulting in the recognition of 27 TAG in corn oil, 21 TAGs in olive oil, 22 TAG in sunflower seed oil, 28 TAG in soybean oil, 25 TAG in sesame oil, and 31 TAG in peanut oil. The TAG separation through the LC–MS method was rapid, reproducible, and durable.  相似文献   

Coupled mass and heat transfer between a cone and a non‐Newtonian fluid was studied when the concentration level of the solute in the solvent is finite (finite dilution of solute approximation). Convective heat and mass transfer between a laminar flow and a stationary cone and between a rotating cone and a quiescent fluid is investigated. Solutions of both problems are found in the form of the dependencies of Sherwood number vs. Reynolds and Schmidt numbers. Coupled thermal effects during dissolution and solute concentration level effect on the rate of mass transfer are investigated. It is found that the rate of mass transfer between a cone and a non‐Newtonian fluid increases with the increase of the solute concentration level. The suggested approach is valid for high Peclet and Schmidt numbers. Isothermal and nonisothermal cases of dissolution are considered whereby the latter is described by the coupled equations of mass and heat transfer. It is shown that for positive dimensionless heat of dissolution, K > 0, thermal effects cause the increase of the mass transfer rate in comparison with the isothermal case. On the contrary, for K < 0 thermal effects cause the decrease of the mass transfer rate in comparison with the isothermal case. The latter effect becomes more pronounced with the increase of the concentration level of the solute in a solvent.  相似文献   

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