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一种鲁棒高效的人脸特征点跟踪方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄琛  丁晓青  方驰 《自动化学报》2012,38(5):788-796
人脸特征点跟踪能获取除粗略的人脸位置和运动轨迹以外的人脸部件的精确信息,对计算机视觉研究有重要作用.主动表象模型(Active appearance model, AAM)是描述人脸特征点位置的最有效的方法之一,但是其高维参数空间和梯度下降优化策略使得AAM对初始参数敏感,且易陷入局部极值. 因此,基于传统AAM的人脸特征点跟踪方法不能同时较好地解决大姿态、光照和表情的问题.本文在多视角AAM的框架下,提出一种结合随机森林和线性判别分析(Linear discriminate analysis, LDA)的实时姿态估计算法对跟踪的人脸进行姿态预估计和更新,从而有效地解决了视频人脸大姿态变化的问题.提出了一种改进的在线表象模型(Online appearance model, OAM)方法来评估跟踪的准确性,并自适应地通过增量主成分分析(Principle component analysis, PCA) 学习来更新AAM的纹理模型,极大地提高了跟踪的稳定性和模型应对光照和表情变化的能力.实验结果表明,本文算法在视频人脸特征点跟踪的准确性、鲁棒性和实时性方面都有良好的性能.  相似文献   

We present a framework for merging the results of independent feature-based motion trackers using a classification based approach. We demonstrate the efficacy of the framework using corner trackers as an example. The major problem with such systems is generating ground truth data for training. We show how synthetic data can be used effectively to overcome this problem. Our combined system performs better in both dropouts and errors than a correspondence tracker, and had less than half the dropouts at the cost of moderate increase in error compared to a relaxation tracker.  相似文献   

Improving Feature Tracking with Robust Statistics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper addresses robust feature tracking. The aim is to track point features in a sequence of images and to identify unreliable features resulting from occlusions, perspective distortions and strong intensity changes. We extend the well-known Shi–Tomasi–Kanade tracker by introducing an automatic scheme for rejecting spurious features. We employ a simple and efficient outliers rejection rule, called X84, and prove that its theoretical assumptions are satisfied in the feature tracking scenario. Experiments with real and synthetic images confirm that our algorithm consistently discards unreliable features; we show a quantitative example of the benefits introduced by the algorithm for the case of fundamental matrix estimation. The complete code of the robust tracker is available via ftp. Received: 22 January 1999, Received in revised form: 3 May 1999, Accepted: 3 May 1999  相似文献   

针对单一特征空间不足以对动态时变环境中跟踪目标进行准确表达的缺点,提出一种基于柔性加权特征的ParticleFilter目标跟踪算法。首先引入“陡峭因子”这一概念对不同特征的跟踪鉴别性能进行客观评估,然后参照当前不同特征的可跟踪性能以加权组合的方式自适应生成当前最优特征,最后将生成的最优特征嵌入到ParticleFilter跟踪构架中完成目标跟踪任务。该算法具备较高的柔性可对任意采用直方图表达的特征进行自适应融合。不同的视频序列实验表明该算法可动态地对异类特征进行有效融合,对复杂场景下的目标进行稳健跟踪。  相似文献   

一种运动目标多特征点的鲁棒跟踪方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出了一种基于特征光流分割和卡尔曼滤波估计的鲁棒性的运动目标跟踪方法。该方法具有很多特点:首先在特征光流的计算中采用由粗到细的层级匹配算法,因而能够计算大的运动速度和具有更好的匹配精度;其次采用了有效的遮挡判决算法,该算法综合利用了先验的信息,对噪声的干扰不敏感;最后建立了线性卡尔曼滤波模型,当特征点被遮挡或丢失时,能够预测它们的位置,这使得跟踪更具有主动性。实验表明,该方法具有高精度、快速跟踪和很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a machine learning technique for real-time robot path planning for an autonomous robot in a planar environment with obstacles where the robot possess no a priori map of its environment. Our main insight in this paper is that a robot’s path planning times can be significantly reduced if it can refer to previous maneuvers it used to avoid obstacles during earlier missions, and adapt that information to avoid obstacles during its current navigation. We propose an online path planning algorithm called LearnerRRT that utilizes a pattern matching technique called Sample Consensus Initial Alignment (SAC-IA) in combination with an experience-based learning technique to adapt obstacle boundary patterns encountered in previous environments to the current scenario followed by corresponding adaptations in the obstacle-avoidance paths. Our proposed algorithm LearnerRRT works as a learning-based reactive path planning technique which enables robots to improve their overall path planning performance by locally improving maneuvers around commonly encountered obstacle patterns by accessing previously accumulated environmental information. We have conducted several experiments in simulations and hardware to verify the performance of the LearnerRRT algorithm and compared it with a state-of-the-art sampling-based planner. LearnerRRT on average takes approximately 10% of the planning time and 14% of the total time taken by the sampling-based planner to solve the same navigation task based on simulation results and takes only 33% of the planning time, 46% of total time and 95% of total distance compared to the sampling-based planner based on our hardware results.  相似文献   

基于孪生网络的目标跟踪,存在特征信息欠丰富,跟踪效率有待提高,大型数据集上训练时间长等问题.针对上述问题,提出特征融合与训练加速的高效目标跟踪.增加主干网络参考特征层级,减小下采样,融合多层级参考特征图,提取目标更深度、丰富的语义信息.深度互相关操作得到候选窗口响应(Response of Candidate Wind...  相似文献   

提出一种灰度与边强度信息相结合的鲁棒特征并综合在线学习方法来进行自适应视频人脸多特征跟踪.算法思想是利用三维参数化网格模型对人脸及表情进行建模,利用弱透视模型对头部姿态建模,求取归一化后的形状无关灰度和边强度纹理组合成一种鲁棒特征,建立单高斯自适应纹理模型,并采用梯度下降迭代算法进行模型匹配得到姿态和表情参数.实验证明,本方法比单纯利用灰度特征在复杂光线和表情下具有更好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

一种鲁棒高效的视频运动目标检测与跟踪算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种视频运动目标的快速检测和稳定跟踪算法. 目标检测使用减背景法, 用均值法构造背景图像, 提出一种基于熵能和广义高斯分布的局部自适应阈值选取算法, 可有效克服噪声的影响. 采用基于特征匹配的目标跟踪方法, 提出一种LICS (Logarithm illuminance contrast statistic)特征, 该特征能够更加充分有效地表征目标, 可在光照和目标姿态变化的情况下实现刚体目标的稳定跟踪. 使用Kalman滤波限制搜索匹配范围以减小计算量. 用目标子区域匹配的方法解决目标相互遮挡时的跟踪问题. 实验结果表明, 该算法在运动目标检测效果、跟踪稳定性和运行时间方面都有良好的性能.  相似文献   

In recent visual tracking research, correlation filter (CF) based trackers become popular because of their high speed and considerable accuracy. Previous methods mainly work on the extension of features and the solution of the boundary effect to learn a better correlation filter. However, the related studies are insufficient. By exploring the potential of trackers in these two aspects, a novel adaptive padding correlation filter (APCF) with feature group fusion is proposed for robust visual tracking in this paper based on the popular context-aware tracking framework. In the tracker, three feature groups are fused by use of the weighted sum of the normalized response maps, to alleviate the risk of drift caused by the extreme change of single feature. Moreover, to improve the adaptive ability of padding for the filter training of different object shapes, the best padding is selected from the preset pool according to tracking precision over the whole video, where tracking precision is predicted according to the prediction model trained by use of the sequence features of the first several frames. The sequence features include three traditional features and eight newly constructed features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed tracker is superior to most state-of-the-art correlation filter based trackers and has a stable improvement compared to the basic trackers.   相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(4):477-492
We propose a more practical and efficient method for obstacle detection and avoidance. In this paper, a robot detects obstacles based on the projective invariants of stereo cameras, fuses this information with two-dimensional scanning sensor data, and finally builds up a more informative and conservative occupancy map. Although this approach is not supposed to recognize the exact shape of the obstacles, this shortcoming is overcome in the actual application by its fast calculation time and robustness against the illumination conditions. To avoid detected obstacles, a new reactive obstacle avoidance strategy is also presented. To evaluate the proposed method, we applied it to the mobile robot iMARO-III. In this test, iMARO-III has succeeded in long-term operation for 7 days continuously without any intervention of engineers and any collision in the real office environment.  相似文献   

The evolution of robust speech recognition systems that maintain a high level of recognition accuracy in difficult and dynamically-varying acoustical environments is becoming increasingly important as speech recognition technology becomes a more integral part of mobile applications. In distributed speech recognition (DSR) architecture the recogniser's front-end is located in the terminal and is connected over a data network to a remote back-end recognition server. The terminal performs the feature parameter extraction, or the front-end of the speech recognition system. These features are transmitted over a data channel to the remote back-end recogniser. DSR provides particular benefits for the applications of mobile devices such as improved recognition performance compared to using the voice channel and ubiquitous access from different networks with a guaranteed level of recognition performance. A feature extraction algorithm integrated into the DSR system is required to operate in real-time as well as with the lowest possible computational costs.In this paper, two innovative front-end processing techniques for noise robust speech recognition are presented and compared, time-domain based frame-attenuation (TD-FrAtt) and frequency-domain based frame-attenuation (FD-FrAtt). These techniques include different forms of frame-attenuation, improvement of spectral subtraction based on minimum statistics, as well as a mel-cepstrum feature extraction procedure. Tests are performed using the Slovenian SpeechDat II fixed telephone database and the Aurora 2 database together with the HTK speech recognition toolkit. The results obtained are especially encouraging for mobile DSR systems with limited sizes of available memory and processing power.  相似文献   

针对室内环境下无人四旋翼飞行器同步定位与地图创建时需要进行特征提取的问题,对特征提取的规则进行修改,提出一种新的特征提取方法。该算法具有传统特征提取算法的优点,特征提取速度快、精度高。利用实验室自主研发的无人四旋翼飞行器采集到的激光扫描仪原始数据,进行分割 聚类 线段拟合,得到无人四旋翼飞行器定位、导航需要的特征。实验表明,该算法可以实时、准确、有效地为无人四旋翼飞行器提供定位与地图创建需要的特征。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for very large environments. A hybrid architecture is presented that makes use of the Extended Kalman Filter to perform SLAM in a very efficient form and a Monte Carlo localizer to resolve data association problems potentially present when returning to a known location after a large exploration period. Algorithms to improve the convergence of the Monte Carlo filter are presented that consider vehicle and sensor uncertainty. The proposed algorithm incorporates significant integrity to the standard SLAM algorithms by providing the ability to handle multimodal distributions over robot pose in real time during the re‐localization process. Experimental results in outdoor environments are presented to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm proposed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Visual tracking, in essence, deals with non-stationary image streams that change over time. While most existing algorithms are able to track objects well in controlled environments, they usually fail in the presence of significant variation of the object’s appearance or surrounding illumination. One reason for such failures is that many algorithms employ fixed appearance models of the target. Such models are trained using only appearance data available before tracking begins, which in practice limits the range of appearances that are modeled, and ignores the large volume of information (such as shape changes or specific lighting conditions) that becomes available during tracking. In this paper, we present a tracking method that incrementally learns a low-dimensional subspace representation, efficiently adapting online to changes in the appearance of the target. The model update, based on incremental algorithms for principal component analysis, includes two important features: a method for correctly updating the sample mean, and a forgetting factor to ensure less modeling power is expended fitting older observations. Both of these features contribute measurably to improving overall tracking performance. Numerous experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking algorithm in indoor and outdoor environments where the target objects undergo large changes in pose, scale, and illumination.  相似文献   

智能轮椅为丧失行走能力的人提高生活质量和生活自由度. 适用于智能轮椅的路径规划问题是其重要的技术之一. 实际环境中行走的难易程度是有区别的, 对此提出一种新的路径规划算法, 即寻找最优路径的导航方法, 对室内环境进行栅格模型建模, 并利用最邻近关系结合改进的A*算法来规划两个位置之间的最优全局路径, 采用虚拟力场算法实现途中的局部路径规划. 此算法只需要采集用户需要到达目的地的信息, 智能轮椅能自动导航到达目的地, 经实验验证, 该算法运用到智能轮椅室内导航系统中路径得到较好的改善并具有反应快、工作稳定可靠、使用灵活方便和扩展性强等优点.  相似文献   

在计算机视觉领域,对象跟踪是一个既重要又极具挑战性的研究课题。跟踪的主要困难体现在物体和背景的外观变化、物体的突发性运动、相机的移动和遮挡。本文提出了一种新的方法来解决对象跟踪问题。采用局部特征集合来表示对象,每一个局部特征组织成特征流形,用来模拟该特征点在各种视角条件下的特征点集合。在跟踪的过程中,我们将更新特征流形集合,来反映对象在运动过程中的变化。同时,通过特征流形和特征点的匹配实现跟踪。相对于传统的特征点与特征点的匹配,特征流形与特征点的匹配方式更加准确。因此,基于特征流形的对象跟踪会取得更加准确的结果。  相似文献   

Space Discretization for Efficient Human Navigation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There is a large body of research on motion control of legs in human models. However, they require specification of global paths in which to move. A method for automatically computing a global motion path for a human in 3D environment of obstacles is presented. Object space is discretized into a 3D grid of uniform cells and an optimal path is generated between two points as a discrete cell path. The grid is treated as graph with orthogonal links of uniform cost. A * search method is applied for path finding. By considering only the cells on the upper surface of objects on which human walks, a large portion of the grid is discarded from the search space, thus boosting efficiency. This is expected to be a higher level mechanism for various local foot placement methods in human animation.  相似文献   

图像特征点匹配的强壮算法   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
同一场景的不同图像匹配是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题,在诸如三维重度,对象识别和分类、图像对齐和相机自校正等应用中,特征匹配都是一个关键步骤,其中特征点匹配是较为常用的一种方法,特征点匹配的效果受到很多因素的影响,如景物的遮挡,光照和噪声等,变化很大,文中对结指标派算法进行扩以解决全局优化问题,并利用场景深度局部连续的条件作为附加约束,提出一种新的特征点匹配算法,整个算法只用到两次优化,而且几乎全部使用矩阵运算,效率比已有的算法高,实验表明该算法的效果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

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