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Functional dependencies (FDs) and inclusion dependencies (INDs) are the most fundamental integrity constraints that arise in practice in relational databases. We introduce null inclusion dependencies (NINDs) to cater for the situation when a database is incomplete and contains null values. We show that the implication problem for NINDs is the same as that for INDs. We then present a sound and complete axiom system for null functional dependencies (NFDs) and NINDs, and prove that the implication problem for NFDs and NINDs is decidable and EXPTIME-complete. By contrast, when no nulls are allowed, this implication problem is undecidable. This undecidability result has motivated several researchers to restrict their attention to FDs and noncircular INDs in which case the implication problem was shown to be EXPTIME- complete. Our results imply that when considering nulls in relational database design we need not assume that NINDs are noncircular.  相似文献   

In this paper we study queries over relational databases with integrity constraints (ICs). The main problem we analyze is OWA query answering, i.e., query answering over a database with ICs under open-world assumption. The kinds of ICs that we consider are inclusion dependencies and functional dependencies, in particular key dependencies; the query languages we consider are conjunctive queries and unions of conjunctive queries. We present results about the decidability of OWA query answering under ICs. In particular, we study OWA query answering both over finite databases and over unrestricted databases, and identify the cases in which such a problem is finitely controllable, i.e., when OWA query answering over finite databases coincides with OWA query answering over unrestricted databases. Moreover, we are able to easily turn the above results into new results about implication of ICs and query containment under ICs, due to the deep relationship between OWA query answering and these two classical problems in database theory. In particular, we close two long-standing open problems in query containment, since we prove finite controllability of containment of conjunctive queries both under arbitrary inclusion dependencies and under key and foreign key dependencies. The results of our investigation are very relevant in many research areas which have recently dealt with databases under an incomplete information assumption: e.g., data integration, data exchange, view-based information access, ontology-based information systems, and peer data management systems.  相似文献   

We propose an extension of conditional functional dependencies (CFDs), denoted by CFDcs, to express cardinality constraints, domain-specific conventions, and patterns of semantically related constants in a uniform constraint formalism. We show that despite the increased expressive power, the satisfiability and implication problems for CFDcs remain NP-complete and coNP-complete, respectively, the same as their counterparts for CFDs. We also identify tractable special cases.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2002,27(1):1-19
Inclusion dependencies together with functional dependencies form the most important data dependencies used in practice. Inclusion dependencies are important for various database applications such as database design and maintenance, semantic query optimization and efficient view maintenance of data warehouse. Existing approaches for discovering inclusion dependencies consist in producing the whole set of inclusion dependencies holding in a database, leaving the task of selecting the interesting ones to an expert user.In this paper, we take another look at the problem of discovering inclusion dependencies. We exploit the logical navigation, inherently available in relational databases through workloads of SQL statements, as a guess to automatically find out only interesting inclusion dependencies. This assumption leads us to devise a tractable algorithm for discovering interesting inclusion dependencies. Within this framework, approximate dependencies, i.e. inclusion dependencies which almost hold, are also considered.As an example, we present a novel application, namely self-tuning the logical database design, where the discovered inclusion dependencies can be used effectively.  相似文献   

We study an object-oriented data model that allows to express both uniqueness constraints and inclusion dependencies as semantic constraints. The data model is based on a subset of F-logic. Uniqueness constraints comprise path functional dependencies which generalise functional dependencies and reflect the navigational power of object-oriented query languages. As inclusion dependencies, we consider explicit class inclusion constraints, besides inclusions required by class hierarchies, and onto constraints that enforce reachability of objects. For these classes of semantic constraints we present an axiomatisation and prove its inference rules to be correct and complete with respect to general logical implication, leaving the decision problem open. The completeness proof combines the known construction for path functional dependencies alone with a possibly infinite model generation process to enforce onto constraints. The results prepare the grounds for normal forms in object-oriented data models and subsequently for computer aided object-oriented database design, following the decomposition approach for the relational data model. Beyond the application for schema design, the achievements could also be exploited for related tasks like semantic query optimisation and mediated data integration within a variety of graph based data models. Received: 11 October 2000 / 27 January 2003  相似文献   

With the growing use of XML as a format for the permanent storage of data, the study of functional dependencies in XML (XFDs) is of fundamental importance in a number of areas such as understanding how to effectively design XML databases without redundancy or update problems, and data integration. In this article we investigate a particular type of XFD, called a weakclosest nodeXFD, that has been shown to extend the classical notion of a functional dependency in relational databases. More specifically, we investigate the implication problem for weak ‘closest node’ XFDs in the context of XML documents with no missing information. The implication problem is the most important one in dependency theory, and is the problem of determining if a set of dependencies logically implies another dependency. Our first, and main, contribution is to provide an axiom system for XFD implication. We prove that our axiom system is both sound and complete, and we then use this result to develop a sound and complete quadratic time closure algorithm for XFD implication. Our second contribution is to investigate the implication problem for XFDs in the presence of a Document Type Definition (DTD). We show that for a class of DTDs called structured DTDs, the implication problem for a set of XFDs and a structured DTD can be converted to the implication problem for a set of XFDs alone, and so is axiomatizable and efficiently solvable by the first contribution. We do this by augmenting the original set of XFDs with additional XFDs generated from the structure of the DTD.  相似文献   

Preference queries are relational algebra or SQL queries that contain occurrences of the winnow operator (find the most preferred tuples in a given relation). Such queries are parameterized by specific preference relations. Semantic optimization techniques make use of integrity constraints holding in the database. In the context of semantic optimization of preference queries, we identify two fundamental properties: containment of preference relations relative to integrity constraints and satisfaction of order axioms relative to integrity constraints. We show numerous applications of those notions to preference query evaluation and optimization. As integrity constraints, we consider constraint-generating dependencies, a class generalizing functional dependencies. We demonstrate that the problems of containment and satisfaction of order axioms can be captured as specific instances of constraint-generating dependency entailment. This makes it possible to formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the applicability of our techniques as constraint validity problems. We characterize the computational complexity of such problems.  相似文献   

Data dependencies are well known in the context of relational database. They aim to specify constraints that the data must satisfy to model correctly the part of the world under consideration. The implication problem for dependencies is to decide whether a given dependency is logically implied by a given set of dependencies. A proof procedure for the implication problem, called “chase”, has already been studied in the generalized case of tuple-generating and equality-generating dependencies. The chase is a bottom-up procedure: from hypotheses to conclusion, and thus is not goal-directed. It also entails in the case of TGDs the dynamic creation of new constants, which can turn out to be a costly operation. This paper introduces a new proof procedure which is top-down: from conclusion to hypothesis, that is goal-directed. The originality of this procedure is that it does not act as classical theorem proving procedures, which require a special form of expressions, such as clausal form, obtained after Skolemization. We show, with our procedure, that this step is useless, and that the notion of piece allows infering directly on dependencies, thus saving the cost of Skolemizing the dependencies set and, morever, that the inference can be performed without dynamically creating new constants. Although top-down approaches are known to be less efficient in time than bottom-up ones, the notion of piece cuts down irrelevant goals usually generated, leading to a usable top-down method. With the more recent introduction of constrained and ordered dependencies, some interesting perspectives also arise. Received: 16 October 2000 / 11 May 2002  相似文献   

Inferring dependencies from relations: a conceptual clustering approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider two related types of data dependencies that can hold in a relation: conjunctive implication rules between attribute‐value pairs, and functional dependencies. We present a conceptual clustering approach that can be used, with some small modifications, for inferring a cover for both types of dependencies. The approach consists of two steps. First, a particular clustered representation of the relation, called concept (or Galois ) lattice , is built. Then, a cover is extracted from the lattice built in the earlier step. Our main emphasis is on the second step. We study the computational complexity of the proposed approach and present an experimental comparison with other methods that confirms its validity. The results of the experiments show that our algorithm for extracting implication rules from concept lattices clearly outperforms an earlier algorithm, and suggest that the overall lattice‐based approach to inferring functional dependencies from relations can be seen as an alternative to traditional methods.  相似文献   

Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the membership problem for functional dependencies (FDs) and multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of a dependency-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several interesting properties of dependency-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a): computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b): computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c): solving the membership problem for MVDs. We also show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the membership problem for both FDs and MVDs put together. We finally show that our algorithms are more efficient than existing ones, when used to solve what we term the ‘generalized membership problem’.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of retrieving consistent answers over databases that might be inconsistent with respect to a set of integrity constraints. In particular, we concentrate on sets of constraints that consist of key dependencies, and we give an algorithm that computes the consistent answers for a large and practical class of conjunctive queries. Given a query q, the algorithm returns a first-order query Q (called a query rewriting) such that for every (potentially inconsistent) database I, the consistent answers for q can be obtained by evaluating Q directly on I.  相似文献   

XML document may contain inconsistencies that violate predefined integrity constraints, which causes the data inconsistency problem. In this paper, we consider how to get the consistent data from an inconsistent XML document. There are two basic concepts for this problem: Repair is the data consistent with the integrity constraints, and also minimally differs from the original one. Consistent data is the data common for every possible repair. First we give a general constraint model for XML, which can express the commonly discussed integrity constraints, including functional dependencies, keys and multivalued dependencies. Next we provide a repair framework for inconsistent XML document with three basic update operations: node insertion, node deletion and node value modification. Following this approach, we introduce the concept of repair for inconsistent XML document, discuss the chase method to generate repairs, and prove some important properties of the chase. Finally we give a method to obtain the greatest lower bound of all possible repairs, which is sufficient for consistent data. We also implement prototypes of our method, and evaluate our framework and algorithms in the experiment.  相似文献   

We consider positive rules in which the conclusion may contain existentially quantified variables, which makes reasoning tasks (such as conjunctive query answering or entailment) undecidable. These rules, called ??-rules, have the same logical form as tuple-generating dependencies in databases and as conceptual graph rules. The aim of this paper is to provide a clearer picture of the frontier between decidability and non-decidability of reasoning with these rules. Previous known decidable classes were based on forward chaining. On the one hand we extend these classes, on the other hand we introduce decidable classes based on backward chaining. A side result is the definition of a backward mechanism that takes the complex structure of ??-rule conclusions into account. We classify all known decidable classes by inclusion. Then, we study the question of whether the union of two decidable classes remains decidable and show that the answer is negative, except for one class and a still open case. This highlights the interest of studying interactions between rules. We give a constructive definition of dependencies between rules and widen the landscape of decidable classes with conditions on rule dependencies and a mixed forward/backward chaining mechanism. Finally, we integrate rules with equality and negative constraints to our framework.  相似文献   

Object identification is a crucial step in most information systems. Nowadays, we have many different ways to identify entities such as surrogates, keys, and object identifiers. However, not all of them guarantee the entity identity. Many works have been introduced in the literature for discovering meaningful identifiers (i.e., guaranteeing the entity identity according to the semantics of the universe of discourse), but all of them work at the logical or data level and they share some constraints inherent to the kind of approach. Addressing it at the logical level, we may miss some important data dependencies, while the cost to identify data dependencies purely at the data level may not be affordable. In this paper, we propose an approach for discovering meaningful identifiers driven by domain ontologies. In our approach, we guide the process at the conceptual level and we introduce a set of pruning rules for improving the performance by reducing the number of identifier hypotheses generated and to be verified with data. Finally, we also introduce a simulation over a case study to show the feasibility of our method.  相似文献   

The use of sets in declarative programming has been advocated by several authors in the literature. A representation often chosen for finite sets is that of scons, parallel to the list constructor cons. The logical theory for such constructors is usually tacitly assumed to be some formal system of classical set theory. However, classical set theory is formulated for a general setting, dealing with both finite and infinite sets, and not making any assumptions about particular set constructors. In giving logical-consequence semantics for programs with finite sets, it is important to know exactly what connection exists between sets and set constructors. The main contribution of this paper lies in establishing these connections rigorously. We give a formal system, called SetAx, designed around the scons constructor. We distinguish between two kinds of set constructors, scons(x, y) and dscons(x, y), where both represent {x} ∪ y, but x ϵ y is possible in the former, while xy holds in the latter. Both constructors find natural uses in specifying sets in logic programs. The design of SetAx is guided by our choice of scons as a primitive symbol of our theory rather than as a defined one, and by the need to deduce non-membership relations between terms, to enable the use of dscons. After giving the axioms SetAx, we justify it as a suitable theory for finite sets in logic programming by (i) showing that the set constructors indeed behave like finite sets; (ii) providing a framework for establishing the correctness of set unification; and (iii) defining a Herbrand structure and providing a basis for discussing logical consequence semantics for logic programs with finite sets. Together, these results provide a rigorous foundation for the set constructors in the context of logical semantics.  相似文献   

We introduce in this paper a class of constraints for describing how an XML document can evolve, namely XML update constraints. For these constraints, we study the implication problem, giving algorithms and complexity results for constraints of varying expressive power. Besides classical constraint implication, we also consider an instance-based approach in which we take into account data. More precisely, we study implication with respect to a current tree instance, resulting from a series of unknown updates. The main motivation of our work is reasoning about data integrity under update restrictions in contexts where owners may lose control over their data, such as in publishing or exchange.  相似文献   

An Armstrong database is a database that obeys precisely a given set of sentences (and their logical consequences) and no other sentences of a given type. It is shown that if the sentences of interest are inclusion dependencies and standard functional dependencies (functional dependencies for which the left-hand side is nonempty), then there is always an Armstrong database for each set of sentences. (An example of an inclusion dependency is the sentence that says that every MANAGER is an EMPLOYEE.) If, however, the sentences of interest are inclusion dependencies and unrestricted functional dependencies, then there need not exist an Armstrong database. This result holds even if we allow only ‘full’ inclusion dependencies. Thus, a fairly sharp line is drawn, in a case of interest, as to when an Armstrong database must exist. These results hold whether we restrict our attention to finite databases (databases with a finite number of tuples), or whether we allow unrestricted databases.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a specialized version of our pivot and probe algorithm to solve generalized transportation problems with side constraints. The dual of an m × n generalized transportation problem with t side constrainst is a linear program with m + n + t variables and up to m × n constraints. We solve the dual problem using the probe operation to select only the most important constraints to consider. We present computational experience on problems of sizes up to 180 × 180, having various degrees of density and having as many as 10 side constraints. It was found that for a given size and density, problems become harder to solve as the number of side constraints increases. Also, for a fixed number of side constraints, the solution difficulty increases with size and density. We found that our method was able to solve problems of the quoted sizes relatively quickly, with relatively few pivots and without using basis reinversion.  相似文献   

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