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Fifteen indigenous strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, differentiated by their genetic polymorphism, were compared in standard conditions for their respective ability to produce volatile compounds during the alcoholic fermentation of grape must. The results were processed using analysis of variance and of principal components. They exhibited significant differences between strains, in particular for the higher alcohols, fatty acid esters, acetates or acetaldehyde. On the basis of their analytical profile, five strains were selected and compared on the pilot scale. Overall, the pilot results confirmed laboratory findings. As the strain effect appears to be determinant on the aromatic composition of wine spirits, a programme of selection based on both intraspecific molecular characterisation and chromatographic analysis is carried out to obtain specific yeast strains for high-quality spirits.  相似文献   

Three selected autochthonous and one commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains used as starters for fermentation of the same Gewürztraminer must were compared in terms of their influence on primary and secondary aroma of wine. At the same testing conditions, each strain S. cerevisiae produced individual metabolites in different concentrations and combinations which significantly influenced resulting wine flavour. Higher concentrations of 2-phenylethanol and cis-rose oxide, associated with S. cerevisiae TC-NAX-A, considerably distinguished this strain from the others. Occurrence of these VOCs has important influence on sweet rose-like flavour typical for Gewürztraminer wine. This paper deals with the characterization of chemical substances that directly affect the primary varietal aroma of Gewürztraminer wine, while looking for a tool to produce an original and attractive product in form of suitable autochthonous strain S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

天然酵母菌株在葡萄酒酿造中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以河北产赤霞珠葡萄为原料,用本土天然酿酒酵母菌株Y14和商业酵母菌株F15酿造干红葡萄酒,并采用固相微萃取结合气质色谱的方法对葡萄酒中的挥发性香气物质进行检测。结果表明,本土酵母菌株在发酵能力方面与商业酵母无明显差别,但在不同酵母发酵葡萄酒中的香气成分种类和含量方面具有较大差别,本土酵母菌株Y14在香气成分生成能力方面具有优势。因此,此菌株具有生产本地特色葡萄酒的潜质。  相似文献   

Influence of sequential yeast mixtures on wine fermentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The use of Pichia fermentans in pure cultures and sequential mixtures with Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied to improve the aromatic compounds and characteristics of a wine. P. fermentans has proved to be a good starter strains for must fermentation in the winemaking industry. It has shown the same level of sulphur tolerance and the same growth rate as S. cerevisiae. We have demonstrated that only 2 days of must fermentation with P. fermentans in sequential mixtures are enough to increase the following compounds in the wine both qualitatively and quantitatively: acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, 1-propanol, n-butanol, 1-hexanol, ethyl caprilate, 2,3-butanediol and glycerol. Maintaining this non-Saccharomyces strain in contact with the must for longer periods quantitatively increases the flavour composition.  相似文献   

Summary Zweigelt 1987, a typical Austrian wine treated with wine additives such as sulphur dioxide,l-ascorbic acid and sorbic acid was stored for 77 days. All characteristic wine components were analysed during the storage period. Only changes in colour could be detected. The changes in the amount of anthocyanins and anthocyanidin chlorides were analysed. The results show that Zweigelt 1987 mixed with wine additives such asl-ascorbic acid or sorbic acid resulted in a larger loss in colour than untreated wine. The changes could be measured photometrically but they were invisible to the naked eye. Appropriate use of wine additives did not appear to deterioriate the ruby colour of young red wine during the period tested.
Der Einfluß von Wein-Zusatzstoffen auf Farbe und Farbqualität von jungem Rotwein
Zusammenfassung Österreichischer Wein Zweigelt 1987, welcher für die Versuchsreihe unter authentischen Bedingungen hergestellt worden war, wurde mit Weinbehandlungsmitteln wie Schwefeldioxid, Sorbinsäure undl-Ascorbinsäure versetzt. Die Wechselwirkungen der Farbe des Rotweines mit den zugesetzten Chemikalien wurden während einer Lagerzeit von 77 Tagen studiert. Die Anthocyane und Anthocyanidinchloridmengen wurden bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Zweigelt 1987, der mitl-Ascorbinsäure bzw. Sorbinsäure versetzt worden war, etwas größere Farbverluste zeigte als unbehandelter Wein. Abschließend wurde festgestellt, daß die Farbveränderungen zwar photometrisch meßbar sind, aber mit freiem Auge nicht erkannt werden. Eine Verwendung dieser Weinbehandlungsmittel in richtiger Dosierung führt zu keiner Verschlechterung der Farbqualität bei jungem Rotwein über den untersuchten Zeitraum.

猕猴桃果酒酿造专用酵母菌株的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以猕猴桃果皮和果园土壤为出发材料,经菌株形态初筛以及菌株发酵特性复筛,得到了一株酵母菌株T-13。经形态学、生理生化和分子生物学鉴定,确定该菌株为酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)。菌株T-13发酵试验结果表明,经菌株T-13发酵猕猴桃汁72 h后,猕猴桃汁降糖9.9 °Bx,CO2质量损失13 g(6.13%),所产猕猴桃果酒的酒精度为5.8%vol,优于筛选到的其他酵母和市售果酒酵母,说明菌株T-13的发酵能力较强。经感官评价和气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)对风味成分分析发现,菌株T-13所产的猕猴桃原酒风味较好,主要表现在丁酸乙酯、苯乙醇、乙基9-癸烯酸酯等风味物质的增加,并且能保留猕猴桃浆果的典型风味特征。  相似文献   

A simplified method of AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) is presented for typing yeast present during wine fermentations. The changes introduced allowed analysis by gel electrophoresis and considerably reduced the need for equipment. Another remarkable improvement was the use of non-labelled primers which reduces the cost of the analysis. This method was applied to reference strains from culture collection to test the reliability of the technique. A total of 180 colonies isolated from a spontaneous fermentation were typed into eleven different strains of Hanseniaspora uvarum, six of Hanseniaspora vineae, four of Candida zemplinina, and eleven of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method is suitable for typing yeast strains for routine grape and wine ecology analysis.  相似文献   

干红葡萄酒苹果酸-乳酸发酵菌种的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 前言要获得优质的红葡萄酒,首先应该使糖被酵母菌发酵,苹果酸被乳酸菌发酵,但不能让乳酸菌分解糖和其他葡萄酒成分;其次,应该尽快使糖和苹果酸消失。在葡萄酒的酒精发酵后期采用苹果酸-乳酸发酵,不仅可以降低滴定酸,提高干红葡萄原酒的生物稳定性,而且改善干红葡萄酒的品质,果香复杂浓郁,口味醇厚柔和,酒体协调结构感强。根据地域特点、酿造工艺、葡萄原料特点的不同来选择不同的乳酸菌种是提高葡萄酒品质的保证。我们在酒精发酵结束后选择不同品牌的乳酸细菌进行对照,挑选最适合本地原料、工艺、环境条件的菌种。2 苹果酸…  相似文献   

在模拟葡萄汁体系中添加不同浓度的常用杀真菌农药嘧霉胺、美铵和金科克,研究它们对酿酒酵母生长及发酵性能的影响.结果发现,3种农药对酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae AWRI的生长及发酵性能影响不明显,只是在一定程度上影响酵母的发酵速率,但是不影响试验酵母对还原糖的利用率,残糖量都与对照相当.并且3种不同浓度的农药均在一定程度上减少了酵母的酒精生成量.其中10mg/L金科克对酒精生成量的影响效果显著,其他则在统计学上没有显著差异.  相似文献   

为筛选适合火龙果酒酿造的酵母菌株,从多种浆果表面分离获得200株酵母菌株,在杜氏小管发酵的基础上,进一步在火龙果汁中发酵筛选出发酵性能好并具有较好香气的菌株。结合风味物质分析及感官品评获得1株起酵速度快且果酒香气浓郁、具有火龙果典型特征香气的菌株194。通过18S rDNA序列比对,鉴定其为酿酒酵母,可用于食品发酵。  相似文献   

Amines, substances which can be toxic or have a negative effect on wine aroma, are formed during alcoholic and malolactic fermentations depending on various factors. In this work the influence of the addition of yeast autolysate to must on the concentration of amines in wine is studied. For this purpose Chardonnay must supplemented with the yeast autolysate was used; a second sample was also used without it (control sample). This autolysate provided amino acids and long‐chain fatty acids (C16 and C18). The enrichment of must by these nutrients did not produce an increase of amines during alcoholic fermentation despite the fact that consumption of amino nitrogen in general, and of some precursor amino acids in particular, was somewhat higher in the supplemented sample. After malolactic fermentation it was observed that the concentration of biogenic amines was higher in the wine from the supplemented must. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以摇瓶发酵为基础,在尽量提高酿酒酵母菌生物量的前提下,采用单因素与响应曲面相结合的设计方法,对影响优选酿酒酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisia)LFN518生物量的培养基相关的主要成分进行了优化,然后建立数学模型,通过响应曲面分析得到最优的酵母培养基配方为麦芽糖31.6g/L,酵母浸粉18.1g/L,磷酸氢二钾8.0g/L,硫酸镁12.0g/L,氯化钙6.0g/L,维生素母液6.0mL/L,酿酒酵母的生物量为8.124g/L,比优化前的6.25g/L提高了29.984%。  相似文献   

张大为  张洁  洪磊东  金磊  高健  梁芳 《食品工业科技》2013,34(1):160-163,167
以菌株酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae YDJ05及产香酵母Issatchenkia orientalis YS03为融合亲本X和Y,通过原生质体融合技术构建适合梨酒酿造的酵母工程菌,研究结果表明:利用EMS诱变亲本菌株Y,得到了一株精氨酸营养缺陷型菌株,亲本菌株X和Y采用蜗牛酶液在35℃下处理100min,得到菌株X、Y的原生质体融合率分别为93.6%、94.2%,再生率分别为27.8%、31.6%.以加热的方式灭活亲本菌株X,灭活时间为14min.在以PEG为促融剂的条件下对两株菌进行原生质体融合,经过优选得到融合子D J02,其产酒精率、产香率等指标最优,分别达到了9.87%、0.37g/L.  相似文献   

以菌株酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae YDJ05及产香酵母Issatchenkia orientalis YS03为融合亲本X和Y,通过原生质体融合技术构建适合梨酒酿造的酵母工程菌,研究结果表明:利用EMS诱变亲本菌株Y,得到了一株精氨酸营养缺陷型菌株,亲本菌株X和Y采用蜗牛酶液在35℃下处理100min,得到菌株X、Y的原生质体融合率分别为93.6%、94.2%,再生率分别为27.8%、31.6%。以加热的方式灭活亲本菌株X,灭活时间为14min。在以PEG为促融剂的条件下对两株菌进行原生质体融合,经过优选得到融合子DJ02,其产酒精率、产香率等指标最优,分别达到了9.87%、0.37g/L。   相似文献   

从陕西糯米稠酒小曲中分离得到11株酵母菌,经过产气性能实验、TTC显色实验,初筛得到4株酵母,再通过发酵实验复筛,最终筛选出1株高产酒精酵母Y11。该菌株在28℃条件下,静止发酵96h后酒精体积分数可达10.5。通过形态分析和生理生化实验鉴定为酵母属(Saccharomyces)的酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)。  相似文献   

The analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA-RFLP) has been applied as a test to monitor the abundance of the starter yeast strain during industrial wine fermentations without previous isolation of yeast colonies. For white wine fermentations, we performed a rapid assay consisting in taking a sample of fermenting must, purifying the DNA from harvested cells, and obtaining the restriction patterns by digestion with the endonuclease HinfI. The same protocol, but adding an overnight cultivation step before DNA purification, was also applied to red wine fermentations. The results were compared with those obtained from the subsequent characterisation of strains, for the same samples, by analysis of the electrophoretic karyotype of isolated yeast colonies. In all cases, when the inoculated strain was dominant within the yeast population, the rapid assay anticipated the result by showing the coincidence between the restriction profiles obtained from both total cells and the inoculated strain. The results were obtained at 11 or 23 h after sampling for white- or red-wine fermentations respectively. This method allows a rapid intervention of the wine-producer if the presence of the inoculated yeasts has suffered a sudden decrease in any phase of the fermentation process.  相似文献   

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