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We investigate the influence of liquid type on the saturated permeability of natural fabrics in liquid composite molding processes. The permeability of flax woven fabric was characterized with two different liquids which have different viscosity, wettability, and sorption characteristics with flax fiber. From the experimental data, it was observed that the saturated permeability values were different for the liquid type. The fiber swell during the mold filling process and the corresponding change of fabric microstructure were assumed to be the main reason for this dependency of saturated permeability on the liquid type. The fiber swell due to the liquid sorption was characterized as a function of time, and the corresponding change of fiber diameter was investigated. The effective fiber volume fraction of wet natural fabric was defined in terms of fiber swelling ratio. The predictions by the classical Kozeny–Carman model and by the modified Kozeny–Carman model with two model constants were compared with the experimental data. It was shown that the modified Kozeny–Carman equation considering fiber swell could predict very well the saturated permeability of natural fabrics regardless of liquid type.  相似文献   

D. Nielsen  R. Pitchumani   《Composites Part A》2001,32(12):1015-1803
Manufacturing of quality products via liquid molding processes such as Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), calls for a precise control of resin progression through fibrous preforms during mold fill. Lack of an effective process control leads to formation of dry spots and voids that are detrimental to product quality. This study presents the use of physics-based process simulations in real-time, towards a generalized process control. The implementation of process simulations for on-line model-predictive control requires that the simulation time scales be less than the time scales of the process. An artificial neural network trained using data from numerical process models is used to provide rapid, real-time process simulations for the model-based control. A simulated annealing algorithm, working interactively with the neural network process model, is used to derive optimal control decisions rapidly and on-the-fly. The controller performance is systematically demonstrated for several processing scenarios.  相似文献   

A novel multiscale approach is developed for modeling non-isothermal flows under unsaturated conditions in the dual-scale fabrics of liquid composite molding (LCM). The flow and temperature governing equations at the global or gap or inter-tow (∼m) level and the local or intra-tow (∼mm) levels are based on a previous dual-scale volume averaging method. To solve the coupled equations at two length-scales, a coarse global mesh is used to solve the global flow over the entire domain, and a fine local mesh in form of the unit-cell of periodic fabrics is employed to solve the local tow-impregnation process. (The latter is used to compute sink terms required for solving the former.) A multiscale algorithm based on the hierarchical computational grids is then proposed to solve the dual-scale flow under non-isothermal (but non-reactive) conditions. To test the proposed multiscale model, we first carry out a validation study in which the temperature histories predicted by the multiscale method are compared with experimental data available in a publication for a simple 1-D flow. Despite the lack of information about various model parameters, a reasonably good comparison with the experimental results is achieved. Then, the non-isothermal flow through a simple 1-D flow domain is carried out and the predictions of the multiscale simulation are compared with those of a previously published two-layer model. The multiscale predictions are found to be very similar to the two-layer predictions. A significant difference between the gap and tow temperatures is observed. The ratio of pore volumes in the tow and gap regions, thermal conductivity of the tows, and fiber types are identified as the important parameters for temperature distributions in the gap and tow regions. A further comparison with the single-scale flow simulation highlights significant differences between the conventional single-scale and the proposed dual-scale modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Principal in-plane permeabilities of a unidirectional flax/paper reinforcement are characterized in terms of reinforcement material and manufacturing parameters at a constant fiber volume fraction (Vf). ANOVA result shows that surface density of the unidirectional flax layer is the most important parameter on the mean and variance of the K1 permeability. On the other hand all four studied parameters are concluded to affect the K2 permeability. The K1 permeability is found close to that of a twill weave flax fiber fabric reported in the literature and only one order of magnitude lower than a plain weave glass fiber fabric. Impregnation of the reinforcement with epoxy resin shows that a large area of the molded plaques was dominated by capillary forces during resin injection. This means capillary number and subsequently the resin injection velocity should be optimized for reducing void content in the final composite.  相似文献   

树脂在复合材料预成型体厚度方向的渗透能力对复合材料液体模塑成型工艺(LCM)的成功实施至关重要。本文采用连续加载的方式,研究了玻璃纤维增强树脂基复合材料液体成型过程中多轴向无屈曲织物(NCF)和斜纹织物(WF)的压缩响应行为,并建立描述该行为的数学模型。采用自制测试装置对预成型体在重力等不同注射压力驱动下的厚度方向渗透率进行测试,考察了预成型体纤维体积分数、测试流体注射压力等对预成型体厚度方向渗透率Kz的影响。基于预成型体压缩响应数学模型和厚度方向渗透率与注射压力的关系,对Kozeny-Carman公式进行修正,提出了变注射压力条件下的厚度方向渗透率预测模型。结果表明:预成型体厚度方向渗透率随着纤维体积分数的增大而减小,与Kozeny-Carman方程结果相符合。当纤维体积分数为0.42≤Vf≤0.58时,注射压力对厚度方向渗透率影响较大,实验结果验证了本文提出的预测模型;当纤维体积分数Vf≥0.58时,注射压力对厚度方向渗透率影响较小,厚度方向渗透率趋于恒定。   相似文献   

Air entrapment within and between fiber tows during preform permeation in liquid composite molding (LCM) processes leads to undesirable quality in the resulting composite material with defects such as discontinuous material properties, failure zones, and visual flaws. Essential to designing processing conditions for void-free filling is the development of an accurate prediction of local air entrapment locations as the resin permeates the preform. To this end, the study presents a numerical simulation of the infiltrating dual-scale resin flow through the actual architecture of plain weave fibrous preforms accounting for the capillary effects within the fiber bundles. The numerical simulations consider two-dimensional cross sections and full three-dimensional representations of the preform to investigate the relative size and location of entrapped voids for a wide range of flow, preform geometry, and resin material properties. Based on the studies, a generalized paradigm is presented for predicting the void content as a function of the Capillary and Reynolds numbers governing the materials and processing. Optimum conditions for minimizing air entrapment during processing are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2001,32(2):207-220
In the injection/compression liquid composite molding process (I/C-LCM), a liquid polymer resin is injected into a partially open mold, which contains a preform of reinforcing fibers. After some or all of the resin has been injected, the mold is closed, compressing the preform and causing additional resin flow. This paper addresses compression of the preform, with particular emphasis on modeling three-dimensional mold geometries and multi-layer preforms in which the layers have different mechanical responses. First, a new constitutive relation is developed to model the mechanical response of fiber mats during compression. We introduce a new form of nonlinear elasticity for transversely isotropic materials. A special case of this form is chosen that includes the compressive stress generated by changes in mat thickness, but suppresses all other responses. This avoids the need to model slip of the preform along the mold surface. Second, a finite element method, based on the principle of virtual displacement, is developed to solve for the deformation of the preform at any stage of mold closing. The formulation includes both geometric and material nonlinearities, and uses a full Newton–Raphson iteration in the solution. An open gap above the preform can be incorporated by treating the gap as a distinct material layer with a very small stiffness. Examples show that this approach successfully predicts compression in dry preforms for three-dimensional I/C-LCM molds.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2007,38(10):2154-2163
During the manufacturing of particle-filled resin composite parts with a liquid composite molding (LCM) process, undesirable issues arise like resin viscosity increase or particles filtration. As the filled resin flow is taking place, the fibrous preform may act as a filter and hinder the even repartition of the fillers throughout the part or even stop the mold filling. The present paper proposes an experimental investigation of the particle filtration during the injection of a composite part. The model proposed by Erdal et al. is analysed and improved in order to take liquid retention phenomenon into account. Finally, simulated and experimental data are compared.  相似文献   

为了探讨复合材料液态模塑成型(LCM)过程中充填时间和树脂流动前锋形状对材料参数及工艺参数的敏感程度,考虑树脂非稳态浸润过程中的边缘效应以及固化反应现象,引入灵敏度分析方法,推导了模腔内流体压力灵敏度和流体速度灵敏度等关键物理量参数之间所满足的数学关系,构建了充填时间灵敏度方程以及表征材料浸润缺陷形成可能性的树脂流动前锋形状函数及其灵敏度方程,并设计了各物理量的耦合求解方法及灵敏度分析的技术路线。在此基础上,自主开发了数值模拟软件,数值分析了关键材料和工艺参数对树脂流场发展的影响规律和程度。模拟结果表明,在恒压注射边界条件下,提高流体注射温度是提高生产效率最有效的方法,减少边缘区域渗透率则是最能改善树脂流动前锋形状以及充填浸润效果的途径。  相似文献   

Ali Gokce  Suresh G. Advani   《Composites Part A》2004,35(12):1419-1432
In liquid composite molding processes the resin is injected into the mold cavity, which contains pre-placed reinforcement fabrics, through openings known as gates while the displaced air leaves the mold through openings called as vents. Gate and vent locations determine process outputs such as fill time, pressure requirements and whether the fabrics will be saturated entirely, a requirement for the success of the mold filling operation. Disturbances such as racetracking, in which the resin flows faster along the edges of the mold, further complicate the gate and vent selection process. In this study, a cascaded optimization algorithm, which is created by integration of branch and bound search and map-based exhaustive search, is proposed for simultaneous gate and vent location optimization in the presence of racetracking. Three case studies are presented to demonstrate usefulness of this methodology and the results are validated in a Virtual Manufacturing Environment.  相似文献   

研究了双马来酰亚胺树脂定型剂含量对0°/90°双轴向经编织物(Non-crimp fabric,NCF)定型效果、液态成型工艺性、复合材料力学性能的影响。采用厚度回弹、C型回弹的方法表征定型效果;采用厚度压缩与偏轴拉伸实验表征带定型剂织物成型工艺性;并采用弯曲实验与层间剪切实验表征复合材料力学性能。实验结果表明定型剂的添加显著提高了NCF织物的预定型效果;经定型剂处理后NCF织物的面内剪切模量有了较大提高,抗剪切变形能力增强;添加定型剂对0°/90°双轴向NCF织物复合材料的力学性能影响不大,但在改善其工艺性的同时并不会降低其复合材料的力学性能。  相似文献   

Computer simulation has been an efficient and cost-effective tool for the Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) processes, including the RTM, VARTM, and resin infusion, compared to trial-and-error. The Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) has been the predominant method for simulation. Two critical issues of CVFEM are simulation accuracy and computational efficiency, and they are strongly dependent on meshing. In this paper, the influence of meshing on the simulation accuracy is investigated. Both uniform and non-uniform meshes are studied. The results show that for a radial flow, simulation accuracy can be significantly improved by using non-uniform meshes. A case study is conducted and it is shown that for a point injection, the computation time for mold filling simulation can be reduced by more than 99% while maintaining the same simulation accuracy.  相似文献   

A major issue in Liquid Composite Molding Process (LCM) concerns the reduction of voids formed during the resin filling process. Reducing the void content increases the quality of the composite and improves its mechanical properties. Most of modeling efforts on process simulation of mold filling has been focused on the single phase Darcy’s law, with resin as the only phase, ignoring the formation and transport of voids. The resin flow in a partially saturated region can be characterized as two phase flow through a porous medium. The mathematical formulation of saturation in LCM takes into account the interaction between resin and air as it occurs in a two phase flow. This model leads to the introduction of relative permeabilities as a function of saturation. The modified saturation equation is obtained as a result, which is a non-linear advection-diffusion equation with viscous and capillary phenomena. In this work, a flux limiter technique has been used to solve a modified saturation equation for the LCM process. The implemented algorithm allows a numerical optimization of the injected flow rate which minimizes the micro/macroscopic void formation during mold filling. Some preliminary numerical results are presented here in order to validate the proposed mathematical model and the numerical scheme. This formulation opens up new opportunities to improve LCM flow simulations and optimize injection molds.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2002,33(6):841-854
A model-assisted feedback control algorithm, a type of generic model control, is implemented to control cure in resin transfer molding. This control algorithm calculates an apparent temperature of reaction based on the cure data input form a sensor, and this temperature is used to compare the actual rate of reaction to the desired rate and to calculate the mold set-point temperature. The model input into the control algorithm is an empirical cure model of a pre-ceramic polymer with an Arrhenius temperature dependence from 55 to 95 °C. In this work, the effect of varying control parameters is evaluated through cure simulations and experiments. Also, the effect of noise on the controller robustness is evaluated through simulation and experiment. Control parameters are evaluated for 55 and 95 °C.  相似文献   

In Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) processes the saturation of the reinforcement by the resin may induce the creation of porosity in the preform affecting the final properties of the composite. The purpose of this work concerns the development of an experimental protocol and the associated modeling to identify the dynamic saturation curve during filling by taking advantage of sharp contrasts of thermal properties existing between dry and fully-saturated reinforcement. To identify saturation, several injections were performed with a laboratory RTM mold for which thermal design allows accurate control of heat transfer. Several heat flux sensors were used to identify the saturation curve. Sensitivity analysis proves the feasibility of the method. The results are compared with a conductometric method with good agreement. Evolution of residual voids identified for several flow rates are also consistent with those expected according to the capillary number.  相似文献   

通过引入沉浸函数建立了双尺度多孔介质非饱和流动模型,并采用有限元/控制体积法实现了恒压及恒流注射条件下液体模塑成型(LCM)工艺二维径向非饱和流动的数值模拟,得到了不同注射条件下纤维织物内的压力场分布及半饱和区域长度随时间的变化规律,并将双尺度非饱和理论结果与单尺度饱和理论结果进行对比。结果表明:非饱和流动过程中,半饱和区域内的压力和压力梯度明显下降;半饱和区域长度随时间逐渐增加随后保持稳定,当流动前沿到达出口后半饱和区域长度开始逐渐减小;当两个主方向渗透率不同时,沿主方向半饱和区域长度也不同,渗透率越大该方向的半饱和区域长度也越大,纤维织物完全浸润时间取决于较小的渗透率。研究结果对合理预测树脂填充过程中压力分布及纤维预制件的浸润具有指导意义。  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2002,33(9):1263-1272
In liquid composite molding (LCM) processes the resin is injected into a mold cavity containing pre-placed reinforcement fabrics through openings known as gates, and the air leaves the mold through openings called as vents. The gate and vent locations play a crucial role as to whether the resin covers all empty spaces between the fibers in the mold, which dictates the quality and the properties of the final product. Optimization methods are used to find the gate and vent locations that will create a favorable flow that will prevent dry spots. In this paper, branch and bound search is adapted to mold filling in LCM processes and is used to find the optimal injection gate location that fulfill two different objectives. First, to find the gate locations that will yield the shortest fill time. Second, to find the auxiliary gate locations that will counteract a disturbance during filling and minimize the size of the dry spot. In each case, three geometries have been studied. The results are compared with exhaustive search and genetic algorithms results to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of branch and bound search method.  相似文献   

采用真空导入模塑工艺(VIMP)制备纤维增强聚合物基复合材料多墙结构件时,多墙体拐角处的纤维弯曲变形可能导致多墙体局部渗透特性发生变化。通过可视化流动实验考察了拐角对多墙体渗透特性和树脂流动行为的影响。结果表明:无论是否使用导流介质,多墙体中的拐角对树脂流体在VIMP灌注过程中都具有局部阻力作用,降低了树脂充模流动速度和多墙体整体表观渗透率,即存在拐角效应;拐角处铺放导流介质能有效降低拐角效应;随着拐角到注胶口的距离增大,整体表观渗透率表现为先下降后上升。  相似文献   

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