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Using computer programs some foreign firms have developed new deformable and castable high-temperature nickel-base alloys such as IN, Rene, Mar-M, Udimet, TRW, TM, TMS, TUT, with equiaxial, columnar, and single-crystal structures for manufacturing functional and nozzle blades and other parts of the hot duct of transport and stationary gas-turbine installations (GTI). Similar investigations have been carried out in Russia. This paper presents examples of the use of the PSCPCSP computer software for a quantitative analysis of structural und phase characteristics and properties of industrial alloys with change (within the grade range) in the concentrations of the alloying elements for optimizing the composition of the alloys and regimes of their heat treatment.Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya 0brabotka Metallov, No. 11, pp. 28–34. November, 1991  相似文献   

张兆舟 《轧钢》2000,17(1):43-44
指出国外一些工业发达国家为抢占高附加值镀锌板市场,正大力兴建镀锌板生产线,世界镀锌板产量将以平均每年3%的速度增加(北美、欧洲每年增加8%),并以规模大、技术新为特征。同时介绍了我国已建和在建的镀锌生产线概况,指出了生产线建设中存在的问题。  相似文献   

根据市场客户需求,对开门冰箱门壳生产的手工送料将逐步由六轴工业机器人取代。应用三菱Q00UJCPU控制器、远程IO、安川六轴工业机器人进行了单机联线柔性机器人生产线的开发。分析了整条机器人联线的系统组成及对控制系统的要求,确定了控制系统的结构方案,并实现了对整条自动化线的稳定控制。  相似文献   

瞿祖贵 《轧钢》2001,18(4):29-31
介绍了攀枝花钢铁公司热镀锌机组概况,试车期间生产技术难点及攻关情况,以及新产品,如极薄规格镀锌板,超深冲DDQ级板,小锌花和光整毛化板的开发。  相似文献   

彩涂板技术发展及我国生产概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋加 《轧钢》2002,19(1):28-30
简要介绍了彩涂板的生产工艺、性能特点、应用范围 ,以及彩涂板生产技术的发展趋势 ;同时介绍了我国彩涂板的生产概况、发展特点及今后应注意的问题。  相似文献   

焊接材料工艺质量的分析评价及分析与评价系统软件开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对汉诺威焊接质量分析仪在焊接材料领域作进一步的应用开发,由汉诺威焊接质量分析仪提取反映焊接材料工艺性的相关数据信息,提出以短路电压概率和、短路频率和、过渡周期变异系数等作为评价焊接材料工艺性的判据,用短路电压及短路电流概率和的变异系数作为焊接材料稳定性评价的判据,建立了钛钙型、低氢型、纤维素型结构钢焊条、不锈钢焊条、实心焊丝、药芯焊丝工艺性和焊接材料稳定性评价体系,并开发了"焊接材料工艺质量分析与评价系统"软件,使得焊接材料工艺性分析评价的操作变得方便、快捷,为焊接材料工艺性评价提供实用工具。  相似文献   

刘伟 《轻金属》2005,(3):14-17
本文用电镜和激光粒度仪等手段,初步分析了矿化剂对α-氧化铝原晶大小和形貌的影响。指出α-氧化铝原粉是许多α-氧化铝原晶的聚合体,微粉制备的作用只是打散这种聚合体而不能破坏α-氧化铝原晶,因此α-氧化铝原晶的大小制约了其微粉加工的细度。深入研究矿化剂对α-氧化铝原晶形貌的影响,采用不同矿化剂控制α-氧化铝原晶的大小和形貌,是研究开发适应不同行业需要的高附加值α-氧化铝新产品的关键。  相似文献   

在药物治疗学领域, 复方新药的组方筛选和优化、 临床联合用药方案的设计与评价, 以及中药方剂配伍规律的定量研究, 均需要药物相互作用的动力学分析。 本文结合其专用软件 CoDrug, 简介了多药物联合应用时优选最佳组份、 剂量和比例的权重配方法; 分析药物相互作用动态规律的参数法和映射法, 以及多指标综合分析法; 列出了系统研究药物相互作用动力学的完整方案。  相似文献   

Sn-Zn系无铅焊料具有熔点低、电导率高、力学性能好等优点,但焊锡易氧化、润湿性差,波峰焊容易产生拉尖、桥连、填充不足等焊接缺陷,制约了Sn-Zn系无铅焊料的产业化应用。对波峰焊机加装氮气保护装置,通过控制氮气流量调控焊接过程中焊锡表面的氧含量,探究氧含量对接头的焊接效果与微观组织的影响,并进行Sn-Zn/Cu焊接接头高温老化机理研究。结果表明,氧含量与金属间化合物(IMC)γ-Cu_5Zn_8的生长速度呈正相关关系;在氧含量小于2%条件下,研制的SnZn系无铅焊料在波峰焊过程中基本不存在焊接缺陷;高温老化过程中,当靠近IMC处焊料中Zn含量为1%左右时,接头开始出现柯肯达尔孔洞。在氧含量1. 2%、焊接温度225℃、传输速度1 600 mm/min的工艺条件下进行了生产线试验,并通过了行业内可靠性验证。  相似文献   

Assuring functional safety and IT security is rapidly becoming an essential key challenge to the design of any connected smart product and industrial manufacturing system. This paper proposes an architectural approach to the integrated consideration of functional safety and IT security requirements in the design process of smart products and the (Industrial) Internet of Things (IIoT). Based on axiomatic design and signal flow analysis, it shows that such requirements have related impacts on system architectural design choices rendering integrated design necessary to meet the desired risk reduction levels effectively and efficiently. A case study in the automotive domain is presented in order to illustrate and validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

白虹 《轻金属》2002,(12):49-52
介绍贵州铝厂采用隔油—混凝沉降及高效气浮—过滤工艺处理铝电解及炭素阴、阳极生产废水。工程分步实施 ,即从废水达标排放到处理回收利用 ,达到减少环境污染 ,节约水资源的目的 ,成功实现废水资源化利用。  相似文献   

A refined version of the edge-to-edge matching model is described here. In the original model, the matching directions were obtained from the planes with all the atomic centers that were exactly in the plane, or the distance from the atomic center to the plane which was less than the atomic radius. The direction-matching pairs were the match of straight rows–straight rows and zigzag rows–zigzag rows. In the refined model, the matching directions were obtained from the planes with all the atomic centers that were exactly in the plane. The direction-matching pairs could be the match between any two matching directions. Four eighths of the predicted orientation relationships (ORs) were consistent with the experimental OR in the Mg17Al12/α-Mg system using the original model, but four sixths of the predicted ORs were consistent with the experimental ORs using the refined model. The refined model also successfully interpreted the grain refining mechanism of α-Y in the magnesium alloys.  相似文献   

金秋时节的“花城”广州生机盎然.11月8日,第十四届再生金属国际论坛暨展览会在广州东方宾馆盛大开幕.本届论坛以“凝聚信心、转型升级、创新发展”为主题,来自相关行业协会的领导;来自国际回收局的顾问;来自世界四十多个国家和地区的企业家代表、专家学者,以及贸易和技术服务商等近千余人云集于此,在加强全球再生有色金属产业界的紧密联系,深化务实合作,共同推动产业创新和技术进步,针对全球经济持续下行,中国经济进入新常态下,如何破解当前面临的危机和挑战、如何加强全球再生有色金属产业界的深度合作等话题展开深入交流,《资源再生》杂志社作为论坛的战略合作媒体也应邀出席了此次盛会.  相似文献   

针对兰州分公司厂区原材料和成品周转现状,阐述降低生产区物资周转费用方法及途径。  相似文献   

黄芩素的研发进展及其临床药理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由新型冠状病毒(SARS-Cov-2)所致的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情严峻,目前尚缺乏特效抗病毒药物。中医药在新冠肺炎治疗中起到举足轻重的作用,黄芩是国家卫生健康委员会新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案推荐的清肺排毒汤以及武汉协和2号方和3号方的重要组成部分。黄芩素是黄芩的主要药效物质基础,具有抗病毒、抗菌、抗过敏、免疫调节等多种药理作用,具有广阔的开发前景。本文就黄芩素的临床前和临床研究、潜在的药物相互作用等方面的进展进行了系统综述,为黄芩素的进一步开发和临床应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》1999,47(15-16):4171-4185
Grain boundaries can be effectively controlled to produce or enhance their beneficial effects and also to diminish or reduce their detrimental effects on bulk properties in polycrystalline materials. Particular attention has been paid to the control of intergranular brittleness which remains a serious problem of material processing and development. Recent studies are presented and discussed, which have been successfully performed to control intergranular brittleness of “intrinsically brittle” materials such as the refractory metal molybdenum and the ordered intermetallic alloy Ni3Al and to produce superplasticity in an Al–Li alloy, by grain boundary engineering through controlling a new microstructural factor termed the grain boundary character distribution (GBCD). The optimization of GBCD and the grain boundary connectivity has been found to be a key to produce desirable bulk mechanical properties in both structural and functional polycrystalline materials.  相似文献   

Analyses of mica-bearing, crushed granitoid rocks revealed a significant enrichment of free mica in the fine fraction. Qualitative tests of bituminous mixtures with an increasing content of free mica in the fine fraction suggested a considerable deterioration of the mechanical properties of the asphalt mass. The negative influence of fine mica on the mechanical properties of the asphalt mixtures was most likely caused by the ability of mica to adsorb bitumen and to create zones of weakness. This phenomenon seemed to be linked to a preferred orientation (foliation) of the mica particles that was connected to the compaction of asphalt masses during the construction of the surface course. The threshold content at which the fine mica negatively influenced the quality of the bituminous mixtures was estimated to be 30–35 vol.%.  相似文献   

新型连续混捏机及其在炭素生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了阳极糊生产中采用的新型连续混捏机的构造、工作机理及工作特点,并且对今后混捏机的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

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