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Understanding the epidemiology of equine colic is directly relevant to the management of individual horses with colic. In this article, the epidemiology of colic is reviewed with emphasis on epidemiologic studies that have identified specific factors associated with increased risk of colic and epidemiologic studies that are designed to predict the need for surgery and prognosis in horses with colic. Despite the magnitude of the problem of equine colic, much remains to be learned about the epidemiology of this disease.  相似文献   

Na(+)-independent cationic amino acid transport in the rat placenta occurs by leucine-sensitive and leucine-insensitive pathways. The ontogeny of these transport mechanisms within the rat placenta has been described recently. To assign the leucine-inhibitable portion of uptake definitively the uptake of [3H]arginine was studied in the presence of both BCH (to inhibit system Bo,+) and varied concentrations of leucine. Uptake of arginine into basal-enriched membrane vesicles derived from rat placenta was, in the presence of sodium, inhibited by micromolar concentrations of leucine, consistent with assignment of this activity to system y+L. In contrast, the majority of arginine uptake into apical-enriched membrane vesicles was leucine insensitive. Messenger RNA derived from rat placenta at days 14, 16, 18 and 20 of gestation was hybridized with full-length rat cDNA probes against NBAT and 4F2HC (thought to encode proteins associated with system bo,+ and y+L activities, respectively). No NBAT mRNA was detected, whereas 4F2HC mRNA was present at all gestational stages, increasing 12-fold over the last third of gestation. It is concluded that system y+L is present in the basal plasma membrane of the rat placenta syncytium and is subject to developmental regulation by a mechanism that alters the steady content of 4F2HC mRNA.  相似文献   

To determine whether young capuchin monkeys, Cebus apellaselectively interacted with others concerning novel foods, 11 infants (4.5-12 months) living in two groups were observed following presentation of familiar or novel foods. Foods were presented either to the whole group or to infants in a section of the home cage to which only they had access. Infants showed more frequent interest in others' food and picked up foods more frequently when foods were novel, and they tended to eat novel foods more frequently than familiar foods. The pattern was the same whether the foods were presented to the group or only to infants. Infants expressed interest in others' novel foods equally often before and after sampling these foods themselves. The frequency of interest in others' food correlated positively with age. It is concluded that acceptance of novel foods in these monkeys occurs readily regardless of socially provided information about edibility. Social interactions do not appear to make important contributions to acceptance of novel foods by infant capuchin monkeys.  相似文献   

Translation termination in vivo was studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a translation-assay system. Codon changes that were made at position -2 relative to the stop codon, gave a 3.5-fold effect on termination in a release-factor-defective (sup45) mutant strain, in line with the effect observed in a wild-type strain. The influence of the -2 codon could be correlated to the charge of the corresponding amino acid residue in the nascent peptide; an acidic residue favoring efficient termination. Thus, the C-terminal end of the nascent peptide influences translation termination both in the bacterium Escherichia coli and to a lesser extent in the yeast S. cerevisiae. However, the sensitivity to the charge of the penultimate amino acid is reversed when the E. coli and S. cerevisiae are compared. Changing - 1 (P-site) codons in yeast gave a 10-fold difference in effect on the efficiency of termination. This effect could not be related to any property of the encoded last amino acid in the nascent peptide. Iso-codons read by the same tRNA (AAA/G, GAA/G) gave similar readthrough values. Codons for glutamine (CAA/G), glutamic acid (GAA/G) and isoleucine (AUA/C) that are read by different isoaccepting tRNAs are associated with an approximately twofold difference in each case in termination efficiency. This suggests that the P-site tRNA is able to influence termination at UGAC in yeast.  相似文献   

We have shown that attachment to a fibronectin substrate stimulates two pathways of lipid biosynthesis in cultured human fibroblasts. Detachment of these cells (mechanically, with trypsin, or by RGDS peptides) caused a significant decrease in their 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase activity and in their incorporation of [3H]acetate into fatty acids. This inhibition was substantially reversed by the reattachment of cells to fibronectin substrates, but not to poly-L-lysine substrates or to fibronectin in solution. Inhibiting phosphoprotein phosphatase activity with okadaic acid blocked the recovery of both biosynthetic activities. Both 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase and fatty acid biosynthesis are known to be inhibited by the action of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase, which is activated by an increase in the level of AMP relative to ATP. For example, in our system, sodium azide and 2-deoxy-D-glucose increased the ratio of cellular AMP to ATP and caused a decrease in lipid biosynthesis. We then verified the prediction that detachment of cells from substrates also caused an increase in the AMP/ATP ratio. We therefore conclude that the attachment of cells to fibronectin promotes lipid biosynthesis, presumably in coordination with the cellular growth response evoked by attachment to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Conjugation of carboxypeptidase G and arginase, two enzymes of therapeutic interest, to a soluble dextran significantly enhanced plasma persistence in normal and tumour-bearing mice. A prolonged decrease in arginine concentrations in plasma of tumour-bearing mice was demonstrated by using the dextran-linked arginase. Gel filtration of dextran-enzyme conjugate showed that enzyme activity co-chromatographed as a single peak with carbohydrate, and enzyme was shown to be covalently linked to the dextran.  相似文献   

Placental protein 5 (PP5), pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (SP1), pregnancy-associated alpha 2-glycoprotein (SP3) and chorionic gonadotrophin could not be demonstrated in appreciable molar quantities in the soluble fraction from microvillous plasma membrane preparations isolated from the syncytiotrophoblast of full-term human placentae. However, progesterone, total oestriol and placental lactogen may have some association with this membrane.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) is a sophisticated software and hardware package that enables clinicians to retrieve, review, and digitally manipulate radiographs from computer workstations throughout the hospital. PACS was instituted at Brooke Army Medical Center in July 1993. METHODS: Fifty consecutive trauma and 50 consecutive motor vehicle crash (MVC) trauma admissions to an urban trauma center were reviewed before PACS (January 1993) and 18 months after PACS was instituted (January 1995). Patients were compared by the number of radiographs needed during the initial evaluation by type and total. The trauma groups were subdivided by mechanism and also compared. Demographic and physiologic data were collected for each patient. RESULTS: There are no differences in the demographic and physiologic data between groups. For the 50 consecutive trauma admissions, only two areas of statistical difference were found: more chest films were obtained in the MVC PACS group and more pelvis films were obtained in the gunshot wound pre-PACS group. For the 50 consecutive MVC trauma admissions, the PACS group had more chest and total radiographs per patient than the pre-PACS group. More computed tomographic scans of the neck were obtained in the PACS group. CONCLUSION: PACS did not decrease the number of radiographs needed to adequately and fully evaluate the trauma patient.  相似文献   

Calculations of stopping power ratios, water to air, for the determination of absorbed dose to water in clinical proton beams using ionization chamber measurements have been undertaken using the Monte Carlo method. A computer code to simulate the transport of protons in water (PETRA) has been used to calculate sw.air-data under different degrees of complexity, ranging from values based on primary protons only to data including secondary electrons and high-energy secondary protons produced in nonelastic nuclear collisions. All numerical data are based on ICRU 49 proton stopping powers. Calculations using primary protons have been compared to the simple continuous slowing-down approximation (c.s.d.a.) analytical technique used in proton dosimetry protocols, not finding significant differences that justify elaborate Monte Carlo simulations except beyond the mean range of the protons (the far side of the Bragg peak). The influence of nuclear nonelastic processes, through the detailed generation and transport of secondary protons, on the calculated stopping-power ratios has been found to be negligible. The effect of alpha particles has also been analysed, finding differences smaller than 0.1% from the results excluding them. Discrepancies of up to 0.6% in the plateau region have been found, however, when the production and transport of secondary electrons are taken into account. The large influence of nonelastic nuclear interactions on proton depth-dose distributions shows that the removal of primary protons from the incident beam decreases the peak-to-plateau ratio by a large factor, up to 40% at 250 MeV. It is therefore emphasized that nonelastic nuclear reactions should be included in Monte Carlo simulations of proton beam depth-dose distributions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of cold application with different temperatures on lymph flow in healthy persons and to examine the effects of the combination of cold and compression on lymph vessels. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-nine healthy persons were included in the study, and each served as his or her own control. INTERVENTION: Water bags (1 degree, 15 degrees, and 32 degrees) with or without 25 mm Hg pressure were applied to the experimental legs for 30 minutes. Cold, pressure, or both were administered by an Aircast-Cryo-cuff (Aircast Europe GMBH, Rosenheim, Germany). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Skin temperature was measured with a TESTO 901 (Testoterm GMBH, Leuven, Belgium) precision thermometer. Lymph flow was recorded continuously using lymphoscintigraphy. MANOVA with repeated measures was used for data analysis. RESULTS: As expected, skin temperature dropped relative to the temperature of the water. The migration of the tracer was comparable in both ankles during the first 30 minutes of the experiment (rest). When the water bag was applied, lymph flow increased significantly (p < 0.01). The application of water of 1 degree C without pressure influenced lymph evacuation significantly differently from the other temperatures. The application of pressure of 25 mm Hg influenced lymph evacuation significantly at 1 degree C and 32 degrees C. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that lymph evacuation at the ankle is influenced significantly when cold water is applied with or without pressure. When pressure is added to the application of water of 32 degrees C, lymph flow will also increase significantly, indicating the importance of pressure in lymph evacuation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The precise sites and mechanisms of action of volatile anesthetics remain unknown. Recently, several integral membrane proteins have been suggested as potential targets to which anesthetics can bind at hydrophobic regions. Impairment of cell Ca2+ homeostasis has been postulated as one of the possible mechanisms of anesthetic action. To test these hypotheses, the authors selected the human erythrocyte Ca(2+)-ATPase as a model membrane protein. This enzyme is an integral membrane protein that is instrumental in maintaining Ca2+ homeostasis in the cell in which it is the sole Ca(2+)-transporting system. Thus, any functional alteration of the Ca(2+)-ATPase by anesthetics may lead to serious perturbations in Ca(2+)-regulated processes in the cell. METHODS: The Ca(2+)-ATPase activity was measured as a function of increased concentration of four volatile anesthetics: halothane, isoflurane, enflurane, and desflurane. RESULTS: All four anesthetics significantly inhibited the Ca(2+)-ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The half-maximal inhibition occurred at anesthetic concentrations from 0.3 to 0.7 vol% at 37 degrees C, which, except for desflurane, is a clinically relevant concentration range. The greater the clinical potency of the volatile anesthetics studied, the less was the concentration required to inhibit the Ca(2+)-ATPase activity. The inhibition was less at 25 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, which is consistent with direct interactions of the nonpolar interfaces of the enzyme with the nonpolar of the portions of the anesthetics. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' findings indicate that the Ca(2+)-ATPase is a suitable model for investigating the mechanism of action of volatile anesthetics on the integral membrane protein, and that this inhibition may be specific.  相似文献   

When we purify bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), its activity diminishes, and the quantity we are able to extract decreases. It is difficult to evaluate the effects of each of the processes involved in BMP purification because it is unstable. In order to resolve the problem, a modified bioassay method using only slight quantities of BMP which do not decrease its bone-forming activity, is needed. We transferred BMP separated by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) onto nitrocellulose membranes (NC) and cut out the bands. Then we used each band as implanted material. The NC membrane firmly bound the BMP activity fraction and held it in the implantation area of the mouse thigh. No formation of bone-like tissue was detected histologically at 14 days after the implantation, but, by 21 days after implantation, cartilage like tissue had clearly formed and newly formed bone was seen by 28 days. By implanting BMP transferred to individual NC membranes, we could perform a bioassay easily with small amounts of BMP without any reduction in activity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of labelled leucine was measured in protein fractions of muscle in intact control and dystrophic female hamsters and also in cell-free preparations obtained from these animals. The labelling of the soluble sarcoplasmic protein fraction, the microsomal protein fraction and the sarcolemma protein fraction was increased in the dystrophic hindleg muscle. The specific radioactivities of the sarcolemma protein fraction and other fractions were increased markedly relative to that of free leucine in the dystrophic muscle. In cell-free preparations where ribonuclease effects were avoided, the dystrophic muscle exhibited an increased synthesis of peptide bonds.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of coating thickness on the strength of adhesion of the coating to the base material was investigated. It is shown that the character of this influence is essentially similar for different materials and is governed by internal stresses in the coating/base system. By extrapolating adhesion strength vs coating thickness curves, it is possible to determine the value of adhesion strength unaffected by internal stresses.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 6(54), pp. 70–73, June, 1967.  相似文献   

Lateral assemblies of glycolipids and cholesterol, "rafts," have been implicated to play a role in cellular processes like membrane sorting, signal transduction, and cell adhesion. We studied the structure of raft domains in the plasma membrane of non-polarized cells. Overexpressed plasma membrane markers were evenly distributed in the plasma membrane. We compared the patching behavior of pairs of raft markers (defined by insolubility in Triton X-100) with pairs of raft/non-raft markers. For this purpose we cross-linked glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), Thy-1, influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), and the raft lipid ganglioside GM1 using antibodies and/or cholera toxin. The patches of these raft markers overlapped extensively in BHK cells as well as in Jurkat T-lymphoma cells. Importantly, patches of GPI-anchored PLAP accumulated src-like protein tyrosine kinase fyn, which is thought to be anchored in the cytoplasmic leaflet of raft domains. In contrast patched raft components and patches of transferrin receptor as a non-raft marker were sharply separated. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that coalescence of cross-linked raft elements is mediated by their common lipid environments, whereas separation of raft and non-raft patches is caused by the immiscibility of different lipid phases. This view is supported by the finding that cholesterol depletion abrogated segregation. Our results are consistent with the view that raft domains in the plasma membrane of non-polarized cells are normally small and highly dispersed but that raft size can be modulated by oligomerization of raft components.  相似文献   

A new animal model of hyperlipidemia is being developed using the nonionic surfactant poloxamer 407 (P-407). We investigated the impact of pravastatin on P-407-induced hyperlipidemia. Twenty rats received P-407 300 mg intraperitoneally to induce hyperlipidemia, and 20 control rats received saline injection. Pravastatin was administered orally to an equal number of rats in both groups using three different regimens. A fourth group did not receive pravastatin. At 24 hours after injection, total cholesterol levels in two of the pravastatin groups were 28% and 34% lower than those in animals that did not receive pravastatin (p < or = 0.01). At 48 hours, triglyceride levels were significantly lower in all pravastatin groups (21-44%) versus animals not receiving pravastatin. Pravastatin diminished the effects of P-407 on lipoproteins. This new animal model may be useful in screening for investigational antihyperlipidemic agents.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphorylation accompanies the integrin-mediated cell to substratum adhesion, and is essential for the progression of G1/S phase of the cell-cycle in normal fibroblasts. To examine how cellular protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) activity is involved in regulating the adhesion-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation, we employed fibroblast cells bearing an active form of a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), v-Src. We found that the v-Src induced tyrosine phosphorylation in certain proteins such as tensin, talin, p120, p80/85 (cortactin) and paxillin was greatly reduced when the cell to substratum adhesion was lost. Readhesion of the cells onto fibronectin restored these phosphorylation events, while this was inhibited by the addition of RGD peptide. The kinase activity of the v-Src was unchanged by the loss of cell to substratum adhesion. On the other hand, treatment with a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor vanadate caused much the same increase in the v-Src-mediated cellular tyrosine phosphorylation between cells adhered to the culture environments and cells kept in suspension. These data suggest that PTPase(s) appears to be more critical than the v-Src PTK in determining the cell adhesion-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Moreover, most of the protein tyrosine phosphorylations that are mediated by the v-Src but still dependent on the cell adhesion were indeed greatly reduced during an anchorage-independent growth of v-Src cells. Thus our data collectively indicate that the v-Src induced high level of tyrosine phosphorylation in certain types of proteins are still under the control of the integrin(s) or the cell adhesion to culture substratum, and most of these adhesion-regulated high levels of tyrosine phosphorylations are not essential for the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

The antiviral potency of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1; the major receptor for human rhinoviruses) was determined for a subset of American Type Culture Collection reference serotypes and field isolates of rhinovirus. The results indicate that soluble ICAM-1 exhibits a broad spectrum of activity against rhinoviruses and that field isolates have a sensitivity indistinguishable from that of laboratory strains.  相似文献   

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