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A theoretical analysis is presented for the radiation characteristics of a dielectric slab waveguide periodically loaded with thick metal strips. A boundary-integral-equation formulation is employed to describe the fieIds in the grating layer. Through numerical calculations, we show that the leakage constant of the fundamental TM mode is much larger than that of the fundamental TE mode. This property will find application in mode filters for millimeter- and submillimeter-wave integrated circuits.  相似文献   

A novel leaky wave antenna with double radiation beam composed of left-handed slab loaded hybrid waveguide using planar technology is proposed in this paper and its leaky characteristics are investigated with a method that the multimode network theory is combined with mode-matching method. The study of dispersion curves reveals that the proposed antenna structure supports two leaky modes corresponding to the forward and the backward radiations respectively. It demonstrates that the proposed antenna is of desirable property that can radiate both forward and backward directions simultaneously with quite simple and flexible configuration. Extensive numerical results of leaky characteristics with different structural parameters of the antenna are given to provide useful guidelines for the design of the new antenna.  相似文献   

The waveguiding characteristics of electromagnetic TE waves in a ferrite slab periodically loaded with metal strips are investigated. Theoretical formulation by means of the spectral domain approach is employed to obtain the Brillouin diagrams of two types of volume modes and a surface mode. It is found that the nonreciprocal properties of waves depend on the metal strip profile and bias magnetic field strength. Experiments on the magnetic-field dependence of the Bragg frequency and the stop bandwidth are carried out in the millimeter-wave frequencies. Typical results obtained from a polycrystalline YIG slab with periodic gold strips deposited on one surface are stop bandwidth about 2.14 GHz, with return loss about 2 dB at the Bragg frequency of 47.5 GHz, for the bias magnetic-field strength of 5.7 kG. The Bragg frequency can be tuned over the range of 1.39 GHz by varying the bias magnetic field from 0 to 8.2 kG. Experimental results show good agreement with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Propagation and radiation characteristics of 1-D dielectric-resonator-based composite right/left-handed metamaterial structures with open mesh plates are investigated as a function of configuration parameters. The complex effective permittivity and permeability are estimated from the scattering parameters of the unit-cell structure. Based on this configuration, the single-mode transmission line is designed and the backfire-to-endfire frequency-scanned leaky wave antenna is implemented. It is found from numerical simulations that the 30-cell leaky wave antenna has a gain of 10 dBi with a scanning angle of over 90deg covering backfire-to-endfire directions. The measurement results show as wide beam-steering angles as numerically predicted.  相似文献   

将Minkowski分形理论应用于文献中提出的复合左右手传输线结构,使其带宽从2.78~3.30 GHz展宽到2.02~4.53 GHz.对新结构色散特性进行分析,给出色散曲线,确认其为平衡结构,并在此基础上设计了一款微带漏波天线.由于复合左右手单元结构具有左手和右手特性,漏波天线可以分别实现后向辐射和前向辐射,在平衡状态下,消除了平衡点附近的阻带效应,平衡点处的群速不为0,有行波传播,天线可产生横向辐射.仿真和测试结果表明,该文所设计的漏波天线工作频段为2.35~3.20 GHz,相对带宽为30.6%,且能实现从后向到前向连续辐射,克服了传统漏波天线后向辐射角和前向辐射角不连续的缺点.  相似文献   

石鑫 《现代导航》2022,13(5):379-382
提出了一种基于复合左右手材料的平衡式圆柱共形漏波天线。天线单元由圆柱共形介质波导构成,通过在波导上表面蚀刻矩形缝隙槽结构,在引入串联电容的同时实现电磁波能量的连续泄漏,从而得到所需要的辐射特性。同时在波导结构中采用金属化通孔,引入并联电感, 实现了电磁波的左手传输特性。所设计的天线在平衡频点 15.6 GHz 处具有良好的边射特性。所提出的复合左右手漏波天线的阻抗带宽为 4.3 GHz(13.5~17.8 GHz),在天线阻抗带宽范围内天线主波束可以从-57°连续扫描到+30°。  相似文献   

一种小尺寸高效率加载小环天线的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对电抗元件加载的小环天线的工作原理、设计参数及其对电性能的影响进行了研究。电容加载感性小环可以极大地缩小天线尺寸及改善与馈电网络的匹配;镂空介质板、增加辐射次环和反射器是提高天线辐射性能的有效措施。通过综合运用以上措施和最优化设计,实现了一种尺寸较小且辐射效率较高的新型天线形式,并使用3D电磁仿真软件HFSS验证了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

提出了利用区域分解结合频域有限差分法,分析基于NRD波导结构的漏波天线。用区域分解法将原问题分解为若干子问题,大大缩小稀疏矩阵的规模,从而使得求解大尺寸问题成为可能。文中首先介绍了区域分解法在分析三维电磁问题中的实现,并计算了典型结构金属块的散射问题,用于验证算法的正确性;最后分析了一种基于NRD波导结构的漏波天线,并与实验值进行了比较,说明了方法的有效性。同时还给出了一种能够有效改善该天线性能的改进型漏波天线结构的分析结果。  相似文献   

介绍和分析了左手介质的构造原理和方法,通过对加载左手介质材料的贴片天线的研究,来说明左手介质天线的一些优异特性。仿真和实测结果表明,通过加载左手介质材料,普通贴片天线会产生新的特性,如工作频率的降低、天线增益的提高、方向性的增强等。而且,天线的物理尺寸能得到很大的减小,这就为高增益、高带宽的小型化贴片天线设计提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

A novel numerical technique based on the variational formulation defined only in the slab is developed to study the loaded rectangular waveguide with an inhomogeneous dielectric slab. The variational equation for the boundary value problem is formulated and solved numerically, using the finite element method with piecewise quadratic trial functions. A comparison of this new technique with the conventional variational ones is presented. Various propagation characteristics, such as the phase constant, useful bandwidth, power handling capacity, and attenuation constants due to conductor and dielectric losses, are investigated for the waveguide centrally loaded with a slab of parabolic dielectric profile. The effects of changes in dielectric profiles are discussed by examining the results for the slabs with constant and parabolic profiles.  相似文献   

霍兴瀛  李铮 《微波学报》2021,37(1):32-36
设计了一种基于长直缝隙漏泄矩形波导的低副瓣漏波天线.基于有效辐射段理论将漏波天线等效成线源模型,分析线源模型的有效辐射段结构,然后针对天线某一副瓣对应的有效辐射段,缩小该处的缝隙宽度直接抑制该副瓣水平,同时通过增大天线主瓣对应的有效辐射段缝隙宽度间接抑制副瓣水平.两种方法都能不同程度实现天线的低副瓣特性,利用仿真软件验...  相似文献   

提出了一种基于折合式平面反射阵天线的毫米波高增益滤波天线设计方法,将极化敏感的频率选择表面替代传统的极化栅,用作折合式平面反射阵天线的副反射面.基于基片集成波导技术设计了极化敏感的频率选择表面,该频率选择表面对于线性极化入射波情况下具有较低的插入损耗,同时可几乎全反射对应正交极化的入射波.得益于频率选择表面的频率选择特...  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Abstract—The article considers problems of synthesizing and analyzing a leaky wave antenna in the form of an irregular hollow...  相似文献   

This paper presents a kind of Cherenkov radiation source based on metallic photonic crystal (MPC) slow-wave structure (SWS) cavity. The Cherenkov source designed by linear theory works at 34.7 GHz when the cathode voltage is 550 kV. The three-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of the SWS shows the operating frequency of 35.56 GHz with a single TM01 mode is basically consistent with the theoretically one under the same parameters. An experiment was implemented to testify the results of theory and PIC simulation. The experimental system includes a cathode emitting unit, the SWS, a magnetic system, an output antenna, and detectors. Experimental results show that the operating frequency through detecting the retarded time of wave propagation in waveguides is around 35.5 GHz with a single TM01 mode and an output power reaching 54 MW. It indicates that the MPC structure can reduce mode competition. The purpose of the paper is to show in theory and in preliminary experiment that a SWS with PBG can produce microwaves in TM01 mode. But it still provides a good experimental and theoretical foundation for designing high-power microwave devices.  相似文献   

一种用于金属表面的RFID天线设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷旭  尹应增  王俊 《电子科技》2013,26(11):62-64,68
提出了一种用于金属物体表面的RFID天线。该天线包含一个耦合地板和翼型辐射贴片。天线尺寸为84 mm×25 mm×4.5 mm,当圆极化阅读器天线增益为7.5 dBi,辐射功率为30 dBm时,在902~928 MHz范围内阅读距离可达10 m。标签天线在金属物体表面的实测结果显示,该标签具有较好的远距离识别性能。  相似文献   

将通常用于超宽带领域的IRA天线应用到辐射波电磁脉冲模拟器中,提出一种基于反射器脉冲辐射天线的核电磁脉冲辐射波模拟器,分析其天线结构,给出四种馈臂形式,通过仿真比较了四种馈臂形式天线的辐射效率、远场和近场波形以及频率增益特性。结果表明:该天线的低频辐射效率有待进一步提高;具有锥形渐缩形式馈臂的天线能产生较好的远场和近场波形。IRA天线相较笼形天线具有体积小、方向性好等优点,如果能进一步提高其低频辐射性能,IRA天线将成为理想的辐射波模拟器天线。  相似文献   

系统地研究了时域多分辨(MRTD)算法,并利用该算法计算天线的电磁辐射,验证与其他算法比较下所具有的优越性,推导出采用具有紧支撑特性的Daubechies小波作为展开基的MRTD算法的计算公式,分析其色散特性和吸收边界条件,通过模型分析圆柱形单极天线的电磁辐射,仿真出该天线的一系列电参数值,经过优化可以得出比较理想的结果。结果表明MRTD具有良好的色散特性和精度,同时还具有计算速度快、存储空间少和内存使用量小等优点,有效地弥补了其他计算机电磁算法的不足。  相似文献   

一种基于同轴波导的异向传输线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文提出了一种基于同轴波导的新型异向传输线,与现有基于微带电路的异向传输线相比,这种结构有更高的工作频率、损耗较低和更大的功率容量;与基于同轴波导和矩形波导的异向传输线相比,其结构更简单容易实现。等效电路与有限元仿真的结果均表明这种结构在特定的频段表现出明显的异向特性。  相似文献   

机载天线的雷电防护不可忽略,同时天线罩的透波问题也至关重要。文章设计基于片段式导流条的机载天线雷电防护方案,验证防雷方案的有效性,仿真计算片段式导流条对机载天线罩的透波影响。结果表明:基于片段式导流条的雷电防护方案有效可行,不但可以较好的对雷电进行防护,而且对天线罩的透波影响几乎可以忽略。  相似文献   

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