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Temporary replacement of glucose by 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG; but not sucrose) is followed by long-term potentiation of CA1 synaptic transmission (2-DG LTP), which is Ca2+-dependent and is prevented by dantrolene or N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) antagonists. To clarify the mechanism of action of 2-DG, we monitored [Ca2+]i while replacing glucose with 2-DG or sucrose. In slices (from Wistar rats) kept submerged at 30 degreesC, pyramidal neurons were loaded with [Ca2+]-sensitive fluo-3 or Fura Red. The fluorescence was measured with a confocal microscope. Bath applications of 10 mM 2-DG (replacing glucose for 15 +/- 0.38 min, means +/- SE) led to a rapid but reversible rise in fluo-3 fluorescence (or drop of Fura Red fluorescence); the peak increase of fluo-3 fluorescence (DeltaF/F0), measured near the end of 2-DG applications, was by 245 +/- 50% (n = 32). Isosmolar sucrose (for 15-40 min) had a smaller but significant effect (DeltaF/F0 = 94 +/- 14%, n = 10). The 2-DG-induced DeltaF/F0 was greatly reduced (to 35 +/- 15%, n = 16) by,-aminophosphono-valerate (50-100 microM) and abolished by 10 microM dantrolene (-4.0 +/- 2.9%, n = 11). A substantial, although smaller effect, of 2-DG persisted in Ca2+-free 1 mM ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) medium. Two adenosine antagonists, which do not prevent 2-DG LTP, were also tested; 2-DG-induced DeltaF/F0 (fluo-3) was not affected by the A1 antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-3, 7-dihydro-1,3-dipropyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione (DPCPX 50 nM; 287 +/- 38%; n = 20), but it was abolished by the A1/A2 antagonist 8-SPT; 25 +/- 29%, n = 19). These observations suggest that 2-DG releases glutamate and adenosine and that the rise in [Ca2+] may be triggered by a synergistic action of glutamate (acting via NMDA receptors) and adenosine (acting via A2b receptors) resulting in Ca2+ release from a dantrolene-sensitive store. The discrepant effects of sucrose and 8-SPT on DeltaF/F0, on the one hand, and 2-DG LTP, on the other, support other evidence that increases in postsynaptic [Ca2+]i are not essential for 2-DG LTP.  相似文献   

The effect of serotonin (5-HT) on somatic and dendritic properties was analyzed in pyramidal neurons from the CA1 region in slices from the rat hippocampus. Bath-applied 5-HT (10 microM) hyperpolarized the soma and apical dendrites and caused a conductance increase at both locations. In the dendrites (200-300 microm from the soma) trains of antidromically activated, backpropagating action potentials had lower peak potentials in 5-HT than in normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Spike amplitudes were about the same in the two solutions. Similar results were found when the action potentials were evoked synaptically with stimulation in the stratum oriens. In the soma, spike amplitudes increased in 5-HT, with only a small decrease in the peak potential. Calcium concentration measurements, made with bis-fura-2 injected through patch electrodes, showed that the amplitude of the [Ca2+]i changes was reduced at all locations in 5-HT. The reduction of the [Ca2+]i change in the soma was confirmed in slices where cells were loaded with fura-2-AM. The reduction at the soma in 5-HT, where the spike amplitude increased, suggests that the reduction is due primarily to direct modulation of Ca2+ channels. In the dendrites, the reduction is due to a combination of this channel modulation and the lowering of the peak potential of the action potentials.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to be an important mediator in several forms of neurotoxicity. We previously reported that NO alters intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) homeostasis in cultured hippocampal neurons during 20-min exposures. In this study, we examine the relationship between late alterations of [Ca2+]i homeostasis and the delayed toxicity produced by NO. The NO-releasing agent S-nitrosocysteine (SNOC; 300 microM) reduced survival by about one half 1 day after 20-min exposures, as did other NO-releasing agents. SNOC also was found to produce prolonged elevations of [Ca2+]i, persisting at 2 and 6 h. Hemoglobin, a scavenger of NO, blocked both the late [Ca2+]i elevation and the delayed toxicity of SNOC. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ during the 20-min SNOC treatment failed to prevent the late [Ca2+]i elevations and did not prevent the delayed toxicity, but removal of extracellular Ca2+ for the 6 h after exposure as well blocked most of the toxicity. Western blots showed that SNOC exposure resulted in an increased proteolytic breakdown of the structural protein spectrin, generating a fragment with immunoreactivity suggesting activity of the Ca2+-activated protease calpain. The spectrin breakdown and the toxicity of SNOC were inhibited by treatment with calpain antagonists. We conclude that exposures to toxic levels of NO cause prolonged disruption of [Ca2+]i homeostatic mechanisms, and that the resulting persistent [Ca2+]i elevations contribute to the delayed neurotoxicity of NO.  相似文献   

A deficit in glucose uptake and a deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (A beta) each occur in vulnerable brain regions in Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is not known whether mechanistic links exist between A beta deposition and impaired glucose transport. We now report that A beta impairs glucose transport in cultured rat hippocampal and cortical neurons by a mechanism involving membrane lipid peroxidation. A beta impaired 3H-deoxy-glucose transport in a concentration-dependent manner and with a time course preceding neurodegeneration. The decrease in glucose transport was followed by a decrease in cellular ATP levels. Impairment of glucose transport, ATP depletion, and cell death were each prevented in cultures pretreated with antioxidants. Exposure to FeSO4, an established inducer of lipid peroxidation, also impaired glucose transport. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses showed that exposure of cultures to A beta induced conjugation of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, to the neuronal glucose transport protein GLUT3. HNE induced a concentration-dependent impairment of glucose transport and subsequent ATP depletion. Impaired glucose transport was not caused by a decreased energy demand in the neurons, because ouabain, which inhibits Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity and thereby reduces neuronal ATP hydrolysis rate, had little or no effect on glucose transport. Collectively, the data demonstrate that lipid peroxidation mediates A beta-induced impairment of glucose transport in neurons and suggest that this action of A beta may contribute to decreased glucose uptake and neuronal degeneration in AD.  相似文献   

Neurons of the avian cochlear nucleus, nucleus magnocellularis (NM), are stimulated by glutamate, released from the auditory nerve, and GABA, released from both interneurons surrounding NM and from cells located in the superior olivary nucleus. In this study, the Ca2+ indicator dye Fura-2 was used to measure Ca2+ responses in NM stimulated by glutamate- and GABA-receptor agonists using a chicken brainstem slice preparation. Glutamatergically stimulated Ca2+ responses were evoked by kainic acid (KA), alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA), and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). KA- and AMPA-stimulated changes in [Ca2+]i were also produced in NM neurons stimulated in the presence of nifedipine, an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker, suggesting that KA- and AMPA-stimulated changes in [Ca2+]i were carried by Ca2(+)-permeable receptor channels. Significantly smaller changes in [Ca2+]i were produced by NMDA. When neurons were stimulated in an alkaline (pH 7.8) superfusate, NMDA responses were potentiated. KA- and AMPA-stimulated responses were not affected by pH. Several agents known to stimulate metabotropic receptors in other systems were tested on NM neurons bathed in a Ca2+ free-EGTA--buffered media, including L-cysteine sulfinic acid (L-CSA), trans-azetidine dicarboxylic acid (t-ADA), trans-aminocyclo-pentanedicarboxylic acid (t-ACPD), and homobromoibotenic acid (HBI). The only agent to reliably and dose-dependently increase [Ca2+]i was HBI, an analog of ibotenate. GABA also stimulated increases in [Ca2+]i in NM neurons. GABA-stimulated responses were reduced by agents that block voltage-operated channels and by agents that inhibit Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Whereas GABA-A receptor agonist produced increases in [Ca2+]i GABA-B and GABA-C receptor agonists had no effect. There appear to be several ways for [Ca2+]i to increase in NM neurons. Presumably, each route represents a means by which Ca2+ can alter cellular processes.  相似文献   

Force development in skeletal muscle is driven by an increase in myoplasmic free [Ca2+]i ([Ca2+]i) due to Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The magnitude of [Ca2+]i elevation during stimulation depends on: (a) the rate of Ca2+ release from the SR; (b) the rate of Ca2+ uptake by the SR; and (c) the myoplasmic Ca2+ buffering. We have used fluorescent Ca2+ indicators to measure [Ca2+]i in intact, single fibres from mouse and Xenopus muscles under conditions where one or more of the above factors are changed. The following interventions resulted in increased tetanic [Ca2+]i: beta-adrenergic stimulation, which potentiates the SR Ca2+ release; application of 2.5-di(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone, which inhibits SR Ca2+ pumps; application of caffeine, which facilitates SR Ca2+ release and inhibits SR Ca2+ uptake; early fatigue, where the rate of SR Ca2+ uptake is reduced; acidosis, which reduces both the myoplasmic Ca2+ buffering and the rate of SR Ca2+ uptake. Reduced tetanic [Ca2+]i was observed in late fatigue, due to reduced SR Ca2+ release, and in alkalosis, due to increased myoplasmic Ca2+ buffering. Force is monotonically related to [Ca2+]i but depends also on the myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity and the maximum force cross-bridges can produce. This is clearly illustrated by changes of intracellular pH where, despite a lower tetanic [Ca2+]i, tetanic force is higher in alkalosis than acidosis due to increases of myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity and maximum cross-bridge force.  相似文献   

We determined the spatial and temporal dynamics of the increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels [Ca2+]i produced by substance P (SP) in dorsal horn neurons. A microinjection technique was used to apply minute amounts of SP to small areas of cultured neurons loaded with the Ca2+ indicator fura-2. Five successive applications of SP to the soma produced short-lasting (< 50 s) increases in [Ca2+]i that became gradually smaller, indicating receptor desensitization. Focal application of SP to a distal locus in a neurite produced a brief (12 s) increase in [Ca2+]i that travelled down the dendrite but did not spread into cell soma. Prolonged application of SP to these neurons caused the appearance of varicosities in their dendrites.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein gp120 of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 has been proposed to cause neuron death in developing murine hippocampal cultures and rat retinal ganglion cells. In the present study, cultured human embryonic cerebral and spinal neurons from 8- to 10-week-old embryos were used to study the neurotoxic effect of gp120 and gp160. Electrophysiological properties as well as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced current were recorded from neurons maintained in culture for 10-30 days. Neither voltage-activated sodium or calcium currents nor NMDA-induced currents were affected by exposure of neurons to 250 pM gp120 or gp160. In contrast, when neurons were subjected to photometric measurements using the calcium dye indo-1 to monitor the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+])i, gp120 and gp160 (20-250 pM) potentiated the large rises in [Ca2+]i induced by 50 microM NMDA. The potentiation of NMDA-induced Ca2+ responses required the presence of Ca2+ in the medium, and was abolished by the NMDA antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP5) and the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel inhibitor nifedipine. Moreover, exposure of a subpopulation of spinal neurons (25% of the cells tested) to 20-250 pM gp120 or gp160 resulted in an increase in [Ca2+]i that followed three patterns: fluctuations not affected by AP5, a single peak, and the progressive and irreversible rise of [Ca2+]i. The neurotoxicity of picomolar doses of gp120 and gp160 cultures was estimated by immunofluorescence and colorimetric assay. Treatment of cultures with AP5 or nifedipine reduced gp120-induced toxicity by 70 and  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have shown that various free fatty acids (FFAs) and monoacylglycerides (MGs) have bactericidal properties in vitro, the role of these compounds in vivo has not been determined. This study evaluated the antibacterial properties of medium-chain MGs and FFAs for different bacterial enteropathogens with an in-vitro bacterial killing assay and an in-vivo model of intestinal colonisation. Incubation of test bacteria with medium-chain MGs for 4 h led to 100-10,000-fold reductions in numbers of viable cells of Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella typhi, Shigella sonnei and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Lauric acid was the only medium-chain FFA to show comparable in-vitro bactericidal activity. The ability of dietary MGs to reduce or eliminate bacterial colonisation of the intestinal tract was evaluated in mice that were predisposed to bacterial colonisation by treatment with streptomycin (STR+). Mice were treated with streptomycin, challenged intragastrically with V. cholerae or ETEC, and given monocaprin (C10:0 MG) either concurrently or as part of the daily diet. Control mice given STR+ without MGs and challenged with V. cholerae or ETEC showed high numbers of challenged bacteria in gastrointestinal contents by 1 h after administration. Concurrent administration of V. cholerae and C10:0 MG (2.5 mg/ml) caused > 1000-fold reduction in numbers of V. cholerae recovered from the gastrointestinal tracts of STR+ mice. Concurrent administration of C10:0 MG with ETEC did not cause a reduction in the number of viable ETEC present in the intestinal tract of STR+ mice. Administration of C10:0 MG in the diet had no effect on the number of viable V. cholerae or ETEC associated with caecal or ileal tissue of STR+ mice when C10:0 MG in the diet was started 1 day before, the same day, or 2 days after bacterial challenge. Collectively, these results suggested that dietary MGs may prevent intestinal colonisation by bacterial enteropathogens if administered at the time of exposure, but have little effect on established intestinal infections.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between dopamine (DA) induced changes in the cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and the rate of prolactin secretion using GH4ZR7, a rat pituitary cell line, which express only one subtype of D2 receptor. GH4ZR7 cells were loaded with Fluo-3, a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, and then perifused with two different doses of DA (10(-7) mol/L and 5 x 10(-4) mol/L). We monitored changes in [Ca2+]i and rate of prolactin release simultaneously by attaching a spectrofluorometer to a dynamic perifusion system. DA has stimulatory and inhibitory effect on prolactin secretion in GH4ZR7 cells; 10(-7) mol/LDA slightly increased [Ca2+]i and stimulated prolactin release, whereas 5 x 10(-4) mol/LDA decreased [Ca2+]i and inhibited prolactin secretion. When the cells were pretreated with pertussis toxin (PTX), 10(-7) mol/L DA had no significant change in [Ca2+]i while stimulating prolactin release, and 5 x 10(-4) mol/L DA reduced [Ca2+]i without having any significant effect on the rate of prolactin secretion. The results of this study demonstrate that changes in [Ca2+]i do not always correlate with the rate of prolactin release from lactotrophs. The dissociation between [Ca2+]i and prolactin release is somewhat expected considering the diverse role of [Ca2+]i and post-[Ca2+]i events, which can change the rate of prolactin release.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the present study was to explore the different mechanisms of [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by high concentrations of either carbachol (CCh) or extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o). First, we compared the oscillations induced by CCh at concentrations of 100-300 micromol/L and [Ca2+]o (5 mmol/L) in the single rat ventricular myocyte. Second, we studied CCh- and [Ca2+]o-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations following either interference with the production of inositol trisphosphate (IP3), reductions in cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), inhibition of Ca2+ influx and Na+-Ca2+ exchange or depletion of Ca2+ from its intracellular store. 2. The [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by CCh were frequent and were superimposed on [Ca2+]i transients in electrically stimulated cells, whereas those induced by high [Ca2+]o were occasional and occurred in quiescent cells and between [Ca2+]i transients in electrically stimulated cells. In both cases, [Ca2+]i oscillations were preceded by an increase in resting levels of [Ca2+]i. 3. Carbachol-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations were accompanied by an increase in amplitude and prolongation of the time of decline to 80% of the peak of the [Ca2+]i transient, while high [Ca2+]o-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations were the opposite. 4. A reduction of [Ca2+]o to 0.1 mmol/L and treatment with Ni2+ or ryanodine or 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N', N'-tetraacetic acid AM (BAPTA-AM) abolished the [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by both CCh and high [Ca2+]o. 5. The calcium channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine and inhibitors of phospholipase C (neomycin and U-73122) abolished the [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by CCh; Li+ accelerated the onset of the [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by CCh. 6. These observations suggest that the mechanisms responsible for the [Ca2+]i oscillations induced by CCh and high [Ca2+]o are different from each other. Other than an increase in extracellular Ca2+ influx as a mechanism common for both CCh- and high [Ca2+]o-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations, the CCh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations involve influx of Ca2+ via L-type Ca2+ channels, Na+-Ca2+ exchange, mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ and IP3 production.  相似文献   

In response to extracellular application of 50 microM ATP, all individual porcine aortic smooth muscle cells respond with rapid rises from basal [Ca2+]i to peak [Ca2+]i within 5 s. The time from stimulus to the peak of the [Ca2+]i response increases with decreasing concentration of ATP. At ATP concentrations of 0.5 microM and below, the time to the [Ca2+]i peak varies more significantly from cell to cell than at higher concentrations, and each cell shows complicated initiation and decay kinetics. For any individual cell, the lag phase before a response decreases with increasing concentration of ATP. An increase in lag time with decreasing ATP concentration is also observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, but the lag phase is more pronounced, especially at concentrations of ATP below 0.5 microM. Whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology shows that in porcine aortic smooth muscle cells, ATP stimulates an inward current carried mainly by Cl- ion efflux with a time course similar to the [Ca2+]i changes and no detectable current from an ATP-gated cation channel. A simple signal cascade initiation kinetics model, starting with nucleotide receptor activation leading to IP3-mediated Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive internal stores, fits the data and suggests that the kinetics of the Ca2+ response are dominated by upstream signal cascade components.  相似文献   

Ca2+ ions are thought to play important roles in processes underlying neuronal plasticity such as synapse stabilization. We employed the Fura-2 technique on brainstem slices of neonatal rats to measure changes in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) in order to analyse whether these cells have functional Ca2+ channels when synaptic maturation takes place. Rises in intracellular Ca2+ could be induced by KCl-evoked depolarizations or by glutamate, but not by glycine or GABA. These results show that Ca2+ channels are present in developing LSO neurones and that many of them, if not all, belong to the voltage-sensitive type. We speculate that these channels play a role during ontogeny by mediating Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms of synapse stabilization.  相似文献   

Irreversible anoxic injury of axons in the rat optic nerve requires the presence of extracellular Ca2+. To test the hypothesis that Ca2+ enters an intracellular compartment during anoxia we monitored [Ca2+]0 in this CNS white matter tract using ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Periods of anoxia lasting 15 min resulted in a rapid, reversible increase in [Ca2+]0 accompanied by transient loss of nerve conduction. This increase in [Ca2+]0 was apparently the result of extracellular space shrinkage. Anoxic periods lasting 60 min resulted in an initial rise followed by a sustained fall in [Ca2+]0, indicative of net influx of Ca2+ into an intracellular compartment. Following reoxygenation after 60 min of anoxia, [Ca2+]0 slowly returned toward control levels but nerve conduction recovered incompletely, indicating irreversible loss of function. Removal of bath Ca2+ lowered [Ca2+]0 to about 100 microM, prevented the anoxia-induced fall in [Ca2+]0, and protected against irreversible loss of the compound action potential.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta-protein (25-35) (betaA) induced a marked morphological change in astrocytes, changing their flat polygonal shape into a stellate process-bearing morphology. The changes induced by betaA were concentration and time-dependent, whereas the addition of a scrambled peptide did not alter astrocyte morphology. We discard the possibility of betaA-astrocytes being type II-like astrocytes. We also analysed the influence of the presence of kinase and phosphate inhibitors on this morphological change. Our data indicate that the betaA-induced phenotype was not affected by the inhibition of protein tyrosine kinase or tyrosine phosphatases. Only the addition of okadaic acid to astrocytes prevented the morphological transformation from flat to stellate shape, induced by betaA (25-35). Inhibition of the stellate phenotype by okadaic acid was initiated at a concentration of 10 nM which suggested that either phosphatase 2A or 1 plays an important role in the betaA astrocytic transformation.  相似文献   

The possible role of altered extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o) in skeletal muscle fatigue was tested on isolated slow-twitch soleus and fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscles of the mouse. The following findings were made. 1) A change from the control solution (1.3 mM [Ca2+]o) to 10 mM [Ca2+]o, or to nominally Ca2+-free solutions, had little effect on tetanic force in nonfatigued muscle. 2) Almost complete restoration of tetanic force was induced by 10 mM [Ca2+]o in severely K+-depressed muscle (extracellular K+ concentration of 10-12 mM). This effect was attributed to a 5-mV reversal of the K+-induced depolarization and subsequent restoration of ability to generate action potentials (inferred by using the twitch force-stimulation strength relationship). 3) Tetanic force depressed by lowered extracellular Na+ concentration (40 mM) was further reduced with 10 mM [Ca2+]o. 4) Tetanic force loss at elevated extracellular K+ concentration (8 mM) and lowered extracellular Na+ concentration (100 mM) was partially reversed with 10 mM [Ca2+]o or markedly exacerbated with low [Ca2+]o. 5) Fatigue induced by using repeated tetani in soleus was attenuated at 10 mM [Ca2+]o (due to increased resting and evoked forces) and exacerbated at low [Ca2+]o. These combined results suggest, first, that raised [Ca2+]o protects against fatigue rather than inducing it and, second, that a considerable depletion of [Ca2+]o in the transverse tubules may contribute to fatigue.  相似文献   

We have previously found that human chymase cleaves big endothelins at the Tyr31-Gly32 bond and produces 31-amino acid long endothelins-(1-31), without any further degradation products. In this study, we investigated the effect of synthetic endothelin-1-(1-31) on the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in cultured human coronary artery smooth muscle cells. Endothelin-1-(1-31) increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner (10(-14) to 10(-10) M). This endothelin-1-(1-31)-induced [Ca2+]i increase was not affected by phosphoramidon (N-(alpha-Rhamnopyranosyloxyhydroxyphosphinyl)-L-Leucyl-L-Tryptoph an), an inhibitor of endothelin-converting enzyme. It was, however, inhibited by 10(-10) M BQ123 (Cyclo-(-D-Trp-D-Asp(ONa)-Pro-D-Val-Leu-)), an endothelin ET(A) receptor antagonist, but not by 10(-10) M BQ788 (N-cis-2,6-dimethylpiperidinocarbonyl-L-yMeLeu-D-Trp(COOM e)-D-Nle-ONa), an endothelin ET(B) receptor antagonist. These results suggest that endothelin-1-(1-31) by itself exhibits vasoactive properties probably through endothelin ET(A) receptors. Since human chymase has been reported to play a role in atherosclerosis, endothelin-1-(1-31) may be one of the candidate substances for its cause.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta protein is the major protein component of neuritic plaques found in the brain of Alzheimer's disease. The activation of phospholipase D by amyloid beta protein (25-35), quisqualate and phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate was investigated in LA-N-2 cells by measuring phosphatidylethanol formation. The activation of phospholipase D by quisqualate and APP (25-35) was calcium-independent. The AbetaP (25-35) and quisqualate activation of phospholipase D appeared to be mediated through a pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding protein. Phospholipase D activation by AbetaP (25-35), quisqualate and phorbol dibutyrate was not blunted by the protein kinase C inhibitors, staurosporine, H-7 and RO-31-8220. However, it was abolished by overnight exposure to phorbol dibutyrate. This activation of phospholipase D was prevented by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein but not by tyrophostin A. Several excitatory amino acid antagonists were tested for their ability to prevent the phospholipase D activation by quisqualate and AbetaP (25-35). Only NBQX was effective with an IC50 of 75 microM for AbetaP (25-35) and quisqualate. Activation of phospholipase D by AbetaP or quisqualate was absent in LA-N-2 cells previously desensitized by quisqualate or AbetaP (25-35), but the activation by phorbol dibutyrate was unaltered. The responsiveness to AbetaP and quisqualate in previously desensitized cells reappeared subsequent to a period of resensitization. The observations with the antagonist NBQX, and the desensitization and resensitization experiments, are consistent with a receptor occupancy mediated activation of phospholipase D by quisqualate and by AbetaP (25-35).  相似文献   

We describe a system we developed that enabled simultaneous measurements of either epithelial calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i) or sodium ion concentration ([Na+]i) with the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in native ciliated epithelia using either Fura-2 (AM) or SBFI (AM) ratiometric fluorescence photon counting along with nonstationary laser light scattering. Studies were performed using native epithelial tissues obtained from ovine tracheae. The dynamic range of the laser light-scattering system was determined by a simulated light "beating" experiment. The nonstationary CBF was demonstrated by the time-frequency analysis of the raw photon count sequences of backscattered heterodyne photons from cultured and native epithelia. Calibrations of calcium and sodium ion concentrations were performed using the respective Fura-2 and SBFI impermanent salts as well as in native epithelia. The cumulative responses of 10(-6), 10(-5), and 10(-4) M nifedipine on [Ca2+]i together with the CBF as well as the cumulative responses of 10(-5), 10(-4), and 10(-3) M amiloride on [Na+]i together with the CBF were also determined. Nifedipine decreased [Ca2+]i but had no effect on CBF. Amiloride decreased [Na+]i and CBF. Stimulation of CBF corresponded with either an increase of [Na+]i or an increase of [Ca2+]i. Decreases of [Na+]i or substantial decreases of [Ca2+]i were associated with decreases in the CBF. These data demonstrate the utility of this system for investigating the regulatory mechanisms of intracellular ions dynamics and the CBF in native epithelia.  相似文献   

[Ca2+]i homeostasis in individual PC12 cells after elevated [K+]o was studied by ratiometric microscopy, during nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation. A significantly lower number of cells responded with an increased [Ca2+]i in the NGF deprived condition. Moreover, the responding cells were more deficient in regulating their [Ca2+]i back to control levels, after the transient peak. This suggests that differentiated neurons do not traverse the apoptotic program homogeneously with regard to their [Ca2+]i regulation and that NGF deprived PC12 cells have more difficulties to reduce their [Ca2+]i after influx of [Ca2+]o.  相似文献   

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