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The principal reason for introducing (and extending) daylight saving time (DST) was, and still is, projected energy savings, particularly for electric lighting. This paper presents a literature review concerning the effects of DST on energy use. Simple estimates suggest a reduction in national electricity use of around 0.5%, as a result of residential lighting reduction. Several studies have demonstrated effects of this size based on more complex simulations or on measured data. However, there are just as many studies that suggest no effect, and some studies suggest overall energy penalties, particularly if gasoline consumption is accounted for. There is general consensus that DST does contribute to an evening reduction in peak demand for electricity, though this may be offset by an increase in the morning. Nevertheless, the basic patterns of energy use, and the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment have changed since many of these studies were conducted. Therefore, we recommend that future energy policy decisions regarding changes to DST be preceded by high-quality research based on detailed analysis of prevailing energy use, and behaviours and systems that affect energy use. This would be timely, given the extension to DST underway in North America in 2007.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to quantify the daylight factors produced inside a room for different models of windows, and to conduct an analysis of the results obtained. All trials were performed under overcast sky conditions, as these represent the worst case scenario for calculation. The shape, size and position of the window are variable, as is the reflectance of the inner surfaces of the room. A total of 28 simulations are provided by the lighting simulation program Daylight Visualizer 2.6, validated by the CIE test cases. After trials it was concluded that square windows produce daylight factors slightly higher than those obtained with horizontal windows and noticeably higher than those measured with vertical windows, considering the same surface of openings. It is confirmed that the daylight factors are directly proportional to the glass surface, except in the area near the window. It is also concluded that the windows in the upper position allow higher luminance at the back of the room than those in centered locations. Finally, the energy savings produced by the different models of windows is calculated.  相似文献   

Simulations of daylight distribution within a house show that there can be significant visual discomfort associated with specific sky conditions. Thermal models of the same building, which include simplified daylight calculations and which calculate annual energy performance of the building, do not reflect extreme visual discomfort and high thermal load associated with these sky conditions. These results illustrate the importance of more detailed interior daylight distribution calculations in assessing the thermal and visual comfort of a building, and in developing energy performance ratings for buildings. Some techniques for incorporating more detailed interior daylight distribution calculations in simplified thermal models are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过DeST软件模拟北京地区一栋典型住宅建筑的天然采光逐时照度,进而计算该建筑的照明能耗,比较在标准北京时间和实行夏时制时的照明能耗分布特点。通过分析可得出结论:对于北京地区的住宅建筑,夏时制可以节约照明能耗;夏时制的起止日期可以考虑从三月第四个星期开始到九月第三个星期结束;在此期间,采用夏时制可节约照明能耗7.95%。  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) model for estimating sky luminance was developed. A 3-year period (2007–2009) of sky luminance data obtained from measurements at Nakhon Pathom (13.82°N, 100.04°E) and a 1-year period (2008) of the same type of data at Songkhla (7.20°N, 100.60°E), Thailand were used in this study. The ANN model was trained using a back propagation algorithm, based on 2 years data (2007–2008) at Nakhon Pathom for clear, partly cloudy and overcast skies. The trained ANN model was used to predict sky luminance at Nakhon Pathom for the year 2009 for the case of clear, partly cloudy and overcast skies. The results were compared with those of the CIE model. It was found that the ANN model performed better than CIE models for most cases. The ANN model trained with Nakhon Pathom data were also used to predict sky luminance at Songkhla and satisfactory results were obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on daylight illuminance levels measured on horizontal and vertical surfaces. Firstly, an attempt to know the behavior of the daylight illumination in a specific area, as the ‘Castilla-Leon’ region, Spain, is made in order to determine the representative values of this parameter in this geographical area. With this aim, a series of measurements of global illuminance on a horizontal surface and on vertical surfaces oriented to the four cardinal points (N, S, E and W) have been collected and analyzed. In the paper, the daily evolution of this parameter is reported considering different times of the year so that a global annual behavior can be established. The study is focused on clear days. The collected data correspond to 10 min measurements carried out during the year 2007 in a rural area close to the city of Valladolid, Spain, in the mentioned region. In addition to that, the data have been treated in order to analyze the relationship between the global vertical illuminance and the corresponding horizontal illuminance. In case that no direct sunlight is reaching a vertical surface, that is, for a shaded surface, a simple parametric equation is proposed in order to predict the vertical illumination. The expression obtained shows a high correlation coefficient. It relates the ratio between vertical and horizontal illuminances versus the solar altitude; so, it permits to calculate vertical illuminance if horizontal illuminance is known.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern about the rapid development of infrastructure and building projects and their likely impacts on the environment. Particular concerns have been raised about office building developments and energy consumption issues. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using daylight to save energy in buildings. Lighting control integrated with daylighting is recognised as an important and useful strategy in terms of energy-efficient building design. It is believed that proper daylighting schemes can help reduce the electrical demand and contribute to achieving environmentally sustainable building developments. This paper presents a simple method for estimating the likely energy savings in electric lighting due to daylighting and the possible cooling penalty. Vertical solar radiation and illuminance data measurements are described. Cumulative frequency distributions of daylight availability are reported. The likely energy savings in office buildings are determined based on on–off and top-up controls, and the energy and environmental implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A model to estimate daylight factor was investigated and validated using experimental hourly inside and outside illuminance data of an existing skylight integrated vault roof mud-house in composite climate of New Delhi. The daylight factor model was found in good agreement with experimental value of daylight factor. This model was modified for different practical horizontal surface levels inside the big and small dome rooms and validated using experimental measured data. The yearly average value of percentage daylight factor for big and small dome skylight rooms was determined as 2% and 6%, respectively. The total annual average artificial lighting energy saving potential of the skylight illuminance in the existing building was estimated as 973 kW h/year; corresponds to 1526 kg/year of CO2 emission mitigation. Hence, the annual carbon credit potential from skylight mud-house building is € 15.3/year.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of market-oriented economy in 1986, Vietnam has made noticeable socio-economic progress. In this progress, the energy sector has played a vital role. This role is likely to deepen in the years to come as Vietnam strives to achieve even higher levels in economic progress. Such deepening in the role of energy, this paper argues, will heighten concerns about the security of energy supply, and economic, environmental, social and political consequences. In order to address these issues, Vietnam has over the last decade, developed a suite of energy policies. A deeper review of these policies suggests that they are typified by economic-growth orientation, exclusive focus on a single-sector or single issue, and largely neglect the significance of cross-sectoral and cross-thematic issues arising from the interdependencies between energy, economy, and the polity at large. The existing energy policy settings are, therefore, unlikely to be able to provide a satisfactory redress to the challenges noted above. This paper provides an overview of the current energy policies with a view to identify areas where further policy effort is needed in order to facilitate a sustainable development of the Vietnamese energy sector.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of energy use, worldwide, hfs raised concerns over problems of energy supply and exhaustion of energy resources. Most of the developed countries are implementing building energy regulations such as energy standards, codes etc., to reduce building energy consumption. The position of developing countries with respect to energy regulations implementation and enforcement is either poorly documented or not documented at all. In addition, there is a lack of consistent data, which makes it difficult to understand the underlying changes that affect energy regulation implementation in developing countries. In that respect, this paper investigates the progress of building energy regulations in developing countries and its implication for energy conservation and efficiency. The present status of building energy regulations in 60 developing countries around the world was analysed through a survey of building energy regulations using online survey. The study revealed the present progress made on building energy regulations in relation to implementation, development and compliance; at the same time the study recommends possible solutions to the barriers facing building energy regulation implementation in the developing world.  相似文献   

Transportation has dominated global fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions have risen in an alarming rate. Gasoline and diesel consumption for road transport have a faster growing rate than other sector and the trend appeared to be rapidly moving upwards in the near future. This has caused much concern in many countries including Malaysia to improve the sustainable energy of this sector. The focus of this paper is to analyze the trends of energy pattern and emission of road transport in Malaysia. On top of that, the review of prospective policies such as fuel economy standards and fuel switching to natural gas as well as biodiesel are summarized in this study. The study found that there is an urgent need to adopt suitable energy policy to balance the energy demand and reduce emission in this sector. This study serves as a guideline for further investigation and research in order to implement and improve the transportation sector.  相似文献   

The built environment needs to develop sustainable, decarbonised, low energy systems and approaches that are socially acceptable and economically beneficial. The UK mainstream house construction industry is being driven, through policy and regulation, towards achieving this end without evidence of how these new systems of provision are used by passively adopting households. In this paper energy use, consequential emissions of CO2, and annual running costs for a case study comprising 14 newly constructed low energy affordable homes are evaluated. Four different energy typologies are compared: ground sourced heat pumps; active solar (thermal and photovoltaic); passive solar and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery; conventional high efficiency gas boiler. The carbon embodied in construction and emitted over a 20 year occupation period for each typology is calculated. Ground source heat pumps have the highest annual primary energy demand, CO2 emission and annual running costs over the 20 year period. The homes with active solar technologies provided most benefit across all three evaluation criteria. Energy and CO2 emissions associated with end uses other than heating were similar to the UK average. This poses significant questions on the probability of policy application in the real world to deliver projected reductions in emissions of CO2.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand and depleting trend of commercial energies, it has forced the researchers all over the world to accelerate research and development in the area of renewable energy. Currently, unique and interesting features of binary compounds have gained more attention by researchers, and it became a favourite research topic among various groups of researchers around this world. It was noticed that strontium titanate (SrTiO3) consists of several extraordinary properties that can apply for miscellaneous applications especially for energy storage, fuel cells, as well as to generate hydrogen fuel via photocatalysis process. Besides that, it was noticed that SrTiO3 can be synthesised in different pathways. The method of preparation and amount of precursors can affect the surface properties of SrTiO3. Thus, this article presents a critical review on how SrTiO3 synthesis methods affect its surface morphology and the applications of SrTiO3 in various fields.  相似文献   

In today's world striving for efficiency in every sector, especially power generation and distribution, smart grids emerge as the solution for efficiently meeting the increasing demand. They adjust themselves to optimally deliver energy at the lowest cost and highest quality possible. The grid successfully makes use of renewable energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart pricing techniques in its attempt to achieve energy efficiency. It also promotes a greener environment by striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Information communication technology (ICT) helps the grid in collecting consumption data from the consumers and in sharing tariff information. ICT also helps to gather information about the status of the grid with regard to aspects like power quality, faults etc. The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature with a view to comprehensively present the technologies employed in the smart grid for achieving energy efficiency and the challenges involved therein.  相似文献   

Advancements into the computational studies have increased the development of heat pipe arrangements, displaying multiphase flow regimes and highlighting the broad scope of the respective technology for utilization in passive and active applications. The purpose of this review is to evaluate current heat pipe systems for heat recovery and renewable applications utility. Basic features and limitations are outlined and theoretical comparisons are drawn with respect to the operating temperature profiles for the reviewed industrial systems. Working fluids are compared on the basis of the figure of merit for the range of temperatures. The review established that standard tubular heat pipe systems present the largest operating temperature range in comparison to other systems and therefore offer viable potential for optimization and integration into renewable energy systems.  相似文献   

Thermal energy storage (TES) systems using phase change material (PCM) have been recognized as one of advanced energy technologies in enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. The use of PCMs in buildings provides the potential for a better indoor thermal comfort for occupants due to the reduced indoor temperature fluctuations, and lower global energy consumption due to the load reduction/shifting. A good knowledge on dynamic characteristics and energy performance of buildings using PCMs is essential for building researchers and practitioners to better understand building temperature response characteristics and economic feasibility of using PCMs and take further proper actions to fully utilize PCMs to enhance indoor environmental quality and overall energy efficiency of buildings. This paper presents an overview of the previous research work on dynamic characteristics and energy performance of buildings due to the integration of PCMs. The research work on dynamic characteristics and energy performance of active and passive building applications is reviewed, respectively. Since the particular interest in using PCMs for free cooling and peak load shifting, the specific research efforts on both subjects are reviewed separately. A few useful conclusive remarks and recommendations for future work are presented.  相似文献   

储能技术是突破可再生能源大规模开发利用瓶颈的关键技术,是智能电网的必要组成部分.在储能市场商业化雏形阶段,系统性的比较分析各类储能技术的性能特点,为未来市场发展提供筛选技术路线的框架基础至关重要.本文阐述了储能技术在可再生能源发电和智能电网中的作用,对物理储能(抽水蓄能,压缩空气储能,飞轮储能),电化学储能(二次电池,液流电池),其它化学储能(氢能,合成天然气)等储能技术进行了系统的比较与分析,最后提出储能技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

化学热泵是高效,环保的新型能源技术,在余热回收,储热,可再生能源等领域具有广泛的应用前景.本文综述了化学热泵系统的一般理论和在储热技术中的应用,介绍了化学热泵系统技术在反应与工质对选择,传热强化以及工业研究与应用等方面的发展.  相似文献   

A low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a market-based policy that specifies declining standards for the average lifecycle fuel carbon intensity (AFCI) of transportation fuels sold in a region. This paper: (i) compares transportation fuel carbon policies in terms of their economic efficiency, fuel price impacts, greenhouse gas emission reductions, and incentives for innovation; (ii) discusses key regulatory design features of LCFS policies; and (iii) provides an update on the implementation status of LCFS policies in California, the European Union, British Columbia, and Oregon. The economics literature finds that an intensity standard implicitly taxes emissions and subsidizes output. The output subsidy results in an intensity standard being inferior to a carbon tax in a first-best world, although the inefficiency can be corrected with a properly designed consumption tax (or mitigated by a properly designed carbon tax or cap-and-trade program). In California, from 2011 to 2015 the share of alternative fuels in the regulated transportation fuels pool increased by 30%, and the reported AFCI of all alternative fuels declined 21%. LCFS credit prices have varied considerably, rising to above $100/credit in the first half of 2016. LCFS programs in other jurisdictions share many features with California's, but have distinct provisions as well.  相似文献   

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