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面向语言信息处理的朝鲜语知识库研究 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
在自然语言处理系统(包括机器翻译系统) 中,语法、语义信息词典是必不可少的构件。本文以国内外语义工程研究成果为基础,通过对朝鲜语谓词进行句法语义一体化描述,建立面向信息处理的朝鲜语知识库。该研究的语言学理论根据是论元结构理论和语义场理论。我们首先对谓词进行语义分类,然后再对谓词义项作详细的属性描述。在知识库构建上,采用结构体方式将谓词的句法、语义等属性整合在一起。 相似文献
该文对中亚地区属于同一个语族的土耳其语、哈萨克语等诸语言的自然语言处理现状进行了综述。首先分别回顾土耳其语、哈萨克语和其他中亚语言在词法分析、句法分析、命名实体识别、机器翻译方面的研究进展,随后讨论了与具体语言无关的黏着语词法分析方面的研究情况,最后指出国内外中亚诸语言处理自然语言领域中所面临的问题和挑战,并对未来的研究提出了建议。 相似文献
为了能够有效地对中国手语进行信息处理,需要针对中国手语的特性提出相应的信息处理方案。该文根据国内外的研究进展情况,从基于规则和基于语料库的角度,讨论了中国手语信息处理过程中遇到的有关问题,并提出可借鉴的中国手语信息处理技术,同时从中国手语自身的词法、句法出发,参考国外手语语言学的最新研究成果,讨论了中国手语信息处理中有关信息表征、理解、生成等问题。最后指出未来手语的信息处理将会更多地建立在跨学科、多模式的基础之上 ,该项研究将有力地促进信息无障碍技术的发展。
We present a review of some recently developed techniques in the field of natural language processing. This area has witnessed a confluence of approaches which are inspired by theories from linguistics and those which are inspired by theories from information theory: statistical language models are becoming more linguistically sophisticated and the models of language used by linguists are incorporating stochastic techniques to help resolve ambiguities. We include a discussion about the underlying similarities between some of these systems and mention two approaches to the evaluation of statistical language processing systems. 相似文献
We describe a Prolog-based approach to the development of language processors (such as preprocessors, frontends, evaluators, tools for software modification and analysis). The design of the corresponding environment Laptob for prological language processing is outlined. Language processor definitions in Laptob are basically Prolog programs. The programs might contain grammars, that is, we consider logic grammars. The programs can be typed, and they can be higher-order. The adaptation and composition of the logic programs themselves is supported by meta-programming. The environment offers tool support for efficient scanning, testing, and application development based on a make-system. We report on recent and ongoing applications of the Prolog-based approach. 相似文献
J. Oberlander P. Monaghan R. Cox K. Stenning R. Tobin 《Journal of Logic, Language and Information》1999,8(3):363-384
Computer-based logic proofs are a form of unnatural language in which the process and structure of proof generation can be observed in considerable detail. We have been studying how students respond to multimodal logic teaching, and performance measures have already indicated that students' pre-existing cognitive styles have a significant impact on teaching outcome. Furthermore, a large corpus of proofs has been gathered via automatic logging of proof development. This paper applies a series of techniques, including corpus statistical methods, to the proof logs. The results indicate that students' cognitive styles influence the structure of their logical discourse, via their differing methods of handling abstract information in diagrams, and transferring information between modalities. 相似文献
DANIEL E. COOKE 《Software》1996,26(11):1205-1246
SequenceL is a language intended for experimentation with declarative constructs for nonscalar processing. In SequenceL, a problem solver provides little in the way of iterative/recursive details in a problem solution. Instead, the problem solver describes the solution directly by specifying, via a metastructure, the data structures which will hold results useful for solving the problem. SequenceL is a small language (i.e. there is a small number of language constructs), and it is not domain dependent. This paper is meant to introduce the reader to SequenceL. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1985,(5):471-478
A compiler for a Pascal-based language Actus is described. The language is suitable for the expression of the type of parallelism offered by both array and vector processors. The implementation described is for the Cray-1 computer. An objective of the implementation has been to construct an optimizing compiler which can be readily adapted for a range of array and vector processors. As a result the machine-dependent sections of the compiler have been clearly identified. 相似文献
朝鲜语作为一种跨境语言,中、朝、韩三国在自然语言处理都进行了一定的研究.该文从自然语言处理研究的基础研究、资源建设以及应用性研究和系统开发等几个方面,分别简要综述了三国的研究情况,并针对中国朝鲜语自然语言处理研究和发展提出了一些建议. 相似文献
自然语言处理在信息检索中的应用综述 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在信息检索①发展的过程中,研究者们不断尝试着将自然语言处理应用到检索里,希望能够为检索效果提高带来帮助。然而这些尝试的结果大多和研究者们最初的设想相反,自然语言处理在大多数情况下没有改进信息检索效果,甚至反而起了负面作用。即便有一些帮助,也往往是微小的,远远不如自然语言处理所需要的计算消耗那么大。研究者们对这些现象进行了分析,认为: 自然语言处理更适合于应用在需要精确结果的任务中,例如问答系统、信息抽取等;自然语言处理需要针对信息检索进行优化才可能发挥积极作用。最新的一些进展(例如在语言模型中加入自然语言处理)在一定程度上印证了这一结论。 相似文献
New constructs and the essentials of Cobol are combined to Create Micro-Cobol: a new, simple language for small business systems. 相似文献
Recently, natural language processing applications have become very popular in the industry. Examples of such applications include “semantic” enterprise search engines, document categorizers, speech recognizers and – last but not least – conversational agents, also known as virtual assistants or “chatbots”. The latter in particular are very sought-after in the customer care domain, where the aim is to complement the live agent experience with an artificial intelligence able to help users fulfil a task. In this paper, we discuss the challenges and limitations of industrial chatbot applications, with a particular focus on the “human-in-the-loop” aspect, whereby a cooperation between human and machine takes place in mutual interest. Furthermore, we analyse how the same aspect intervenes in other industrial natural language processing applications. 相似文献
Machine Intelligence Research - In the era of deep learning, modeling for most natural language processing (NLP) tasks has converged into several mainstream paradigms. For example, we usually adopt... 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Languages and Computing》2001,12(4):375-412
We describe GATE, the General Architecture for Text Engineering, an integrated visual development environment to support the visual assembly, execution and analysis of modular natural language processing systems. The visual model is an executable data flow program graph, automatically synthesised from data dependency declarations of language processing modules. The graph is then directly executable: modules are run interactively in the graph, and results are accessible via generic text visualisation tools linked to the modules. These tools lighten the ‘cognitive load’ of viewing and comparing module results by relating data produced by modules back to the underlying text, by reducing the amount of search in examining results, and by displaying results in context. Overall, the GATE integrated visual development environment leads to rapid understanding of system behaviour and hence to rapid system refinement, therefore demonstrating the utility of visual programming and visualisation techniques for the development of natural language processing systems. 相似文献
Action Scripts是FLASH中一种面向对象的编程语言。运用Action编写一些程序,经过一系列语句的控制和位置及比例的调整,并结合FLASH的强大造型工具就可以用一根很细很小的线条,制作出文件量少,不同于传统手绘的比较适合网页上应用的波浪效果。 相似文献