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Experiments and simulations are presented in this paper to investigate the effects of flow channel patterns on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The experiments are conducted in the Fuel Cell Center of Yuan Ze University and the simulations are performed by way of a three‐dimensional full‐cell computational fluid dynamics model. The flow channel patterns adopted in this study include the parallel and serpentine flow channels with the single path of uniform depth and four paths of step‐wise depth, respectively. Experimental measurements show that the performance (i.e. cell voltage) of PEMFC with the serpentine flow channel is superior to that with the parallel flow channel, which is precisely captured by the present simulation model. For the parallel flow channel, different depth patterns of flow channel have a strong influence on the PEMFC performance. However, this effect is insignificant for the serpentine flow channel. In addition, the calculated results obtained by the present model show satisfactory agreement with the experimental data for the PEMFC performance under different flow channel patterns. These validations reveal that this simulation model can supplement the useful and localized information for the PEMFC with confidence, which cannot be obtained from the experimental data. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this study, we present a rigorous mathematical model, to treat prediction and analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells gas concentration and current density distribution in mass transfer area and chemical reaction area performed in 3‐D geometry. The model is based on the solution of the conservation equations of mass, momentum, species, and electric current in a fully integrated finite‐volume solver using the CFDRC commercial code. The influences of fuel cell performance with two kinds of flow channel pattern design are studied. The gas concentration of the straight flow pattern appears excessively non‐uniform, resulting in a local concentration polarization. On the other hand, the gas concentration is well distributed for the serpentine flow pattern, creating a better mass transfer phenomena. The performance curves (polarization curves) are also well correlated with experimental data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Yan Yin Xuefeng Wang Xiang Shangguan Junfeng Zhang Yanzhou Qin 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(16):8048-8062
A 3D numerical model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with the installation of baffle plates is developed. The majority of the conservation equations and physical parameters are implemented through the user defined functions (UDFs) in the FLUENT software. The characteristics of mass transport and performance of PEMFC are investigated. The results reveal that the baffle plate can enhance the mass transport efficiency and the performance of PEMFC. The baffle plate installed in the PEMFC flow channel increases the local gas velocity, which can promote the reactant gas transport and the liquid water removal in the porous electrode. As a result, the reactant gas concentration is larger in the porous electrode, which enhances the fuel cell performance for decreasing the over-potential of concentration. The fuel cell output power increases with the blockage ratio of the baffle plate. Considering the extra pumping power resulted from pressure loss caused by the baffle plate, the fuel cell with the blockage ratio of 0.8 is found to perform best in terms of the fuel cell net power generation. The fuel cell performance increases first with the baffle plate number, due to the better reactant distribution and water management, but decreases when the baffle plate number is too large, due to the excessive blockage for the reactant gas transport to the channel downstream. The PEMFC investigated with 5 baffle plates in the channel is found to be optimal. A channel design to achieve gradually increasing blockage ratios is also proposed, which exhibits better cell performance than the design with even blockage ratios. 相似文献
Effects of internal flow modification on the cell performance enhancement of a PEM fuel cell 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study presents a numerical investigation on the cell performance enhancement of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) using the finite element method (FEM). The cell performance enhancement in this study has been accomplished by the transverse installation of a baffle plate and a rectangular block for the modification of flow pattern in the flow channel of the fuel cell. The baffle plates (various gap ratios, λ = 0.005–10) and the rectangular block (constant gap ratio, λ = 0.2) are installed along the same gas diffusion layer (GDL) in the channel at constant Reynolds number for the purpose of investigating the cell performance. The results show that the transverse installation of a baffle plate and a rectangular block in the fuel flow channel can effectively enhance the local cell performance of a PEMFC. Besides, the effect of a rectangular block on the overall cell performance is more obvious than a baffle plate. 相似文献
In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with conventional flow field designs (parallel flow field, Z-type flow field, and serpentine flow field) has been established to investigate the performance and transport phenomena in the PEMFCs. The influences of the flow field designs on the fuel utilization, the water removal, and the cell performance of the PEMFC are studied. The distributions of velocity, oxygen mass fraction, current density, liquid water, and pressure with the convention flow fields are presented. For the conventional flow fields, the cell performance can be enhanced by adding the corner number, increasing the flow channel length, and decreasing the flow channel number. The cell performance of the serpentine flow field is the best, followed by the Z-type flow field and then the parallel flow field. 相似文献
Xiao-Dong Wang Wei-Mon Yan Wen-Chung Won Duu-Jong Lee 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2012
A contracted parallel flow field design was developed to improve fuel cell performance compared with the conventional parallel flow field design. A three-dimensional model was used to compare the cell performance for both designs. The effects of the cathode reactant inlet velocity and cathode reactant inlet relative humidity on the cell performance for both designs were also investigated. For operating voltages greater than 0.7 V because the electrochemical reaction rates are lower with less oxygen consumption and less liquid water production, the cell performance is independent of the flow field designs and operating parameters. However, for lower operating voltages where the electrochemical reaction rates gradually increase, the oxygen transport and the liquid water removal efficiency differ for the various flow field designs and operating parameters; therefore, the cell performance is strongly dependent on both the design and operating parameters. For lower operating voltages, the cell performance for the contracted design is better than for the conventional design because the reactant flow velocities in the contracted region significantly increase, which enhances liquid water removal and reduces the oxygen transport resistance. For lower operating voltages, as the cathode reactant inlet velocity increases and the cathode reactant inlet relative humidity decreases, the cell performance for both designs improves. 相似文献
This paper presents an innovative radial flow field design for PEMFC cathode flow plates. This new design, which is in the form of a radial flow field, replaces the standard rectangular flow channels in exchange for a set of flow control rings. The control rings allow for better flow distribution and use of the active area. The radial field constructed of aluminum and plated with gold for superior surface and conductive properties. This material was selected based on the results obtained from the performance of the standard flow channels of serpentine and parallel designs constructed of hydrophilic gold and typical hydrophobic graphite materials. It is shown that the new flow field design performs significantly better compared to the current standard parallel channels in a dry-air-flow environment. The polarization curves for a dry flow, however, show excessive membrane drying with the radial design. Humidifying the air flow improves the membrane hydration, and in the meantime, the fuel cell with the innovative radial flow field produces higher current compared to other channel designs, even the serpentine flow field. The water removal and mass transport capacity of the radial flow field was proven to be better than parallel and serpentine designs. This performance increase was achieved while maintaining the pressure drop nearly half of the pressure drop measured in the serpentine flow field. 相似文献
This paper presents a stationary and dynamic study of the advantages of using a regulating valve for the cathode outlet flow in combination with the compressor motor voltage as manipulated variables in a fuel cell system. At a given load current, the cathode input and output flowrate determine the cathode pressure and stoichiometry, and consequently determine the oxygen partial pressure, the generated voltage and the compressor power consumption. In order to maintain a high efficiency during operation, the cathode output regulating valve has to be adjusted to the operating conditions, specially marked by the current drawn from the stack. Besides, the appropriate valve manipulation produces an improvement in the transient response of the system. The influence of this input variable is exploited by implementing a predictive control strategy based on dynamic matrix control (DMC), using the compressor voltage and the cathode output regulating valve as manipulated variables. The objectives of this control strategy are to regulate both the fuel cell voltage and oxygen excess ratio in the cathode, and thus, to improve the system performance. All the simulation results have been obtained using the MATLAB-Simulink environment. 相似文献
Xi Chen Zhengkun Yu Chen Yang Yao Chen Chao Jin Yuejiao Ding Wenbin Li Zhongmin Wan 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(19):11127-11139
Flow field structure can largely determine the output performance of Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Excellent channel configuration accelerates electrochemical reactions in the catalytic layer, effectively avoiding flooding on the cathode side. In present study, a three-dimensional, multi-phase model of PEMFC with a 3D wave flow channel is established. CFD method is applied to optimize the geometry constructions of three-dimensional wave flow channels. The results reveal that 3D wave flow channel is overall better than straight channel in promoting reactant gases transport, removing liquid water accumulated in microporous layer and avoiding thermal stress concentration in the membrane. Moreover, results show the optimal flow channel minimum depth and wave length of the 3D wave flow channel are 0.45 mm and 2 mm, respectively. Due to the periodic geometric characteristics of the wave channel, the convective mass transfer is introduced, improving gas flow rate in through-plane direction. Furthermore, when the cell output voltage is 0.4 V, the current density in the novel channel is 23.8% higher than that of conventional channel. 相似文献
The customized design of an anode recirculation system that uses an ejector based on the humidified hydrogen is proposed for a submarine PEMFC. Generally, the ejector is useful to enhance its system performance and to easily be operated and maintained since it does not require any parasitic power and has very simple structure. However, the existing commercial ejectors do not meet the practical operating requirements of the PEMFC system with the humidified hydrogen recirculation since the included water raises the ejector performance reduction and accompanying operating limits. The subsonic flow ejector designed by the proposed approach has met the desired entrainment ratio through the whole operating range of the target system as well as it allows the additional advantages to improve the system efficiency and simplicity and to overcome the conventional operating limits. 相似文献
Arnaud Morin Feina Xu Gérard GebelOlivier Diat 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(4):3096-3109
A non intrusive method based on small angle neutron scattering (SANS) has been developed to determine the water concentration profile through the thickness of Nafion® 117 membrane during fuel cell operation. This technique was used to study the effect of gas flow configuration, co- or counter-flow, on water repartition within the fuel cell both within and outside the membrane. As it has been reported previously in the literature the counter-flow configuration gives better performance than co-flow but more surprisingly we evidence a significant difference in performance between symmetric configurations either in co- or counter-flow. Indeed, for a given current density, cell voltage is higher when the cathode inlet is at the bottom of the cell. We demonstrate that the gravity retains liquid water within the cell which leads to a better membrane hydration. Moreover, we have been able to correlate the average water content within the membrane with the performance and especially with the voltage drop resulting from the membrane resistance. 相似文献
The paper describes an experimental analysis on the effect of cathode flow stoichiometry on the electrical performance of a PEMFC stack. The electrical power output of a PEMFC stack is influenced by several independent variables (factors). In order to analyse their reciprocal influence, an experimental design methodology was adopted in a previous experimental session, to determine which factors deserve particular attention. In this work, a further experimental analysis has been carried out on a very significant factor: cathode stoichiometry. Its effects on the electrical power of the PEMFC stack have been investigated. The tests were performed on a 3.5 kWel ZSW stack using the GreenLight GEN VI FC Test Station. The stack characteristics have been obtained running a predefined loading pattern. Some parameters were kept constant during the tests: anode and cathode inlet temperature, anode and cathode inlet relative humidity, anode stoichiometry and inlet temperature of the cooling water. The experimental analysis has shown that an increase in air stoichiometry causes a significant positive effect (increment) on electric power, especially at high-current density, and up to the value of 2 stoichs. These results have been connected to the cathode water flooding, and a discussion was performed concerning the influence of air stoichiometry on electrode flooding at different levels of current density operation. 相似文献
A three-dimensional “full-cell” computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is proposed in this paper to investigate the effects of different flow channel designs on the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). The flow channel designs selected in this work include the parallel and serpentine flow channels, single-path and multi-path flow channels, and uniform depth and step-wise depth flow channels. This model is validated by the experiments conducted in the fuel cell center of Yuan Ze University, showing that the present model can investigate the characteristics of flow channel for the PEMFC and assist in the optima designs of flow channels. The effects of different flow channel designs on the PEMFC performance obtained by the model predictions agree well with those obtained by experiments. Based on the simulation results, which are also confirmed by the experimental data, the parallel flow channel with the step-wise depth design significantly promotes the PEMFC performance. However, the performance of PEMFC with the serpentine flow channel is insensitive to these different depth designs. In addition, the distribution characteristics of fuel gases and current density for the PEMFC with different flow channels can be also reasonably captured by the present model. 相似文献
Lianghui Huang Jian Chen Zhiyang Liu Mohamed Becherif 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(25):11550-11558
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) s are faced with dynamical load scenario in practical applications, and the resulting temperature variation will decrease the performance and consequently shorten the fuel cell lifetime. To address this problem, a control strategy for regulating the stack temperature is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a thermal management-oriented dynamic model of a water-cooled PEMFC system is built to facilitate the control design. Secondly, considering that the stack temperature should be maintained in a certain range regardless of the dynamical changing current demand, a Barrier Lyapunov function is employed to construct a feedback error of the stack temperature. Thirdly, a set of adaptation laws is designed to estimate the unknown parameters related to the gas flow rates in the flow fields. Particularly, a dynamic inversion tracking methodology is applied to design the non-affine input. A Lyapunov method based analysis demonstrates the stability and convergence of the closed-loop properties. Simulation results are provided to show that the proposed control strategy can satisfy all the control objectives and enhance the control performance compared to the proportional-integral controlled case. 相似文献
Liquid water penetrating the gas diffusion layer (GDL) of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was studied. The gas diffuse layer (GDL) has a great impact on PEMFC's performanc3e, and is an important component of a PEMFC. An ex‐situ test was conducted on a transparent test cell to visualize the water droplet formation and detachment on the surface of different types of GDLs through a CCD camera. The breakthrough pressure, at which the liquid water penetrates the GDL and starts to form a droplet, was measured. The breakthrough pressure was found to be different for GDLs with different porosities and thicknesses. The equilibrium pressure, which is defined as the minimum pressure required for maintaining a constant flow through the GDL, was also recorded. The equilibrium pressure was found to be much lower than the breakthrough pressure for the same type of GDL. Also the drain performance using three kinds of different bipolar plates were compared in this paper. According to the result of experiment, the average diameters of porous GDLs were found determining the penetrating pressure. Serpentine flow channel proved the best pattern for drainage. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20330 相似文献
A. Su Y.M. Ferng W.T. Chen C.H. Cheng F.B. Weng C.Y. Lee 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2012
The local transport characteristics and the global polarization curve for a self-made micro proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) have been experimentally and numerically investigated in this paper. The micro-sensors are developed to measure the local fluid temperature, cell voltage, and current density and the fuel cell test system is used to measure the polarization curve. A three-dimensional (3-D) non-isothermal compressible computational fluid dynamics (CFD) full-cell model is also adopted to simulate the test micro PEMFC. This CFD model has been validated with these global and local data. The ionic conductivity is increased as the water content in the membrane increases, enhancing the cell performance. This positive effect of inlet fuel humidity on the cell performance is also captured by the CFD simulation model. 相似文献
Effect of cathode design on the performance of an air-breathing fuel cell is studied using a three dimensional, non-isothermal, steady state and single phase model developed using commercial CFD software FLUENT (version 6.3). Performances of ducted (channel) and ribbed (planar) cathode designs are compared and the cell characteristics such as current density, species, temperature distributions, velocity and net water transport coefficient are presented. Peak power density obtained for the cell with ducted cathode is 205 m W/cm2, whereas with ribbed cathode it is 232 m W/cm2. The limiting current density of the cell with ribbed cathode (690 m A/cm2) is much higher than that of the cell with ducted cathode (430 m A/cm2). The performance curves as well as the cell characteristics show that the ribbed cathode design is a better configuration compared to ducted design. Cell orientation has a significant effect on the cell performance. Best performance is obtained when the cell is oriented vertically for both ribbed and ducted cathode designs. 相似文献
Wang Chin Tsan Yang Che MingChen Zih Sheng Tseng Shuai 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(15):9242-9251
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) represent a completely new method of renewable energy recovery. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of biometric flow channels on the power performance in the single rumen microbial fuel cells (RMFCs) at different Reynolds numbers. Experiments in a circulation system were executed by using a double two-inlet Y-type inlet channel and connecting it with the RMFCs. Some results that were found from the numerical simulation and experiment are addressed as follows: First, the biometric flow channel would create a more uniform flow field with obstacles than one without, regardless of the Reynolds number. Second, an extra voltage output of 0.2 V, based on the example without obstacles, was provided as in the case of one with. This further explains the design of biometric flow channels having a greater, more positive effect on power performance. Finally, these observations can provide more information on realizing the mechanism of MFCs dynamic reactions and further enhance power performance. 相似文献