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为研究急性缺氧和高浓度磷化氢对小白鼠行为及器官的影响,随机取小白鼠,不分雌雄,置于3.0%、4.4%、6.4%、20.9%(对照)4个氧气浓度和0 (对照)、200、600 ml/L 3个磷化氢浓度气体环境中, 观察记录小白鼠的行为,同时解剖分析组织器官的变化。实验表明,急性缺氧和高浓度磷化氢条件下,小白鼠的行为表现不同,主要表现为:急性缺氧条件下,小白鼠腹部抖动加速,呼吸急促;高浓度磷化氢条件下,小白鼠出现间歇性兴奋,具体表现为不停蹦跳。小白鼠肺部器官变化明显,主要表现为周边肺小泡出现补偿性扩增、肺泡出血、纤维蛋白进入肺泡腔;心、肝、脾、肾等器官未出现明显的变化。  相似文献   

通过灌胃和自由饮用两种方式给予小鼠以不同浓度的金川保健啤酒,通过测定室温常压下小鼠耐缺氧的存活时间来反映金川保健啤酒对小鼠耐缺氧能力的影响。结果:50%浓度啤酒组小鼠耐缺氧存活时间高于对照组和100%浓度啤酒组(0.010.05)。结论:饮用适量的金川保健啤酒能够提高小鼠的耐缺氧能力。  相似文献   

选择昆明种小白鼠分别灌服蒸馏水,景仙灵口服液及高、中、低剂量的合力源溶液10 d后,测定其在密闭缺氧环境下存活的时间、负荷游泳时间和爬杆时间.结果表明:合力源能明显提高小白鼠的耐力,延长其耐缺氧、负荷游泳与爬杆时间,说明该药具有显著的抗疲劳作用.  相似文献   

论述了粮食在储藏期间,粮食中磷化氢残留形成的主要原因、影响粮食中磷化氢残留量的因素、磷化氢残留对食品品质的影响以及目前磷化氢在粮食中残留的现状和预防措施。  相似文献   

在许多啤酒厂洗涤接种酵母一般选用 H_3PO_4,以清除细菌对啤酒的污染。洗涤接种酵母不妥将使发酵特性变差,当把酸洗酵母接种到12°P 麦汁中,观测发酵特性并没有下降,而接种到20°P 麦汁中,发酵24hrs 观测酵母活性下降,把酵母继续接种到20°P 麦汁中并控制酵母用量,从检测麦汁中糖的组份可以看出,在麦汁中葡萄糖降低率变慢,从而导致20°P 麦汁利用麦芽糖滞后,而在12°P麦汁中酵母利用葡萄糖期间无不利影响。  相似文献   

富含谷胱甘肽制品对小白鼠抗衰老能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小白鼠饲喂含谷胱甘肽制品后,能显著提高小白鼠的抗衰老能力。  相似文献   

为研究磷化氢熏蒸对小麦生理生化的影响,测试了施药后全麦粉中还原糖、游离脂肪酸含量及谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶比活力的变化.结果表明, 熏蒸前后及不同的磷化氢浓度熏蒸后全麦粉中还原糖的含量变化显著;熏蒸前后及不同的磷化氢浓度熏蒸后全麦粉中游离脂肪酸的含量和GSTs的比活力变化不显著.  相似文献   

利用小白鼠试验,以探讨菊糖是否具有促进肠道消化吸收及影响血糖值的作用.以食物利用系数、体重、脾脏指数和血糖值,对小白鼠消化吸收功能、免疫功能和血糖影响进行评价.根据试验所得数据处理分析,得出菊糖对小白鼠具有促进肠道吸收与消化的功能,但没有明显的提高免疫功能的作用,且对小白鼠血糖值的影响不大.  相似文献   

将红富士苹果在低温条件(0、5、10、15℃)进行磷化氢熏蒸,测定熏蒸期间呼吸强度的变化,研究熏蒸对贮藏期间失重率、果皮色泽、硬度、可溶性糖、总酸度等品质指标的影响。实验表明,磷化氢熏蒸能降低呼吸速率,5℃以上对呼吸作用影响最为显著,能降低失重率,延长贮藏时间,各温度下对色泽均有一定影响,对可溶性糖、总酸度等内部品质无显著影响,但是5℃以上随熏蒸剂量提高,可溶性糖含量有所降低,10℃以上不同熏蒸剂量间总酸度有一定差异。   相似文献   

The results of pathomorphological research of internal organs of rats in hypoxical hypoxia and in the action of the antioxidant dihydroguersitine in acute hypoxia. Lt shows that DHQ causes favourable morphological changes in internal organs in acute hypoxia.  相似文献   

E Kirchner  K Gruhn 《Die Nahrung》1985,29(7):703-709
The differences of the non-precipitable N-quota in blood plasma, liver, intestine, and muscles after treatment with various precipitants reveal data on the height of protein precipitation in the corresponding body fraction. Organs of hens treated with picric acid (1%), trichloroacetic acid (10%), and sulphosalicylic acid were used for the protein precipitation. Because of contradictory literature data as to the most suitable concentration of sulphosalicylic acid a preliminary determination of the most favourable acid concentration was necessary. The application of a 5% solution of sulphosalicylic acid gave the highest precipitation rate depending on the analyzed organs. In the succession picric acid, trichloroacetic acid, and sulphosalicylic acid nitrogen increases in the soluble supernatant. Furthermore, dependences of the protein precipitation on the kind of the analyzed organs were indicated.  相似文献   

明确低温对磷化氢致死害虫时间的影响有助于在通常低温储粮中的成功杀虫指导和避免抗性发展。测定了低温18℃、准低温23℃和常温28℃时长角扁谷盗卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫在磷化氢200 mL/m3浓度下不同时间的死亡率和完全致死时间。长角扁谷盗卵在18、23、28℃时磷化氢对其死亡率-时间回归方程分别为y=8.975x-3.797、y=9.224x+3.213和y=10.460x+12.133,完全致死时间分别为48、44、36 h;相应地幼虫的回归方程分别为y=11.992x-7.690、y=12.200x+5.296和y=16.143x+2.284,完全致死时间分别为36、32、24 h;相应地长角扁谷盗蛹的相应回归方程分别为y=9.573x-2.505、y=10.018x+1.830和y=11.845x+9.741,完全致死时间分别为44、40、32 h;相应地长角扁谷盗成虫的回归方程相应为y=11.984x-6.978、y=12.355x+3.852和y=16.119x+3.049,完全致死时间分别为36、32、24 h。低温对磷化氢致死长角扁谷盗各虫态的时间延迟影响...  相似文献   

In experiences on rats is shown, that 22 daily upkeeping of animals on a diet including eritrit in a dose 1 g/weight of a body, do not cause any changes from the party intestinal microflora and morphological structure of internal bodies. However, the specified doze eritrit causes statistically authentic increase of levels conditionally-pathogenic anaerobius of the representatives microflora, first of all staphylococcus and citratessimilation enterobacteria.  相似文献   

近年来由于熏蒸散气而产生的仓内安全事故引起了行业乃至社会各方的高度关注,但熏蒸散气阶段的作业安全研究较少,相关隐患尚未被深入研究以及重视。在实仓实验中,对高大平房仓磷化氢熏蒸和散气过程仓房内外环境空气中磷化氢浓度进行现场检测,探讨熏蒸、散气作业过程的有效安全防护距离以及防护措施,研究结果为防范熏蒸作业安全事故、减少或避免发生人身伤害和经济损失提供依据。研究结果表明,安全防护距离与仓内(粮堆内)磷化氢气体浓度大小有关,不能完全以固定的安全防护距离作为判定是否安全的依据,接近熏蒸散气区域前必须检测磷化氢浓度。  相似文献   

In model tests hazelnuts, soy beans and wheat were fumigated with phosphine (PH3) at non constant concentrations. The influence of different concentration characteristics on the fumigation and the decomposition of phosphine residues was investigated in accordance with the fumigation technique. At the beginning the concentration increases, and after attaining the maximum gradually decreases to zero. The level of residues during the fumigation as well as the behaviour of residues during the storage of the fumigated products was monitored with a gas chromatographic method. The residues correlate with the concentration of phosphine, they also pass through a peak. The rate of decomposition of residues which had been formed in the phase of increasing concentration is greater than the rate of residues of equal magnitude which had been formed during the decreasing phase. When the concentration is even the maximum residue occurs later than the maximum concentration; when there is a steep trend both maximums coincide. This behaviour can be explained by the sorption and diffusion of phosphine. A comparison is made with the phosphine concentration which occurs during fumigation in practice. The parameters which produce a constant concentration trend with only one maximum and a non constant trend with an often increasing and decreasing concentration are discussed. The different behaviour of residues in these cases is described. Conclusions are drawn for the practice of fumigation.  相似文献   

Brief periods of hypoxia at ambient temperatures (20 °C) have potential for disinfestation treatments or as pre‐treatments to maintain fruit quality during extended storage. Nine cultivars of apple (Cox's Orange Pippin, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pacific Rose, Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Splendour and Southern Snap) were exposed to hypoxia using an atmosphere of 100% carbon dioxide for 24 h at 20 °C. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of volatile compounds were undertaken after removal of fruits from a high‐carbon‐dioxide atmosphere and during 1 week at 20 °C. Concentrations of acetaldehdye, ethanol, ethyl acetate and ethyl esters were consistently enhanced by hypoxia, while concentrations of acetate esters and aldehydes were depressed. Cultivars varied considerably in response to high carbon dioxide, with Cox's Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious having the least and Fuji and Red Delicious the greatest enhancement in ethyl esters. Fruits exposed to hypoxia had larger odour unit scores than control fruits, suggesting that such changes in volatile concentration may affect aroma and/or flavour. Enhanced ethyl ester concentrations in fruits exposed to hypoxia may be due to increases in ethanol concentration that competitively inhibit formation of non‐ethyl esters. There may also have been a change in ester‐forming enzyme activity and/or substrate specificity of the volatile biosynthetic pathway. This study has shown that short‐term exposure to hypoxia has the potential to change the aroma/flavour of apples. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

One month keeping of rats on a diet with 23% fat extracted from a polar shark liver, causes not sharply pronounced fatty infiltration of liver, a moderate hyperplasia of spleen lymphoid tissue as well as its plasmatization and an increase of megakaryocytes, the predecessors of thrombocyte cells, in it.  相似文献   

I month keeping of rats on the diet, which fat component (23% caloric) consisted one-half of squids liver fat, does not take effect on their internal histostructure. Insignificant fat infiltration of periportal or, more seldom, of intramedial type was discovered in liver only. As a rule, it goes with weakly pronounced proliferation of reticular-endothelial cells and insignificant infiltration of lymphoid elements, sometimes with plasmatic cells, into portal tracts.  相似文献   

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