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研究了小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉、马铃薯淀粉、红薯淀粉和绿豆淀粉等5种淀粉对面糊的黏度和挂糊率的影响,同时探讨了它们对油炸挂糊猪肉片的表观色度、水分含量、吸油量、肉的嫩度及感官品质的影响。结果表明,含马铃薯淀粉的糊黏度最大(8.7Pa·s),挂糊率最高(57%);含小麦淀粉的糊黏度最小(仅为7.5Pa·s),挂糊率最低(42%)。经油炸后,含马铃薯淀粉的制品外壳水分含量最高(31.02%),吸油率最低(16.03%),肉的嫩度最好(剪切力为13.84N),产品感官评分最高(88.89分);含玉米淀粉的制品的外壳水分含量最小(仅为24.82%);含红薯淀粉的制品外壳吸油率最大(20.32%),其感官评分最低(58.88分);含绿豆淀粉的产品色度b*值最高,为10.99。综合考虑,马铃薯淀粉最适于油炸猪肉片的加工。   相似文献   

为获得低含油量、色泽金黄、外壳酥脆的挂糊油炸猪肉片,采用深层油炸模型,探讨了小麦面筋蛋白对糊粉的功能特性和对挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳食用品质的影响。试验结果表明,随小麦面筋蛋白添加量的增加,糊粉的持水性和挂糊率均呈上升趋势,而糊粉的峰值黏度、最终黏度、衰减值、谷值黏度和回生值均呈明显的下降趋势。添加小麦面筋蛋白能降低制品外壳脂肪的含量。随小麦面筋蛋白的增加,制品外壳的L*值逐渐减小,a*值和b*值逐渐增大;水分含量先逐渐升高又下降;脂肪含量先降低又逐渐升高;外壳硬度越来越大,脆性越来越小。综合考虑,小麦面筋蛋白添加量在7. 5%时,制品外壳具有较好的食用品质(含油量仅为15. 50%、含水量为19. 91%,呈现诱人的金黄色,脆性较好)。本研究可为该类制品的生产加工提供参考。  相似文献   

采用深层油炸模型,研究了淀粉、面粉、泡打粉、食盐和水等糊的组成成分对挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳色度、吸油率、质构及感官品质等食用品质的影响。实验结果表明,随淀粉添加量增加,挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的硬度、吸油率和表观色度b*值均增大;脆度和a*值均先逐渐增加,后逐渐减少。随泡打粉添加量增加,外壳硬度和L*值逐渐减小;吸油率、a*值和b*值均增加(p<0.05)。随食盐添加量增加,外壳硬度逐渐增大(p<0.05);而吸油率先迅速降低后趋于平稳。随水-粉比增加,外壳硬度逐渐减小,吸油率逐渐增大;易碎性先增加后有所下降。综合考虑,在淀粉添加量30%50%、泡打粉添加量0.7%1.1%、食盐添加量1.2%1.8%、水-粉比1.2∶11.4∶1的条件下,得到的挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳具有较高的食用品质。   相似文献   

为获得外壳酥脆、低含油率的挂糊油炸猪肉片,以麦谷蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白为研究对象,利用深层油炸模型,研究了麦谷蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白对糊功能特性和对挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳食用品质的影响。结果表明,随麦谷蛋白-麦醇溶蛋白比例增加,糊持水性、黏度和挂糊率均呈先上升后下降趋势,当比例为0.90时,糊的持水率、黏度、挂糊率最高,分别为35.56%、2847 cP、45.44%。随麦谷蛋白-麦醇溶蛋白比例增加,外壳的L*值和b*值先增大后减少,水分含量先增加后降低,而脂肪含量先减少后增加。此外,外壳硬度呈增加趋势,麦谷蛋白-麦醇溶蛋白当比例低于0.90时,硬度间变化差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上,麦谷蛋白与麦醇溶蛋白比例为0.90时,制品外壳的水分含量为13.06%、脂肪含量为18.83%,色泽金黄、硬度适中,感官品质较高。本研究可为挂糊油炸类肉制品小麦专用粉蛋白质指标的选择提供参考依据。  相似文献   

油炸过程中挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳食用品质的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用深层油炸模型,利用色差仪、脂肪测定仪和质构仪等分析测试手段,研究了油炸过程中挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的表观色度、水分含量、含油率及硬度、脆度和易碎性等质构参数的变化。试验结果表明,随油炸温度的升高和时间的延长,挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的白度(L*值)逐渐降低,红度(a*值)和黄度(b*值)不断增加;复炸时间较短时,产品外壳白度较高,黄度较低;复炸时间过长时,油炸产品外壳红度过高。质构分析显示,随复炸时间的增加,油炸食品外壳的硬度增大,脆性和易碎性得到改善。此外,挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的含油率与水分含量之间具有负相关关系,相关系数(R2)高达0.981。就色度、含油率和质构而言,在初炸100 s和复炸40-60 s的条件下,制备的挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳具有较高的食用品质。  相似文献   

本文以12个品种小麦粉为研究对象,研究了小麦粉的蛋白质、粉质和拉伸特性等品质指标,及其挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳品质,并分析了小麦粉的品质特性与挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳(CDBPS)品质指标间的相关关系。结果表明,参试小麦粉蛋白及其组分含量在不同品种间存在较大差异,其中总蛋白和湿面筋含量变异系数分别为15.14%和16.56%,球蛋白变异系数高达62.81%。粉质参数中形成时间、稳定时间、弱化度和粉质质量指数变异系数等均较大,拉伸特性各指标变异系数均大于20%。挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳含油量与总蛋白含量、面筋指数、麦醇溶蛋白含量,粉质参数的吸水率,拉伸特性的拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力和延伸度均具有极显著负相关关系(P<0.01),相关系数分别为?0.739、?0.833、?0.833、?0.797、?0.736、?0.709、?0.722。外壳硬度和易碎性均与总蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白、吸水率、拉伸曲线面积和拉伸阻力呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。此外,外壳色度与湿面筋、面筋指数、麦醇溶蛋白和拉伸曲线面积也存在多种相关性。本研究可为挂糊油炸肉品糊粉小麦专用粉选择提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   


本文研究了不同的油炸时间和温度对小酥肉品质的影响。分析了150、160、170、180、190 ℃条件下油炸150、170、190、210 s后小酥肉的含水率、含油率、质构、色泽、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBARs值),胃蛋白酶消化率的变化情况。结果表明,随着油炸温度的升高和油炸时间的延长,小酥肉整体水分含量显著降低(P<0.05),而油脂含量显著升高(P<0.05),硬度、咀嚼性、胶粘性、弹性均显著增加(P<0.05),TBARs值呈现逐渐增加的趋势,胃蛋白酶消化率随着油炸时间的延长呈现逐渐升高的趋势,随着油炸温度的升高呈逐渐降低的趋势。170 ℃条件下油炸170 s的小酥肉整体的含水率为44.15%,肉芯的含水率为64.19%,整体的含油率为50.77%,肉芯的含油率为28.97%,硬度适中,色泽金黄,外酥里嫩,口感最佳。


王善荣  陈正宏  郑广新 《食品科学》2004,25(11):109-111
本文对小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉、木薯淀粉、木薯淀粉醋酸酯、马铃薯淀粉及马铃薯淀粉醋酸酯的糊化特性以及它们添加到面粉中对方便面品质的影响进行了研究。感官评定及质构分析表明:添加木薯淀粉、木薯淀粉醋酸酯、马铃薯淀粉及马铃薯淀粉醋酸酯均可提高方便面的光泽度、透明度、弹性、滑爽性和耐嚼性。淀粉醋酸酯比其原淀粉效果好,而马铃薯淀粉醋酸酯比木薯淀粉醋酸酯性能更优。  相似文献   

为研究不同种类淀粉对上浆猪肉片品质的影响,采用小麦淀粉、玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉对排酸成熟24 h的猪肉片进行上浆处理,未上浆猪肉片为空白对照,测定滑油后猪肉片的烹饪损失率、质构特性、色泽、水分含量、蛋白质含量、脂肪含量并观察其微观结构,同时利用模糊数学综合评价法分析其感官品质。结果表明,上浆猪肉片滑油后的烹饪损失率明显低于空白对照组,且马铃薯淀粉上浆猪肉片烹饪损失率最低,仅为4.83%。在质构特性和营养成分上,上浆猪肉片与未上浆猪肉片滑油后差异显著(P<0.05),马铃薯淀粉上浆猪肉片硬度值最小,弹性最大,水分含量最高,达67.91%。微观结构显示了马铃薯淀粉上浆猪肉片滑油后肌纤维结构更为松散,嫩度最好,与质构特性结果相符。模糊感官综合评分最高的是马铃薯淀粉上浆猪肉片,为81.45分。综合指标显示马铃薯淀粉更适于猪肉片上浆预制品加工。  相似文献   

为使油炸食品获得更好的食用品质,对组成糊的米粉原料进行了筛选。采用深层油炸模型,研究了泰国香米、东北长粒香米、稻花香米和长糯米等4种米粉对挂糊油炸食品外壳的吸油率、表观色度、剪切力及感官品质的影响。结果表明,当米粉添加量为16%时,稻花香米粉外壳吸油率最低为11.26%;当添加量为32%时,泰国香米粉的外壳吸油率最低为10.71%。当米粉添加量为16%时,泰国香米粉外壳L值最大为61.31;糯米粉外壳L值始终呈现上升趋势。在硬度方面,当米粉添加量为16%时,稻花香米粉外壳剪切力最大为47.75N;当米粉添加量40%时,糯米粉外壳剪切力仅为19.21N。综合考虑,在4种米粉中,稻花香米粉是挂糊油炸产品优先选用的米粉品种。   相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analyze the changes of secondary structure of myofibrillar proteins in short-term storage of battered and deep-fried pork slices. These changes were combined with low-field NMR analysis results to analyze the correlation between secondary structure and dynamic changes of water content. The results showed that the number of α-helix and β-sheet decreased by 22.90 and 16.54% respectively, and the orderly structure changed to the disorder structure. The correlation results show that NMR spin–spin relaxation time (T21) has a high negative correlation with α-helix, β-sheet, and has a high positive correlation with irregular curl and β-turn. The population of immobile water (P22) has a very high positive correlation with α-helix, β-sheet, and has a relatively high negative correlation with irregular curl and β-turn. The immobilized water plays an important role in maintaining the secondary structure.  相似文献   

实验主要研究马铃薯淀粉、小麦淀粉、绿豆淀粉和木薯变性淀粉在加工温度为70、80、90℃和100℃对猪肉丸品质的影响。通过感官评定、测定色差、蒸煮损失、质构来比较猪肉丸品质的差异。实验结果得出:木薯变性淀粉做出来的猪肉丸在感官评价、蒸煮损失率、硬度、弹性和咀嚼性比其它三组淀粉表现出的效果好,加工温度为90℃时猪肉丸的感官评价、硬度、弹性和咀嚼性最大。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate three types of deep-fried battered and breadcrumb coatings (fine, medium, and coarse), each coating varying in breadcrumb size. Instrumental testing using X-ray micro-computerized tomography, texture analysis, and acoustic analysis confirms significant differences between each sample in terms of physical and mechanical properties. Four hedonic and 9 sensory attributes were evaluated by 185 consumers for preference and acceptance (9-point scale and just-about-right-scale). Penalty analysis confirmed significant mean drops within all three samples (p < .05), “coarse” having the most and “medium” having the least. This explains “medium” having the overall highest liking score (6.72) and coarse having significantly lower (5.88). Crispness is an important textural attribute representing freshness and quality of deep-fried coatings. However, penalty analysis shows “coarse” coatings with the highest crispness scores, resulting in the greatest significant mean drop (2.01) and lowest overall liking. A combination of flavor, appearance, and texture-related attributes significantly reduce hedonic score (p < .05). Agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis confirms three clusters of consumers based on liking for either “coarse,” “medium,” or “fine.” Each of these samples has a significant difference in the microstructure. Chi-square test confirms a significant difference in product quality, purchase intent, and met expectations between samples in each cluster group (p < .05). The findings in this research highlight how differences in microstructure of battered and breaded coatings influence textural properties and consumer preference. This can be applied to a wide battered and breaded goods.  相似文献   

Wheat starches with different degrees of cross-linking were used to study the effect of starch gelatinization in the batter and crust characteristics of deep-fried battered food. Pasting properties, viscosity and batter pick up as well as moisture and oil content and crispness of the fried crusts were evaluated. In batters prepared with a constant solids/water ratio, the cross-linked starches increased batter viscosity and consequently the batter pick up. Batters, with comparable viscosity were prepared by varying the solid/water ratio which gave the same batter pick up.The pasting properties of cross-linked starches showed that the higher the cross-linking the more resistant was the starch to gelatinization and granule disintegration. In batters with a constant solids/water ratio, batter with high cross-linked starch had more water loss during frying. Cross-linked starches had lower moisture content after storage and less oil was retained after frying. Crispness, measured instrumentally as sound intensity, was the highest for the high cross-linked starch at 1 and 20 min after frying.Batters prepared with the same viscosity were used to study the effect of cross-linked starches when the pick up was the same. To obtain comparable viscosities between the batters, the batter with native starch was prepared using the lowest mixing water content and the one with high cross-linked starch with the highest. The batter with the high cross-linked starch, although it had the highest addition of water, had the best crispness after frying.In conclusion, high cross-linking of wheat starch enhances crispness perception of deep-fried battered food.  相似文献   

本研究主要探讨了60℃烘干条件下,不同烘干时间(2、3、4、5 h)对猪肉脯水分分布及品质变化的影响。分别测定了猪肉脯的出品率、剪切力、水分活度、水分含量、颜色、T2弛豫时间和感官评分,并结合主成分分析(PCA)探讨了它们之间的相关性。研究结果表明,烘干使猪肉脯的出品率、水分活度、水分含量、b*显著降低(p<0.05);L*、a*和剪切力显著增加(p<0.05),并在烘干时间4 h时,感官评分最高(p<0.05)。PCA结果表明,T21、T23的变化与猪肉脯水分活度、水分含量和出品率之间存在正相关的线性关系,与剪切力呈负相关性。结论:不同烘干时间对猪肉脯品质的影响主要是由于肉中水分的迁移引起的。   相似文献   

The first experiment evaluated the effect of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) addition to hot-boned meat, in different proportions, upon the keeping quality of fresh pork sausage patties. Dry ice had some negative effects at levels of 20% to 40%, such as hardening and colour fading of samples, although it increased water-holding capacity of the sausage. In the second experiment three proportions of hot-boned meat and chilled meat were evaluated as a means to extend the retail storage time of fresh pork sausage links. Hot-boned pork was treated by three methods: freezing the meat before grinding, salting and freezing, and salting plus dry ice addition. The results favoured the use of 50% hot-boned meat and 50% chilled meat, for which the lowest hardness and oxidation values were obtained. Microbial counts and hue values showed no significant variation among the three treatments. Salting and freezing hot-boned meat before grinding was the method which produced the best overall quality.  相似文献   

Wheat flours milled from five different varieties of wheat and collected at an extraction rate of 60% were used as raw materials in this study. The proximate compositions, dough Farinographic and Extensographic properties, and the quality indices of deep-fried gluten balls prepared from these flours were measured. The proteins of these five different wheat flours were extracted and analyzed using the electrophoretic method, and the effect of protein composition on the quality of deep-fried gluten balls prepared from these flours was investigated. In this study, the proteins in each sample were divided into six groups, and the molecular weights of the proteins in these six groups are as follows: (I) 205.0–97.4 kDa; (II) 97.4–66.2 kDa; (III) 66.2–45.0 kDa; (IV) 45.0–36.0 kDa; (V) 24.0–19.7 kDa; (VI) 14.4–6.5 kDa, respectively. The results show that the protein contents of groups I, II, and V are negatively correlated to peak force and Hunter b value of deep-fried gluten balls, but positively correlated to Hunter L value and sensory evaluation score of appearance. The above results reveal that the high-molecular weight glutenin subunits, ω-gliadins, and albumins/globulins of wheat flour have a profound effect on the quality of deep-fried gluten balls.  相似文献   

Effect of processing plant on pork quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of processing plant on pork quality was studied by assessing pork quality in three commercial plants (A, B, C). Plants differed in the layout of the races, stunning systems (A and B: electrical, C: CO(2) stunning) and chilling systems (A: rapid chilling, B and C: conventional). Factors not related to the processing plants (e.g. genetic background of animals, transport, lairage) were standardized. In total, nine batches of about 150 pigs each were processed. Each batch was purchased at a commercial farm and randomly divided into three groups for delivery to the three processing plants. Meat quality was evaluated by measuring early post-mortem muscle pH and temperature as well as ultimate pH, meat colour (Minolta Chroma Meter and Japanese colour scale), filter paper score (FPS), electrical conductivity (EC) and drip loss. Plant C produced an inferior quality compared to plants A and B: meat was paler (C: 2.8 vs. A: 2.9 and B: 3.0 on the Japanese colour scale) and had higher drip losses (C: 5.2 vs. A: 4.8 and B: 4.9%). Meat colour hardly differed between plants A and B but waterholding properties were best at plant A as indicated by FPS (A: 2.4 vs. B: 2.8 vs. C: 3.3) and EC (A: 5.4 vs. B: 6.4 vs. C: 7.4 mS). It is concluded that processing plant may influence meat quality. Correlations between early post-mortem measurements and meat quality traits were low. Nevertheless, high carcass temperatures and low pH values early post-mortem were shown to lead to inferior meat quality.  相似文献   

Liu  Yong  Liu  Zi-Hao  Luo  Chang-Qi  Xiao  Chun-Tao  Zhou  Wen-Yu  Xie  Wen-Jin 《Food science and biotechnology》2022,31(4):505-514
Food Science and Biotechnology - The nano-coating composed of gelatin and Gardenia pigment (GP) was successfully prepared and showed strong antioxidant activity. The average particle sizes of the...  相似文献   

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