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中国油菜秸秆资源的生物质能源利用潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用中国各省(市)的农作物种植数据,估算长江流域油菜优势种植区域的冬闲土地面积,并评估油菜秸秆的产量和能源产品的生产潜力。研究发现:中国长江流域冬闲土地面积为1 648万hm2,可利用面积为494万hm2;2013年中国油菜秸秆和冬闲土地油菜秸秆的可收集量分别为3 817万t和2 483万t,总量可达6 300万t;油菜秸秆生物炭或生物油的总生产潜力分别为2 079万t或2 646万t,折合标准煤量为1 746万t或1 826万t;在利用50%油菜秸秆资源的情况下,生物油替代能源消费量的潜力达到913万t标准煤。中国的油菜秸秆资源十分丰富,且分布集中,其能源化利用具有规模优势,值得重视和发展。  相似文献   

生物质能利用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当今社会面临着环境与发展的双重压力 ,能源是人类社会进步最为重要的物质基础。纵观人类几千年的文明史 ,能源结构的重大变革导致了人类社会的巨大进步 ,国民生产总值的增长始终与能源消费同步增长。石油将在21世纪枯竭 ,新的能源结构将在新的世纪中形成。可以想象 ,未来的能源结构将与过去不同 ,多种能源并存的能源体系将成为新世纪能源结构的特征 ,生物质能源极有可能成为21世纪的主要能源之一。一化石燃料和环境恶化自20世纪70年代以来 ,人们对石油、煤炭、天然气的贮量和可开采时限作过种种的估算与推测 ,几乎都得出一致结论—…  相似文献   

This paper analyzes utilization of carbon-negative biofuels from low-input high-diversity grassland biomass on degraded lands (LIHD) for energy including energy equivalent to green house gases (GHG) capture and storage. The results show that the energy output of LIHD biomass on degraded soil is nearly equal to that of ethanol from conventional corn grain on fertile soil. It has also been shown that LIHD biofuel is far more economical than the conventional biofuels such as corn ethanol or soybean biodiesel.China is a large agriculturally developing country, with its rural area largely populated and vast land degraded. It is in this respect that we analyzed the utilization of LIHD. The potential of using energy from LIHD biomass on degraded lands in China is estimated. The results show that the potential energy production of LIHD biomass reaches 6350971.32 TJ year?1, accounting for about 15% of China’s energy consumption in 2002.  相似文献   

我国植物生物质能源开发展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄宝圣 《太阳能》2003,(1):20-23
植物生物质能源是绿色能源之一,源于太阳能。绿色植物大约能捕获0.024%太阳能,并通过光合作用转变成植物体内有机物的化学能,即植物生物质能。我国是一个农业大国,每年可收获大约6.5×1011kg植物秸杆。其中小麦、玉米和稻谷等单子叶植物秸杆约4.5×1011kg;豆类、花生等双子叶植物秸杆约1.3×1011kg;薯类藤蔓等约7.0×1011kg。植物秸杆中碳元素质量分数约为40%,其次为氢、氮、氧、镁、硅、磷、钾、钙等元素。植物秸杆的有机成分以纤维素、半纤维素为主,质量分数约为50%,其次为树脂、单宁、氨基酸、蛋白质等。就我国目前情况来看,上述植物秸杆…  相似文献   

云南生物质能的开发利用现状与未来前景分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
云南作为中国的能源大省,各种能源资源的储量都十分丰富,而且以可再生能源见长,尤其生物质能资源非常丰富,发展前景广阔。这对解决云南省农村能源短缺和恢复生态平衡、保证能源安全非常必要。  相似文献   

发展我国生物质能的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究国内外生物质能的利用和研究现状的基础上,分析了我国生物质能发展过程中存在的一些问题,并对我国生物质能的发展提出合理化的建议。  相似文献   

中国生物质能源技术现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李十中 《太阳能》2006,(1):42-46
煤燃烧释放了占全球1/3以上的碳,是造成全球气候变暖的元凶之一。中国75%的电力源自煤炭;煤变油更会加快煤炭的枯竭速度!生物质能源再次浮出水面一次性化石燃料资源的日趋枯竭使人们不得不把注意力转向可再生能源。目前可再生能源中的生  相似文献   

周小玲 《可再生能源》2011,29(2):141-146
针对阻碍我国生物质能产业发展的若干问题,文章从我国生物质能资源条件、对生态环境的影响、技术路线选择和产业发展模式等方面进行了探讨,并提出了促进生物质能产业发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

天津市农村生物质能利用现状及发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红艳  徐亚辉 《节能》2012,31(1):9-12
在对天津市农村生物质能实地调研的基础上,对天津市生物质资源量及利用现状进行了分析,表明天津市发展生物质作为农村居民炊事燃料具有较大的发展空间;对当前天津的农村住宅生物质能源利用模式进行了归纳和总结,并对农村生物质能源在项目建设及管理等方面的存在问题进行了探讨。结合我国能源发展现状及天津市"十二五"发展规划,从新农村建设与能源规划的角度统筹考虑,对天津市农村生物质能的发展趋势、利用趋势及生物质发展与城乡规划布局的关系三个方面进行了分析和设想,表明生物质能在新农村建设中的积极作用。  相似文献   

Assessment of sustainable biomass resource for energy use in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper assesses the sustainable biomass resource for energy in China. Assessment has been carried out for the following resources: (i) agricultural residues, (ii) forest residues, and (iii) municipal solid waste (MSW). The potential of each resource is estimated for the base years 2008, 2008, and 2007. The energy potentials of these resources in 2008, 2008, and 2007 are estimated to be 14.7, 3.9, and 0.2 EJ, respectively. The total potential including the energy of 6.4 EJ from the proposed low-input high-diversity (LIHD) grassland biomass on the untilled lands for the base years 1996 is equal to about 30.2% of China’s energy consumption in 2008. Furthermore it is projected that sustainable biomass use for energy will reduce net emissions of green house gases (GHG) of 3276.7 million tonnes, and help in emission-reduction target of China and the world.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)与我国生物质能的规模化发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
清洁发展机制允许发达国家通过与发展中国家进行项目级的合作,获得由项目产生的“经核证的温室气体减排量”,同时实现发达国家向发展中国家资金和技术转移。简要介绍了CDM的基本概念和我国清洁发展机制的进展,并通过介绍国外生物质能CDM项目和我国生物质气化发电项目CDM案例分析,探讨了CDM对推动我国生物质能的规模化发展可能发挥的促进作用。  相似文献   

Cereal straw currently has end-uses such as animal bedding and feeding, but there are no official statistics regarding the fraction of straw that is not used. Although cereal straw is an abundant source of biomass still largely unexploited for energy purposes, the feedstock market interplay with current straw uses (e.g. animal bedding and feeding) and on-farm practices (e.g. chopped and incorporated) is still unknown. This research used farmers' stated preferences to assess the supply curve (i.e. amount and price) of cereal straw for bio-energy purposes. In addition, we performed an econometric regression on the straw price demanded by farmers (willingness to accept). A sample of data gathered in 2014 from 203 cereal growers in Apulia region (southern Italy) was used, and the results show that more than half of respondents would sell their cereal straw on the feedstock market, and that the preferred sales method is in-swath. The price requested would be higher (15.15 EUR ha 1) than that currently applied on the local straw market (12.00 EUR ha 1). Explanatory factors refer to farmers who currently burn stubble on-field, farmers involved in Agro-Environmental Schemes or contract provision, farmers with off-farm employment and farms with larger areas dedicated to cereals.  相似文献   

李鹏 《太阳能》2007,(12):45-45
第二届全国研究生生物质能研讨会、生物质能创新产学研联盟研讨会暨中国可再生能源学会生物  相似文献   

生物质能作为我国农村家庭生活能源消费的重要构成单元,在当前利用过程中面临着理论和实践的双重挑战,其可持续发展受到了严重制约.解决该难题的关键之一是系统地构建农村家庭生物质能可持续利用理论基础框架.文章结合牛物质能已有相关研究,首次尝试建立了包括系统理论、生态承载力理论、效用理论、生态经济学理论、自然资源价值理论的农村家庭生物质能可持续利用的理论基础.分析了农村家庭生物质能可持续利用具有的四大内涵,即资源供给的可持续性、生态环境效应的可持续性、生物质能生产的可持续性和消费者接受的可持续性.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis is one of the potential routes to harmless energy and useful chemicals from biomass. The pyrolysis of Albizia amara was studied for determining the main characteristics and quantities of liquid products. Particular investigated process variables were temperature from 350 to 550°C, particle size from 0.6 to 1.25 mm, and heating rate from 10 to 30 °C/min. The maximum bio-oil yield of 48.5 wt% at the pyrolysis temperature of 450°C was obtained at the particle size of 1.0 mm and at the heating rate of 30 °C/min. The bio-oil product was analyzed for physical, elemental, and chemical composition using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography spectroscopy. The bio-oil contains mostly phenols, alkanes, alkenes, saturated fatty acids and their derivatives. According to the experimental results, the pyrolysis bio-oil can be used as low-grade fuel having heating value of 18.63 MJ/kg and feedstock for chemical industries.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide a more detailed picture of potential biomass energy production in the Chinese energy system towards 2030 and 2050. Biomass for bioenergy feedstocks comes from five sources, which are agricultural crop residues, forest residues and industrial wood waste, energy crops and woody crops, animal manure, and municipal solid waste. The potential biomass production is predicted based on the resource availability. In the process of identifying biomass resources production, assumptions are made regarding arable land, marginal land, crops yields, forest growth rate, and meat consumption and waste production. Four scenarios were designed to describe the potential biomass energy production to elaborate the role of biomass energy in the Chinese energy system in 2030. The assessment shows that under certain restrictions on land availability, the maximum potential biomass energy productions are estimated to be 18,833 and 24,901?PJ in 2030 and 2050.  相似文献   

China is rich in biomass resources, with favorable conditions for the development and utilization of biomass energy. Currently, the main secondary forms of biomass energy utilized in China include biogas, biomass power, bioethanol, biodiesel. By the end of 2010, the annual output of biogas in China had reached 14.3×109 m3; the installed capacity of biomass power had reached 5.5×106 kw; the annual output of bioethanol had reached 1.84×106 t; the annual output of biodiesel was 400×103 t. Although China is very rich in biomass resources, the percentage of biomass energy in the total energy utilized in China is very low. In 2010, the biomass secondary energy accounted for 7.28% of the total renewable energy consumption; and only 0.66% of the primary energy consumption in China. Compared with other types of renewable energy, the biomass energy development remains very slow and even marginalized. The development of secondary sources of energy in China is relatively slow, the reasons for which are many, such as food security, high production costs, obsolete equipment, technological immaturity, insufficient raw materials, and a serious shortage of investments. In fact, the root causes for the slow development of the biomass secondary energy industry are the government's focus on economic development and the private enterprises focus on economic benefits. The lower economic benefits of the biomass secondary energy industry do not intrinsically motivate them to promote its development. Entering the market is crucial to the development of the biomass secondary energy and requires strong implementation and policy guarantees by the government. Biomass secondary energy has a positive role in reducing greenhouse gas emission, reducing waste pollution, and increasing employment opportunities. It is recommended that the government and enterprises should actively promote the development of the biomass secondary energy.  相似文献   

地理信息系统在秸秆资源化利用中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地理信息系统(GIS)技术在秸秆资源化利用中的应用出发,分析了统计学模型与遥感模型在秸秆资源量预测中的优缺点,介绍了GIS技术在数据管理、资源量空间表达、区域收集分析、厂点优化选择方面的具体应用.提出建立秸秆利用评估系统,以期对秸秆资源综合利用提供科学解决途径和有效手段.  相似文献   

China has the abundant agro-residue resources, producing more than 630 million tons of agro-residues in 2006, and amounting to about 20% of total energy consumption in rural areas. Efficient utilization of enormous agro-residues resource is crucial for providing bioenergy, releasing risk of environmental pollution, and increasing farmers’ income. The paper presented the feasibility of densified solid biofuels technology for utilizing agro-residues in China. The output and distribution of agro-residues in recent 10 years, the R&D of briquetting technology, and the market of densified solid biofuels from agro-residues in China have been analyzed. The result indicated that the abundant agro-residue resources can provide the economical and sustainable raw material for densified solid biofuels development in China. The R&D of briquetting technology at present can strongly support the large scale production of densified solid biofuels. With continued improvement and cost reduction of briquetting technology, along with the support of nation energy policy on biomass energy, the market of densified solid biofuels from agro-residues in China will be more fully deployed. Based on the above mentioned key factors, development of densified solid biofuels from agro-residues in China will be promising and feasible.  相似文献   

Agriculture residues such as palm shell are one of the biomass categories that can be utilized for conversion to bio-oil by using pyrolysis process. Palm shells were pyrolyzed in a fluidized-bed reactor at 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 °C with N2 as carrier gas at flow rate 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 L/min. The objective of the present work is to determine the effects of temperature, flow rate of N2, particle size and reaction time on the optimization of production of renewable bio-oil from palm shell. According to this study the maximum yield of bio-oil (47.3 wt%) can be obtained, working at the medium level for the operation temperature (500 °C) and 2 L/min of N2 flow rate at 60 min reaction time. Temperature is the most important factor, having a significant positive effect on yield product of bio-oil. The oil was characterized by Fourier Transform infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques.  相似文献   

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