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A theoretical method for analyzing overflow problems in queueing systems is presented. An interrupted Poisson process (IPP) approximation of overflow traffic is employed. An overflow stream is replaced by an IPP using the three-moment matching method. For a three-input model, to which one Poisson and two IPP streams are offered simultaneously, explicit and iterative formulas are derived to calculate the mean waiting time, overflow probability, and moments of overflow traffic intensity from the system for each of the three input streams. This three-input model is a general one, and can be used for analyzing complex problems such as multistage overflow models and individual traffic characteristics for a model with more than three inputs. By setting the capacity of the waiting room of the three-input model to 0, this method can cover loss systems. For both queueing and loss systems, several numerical examples of typical traffic models are shown. Comparisons are made between theoretical values and experimental values by computer simulations, and it is demonstrated that the accuracy of the method is excellent. 相似文献
In every data communication system, a procedure must be provided to allow for the retransmission of data when errors are detected. The receiving node is required to make a (positive/negative) acknowledgment (ACK/NACK) to the sending node. Until an acknowledgment is received, a "copy" of the message must be retained at the sending node. If an ACK is received, the space assigned to the "copy" is released. If either a NACK or no acknowledgment is received in a suitable interval of time, retransmission is required. Different protocols specifying how the nodes recover from a transmission error can be defined. In this paper, we present a queueing analysis of the two ARQ (automatic repeat request) protocols-block and select ARQ-for a (slotted) concentrator network node. 相似文献
In this paper, formulas are derived for queueing systems where the delayed customers are controlled by a stochastic time out, i.e., the delays are limited by a timeT that is drawn from a general probability distribution. Formulas are also worked out for the case of a limitation of the time spent in the total system (queue + servers). In order to simplify numerical calculations, an approximate method is worked out and numerical examples are shown. 相似文献
两类特殊光学系统的光路计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文针对包含圆柱面和圆锥面的光学系统,讨论其光路的解析计算。指出一般迭代逼近方法的弊端,阐述了自动优选最佳像面的程序设计思想,列举了实例。 相似文献
信息技术呼唤培养新型人才 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈太一 《电气电子教学学报》2001,23(1):1-6
在综合探讨信息技术对国民经济以及军事的影响的基础上,提出要设置通讯系统工程系及相应的新专业,以培养新型信息人才。 相似文献
Magdi S. Mahmoud 《Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing》2013,32(2):905-917
In this paper, we address the problem of decentralized feedback control design for a class of linear interconnected discrete-time systems subject to quantization and overflow nonlinearities and unknown-but-bounded couplings. A decentralized quantized state feedback controller is designed at the subsystem level to render the closed-loop system asymptotically stable. When the local output measurements are available, a decentralized output-feedback quantized controller is developed attain similar asymptotic stability and guaranteed performance of the closed-loop quantized system. Several special cases of interest are derived and simulation results are provided. 相似文献
In applied queueing theory, it is often important to deal with transient system behavior. Performance evaluation of congestioncontrol mechanisms in a packet-switching network is an excellent example in which there is frequently a strong need to deal with the intrinsic dynamic character of congestion. In that case, the queueing models have to be analyzed for a transient environment. In this paper, we show that such problems can be treated in a uniform way, when the system of coupled differential equations describing the system-state or flow process is solved numerically. For this, the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure allows a good balance between memory requirements, computing time, and accuracy. To illustrate the explanatory power of this kind of transient queueing analysis, three models will be considered: the common-store queueing system showing the priority deadlock, the foreground-background congestion-control mechanism, and a two-level global congestion-control mechanism. 相似文献
In this paper a mathematical model is developed for the performance of crisis calls. In such a system, a finite number of crisis calls attempt to use a communication link that has been receiving ordinary calls. The performance of the link with respect to the crisis calls is analyzed and studied. A numerical analysis is conducted to determine the behavior of the crisis calls under various scenarios. Some simple upper and lower bounds on the blocking and loss probabilities for crisis calls are given. 相似文献
Jobs associated with messages arriving to a communication processing system (CPS) can be described as ordered sets of prioritized tasks, where each task represents the execution of some part of the system's software. The service system of the CPS consists of a collection of queues, one for each distinct priority, serviced by a single server under a preemptive resume discipline. The routing of the job through this collection of queues is defined by a job's priority vector which specifies the priority at which each task in the job is to execute. For example, if a two-task job's priority vector is (3, 2), then the job first joins the priority 3 queue, obtains service for the first task, then joins the priority 2 queue. In a previous paper, the author and a colleague described a method through which average delays in such task-oriented processing systems could be computed for the special case in which all jobs have identical structure. This paper presents a substantially simplified version of the analysis methodology presented previously and extends that work to the case of a finite number of job classes, each job class having a finite number of tasks. 相似文献
Some queueing theory formulas for loop systems with random slot seizure previously obtained by the author via a lengthy series of derivations are shown to follow immediately from priority queueing formulas derived by Takács if an appropriate artifice is used to make Takács' results applicable. 相似文献
In the paper Bharath-Kumar presented an analysis of a discrete buffered system of infinite capacity, where the length of the packets is drawn from a geometric distribution and the packets leaving the resource have to be retransmitted with some probability. In this correspondence an analysis of the same system is given which applies for a general packet length distribution, and where the length of a packet remains the same each time it is retransmitted, as opposed to Bharath-Kumar's model where the retransmission packet lengths are independently chosen. 相似文献
基于FPGA的两种DDS实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
阐述了两种DDS的原理,频率合成方式(DDFS)和直读方式(DDWS),给出了FPGA实现方式,分析了DDS的几个关键的技术指标,并通过Matlab仿真。频率合成方式是比较常用的DDS产生方式,对它做了详细的原理性介绍和实现说明,重点通过仿真详细对比了两种实现方式在性能指标上的优劣,为后人的选择提供技术参考。 相似文献
在高校的数字电路课程教学中,通常要对分立NPN晶体管和TTL门电路的低电平输出近饱和、饱和以及退饱和状态进行讲解,其中出现了貌似矛盾的现象.本文给出了两种情况下的比较分析,力图廓清对它们模棱两可的理解,并尝试给出了被动饱和与主动饱和两个新概念,建议了更为合理的饱和深度的定量表达式,以期对相关的教学以及教材编... 相似文献
不对称数字用户线ADSL技术作为实现宽带接入的解决方案,现阶段技术上已趋成熟、在应用上得到了很大的发展。本文对两种基于不同网络的ADSL高速接入分别做了技术分析,并对其特点进行了对比。 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate a multi-rate network in which wide-band calls are allowed to wait if insufficient resources are available at the time of the call arrival. On the link level, an analytical model is presented and simulations have been carried out on the network level. The results indicate that allowing a few wide-band calls to queue can give a significant improvement in performance in terms of network revenue , as well as a means to level out the blocking probabilities of the different traffic classes. This improvement becomes significant when the service discipline of the waiting calls (of different bandwidth requirements) is adaptive in the sense that longer queues get served first. This observation motivates the investigation of the impact of various buffer space assignment and queueing disciplines on network revenue and call blocking probabilities. The study of such mixed delay and queueing networks is motivated by its possible applications to traffic problems in future Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks as well as in multi-rate cellular radio networks. 相似文献
两种双频微带天线的分析与设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
首先结合软件设计并测试一种双层双频微带天线,然后介绍了一种改进的采用单模馈电的双频微带天线,通过原理分析和最后给出的驻波曲线验证了这种改进的可行性。 相似文献
本文为ATM交换系统提出了一种改进的输入输出开窗算法,通过在原有输入开窗排队算法中引入因子Ps,改进算法允许至多Ps个信元同时到达同一输出口,并利用输入输出缓冲队列来减缓输出碰撞,改进的开窗算法不仅能得到几科与输出排队一亲的最优吞吐和延迟性能,还具有好得多的分组单元丢失性能,尤其适合缓冲容量有限的情形,因而不失为一有效的ATM交换系统设计方案,本文讨论了算法及其复杂度分析,给出了计算机仿真的性能结 相似文献