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Carnivorous arthropods use volatile infochemicals emitted from prey-infested plants in their foraging behavior. Although several volatile components are common among plant species, the compositions differ among prey–plant complexes. Studies showed that the predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi is attracted only to previously experienced plant volatiles. In this study, we identified the attractant components in prey-induced plant volatiles of two prey–plant complexes. N. womersleyi reared on Tetranychus kanzawai-infested tea leaves showed significant preference for a mixture of three synthetic compounds [mimics of the T. kanzawai-induced tea leaves volatiles: (E)-β-ocimene, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT), and (E,E)-α-farnesene] at a level comparable to that for T. kanzawai-induced tea plant volatiles. However, mixtures lacking any of these compounds did not attract the predatory mites. Likewise, N. womersleyi reared on T. urticae-infested kidney bean plants showed a significant preference for a mixture of four synthetic compounds [mimics of the T. urticae-induced kidney bean volatiles: DMNT, methyl salicylate (MeSA), β-caryophyllene, and (E,E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene] at a level comparable to that for T. urticae-induced kidney bean volatiles. The absence of any of the four compounds resulted in no attraction. These results indicate that N. womersleyi can use at least four volatile components to identify prey-infested plants.  相似文献   

Securidaca longepedunculata Fers (Polygalaceae) is commonly used as a traditional medicine in many parts of Africa as well as against a number of invertebrate pests, including insects infesting stored grain. The present study showed that S. longepedunculata root powder, its methanol extract, and the main volatile component, methyl salicylate, exhibit repellent and toxic properties to Sitophilus zeamais adults. Adult S. zeamais that were given a choice between untreated maize and maize treated with root powder, extract, or synthetic methyl salicylate in a four-way choice olfactometer significantly preferred the control maize. Methyl salicylate vapor also had a dose-dependant fumigant effect against S. zeamais, Rhyzopertha dominica, and Prostephanus truncates, with a LD100 achieved with a 60 l dose in a 1-l container against all three insect species after 24 hr of exposure. Probit analyses estimated LD50 values between 34 and 36 l (95% CI) for all insect species. Furthermore, prolonged exposure for 6 days showed that lower amounts (30 l) of methyl salicylate vapor were able to induce 100% adult mortality of the three insect species. The implications are discussed in the context of improving stored product pest control by small-scale subsistence farmers in Africa.  相似文献   

Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of whole body extracts of Platynothrus peltifer, a desmonomatan oribatid mite that belongs to the family Camisiidae, exhibited a basic profile of seven compounds, comprising the monoterpenes neral, geranial, and nerylformate; the aromatics 3-hydroxybenzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde (= -acaridial) and 2-formyl3-hydroxybenzyl formate (= rhizoglyphinyl formate), and two unsaturated C17-hydrocarbons, 6,9-heptadecadiene and 8-heptadecene. Neryl formate, -acaridial, and rhizoglyphinyl formate were the main components and amounted to 80% of the extracts. With the exception of -acaridial (relative abundance varied considerably among samples), this chemical profile was consistently present in extracts of P. peltifer from nine different localities in SE-Austria. In addition, two further components, 2,3-dihydroxy benzaldehyde and 7-hydroxyphthalide, both probably of non-oil gland origin, infrequently were detected in the extracts. The aromatic compound rhizoglyphinyl formate, also known from Astigmata, was found for the first time in extracts of Oribatida, whereas all other compounds have already been reported from other oribatid species. The hydrocarbons are generally considered to represent plesiomorphic characters of mite oil gland secretions, whereas the monoterpenes and -acaridial form a part of the so-called astigmatid compounds that are thought to be characteristic for middle-derivative Mixonomata and all more highly derived oribatid groups (including Astigmata).  相似文献   

Ageratum conyzoides L. weed often invades cultivated fields and reduces crop productivity in Southeast Asia and South China. However, intercropping this weed in citrus orchards may increase the population of predatory mite Amblyseius newsami, an effective natural enemy of citrus red mite Panonychus citri, and keep the population of P. citri at low and noninjurious levels. This study showed that A. conyzoides produced and released volatile allelochemicals into the air in the intercropped citrus orchard, and these volatiles influenced the olfactory responses of A. newsami and P. citri. At test temperature (25°C), A. conyzoides fresh leaves, its essential oil, and major constituents, demethoxy-ageratochromene, β-caryophyllene, α-bisabolene, and E-β-farnesene, attracted A. newsami and slightly repelled P. citri. Field experiments demonstrated that spraying A. conyzoides essential oil emulsion in an A. conyzoides nonintercropped citrus orchard increased the population density of A. newsami from below 0.1 to over 0.3 individuals per leaf, reaching the same level as in an A. conyzoides intercropped citrus orchard. However, this effect could not be maintained beyond 48 hr because of the volatility of the essential oil. In contrast, in the A. conyzoides intercropped citrus orchard, A. conyzoides plants continuously produced and released volatile allelochemicals and maintained the A. newsami population for a long time. The results suggest that intercropping of A. conyzoides not only made the citrus orchard ecosystem more favorable for the predatory mite A. newsami, but also that the volatile allelochemicals released from A. conyzoides regulated the population of A. newsami and P. citri.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. and artemisinin were evaluated as anti-insect products. In a feeding deterrence assay on Epilachna paenulata Germ (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larvae, complete feeding rejection was observed at an extract concentration of 1.5 mg/cm2 on pumpkin leaf tissue. The same concentration produced a feeding inhibition of 87% in Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In a no-choice assay, both species ate less and gained less weight when fed on leaves treated with the extract. Complete mortality in E. paenulata and 50% mortality in S. eridania were observed with extract at 1.5 mg/cm2. Artemisinin exhibited a moderate antifeedant effect on E. paenulata and S. eridania at 0.03–0.375 mg/cm2. However, a strong effect on survival and body weight was observed when E. paenulata larvae were forced to feed on leaves treated at 0.03 and 0.075 mg/cm2. Artemisia annua ethanolic extract of aerial parts at 1.5 mg/cm2 showed no phytotoxic effect on pumpkin seedlings.  相似文献   

Jasmonate signaling pathway plays an important role in induced plant defense against herbivores and pathogens, including the emission of volatiles that serve as attractants for natural enemies of herbivores. We studied the volatiles emitted from rice plants that were wounded and treated with jasmonic acid (JA) and their effects on the host-searching behavior of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), and its mymarid egg parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae Pang et Wang. Female adults of N. lugens significantly preferred to settle on JA-treated rice plants immediately after release. The parasitoid A. nilaparvatae showed a similar preference and was more attracted to the volatiles emitted from JA-treated rice plants than to volatiles from control plants. This was also evident from greenhouse and field experiments in which parasitism of N. lugens eggs by A. nilaparvatae on plants that were surrounded by JA-treated plants was more than twofold higher than on control plants. Analyses of volatiles collected from rice plants showed that JA treatment dramatically increased the release of volatiles, which included aliphatic aldehydes and alcohols, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, methyl salicylate, n-heptadecane, and several as yet unidentified compounds. These results confirm an involvement of the JA pathway in induced defense in rice plants and demonstrate that the egg parasitoid A. nilaparvatae exploits plant-provided cues to locate hosts. We explain the use of induced plant volatiles by the egg parasitoid by a reliable association between planthopper feeding damage and egg presence.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence shows that plants release volatile chemicals upon attack by herbivores. These volatiles influence the performance of natural enemies. Nearly all the evidence on the effect of plant volatiles on natural enemies of herbivores concerns predators, parasitoids, and entomophagous nematodes. However, other entomopathogens, such as fungi, have not been studied yet for the way they exploit the chemical information that the plant conveys on the presence of herbivores. We tested the hypothesis that volatiles emanating from cassava plants infested by green mites (Mononychellus tanajoa) trigger sporulation in three isolates of the acaropathogenic fungus Neozygites tanajoae. Tests were conducted under climatic conditions optimal to fungal conidiation, such that the influence of the plant volatiles could only alter the quantity of conidia produced. For two isolates (Altal.brz and Colal.brz), it was found that, compared with clean air, the presence of volatiles from clean, excised leaf discs suppressed conidia production. This suppressive effect disappeared in the presence of herbivore-damaged leaves for the isolate Colal.brz. For the third isolate, no significant effects were observed. Another experiment differing mainly in the amount of volatiles showed that two isolates produced more conidia when exposed to herbivore-damaged leaves compared with clean air. Taken together, the results show that volatiles from clean plants suppress conidiation, whereas herbivore-induced plant volatiles promote conidiation of N. tanajoae. These opposing effects suggest that the entomopathogenic fungus tunes the release of spores to herbivore-induced plant signals indicating the presence of hosts.  相似文献   

Anagrus nilaparvatae, an egg parasitoid of the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, was attracted to volatiles released from N. lugens-infested plants, whereas there was no attraction to volatiles from undamaged plants, artificially damaged plants, or volatiles from N. lugens nymphs, female adults, eggs, honeydew, and exuvia. There was no difference in attractiveness between plants infested by N. lugens nymphs or those infested by gravid females. Attraction was correlated with time after infestation and host density; attraction was only evident between 6 and 24 hr after infestation by 10 adult females per plant, but not before or after. Similarly, after 24 hr of infestation, wasps were attracted to plants with 10 to 20 female planthoppers, but not to plants with lower or higher numbers of female planthoppers. The attractive time periods and densities may be correlated with the survival chances of the wasps' offspring, which do not survive if the plants die before the wasps emerge. Wasps were also attracted to undamaged mature leaves of a rice plant when one of the other mature leaves had been infested by 10 N. lugens for 1 d, implying that the volatile cues involved in host location by the parasitoid are systemically released. Collection and analyses of volatiles revealed that 1 d of N. lugens infestation did not result in the emission of new compounds or an increase in the total amount of volatiles, but rather the proportions among the compounds in the blend were altered. The total amounts and proportions of the chemicals were also affected by infestation duration. These changes in volatile profiles might provide the wasps with specific information on host habitat quality and thus could explain the observed behavioral responses of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

The seeds of two Apiaceae species, Ligusticum hultenii and Lomatium californicum, were investigated. Preliminary bioassays indicated that methylene chloride extracts of seeds of both species contained selective phytotoxic activity against monocots and antifungal activity against Colletotrichum fragariae. Active constituents were isolated by bioassay-guided fractionation, and the structures were elucidated by NMR and GC-MS as apiol and Z-ligustilide, isolated from L. hultenii and L. californicum, respectively. Apiol and Z-ligustilide had I50 values of about 80 and 600 μM, respectively, for inhibition of the growth of Lemna paucicostata. The methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) extracts of the seeds and the isolated and purified compounds were tested against the 2-methylisoborneol-producing cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Oscillatoria perornata, and the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum. The CH2Cl2 extracts of both Apiaceae species and apiol were weakly toxic to both species of phytoplankton, while Z-ligustilide was toxic to both with a lowest complete inhibitory concentration (LCIC) of 53 μM. Seeds of L. californicum and L. hultenii were found to be rich sources of Z-ligustilide (97 mg/g of dry seed) and apiol (40 mg/g of dry seed), respectively.  相似文献   

Our objective was to identify the sex pheromone of Lymantria bantaizana (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) whose larvae feed exclusively on walnut, Juglans spp., in China, and Japan. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses of pheromone gland extracts revealed a single EAD-active component. Retention index calculations of this compound on four GC columns suggested that it was a methyl-branched octadecadiene with conjugated double bonds. In GC-EAD analyses of 2-methyloctadecenes, (Z)-2-methyl-7-octadecene and (E)-2-methyl-7-octadecene elicited the strongest antennal responses, suggesting that the double bond positions were at C7 and C9. In comparative GC-EAD analyses of pheromone gland extract and stereoselectively synthesized isomers (E,E; E,Z; Z,E; Z,Z) of 2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene, the (E,Z)- and (Z,E)-isomer had retention times identical to that of the candidate pheromone, but only the latter isomer elicited strong EAD activity. Results of field experiments in Japan substantiated that (7Z,9E)-2-methyl-7,9-octadecadiene is the L. bantaizana sex pheromone, a compound previously unknown in the Lepidoptera. Detection surveys in North America for exotic Eurasian forest defoliators could include traps baited with the L. bantaizana pheromone.  相似文献   

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman reproduces on the immature stage of the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. Mites are found more often on drone brood than worker brood and only infrequently on queen brood. We investigated the chemical basis for the low incidence of mites on queen brood. V. destructor mites were deterred by a crude extract of royal jelly, a glandular secretion produced by nurse bees and fed to queen larvae. Bioassay-driven fractionation of the crude extract via column chromatography resulted in one active fraction that was as active as the crude extract. Compounds in the active fraction were identified using gas chromatography (GC) and coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Before injection, compounds were esterified with MeOH/sulfuric acid, followed by silylation of any hydroxyl groups present. The active fraction contained at least 22 compounds, all fatty acids, several of which contained an additional hydroxyl group on the alkyl chain. Synthesis of some of these compounds that are not commercially available is described. A synthetic mixture containing most of the compounds in the active fraction was as active as the active fraction in the bioassay.  相似文献   

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) is a popular medicinal plant distributed widely in North America. The rhizome, rootlets, and root hairs produce medicinally active alkaloids. Berberine, one of the Hydrastis alkaloids, has shown antifungal activity. The influence of a combination of the major Hydrastis alkaloids on the plant rhizosphere fungal ecology has not been investigated. A bioassay was developed to study the effect of goldenseal isoquinoline alkaloids on three Fusarium isolates, including the two species isolated from Hydrastis rhizosphere. The findings suggest that the Hydrastis root extract influences macroconidia germination, but that only the combined alkaloids—berberine, canadine, and hydrastine—appear to synergistically stimulate production of the mycotoxin zearalenone in the Fusarium oxysporum isolate. The Hydrastis root rhizosphere effect provided a selective advantage to the Fusarium isolates closely associated with the root tissue in comparison with the Fusarium isolate that had never been exposed to Hydrastis.  相似文献   

Drosophila santomea and Drosophila yakuba are two sister species inhabiting Saõ Tomé island. Previous studies showed that both species display strong reproductive isolation, although they can produce a few viable hybrids. Our study tried to understand the mechanism of this ethological isolation between two allopatric strains. A strong sexual isolation was confirmed, with a marked asymmetry. Comparisons of latency times to either courtship or copulation suggest that males do not discriminate females, whereas D. yakuba females, but not D. santomea females, accept their homospecifics more quickly. Cuticular hydrocarbon compositions of both species and sexes were also established with gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry analysis. All have (Z)-7-tricosene as their major compound. There are several quantitative differences between species for few minor compounds. The largest difference concerns n-heneicosane, which is more abundant in D. santomea than in D. yakuba flies (up to seven times more between males). A similar quantitative difference was also found in a pair of sympatric strains. Furthermore, D. yakuba males artificially perfumed with n-heneicosane were discriminated negatively by D. yakuba females, suggesting a role for this compound in the sexual isolation between these two species.  相似文献   

Two issues have hindered the understanding of the ecology and evolution of volatile-mediated tritrophic interactions: few studies have addressed noncrop systems; and few statistical techniques have been applied that are suitable for the analysis of complex volatile blends. In this paper, we addressed both of these issues by studying the noncrop system involving the plant Centaurea nigra, the specialist aphid Uroleucon jaceae, and the parasitoid Aphidius funebris. In a Y-tube olfactometer, A. funebris was attracted to the odor from undamaged C. nigra, but preferred the plant–host complex (PHC) after 3 d of feeding by 200 U. jaceae over the undamaged plant, but not after three or 5 d of feeding by 50 U. jaceae. When aphids were removed, the initial preference for the damaged plant remained, but the final preference was not greater than for the undamaged plant. No qualitative differences were detected between the headspaces of C. nigra and the C. nigraU. jaceae PHC. For quantitative analysis, we used a compositional approach, which treats each compound produced as part of a blend, and not as a compound released in isolation, thus allowing analysis of the relative contribution of each compound to the blend as a whole. With this approach, subtle increases and decreases of some green leaf volatiles and monoterpenoids on the third day of aphid infestation were detected. Mechanically damaged C. nigra had a volatile profile that differed from undamaged C. nigra and the PHC. One and 10 ng of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, and 10 or 100 ng of 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one were attractive to the parasitoid when placed in solution on filter paper. A. funebris appears to be using a combination of chemical cues to locate host-infested plants.  相似文献   

Mated female Heliothis virescens and H. subflexa were induced to produce sex pheromone during the photophase by injection of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). When injected with 1 pmol Hez-PBAN, the total amount of pheromone that could be extracted from glands of mated females during the photophase was similar to that extracted from virgin females in the scotophase. The PBAN-induced profile of pheromone components was compared between mated, PBAN-injected females and virgin females during spring and fall. Virgin females exhibited some differences in the relative composition of the pheromone blend between spring and fall, but no such temporal differences were detected in PBAN-injected, mated females. Because the temporal variation in pheromone blend composition was greater for virgin females than for PBAN-injected females, PBAN can be used to determine a females native pheromone phenotype. This procedure has the advantages that pheromone glands can be extracted during the photophase, from mated females that have already oviposited.  相似文献   

Stir bar sorptive extraction method was used for investigation of the urinary volatile profiles in male and female Phodopus campbelli and Phodopus sungorus hamsters. Additionally, female Phodopus roborowsky urinary profiles were characterized. A quantitative analytical approach allowed comparisons of 17 selected compounds in urine. Results showed that campbelli and sungorus species show similar urinary volatile profiles for males and females. Differences appeared only in concentrations. Several unique compounds, such as pyrazine derivatives, were found to be gender- and age-specific. P. roborowsky females exhibited a completely different urinary volatile profile from campbelli and sungorus females, featuring a unique set of substituted quinoxalines.  相似文献   

The odor produced by a plant under herbivore attack is often used by parasitic wasps to locate hosts. Any type of surface damage commonly causes plant leaves to release so-called green leaf volatiles, whereas blends of inducible compounds are more specific for herbivore attack and can vary considerably among plant genotypes. We compared the responses of naïve and experienced parasitoids of the species Cotesia marginiventris and Microplitis rufiventris to volatiles from maize leaves with fresh damage (mainly green leaf volatiles) vs. old damage (mainly terpenoids) in a six-arm olfactometer. These braconid wasps are both solitary endoparasitoids of lepidopteran larvae, but differ in geographical origin and host range. In choice experiments with odor blends from maize plants with fresh damage vs. blends from plants with old damage, inexperienced C. marginiventris showed a preference for the volatiles from freshly damaged leaves. No such preference was observed for inexperienced M. rufiventris. After an oviposition experience in hosts feeding on maize plants, C. marginiventris females were more attracted by a mixture of volatiles from fresh and old damage. Apparently, C. marginiventris has an innate preference for the odor of freshly damaged leaves, and this preference shifts in favor of a blend containing a mixture of green leaf volatiles plus terpenoids, after experiencing the latter blend in association with hosts. M. rufiventris responded poorly after experience and preferred fresh damage odors. Possibly, after associative learning, this species uses cues that are more directly related with the host presence, such as volatiles from host feces, which were not present in the odor sources offered in the olfactometer. The results demonstrate the complexity of the use of plant volatiles by parasitoids and show that different parasitoid species have evolved different strategies to exploit these signals.  相似文献   

The effects of limonene, a mixture of limonene + carvone (1:1, v/v), and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) on diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella L.) oviposition, larval feeding, and the behavior of its larval parasitoid Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) with cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. capitata, cvs. Rinda and Lennox) and broccoli (B. oleracea subsp. Italica cv Lucky) were tested. Limonene showed no deterrent effect on DBM when plants were sprayed with or exposed to limonene, although there was a cultivar difference. A mixture of limonene and carvone released from vermiculite showed a significant repellent effect, reducing the number of eggs laid on the cabbages. MeJA treatment reduced the relative growth rate (RGR) of larvae on cv Lennox leaves. In Y-tube olfactometer tests, C. plutellae preferred the odors of limonene and MeJA to filtered air. In cv Lennox, the parasitoid preferred DBM-damaged plants with limonene to such plants without limonene. C. plutellae females were repelled by the mixture of limonene + carvone. In both cultivars, exogenous MeJA induced the emission of the sesquiterpene (E,E)-α-farnesene, the homoterpene (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT), and green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate + octanal. The attractive effect of limonene and MeJA predicts that these two compounds can be used in sustainable plant protection strategies in organic farming.  相似文献   

The sandalwood kernels of Santalum insulare (Santalaceae) collected in French Polynesia give seed oils containing significant amounts of ximenynic acid, E-11-octadecen-9-oic acid (64–86%). Fatty acid (FA) identifications were performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of FA methyl esters. Among the other main eight identified fatty acids, oleic acid was found at a 7–28% level. The content in stearolic acid, octadec-9-ynoic acid, was low (0.7–3.0%). An inverse relationship was demonstrated between ximenynic acid and oleic acid using 20 seed oils. Results obtained have been compared to other previously published data on species belonging to the Santalum genus, using multivariate statistical analysis. The relative FA S. insulare composition, rich in ximenynic acid is in the same order of those given for S. album or S. obtusifolium. The other compared species (S. acuminatum, S. lanceolatum, S. spicatum and S. murrayanum) are richer in oleic acid (40–59%) with some little differences in linolenic content.  相似文献   

The effect of heartwood extracts from Acacia mangium (heartrot-susceptible) and A. auriculiformis (heartrot-resistant) was examined on the growth of wood rotting fungi with in vitro assays. A. auriculiformis heartwood extracts had higher antifungal activity than A. mangium. The compounds 3,4,7,8-tetrahydroxyflavanone and teracacidin (the most abundant flavonoids in both species) showed antifungal activity. A. auriculiformis contained higher levels of these flavonoids (3.5- and 43-fold higher, respectively) than A. mangium. This suggests that higher levels of these compounds may contribute to heartrot resistance. Furthermore, both flavonoids had strong 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and laccase inhibition. This suggests that the antifungal mechanism of these compounds may involve inhibition of fungal growth by quenching of free radicals produced by the extracellular fungal enzyme laccase.  相似文献   

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